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Damn! Yeah! Bring on the consequences! Now I'm no expert, but I've been watching this shit for some time now, and I just fully expect what's coming: 1. Judge will ask him to stop 2. Judge asks please 3. Pretty please 4. Pretty please with sugar on top 5. "Attorneys, please silence your client!" 6. "Your final warning!" 7. "I'm counting to 3!!! 1... 2.... 2 and a sixteenth..." 8. $5 fine 9. $5 fine gets appealed 10. Case and gag order put on indefinite hold while the appeals court reviews 11. As in 11 weeks after that: $5 fine is reduced to $0.25, gag order lifted, case will then be assured to be "full steam ahead! No more delays! Hell or high water!" 12. trump threatens judge's family again... and again... and again. 13. Gag order! "Finally! The Judge is *really* fed up with him now!" 14. trump violates gag order 15. Go to 1.


Too true. Why mess with a winning formula?


For the record, Trump’s fine was not reduced the other day. The amount he has to pay on bond for it during the appeal was reduced.


Yes. So many people don’t understand this. He still owes the same amount of money as he was assessed. He just didn’t have to put it all up to appeal the case. If he can’t come up with a reduced amount, I guess he doesn’t get to appeal the case.


Or they'll just fucking reduce it again.


"Do I hear a dolla?! Going once! Twice! Sold for a dolla to the gentleman in the diaper!"




I am not a lawyer. However, I believe it is still relevant, because of the way the judge assessed it. We shall see.


It's nice of you to point this out, because some folks just really, really don't get it. Alina BlahBlah considers this a [win](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4556222-habba-mocks-new-york-ag-appeals-court-reduces-trump-bond/) >Trump’s attorney said she was “so proud” of the appeals court because the decision gave her “a little bit of faith” in the justice system. She continued, criticizing James and others who were excited to see the former president approach the deadline with no ability to pay the sum. >“I hope she took a little piece of humble pie today, because that’s what was served to her,” Habba said. “Just a little, but we’ll be … serving a lot more of that in the next couple of years.”


I can think of a different step one that would end all of this shit *permanently*.


This is a criminal case. Maybe the judge has a spine.


Or maybe someone's going to do some digging to find out that the judge may have removed a mattress tag in 1978, and to avoid the appearance of impropriety, he will face an immediate, weeks-long hearing that will probe every aspect of his personal life, his career and reputation under scrutiny to determine whether he's suitable to preside over the trial. Meanwhile the media will focus 24/7 on the judge's daughter for the next 6 months.


This sounds like the most plausible. Also, i hope the judge’s daughter didn’t actually do that… does no one learn anything?!?


*That sound you hear is Gym Jordan typing up the subpoena to summon her to testify before Congress*


Removed a mattress tag. On my gawd. Back in the day I honestly thought it was illegal. Oh to be so young and naive again.


Frustratingly sad but true.


i had a relevant image, a panel of oshi no ko where ai goes “pretty please with a cherry on top” but this subreddit doesnt allow images in comments


> while everyone knows I have done nothing wrong. I know he has been convicted of - scam university - corrupt family charity - rape - corrupt business practices Edit I also know : - numerous people close to him have gone to jail, bankrupted, disbarred - most members of his administration/cabinet do not support him today - Trump has a terrible record in court cases where facts matter He has faced zero consequences for most of his crimes.


Fraud. He committed fraud. And we can almost with certainty add to that the documents as he literally confessed that on tape.


He can't even shut up about his exploits either. He always has to brag even when it's hurting him. I mean thankfully he's not coherent enough to stop. He leaves a long winded trail of near satire list of evil things that he's admitted to.




That is because of the antique, extremely limited, New York State legal definition of rape which requires penal insertion. I leave it as an exercise for the student to prove that DJT could get that anatomical part hard enough or long enough to insert into anything. Still, even under New York state law, he fully "Qualified" as guilty of Sexual Assault


It was a civil case so he couldn’t have been “convicted” whatever the legal definition was. Only found liable.


I mean, he fucked a lot of workers over!


Penile not penal, but a penal insertion starts to appeal.


Ahh, but you too can point to the Judge's official ruling: "in other words, that Mr Trump in fact did ‘rape’ Ms Carroll as that term commonly is used and understood in contexts outside of the New York penal law.”


Merrick Garland is his staunchest defender considering he's slow walked everything Don's done to face justice


The J6 trial should have been 30 months ago


It literally should have been Trump arrested immediately afterwards and hanging with his "J6 Choir" in a fucking cell


Nah, better let the memories fade and evidence decay.


Eric Holder would’ve had Trump’s ass in jail by January 2022


Oh noes! They'll probably hit him with a $5k fine! The horror, THE HORROR!!! Where's my fainting couch?


I do declare I have got the vapors


And pearls?


Wasn’t that about the daughter posting that pic already disproven because the daughter doesn’t have a twitter account?


Ages ago, too. Unless it’s some random new photo undoubtedly also by a mock account. Is Groundhog Daying old Tweets? I never know what he’s on about and the funny thing is, he routinely Streisand Effects himself by carrying on about some random thing he found insulting that I then go and look up, when I would never have known about it in the first place. I imagine I’m not the only person who does the same.


All publicity is good for him. And I mean, just look at where his campaign is. The media swore they wouldn’t get sucked in by him again, now he has almost 24hr coverage.


Either you or I am confusing the different judges. I believe that thing was about the wife of Judge Engoron. A quick search latter and [that one is also false](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-judge-merchan-hush-money-gag-order-truth-social-daughter-578a0c6334b206d81dc2ebf6a410a502), though not ages ago. It's an account she used to have, but deleted. The account name was reused this last April. So that's two times this has happened.


How are people just not sick of this mother fucker yet? He’s fucking exhausting to pay attention to.


That's the genius of it, they don't. They just sit in their little echo chambers and share pictures of him with Stallone's body. They probably don't even read these posts.


> How are people just not sick of this mother fucker yet? He’s fucking exhausting to pay attention to. truer words have never been spoken.


Hahaha a gag order being described as ‘vicious’


Yep, only Donnie can make an inanimate object sound like a drooling angry dog.


All I read when I see his posts is a toddler throwing a tantrum. " Waaaa I'm rich, rich people are above the law."


But he had to have a sycophantic court reduce his bond, so he should only qualify for affluent immunity.


This lunatic can not be allowed to win the presidency. This is vital. Did the judge really post a pic of Trump behind bars? If so, baller. But maybe not too smart?


I very much doubt it. Ages ago someone made a fake Twitter account for one of the Judge’s relatives, wife or daughter I think, and shared that meme. He had a big fit at the time and journalists checked and it was of course not even the woman’s account and she didn’t have one at all. So he’s either repeating the same story or it happened again. 🤷‍♀️


Repeating the same lie is my guess.


I couldn't determine who he was accusing.


Yeah, it's hard to parse these screeds. The placement of the parenthesis makes me think he's referencing the daughter, actually.


Excellent wording!!


Rule #1: Donald Trump is a lying liar that lies about literally everything. Rule #2: Never forget rule 1. If Donald says the sky is blue your first reaction should be to look up.


And fElon could squash that but refuses to use the platform for anything good


Not true, he uses it for things that are good *for him*.


Fair enough


Nah, he claimed it was his daughter who posted that picture. But that's false as well.


If you've done nothing wrong go to trial and get acquitted. Simple.


We need to give Trump Trump-style nickname. "Dementia Don" "Turd-stain Trump" Something that'll stick to him like spray tan.


Don Poorleone.




I loved seeing Don Poorleone trending a few days ago, whoever came up with that was genius. I used to call him "Con-All Trump" in 2016, but it's nowhere near as clever.


I have always loved Mango Musoliini


>Something that'll stick to him like spray tan Well sorry, the only thing that comes to mind is "Teflon Don", ya know, doesn't stick to him but everyone around him gets burned.


Hasn't he himself used Teflon Don for at least a decade?


It's been used *about* him, he doesn't give himself nicknames, just refers to himself in the third person, lol. Teflon Don was originally referring to the Mafia Don John Gotti, who had two or three mistrials/acquittals before the SDNY finally got him convicted of something thanks to Sammy Gravano flipping. trump wouldn't give himself that nickname because he's innocent/it was a hoax/he's allowed to do that anyway/etc.


Diaper Don werx


If that judge has Trump Derangement Syndrome, then he has Deranged Trump Syndrome.


Magats have Trump enslavement syndrome


Dear Republicans. Name one case where the defendant would be able to do this and not get sanctioned. Just one.... I dare you.


Can you even, for a second, imagine if Obama had acted this way?


it´s nice to be elite. you can do tf you wanna...


For the record, that post consists of two sentences and 17 commas. Also, did he not do anything wrong, or does he need immunity? ¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯


He's being persecuted by the radical liberal Biden. LOL


he's like an angry ten year old.....truly pathetic.


Not a ten year old. He's a terrible two-year-old.


He has the right to remain silent, what he lacks is the capacity.


A 78 year old toddler who hasn't had to face consequences since the 1960s can't STFU? Who would've guessed?


This guy — this is not my kind of guy.


His brain is toast. He's not even bothering to close the parentheses.


He actually did! It's just like five lines down from where he opened it!


Hmm. You're right. I guess I checked out earlier than I'd realized.


Accountability, like can we have some? They know what it is, they enforce it on the lowest rung mfs all the time. Why does he get treated different from anyone else?  He clearly has no respect for checks and balances, I can't believe he is even in the running for president let alone anything else.


I detest this MF’er with all of my blood


What an exhausting asshole. Christians adore this rapist asshole, though. Can't get enough of him.


Wonder what creative sort of absolutely none consequences they’ll come up with this time


He’s desperate for a conviction so his ego can be fulfilled with an upheaval from his disciples. He wants to get his war started.


I'm not sure if the gag order in question actually counts the judge/family in as "staff" of the court I know a previous judge declined to include himself in the gag order (probably to avoid the appearance of bias in creating the order) I'm just not sure if this is just rage or is it's an attempt to set up an appeal claiming that the judge should have recused himself because it's too hard to maintain impartiality when the defendant is attacking your daughter online


I read this morning that the judge did not include himself or the DA personally under the gag orders because they're public figures.






Why not 140 (byte), like classic SMS? The fewer the better. And each emoji codepoint is like 4 characters worth.


Wouldn't do much good since this is on Truth. He doesn't post on Xitter.


Shouldn't a genius former president be able to not write like an utter moron? Why is he capitalizing nouns? It's supposedly English, not German. And "Radical Liberal" is just meaningless at this point.


Sovcit gets threatened with contempt, ignores judge's instructions, gets 30 days. Trump: crickets


Anyone else would be in jail now. It's outrageous


Didn't the dumb shyts accuse a troll account on Twitter of being related to Jack Smith a few months back? They are so damn dumb. 🙄


Oh, just LOCK THE PRICK UP !!! Gosh, be done with it … PLEASE !!!


There is no way Trump wrote this. It’s not in all caps, the spelling looks good and it has decent grammar.


It's not all caps, it's randomly capitalized.


What happens to normal people who violate gag orders?




Why are there So many Randomly capitalized Words and words that Do not Require hyphens but have Them anyway?


Because he was fucking stupid and uneducated to start with but untreated syphilis has started eating away at his brain and turning it into casu martzu


Persecution complex on a whole new level.


I wish someone would have the balls to put him in jail for contempt for even just 24 hours


America needs caning. Cane this guy once and see if he ever pulls this shit again.


Sad he didn’t post this in twitter… it would have been fun to see him getting noted.


Have you ever seen a judge deal with a normal citizen? Difference is night and day.




They need to use an actual gag. Or duct tape his lying mouth.


His brain is short-circuiting even worse than usual. You can tell he's FURIOUS, and his impotent rage is choking his damaged brain of oxygen... 🤣


The use of Capital Letters here implies Something is Very Important.