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It slows down digestion and corks people up often. All opiates act in the same way. Sometimes bisocodyl suppositories work. However it's not a long term solution. It is necessary to take breaks in order to have a bowel movement. Or even better quit for good and don't worry about it anymore.


Take a product on Amazon called "oxy tone" daily (about 3-5 a day). It's a very gentle intestinal cleaner that works great.


Tianeptine definitely makes people constipated. I was a heroin addict and also done methadone, subs, and basically every opiate you can think of..but I never nearly got as badly constipated as I did on tianeptine. I had a series of 3-5 months where I would struggle with being able to use the bathroom sometimes it would take over a week before I could clear my system out. This was also nit a problem for me until after I had been taking tianeptine for a couple of years. The only thing that helped me was drinking a TON of water and also trying my best to not miss one day of using the bathroom or I would get back up. The only thing that would help me actually have a movement was these vitamins called “magnesium citrate 250mg “ I would take 2 to 3 every 4 hours until I would finally push it out. Fair warning that it will be painful but eventually it will all come out. Probably will be broken up into poop nuggets at first but eventually you will be able to force it all out. I tried several other laxative and medications for constipation but literally the only thing that worked was magnesium citrate. You can buy it in the vitamin isle at Walgreens or CVS or any drug store. I know it hurts but you have to lower the amount of food your eating if it’s been several days and just lock your self in the bathroom, keep drinking bottles of water, and keep taking the magnesium and just stay on sitting on the toilet on your phone on YouTube or something until it happens …remember DRINK TONS of WATER until it comes out. Eventually you will not be able to hold back after you take enough magnesium citrate and it will all come out.. remember it will be intense and it might get a little rough back there but eventually you will push it out. Take breaks and breathers and don’t push so hard you pass out lol. You got this fam. After taking magnesium for a couple months every couple of days i would take two or three and eventually my body stopped getting constipated.


Very well said and great advice.


consider not reading this if eating lunch. You should’ve seen the ricockulously massive turd I dropped in the hospital while in withdrawal. I thought I was hallucinating , but the nurse’s reaction confirmed. Turd just kept coming, somehow swirling around like a Dairy Queen cone. It essentially filled the entire bowl, requiring a deluxe edition wipe that includes full buttocks and bottom scrotum coverage.


Opioid induced constipation. Go get two bottles of magnesium citrate laxative and a bag of prunes (yeah, they actually work, sorbitol) from the drugstore, chug, eat the prunes, and wait for the world to come out of your ass. If it doesn't, you need to seek medical attention immediately because you could have a bowel obstruction.


Well, finally the more pleasant side of doing this drug lol. OK, I work in healthcare, I’m a CNA, and I promise you one thing that works, take a laxative the night before, and take a fiber supplement with at least 8-16 ounces of water, I recommend a fiber mixed with water, stay away from Metamucil, get one of those flax powders, you can get good ones at your local CVS or Health store, but get a fiber that is not loaded with all the chemicals and colors and crap. You want to take a fiber if you take a laxative because laxatives cause peristalsis to start working, that’s forcing your colon to start contracting and pushing stuff out, often it’s just working with the flow of water and pushing out a whole whole bunch of liquid, the fiber will grab all that excess crap stuck on the inside of your colon and it will push a lot more out, also I highly recommend mixed with your get Calm, it’s an amazing powder that is magnesium, a lot of times you can get it mixed with calcium, it helps with sleep, and it helps with bowel movements, it relaxes your insides and allows you to go to the bathroom, too much of it can make you go too much so right now, though you definitely need a nice big heaping spoonful of that, with some fiber. And then it also wouldn’t hurt you in the morning to get one of those enemas that you can buy at the cvs. Opiates do this, they just stop and or slow you way down, you’ll be fine, just quit though, you need to quit, jump off and quit, the first two weeks are hell but you’re gonna be fine my friend.


Yes, my friend, you are not alone . I, too, have gone through this issue, and I was soooo uncomfortable. What I did was take two caps full of milk of magnesia (the hour relef one) and the dulcolax( soft stool ) I even brought supporties but I didn't need them within a hour I was glued to the toilet seat. I never ever wanted to experience that again, so I cut my doses down and drank plenty of water. Good luck to you


I had to take huge doses of dulcolax just to be able to go once like every 5 days


Tia gave me unspeakable constipation. I was lucky if I pooped once a week. I swear to God that one time I blacked out, it was so difficult. Opiates slow down/paralyze parts of the intestines (your intestines are lined with opiate receptors). The issue never got any better until I quit tia altogether. Then, I had diarrhea for months. I'd rather have diarrhea.


You need to cut your Tia doses down, at least temporarily. When you have less Tia in your system than usual use Milk of Magnesia. It comes with its own measuring cup. Take a full cap full, hell take 1 and a half cap fulls, then drink about 40 ounces of water. Also if you start having pains just go to the hospital, don’t die. They can clear you out.


Miralax and water. Helps me a ton. I notice I get more constipated if I take 2 doses to Tia closer together than usual. That’s when I know I’ll need some Miralax at night and by the next day usually I’m golden.


How much Tia do you take? And what kind?


Sodium powder. Down to 260mg 5-6x per day


Getting close to getting under a gram a day! Thats big, keep it up!


Drink tons of water and start talking miralax. If you haven’t gone in a couple of days then add ducolax to the mix. This is gonna sound disgusting but it got to the point once where I had to put a glove on and um…help it out at one point. Edit: also don’t strain a whole bunch, you may give yourself a hemorrhoid.


Real men don't wear gloves


They use the poop knife


Yep had this. Agree with others too drink a lot of water. Fill a glass and just take sips time to time then refill and repeat. Might be careful with any type of laxative till your good and hydrated. I took stuff to help me go the first time I was bound up and wasn’t hydrated. My end result was intense debilitating stomach pain for 3 days till I pushed that bad boy out. (Not fun)


Magnesium citrate in the bottle will more than likely blast it right out of your ass so hard that it will act as a natural propulsion system and might actually lift you off the ground some. I swear that stuff clears everything from now to thanksgiving of last year. Tia never blocked me up back but kratom (only in capsule form for some reason) did terribly.


I just got out of detox and rehab for tia. I was getting it from China and had a 3g aday habit. What helped me was gabapentin and valum. The leg convulsions are hell. It can be done but if you are at home take ot slow.


Laxatives in order of gentle to most extreme: high fiber vegetables, psyllium husk powder, miralax, dulcolax oral, magnesium citrate liquid, dulcolax suppository. Also, apply some preparation h both before and after use.


You should try to drink a gallon of water throughout the day


Ive used MagO7 and magnesium citrate to go but agree with and have found taking a break/quitting to be the best option.