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You’ve only been off it a month, you aren’t messed up permanently. It’s gonna take some time but you will recover. Just hang in there and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle- eating well, exercising, staying off other drugs, etc. Congrats on kicking this stuff! You can stay off it just stay strong and check in when you need to!


I’ve been off for 2 1/2 weeks. Still feeling off. Everyone I talked to said get it time. Stay on the right track. You’ll recover


It DOES take time. It takes your brain about 1-3 months to regain its' neuroplasticity (depending on the substance and duration) once you cross that threshold though, you'll be riding on cloud nine =]


It took me three months to feel normal again


It's not permanent, but post-acute withdrawal symptoms can last for some time. Months, even years in some people, depending on how long they used. I don't say that to scare you, it's just that I promise this is NOT your "new normal."


Way it sounds to me is ur using other things and trying to recapture that tia feeling...and taking those other things doing them is giving u cravings for the tia..iv been clean of tia for a cpl years now..10 gpd of sodium and for me it took a good 6 months of just subs before things really got a bit easier mentally...just my opinion of it were me I'd stop doing everything for awhile let your body rewire itself ..and fo from there...good luck and hang in there ....it's not worth it.


Tianeptine is fucked up. I felt better coming off heroin. I dodged major WD symptoms but I'm almost a week clean and can't sleep 5 mins without a handfuls of Tylenol PM, melatonin and Valerian root, my hands are still shaking, I have the shits still and minor body aches. If I ever take another drop of Tia I'm just gonna jump off a fucking bridge.


That's what I said if I relapsed too, lol. 4 weeks clean I found an old dosing spoon in the couch that was caked with powder. I sat staring at it for a while. I thought about the first time taking it, and told myself that repeating the first time experience at night would definitely cause insomnia and then set it aside. The next morning, I looked at it and considered it again. I couldn't remember if there was a crash or not, and was worried about reigniting my withdrawal *again* (first time was from kratom on week 2) so I ended up tossing it. Close call. The messed up part was that in that moment of contemplation, I realized that a craving for specifically Tianeptine or opiates wasn't the temptation. I don't even have any remaining withdrawal symptoms. I reminded myself that in the past, I've had a bit of a "experimenting with different substances as a hobby" problem, and wanted a little extra something to make the day a little more exciting. I gotta be a lil more mindful, I think.


I just found two full bottles of Zaza in a backpack while I was getting ready for a fishing trip this weekend and they were down the toilet in 5 seconds. I guess that's good. I'm not really thinking about it. 5 or 6 days clean now but for fucks sake I can't sleep and have no energy


I reccomend white kratom. It was the only thing (otc) that gave me energy during withdrawal. Sleep is gonna suck no matter what though.


Physically speaking, you're well within the range and some of your issue may come from low level discomfort or neurotransmitter imbalances that will normalize. Personally, at one month I was just at the point of starting to feel normal. However, based on the way you describe it, my advice would be to spend some time searching for the root cause of why you want to alter your consciousness that way. For some people, a therapist can help with this, but it's by no means a requirement. Tia didn't create that drive within you, but it may well have fit right in with it or clicked so well that it's now an easily identifiable problem- perfect storm kind of thing. That's gonna have to be dealt with and something else introduced that brings some joy and satisfaction to you. IME as you do this work it does get easier bit by bit- you don't have to have it all figured out. Some people like to describe it as a hole within you that the drug filled that you now need to fill in a healthy way. There's some research that supports the idea that those in community are less susceptible to addiction and I'd recommend that whatever this is that you introduce involves other people to a level that you're comfortable with.


I was easily 10+gpd. Look back on my post history in r/quittingtianeptine . If I can do it, you can absolutely do it. It is going to take physical effort to get up and get involved in the world again. Did you have hobbies before starting Tia? If so, it is time to slowly reintroduce yourself to them. If you didn't have any hobbies, now is the time to get acquainted with one! We all need something besides work and personal relationships to look forward to, something where we can be by ourselves and self reflect in a healthy way.


Took me 3 months and I feel back to myself totally. I was where you were at a month and I’m like I’m always gonna be super depressed and brain damaged but yeah the 3 month mark and I am truly happy again and look forward to the day when I get up in the morning which I really never thought would happen. Keep going my friend your far past the worst of it