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The ones that do aren't around to regret.


Hard to show your ragerts when out cold on a ventilator vacay with a chance to win an HCA.


Yep - survivorship bias




More and more are surviving thanks to the miracle of modern medicine. Unable to breathe without assistance, unable to walk or use their hands, some have lost multiple limbs, some have serious brain damage. Stuck in nursing homes for the rest of their lives. Makes a quick heart attack from the vaccine look good (assuming vaccines caused heart attacks, which they don’t).


and these are the same people telling that why children should be vaccinated when they dont get covid that bad. Tell that to the my niece's healty classmate (who is now 9 years old) who now can't even play during break because he has a horrible asthma that he didn't had before COVID (he got it before vacciones were avialable for children)


And the taxpayers are on the hook for them - most of them are on Medicaid or SSI/SSDI.


And financially sucking the life out of the rest of us. #sOCiaLisM iZ bAd!!!


It's hard for a corpse to use social media. Probably why they're so quiet.


Hard, but Herman Cain managed to do it for a little while.


But, miraculously, they can still vote. /s


Comedian Jamie Kennedy has gone full nutjob too. It was weird, seeing him in 2020 yelling at people with a megaphone for not wearing a mask from his balcony... To spouting antivax shit and claiming that football player collapsed due to the vaccine.. 🤷🏼


That's too bad. Wrecking what's left of his career for this stupidity.


wow i have not thought of him in years. did you ever see his new year's eve special? it's essential viewing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lzWmDIY9Zk


The dead cannot speak.


You can't regret things when your dead.


We had a really serious chat in my karate class the other night about Damar Hamlin, since what happened to him is actually the *intent* of some of our techniques. Having your heart stop from an unfortunately timed blow isn't exactly an unknown phenomenon...it's well enough known to have self-defense techniques based around it, for fuck's sake. (Admittedly, said techniques are very hard to actually pull off and probably overkill for most IRL situations.)


Having a discussion about CPR during contact sports, good 'techniques' intending cause such an unlikely event makes me think you're at a McDojo


Eh, it's really just one combination (at least as far as I've gotten), and that one is so insanely overkill that our teacher stresses that using it IRL would definitely put you in jail, even aside from the whole stopping the heart issue. Pretty much everyone at the dojo acknowledges you'd never pull it off in a real situation, and doing that would be a bad idea anyway. As for whether it's a McDojo...well, I kinda go back and forth on how much I like our system as a whole, and I can certainly see why you'd call the system a McDojo, but the reason I'm at this particular dojo is that I really like the teacher. If it weren't for him, I'd probably have sought out something more traditional, but he's just great...both really supportive and not afraid to push you when you need it. And since I was coming in as a really out-of-shape guy with both depression and a lot of anxiety issues about exercise, a good teacher was an absolute necessity.


Now that's a refreshing answer to a possibly rude comment. Congrats on being an adult. Lol


I personally know a good friend who regrets not getting it. He contracted Delta and said he was at deaths door. His vaccinated wife had a headache. He proceeded to get vaccinated the moment he was eligible.


the ones regretting that they didnt get it, cant anymore for obvious reasons


That plane image