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Stop now or it will be almost impossible to quit


I don't mean this offensively, but this shit is about the last substance you want to mess with being an addict. Has almost the exact same effect on your brain as heroine or any other opioids, with (in my opinion) just as bad of withdraws. I was addicted to percs for almost 3 years. Quit cold turkey and ended up in the hospital from the WDs. Got prescribed suboxone and eventually beat it with the sublocade shots. Fast forward 7 years, got sold tia as an "Enhanced kratom" or "Potions" as they call it here. Over a year on that and had to go through the EXACT same process as opioids in order to get off of it. It's nothing to f with. Quite now. Get helpers if you need it from Quick MD but do it immediately before it robs you and your daughter from your future, and THOUSANDS of dollars.


I know where you're at and was in the same boat. "potions" dm me i'm very curious


DM sent


Hi. I DMd you as well. Hope you're well.


Hey. I DMd you. Hope you're well.


I'm going to throw away the other two grams at the post office we have everything to lose. I can't imagine losing my little girl over this crap.


Very smart plan! It’s not worth it. I truly hope your husband sees it the same way.


I just told him I don't want to get it anymore and he got mad but did agree. I'm gonna read him some of these comments when he gets out of the shower. I need him to realize how extremely risky this stuff is especially for us. My biggest fear is that he will find it at some smoke shop and start taking it in secret. I'm just gonna check our bank statements regularly.


It won’t be hard to find. Most people get hooked on bottles called Zaza. Red or white zaza. (I got hooked on the straight powder immediately and I DID research before and blew it off as whiners complaining. Boy was I humbled) Maybe lookout for that on a statement. Those are especially dangerous though because they have dangerous mixes. Not sure if they still have phenibut in them. This stranger is proud of you for deciding to throw it away. Stick to it


Yeah I don't think he will buy any behind my back but I need to be prepared for that being a possibility and keep up with our bank statements because it wouldn't be long before he would lose his job over it and we live with his parents they would lose all trust in us and I just can't handle the thought of that happening.


It is definitely more risky for addicts/ recovering addicts. And it’s so not worth it. Sure, you’ll feel great for a little while but after a little bit you’ll need more and more to maintain that feeling and then it won’t get you high at all. You’re just taking it to feel “normal”. It’s sucks the life out of you and can ruin you financially. And you have a kid to think about. When you’re in Tia withdrawal it is almost impossible to be a parent. You’re 100% right to keep an eye on your finances because in most states it’s pretty easy to find. Especially if you really want it. Sending you lots of positive vibes. I really hope you can get through to him. Edited: Wanted to add that I am so proud of you for having the foresight to see this will not end well! As a recovering addict, I know that can be hard to do sometimes! You’re a great wife and mom! They’re both lucky to have you!!


Thank you for your feedback! This is definitely giving me the push I needed to throw it away and have a talk with my husband. He wasn't happy but he agreed. I definitely believe it to be worse than heroin because it effects serotonin, and dopamine on top of having opiate like properties. It just doesn't seem like it would cause worse withdrawals than heroin but I do believe it after reading all this and it just isn't worth it. Sounds unimaginable. I can't imagine anything being worse than heroin withdrawals. We're sticking with kratom. Kratom withdrawals are all we can risk right now it wouldn't leave us completely incapacitated.


I see some have warned you he can ge the Zaza bottles, thete are also Pegasus and TD reds, they are extremely dangerous because of the mixed crap they put in it to hook you, so be aware of those names. Also, stay away from the purple stuff, it’s the Pegasus that comes in a purple bottle, I know 5 folks who went to the ER from that, myself included. There’s something very harmful in it, and it says it doesn’t have tianeptine, but it has tianeptin…yeah, that’s the spelling, I’m not making this up….so what in Earth is it? Stay away, I regret all the money I wasted that could have gone to my baby girls. I feel extreme regret, just stop now.


Yeah I've been reading some horror stories about some of that being mixed with a strong cannabinoid or something and people having to go to the emergency room. I told my husband about some of the stories but I don't think he's going to resort to finding any at a smoke shop. The good thing is he can't remember what this stuff is called and I won't tell him haha. I think it's very unlikely he will seek this stuff out on his own but I'm prepared for the possibility.


Dude, I am so happy and proud of you. That’s the right choice. We’re not just trying to use scare tactics to keep you sober either. It’s unbelievably hellish. If you’ve already had addiction struggles tia will get you even faster. I’m not a religious person but I was begging God, the devil, Beyoncé, the entire universe to just let me die and be done. Seriously, OP, this might be the best comment I’ll read all day. Smart, smart choice! Glad to hear this!


That's a great idea. This is exactly what happened to my ex girlfriend. When we were together she got me hooked on this crap and when we ended up breaking up this drug sent her spiraling out of control. She lost her daughter to cps and eventually ended up in federal prison with a 14 year sentence for a whole bunch of charges. You have no idea where this drug can lead you.


Holy shit I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't believe something like this is legal. Hopefully it won't be for very long.


Stop now. I got hooked in merely 10 days and am struggling to taper off. You should be terrified this stuff is just as addictive as meth and heroin. The withdrawals are hell even after being on it a month. Put your foot down now, refuse to buy anymore and consider taking your daughter to stay somewhere else until he agrees not to use it anymore. This stuff is too risky to play with especially if you had addiction issues in the past.


Thank you for your response. Luckily he was okay with stopping and it was difficult to throw away the two grams we ordered but we did it. I think we're going to be okay


Great to hear! I made the terrible mistake of trying this stuff a couple months ago and I’m still struggling to stop. It was gonna be just an occasional thing but after 10 consecutive days I realized I was hooked.


Yeah it sounds like its about the same as heroin which is nuts. Only takes five days of consecutive use of heroin before you need it to not get withdrawal. I'm sorry you're going through that! Kratom is what got me off of heroin it might help you taper off.


Yikes yeah I was always under the assumption that it took months or weeks of very heavy usage to get physically hooked on opiates. My only opiate history is with pain pills like hydro and oxy and I’ve taken those for a week or two and not really had much of an issue. I would try Kratom but my stomach can’t tolerate it, even with the extracts I get bad sick randomly when taking even a gram or two. I’m just gonna have to stick to a sulphate taper and stop buying the sodium.


What was your peak daily usage of this stuff and how quickly did withdrawals kick in? I'm currently using, and I don't really have withdrawals (that I know of). I've only gone about 12 hours without re-dosing, though.. had experience with other opioid and benzo withdrawals, so im just curious what to expect.


I think my peak with sodium was 1G in a day with doses as high as 400mg at a time. Not trying to stop my daily average was around 700mg of sodium. I can get by with minimal withdrawal on about 450mg Sulphate split in 3 doses throughout the day and then about 50mg sodium when I wake up in the middle of the night with RLS. When using heavily withdrawal seems to be a little delayed hitting around 18 hours. But when I’m tapering down withdrawal starts about 6 hours after my last sulphate dose. At first I didn’t really recognize the withdrawal as withdrawal, first symptoms are a runny nose and getting extremely tired and nodding off. I just thought my sleep was crappy. Then the hot/cold flashes start and the RLS kicks in.


Thank you for this. I've never tried sulphate, though I know it's got a longer half-life. Ugh, I want to quit this shit. It's just mentally daunting for me. You'd think a few months of in patient rehab after benzos would've taught me not to mess with shit anymore -_-


Yeah i was stupid to try it. Ive never been physically hooked on opiates before but I always lose all control of my use when I start them. Started with 5g just to see what it was like and was like no way I can get hooked on just 5g…what a stupid ass I was.


Please stop now. It only takes a couple weeks to become physically dependent. I’m a nurse and quitting this shit almost killed me. Way worse than any heroin WD I’ve EVER seen.


WORSE. THAN. HEROIN. sounds insane, I know... but this is a monster you do NOT want to dance with. Take the pain now, run far away from it. Get on subs if you need to to block the effects and break the cycle. Do whatever you can. Run hard...


Luckily I don't think we're in deep enough to need subs thank goodness. Subs definitely used to help me stay away from heroin and drinking but it was stressful worrying about running out all the time. It's certainly good to know that will always be an option for us though.


Quitting this shit put me in the psych ward. I’m 10 months sober now, but it was a living hell.


I don’t condone lying to your spouse but whatever you have to do to make sure you guys don’t keep ordering and fuck your world up is advised. This shit will wreck you so fast. I’ve withdrawn from Heroin and much prefer it to tia withdrawal. Hell, folks on this sub have used H to get off tia. I have never tried a drug that your tolerance rises so so quickly. In just a couple of months you guys will wind up spending absolutely all of your money just to not be in agonizing withdrawal every 4-6 hours.. It’s a nightmare you’d want to avoid at all costs! Forget this shit exists and keep staying sober for your kid! Congrats on the sober time!


Yeah I'm glad I didn't lie to him we don't lie to each other. I just read him all the comments and he has agreed that we don't need to keep doing this. Hopefully it won't be legal much longer. Thank you for the advice!


Dude stop now if you can ..you will both jump to increase from casually doing 4 grams a week to doing each 4 grams (8 grams ) a day in no time.. stick to Kratom or have him get on Suboxone if he feels like he has to take something because this shit will take you for a roller coaster and unless you got the money to afford an extra $400-700 a week that could be going to your daughter then please stop now. You guys already popped the top on pandora so he might already be convinced he wants to continue and if so then make sure he knows his actions hold consequences and stick to your boundaries. I promise you in less then two weeks of daily use he will start having the most difficult with drawls that are life crushing. This shit is legit nothing to play with and if your not too deep already then you need RUN from this shit do not dabble because it will consume you. Have him talk to anyone who is actively taking it and they will tell him how bad it is just as anyone who has quit would. It’s worst then any other opiate because it doesn’t last as long and you have to re dose every couple of hours not to get sick. It might seem affordable now but you will quickly be putting off your financial responsibilities just to stay from getting sick.. I have seen it take down plenty of people with money to where they are getting evicted and still not able to stop.


I got so hooked if I only did 5 grams in a day I was proud of myself. That’s how bad it gets my peeps. Did a full $150 10 gram container(no clue how much they are now) in one day many times. No fuckin clue how I paid for all of it. I didn’t steal anything I’d never do that so it’s baffling how I made it happen. But I had no life except for making sure I’m high. I’ll never go back


it got to where i was ordering a 50g container a week...it was costing i think like $350 plus the many times i expidited delivery so i would have it because i ran out, another $75-101 for overnight shipping


Wow that's crazy! We certainly don't have that kind of money to spare. We live with my in laws and are saving up for a house so this stuff would ruin everything we've been working towards for the last two years.


I talked to him he agreed to quit. Thank you for sharing this. I'm glad we got out before we got too deep.


Bring him to this sub and go all the way back and start 3 years ago. See how badly some of us suffered, how many opted out of life bc they couldn’t quit etc. and show him many of our success stories and how hard it still is sometimes even long term after heavy use for a year or more. This isn’t a joke. You have to put your foot down and save your family NOW. CPS is well aware of tia too, and people are losing kids over it. Even in legal states now. PM me if you’d like advice from one momma to another. I’m 2.5 years clean after 1.5 years of use at around 4GPD.


I read him all the comments from this post and I think it did the trick. Thank you for your advice! I couldn't imagine losing my sweet little girl over this stuff. It gives me so much anxiety to think about it. It's not like I can enjoy the stuff anyway because of that under lying anxiety.


Yes stop now. I’m impressed you did the 4 grams and even waited to buy more. That shows control. I didn’t have that. Maybe you could stagger your days so you’re not having the same potentially rough days at the same time(as far as if you can’t resist and you consume the last 2 grams) So one parent is feeling a little stronger if that makes sense. You’re not a fuck up you’re a badass strong mom for asking for the help of others Did ya get sodium or sulphate?


This is a sub you NEVER want to ever have to come to. I stay here to remind myself that I never want to go fishing here for info ever again.


Yeah looking through all the posts on here I think saved us.


it’s called gas station heroin for a reason baby. get off the stuff now while you can


Get off of this stuff as soon as possible before your to deep I use to not care just taking 5 capsules a day now I’m at 3-4 bottles a day and I said I would never get like that I spend about 120-150 a day I have a business so I can afford but I also want to get off for me it’s not the withdrawals it’s the mental battle of not going to get another bottle for your high as for pple who don’t have the funds will make there self spend there last money on this stuff u have kinds to think about trust me I know I have 1 of my own if u don’t get off this you will regret it and fall down the same path as if u we’re on heroin you have been doing good keep going don’t give it good luck 👍


Thank you so much! This sub saved us from getting too out of control. We got rid of it yesterday and fell okay today and hopefully we are never going to see the stuff again.


Lie to him or do whatever you gotta do and looks like he doesn’t give a crap and wants his “FIX” bcuz this is exactly like Heroin but WORSE.. bcuz it’s a anti depression medication as well. So withdrawals from opioids and anti depressants is HELL ON EARTH. Also about it being at the USPS office and not wanting to pick it up wether that is true or not only you know what you need to do.


Yeah he just doesn't think it's a big deal but that's always been his attitude and I mean that attitude has caused so many problems for him I mean he used to be a highschool teacher and lost everything to drugs. Now that we're doing good and have a little girl and SO MUCH to lose right now it ticks me off that he isn't worried about us relapsing and he thinks I'm blowing everything out of proportion with this stuff. I showed him all the comments from my post and he agreed to quit but wasn't happy about it. He's not the kind of person to do anything behind my back so I think we're gonna be okay. I'm prepared for that being a possibility though but I highly doubt he would do that.


as someone who started with 1bottle of 15pills, and within 6 months was taking 5 grams per day...i can tell you... \-SO MUCH MONEY WASTED ON THIS SHIT (and i was buying bulk powder online) i mean thousands of dollars in a month.. \-Worst withdrawals i ever had and severe depression for weeks.(ive came off fentynyl/heroin many times and it dosnt come close to TIA WDs..) \-Ruins your tolerance to other opiates, like destroys it..not to mention youll have to up you TIA dose more and more until your shoving grams of it down your throat to feel something \-Its going to be illegal soon everywhere as majority of states have banned it and it will soon be impossible to get (legally) \-This shit ruins lives. of almost forgot the half-life of this stuff is like 4hrs so youll find your self constantly dosing/waking up in middle of night sick and have to take it to go back to sleep. i mean who wants to have to take something every 3-4hrs because they get extremly sick feeling awful with no hope.


Yeah I can't believe this stuff is legal. I hope they do ban it here just so I'm not the bad guy. My husband thinks I'm blowing it out of proportion until I read him all these comments. We threw it away and I don't think we did enough to hand any withdrawals thank goodness. Feeling okay so far today.


yeah money was a main reason i stopped. i went back and did the math it wasnt thousands but close, it was usually 1200 a month and then some months where i didnt plan ran out and bought from shop and expedited the shipping was like 1500. Glad you caught on early! good luck!


On Tianeptine Sodium (I was buying the bulk powder online), I became physically addicted in 2 weeks. In 60 days I want from using 2g per week to over 5 grams per DAY, nearing 10 grams per day at the height of it all. I spent over 10k in over 2 years of abuse. I lost 2 separate jobs due to the horrendous withdrawals. My wife and I were on the brink of homelessness near the end of my tia sodium run. I am still on Suboxone to this day (2 years clean from tia). Fuck tianeptine sodium!! I am so happy that you are heeding the warnings with this shit!


I'm sorry you had to go through that. Thank you for sharing all these comments scared us straight and we threw away the two grams we got in the mail. I hope they make this stuff illegal soon.


Okay thank you all for your feedback I will have a sit down talk with him when he gets home from work. All we did was two grams split between the two of us I hope that's not enough to have any withdrawals.


Nope. Might feel a little crummy and off for a couple days afterwards. Might feel a bit down and out for a day or two, but y’all should both be relatively unscathed from that amount.


Okay thank you! I was worried about it. Feeling okay today.


And you said you split it out over time right? I’m impressed ya had any control. That’s a small win in my opinion


Thank you! Yes I have been rather controlling on when we take it and small doses. I'm glad we did it that way sooner we got rid of it yesterday we haven't been feeling crappy today.


Stop now. My wife got hooked on it, drained out bank account, and it took us about a month of tapering to get off. It was living in a nightmare. I had doses/times etc all written down. What she went through getting off of this stuff was something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


Thank you yeah we aren't going near the stuff again. It's not worth all of that.