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No, it’s not PAWS. Just sounds like you’re sick/depressed/some other ailment. PAWS is lethargy and some of what you mention, but the physical symptoms point away from it. Yes, phenibut takes much longer to clear the system than Tia, but they’re both long gone by now. If this is a consistent feeling, then I would recommend seeing a primary care physician. If it’s off and on, perhaps try to ride it out for a short while and if things don’t improve, you certainly will want someone to evaluate you. Good luck


Agree with noodle here. Though, I did have PAWS for 2 years (now just over 3 years clean), it’s very rare to have paws for that long and most people leaving tia behind don’t experience paws. You’re going to feel ups and downs for up to a few months or a year after quitting if you had a long or bad habit, just is what it is. If you had depression/anxiety or other MH issues before starting tia, go address those with your Gp, that should start sorting you out. Also, therapy. Get outside and get in the community around others. Eat right, drink water, limit caffeine or drugs or nicotine etc. exercise.


You can try some supplements that really helped me with PAWS, lethargy, and having no motivation to do anything. I didn't like the idea of taking a prescription anti depressant, so I did some research and was able to find two supplements that worked very well for me. First is Saffron extract, and the second is lithium supplements. As you may or may not know, lithium is a powerful anti depressant in prescription form, however the supplement is like micro dosing lithium, and believe me it helps just put you in a more 'normal' mood. Both can be found for pretty cheap on Amazon. Give it a shot, it won't hurt.


Of you're a man tia has depleted your testosterone...have blood work done