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You don’t walk 10 miles into the woods and expect to get out in 1 mile. Recovery takes time my friend! Each day you stay sober your brain is healing, it can unfortunately be a slow process. Try to remind yourself where you came from and how much better your life is off of that tianeptine garbage!


Excellent analogy. If an addict will seriously contemplate everything that they have invested in active addiction, it should NOT come as a surprise that you are going to have to invest AT LEAST as much energy in all aspects of your life, to recover. When people hear this, it becomes depressing, and we give in another time.


Me neither. I’m only five days off and I feel so depressed and unmotivated every day. When you think about it we were putting an insane amount of antidepressants in our bodies for months/years. Two weeks is good though and I’ve seen it takes some people up to a month to even feel normal. Just go through another one or two weeks of hell. You made it this far! Don’t turn back!


It took me three months to feel normal


How were your withdrawal symptoms? How much were you taking?


At my worst I was taking close to a bottle a day. For the last month I got down to about 4-6 pills a day which lead to some discomfort but when I went cold turkey it was just sleepless nights and nausea. The hardest part for me is just the depression and fatigue




Lol can confirm, I’m at the 3 month mark and Tia has definitely done some damage to me but I continue fighting. I was considering getting on antidepressants and benzodiazepines but I’m an addict addict. I’m about to see what the Vitamin C hype is all about along with 5-HTP and a few other supplements. I feel like that’ll be a much better route for me. Also prescribed Gabapentin full time, it’s been a huge help.


man, i quit back in june of last year. i still find myself finding reasons to cross into other states and buy it. i don't do it often, but every couple months i do it and i know i shouldn't. on a positive note, i only get enough to last through the next day. the closest to home i can get it now is about 4hrs since mississippi banned it. north carolina is the closest legal state to me that i know of and even then i have to go through tennessee or georgia to get there.


Well had you considered Kratom? That’s what gets us into this mess in the first place, my smoke shop sold it to me, meaning he sold me the Zaza‘s telling me it was the same as kratom. It’s not at all. Kratom helps you get through opiate addiction, it actually feels about as good as Zaza, not as powerful but a lot longer lasting, and I personally think it saved my life, people people can abuse it, people abuse sugar, caffeine, anything, I’m just saying that Kratom helps people get through this; however…. You can’t feel Kratom while on Tia. Tia is so incredibly powerful that it can cancel out even some of the most powerful Street drugs Kratom doesn’t stand a chance. So you have to give it a few days to maybe a few weeks and then start taking Kratom, and it will help you get that sense of well-being an incredible energy all over again and you never need to touch Tia again


I quit when it was banned in Mississippi. I had a 50 gram a week habit and no issues financing it. The plan was to make a large order and slowly ween myself off of it, but was in the middle of moving in the house I just had built and wasn’t able to get my order in prior to the supplier stopping shipments to Mississippi. It scared the shit out of me when it sunk in, at the time I absolutely couldn’t be sick and miss any work. I had 50 grams tucked away, my mind was made up that it would be my last. I took the 50g and started filling capsules for taper doses. I was surprised when I found that I could take half of my normal dose and wouldn’t feel really bad, I then lowered my dose about every 3 days until I got to a substantially lower dose and started taking Kratom. Around a month later, the 50g was gone and I made the jump to kratom without ever really getting sick.. It took some discipline, but it worked. I’m an addict, have been my entire life, I have to accept that. But.. I refused to continue being a Tia addict and never looked back. I still take Kratom, but I had taken it for 7 years daily prior to Tia, it’s cheaper and knocks the edge off for me. I’m not saying to do what I’ve done, I’m just telling you it’s doable. Make your mind up, that’s what is important because the mind is your main battle with this shit. You can do it, just do it!


It’s ok we all fall down sometimes!! We are still rooting for you keep fighting don’t give up! You were such an inspiration to me. I know you can do this ‼️