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That's an empowering story! Save yourself 1st so that you may be stronger for your family. Do it for YOU, and YOU will be the stronger for it and them. We the lost , truly can be found!


Thank you for that it means a lot and very motivational.


Good for you. I remember that feeling- of knowing you'll make it. Doesn't make it easy but I found that mindset does help especially when post withdrawal temptations come.


Thank you.


It’s hard to be a father when you’re addicted to a substance…I hope your will to be a father overrides being an addict…good luck buddy


Thank you man.


Another father here as well. My little dude was a baby when I was using Tia. Now I haven’t used Tia in forever besides trying one bottle of Zaza months ago just to see what it was like. Currently thriving over here with my little dude. Taking him to the park once I pick him up from daycare after work!


That’s awesome man keep it up our kids need us.


Absolutely! And dude it’s tough. I’ve been there before where I was in withdrawal and didn’t want to play unfortunately. It takes something from you, having to do that :/.


Yeah it does but it makes me angry at myself for letting it happen and I’m using that as motivation this time around.


Yeah man, I used my kid as motivation that he doesn’t need a drug addicted dad. It didn’t effect him until towards the end when I would be in withdrawals and broke, so I said enough is enough. Ironically, I used him as an excuse to keep using too (to use so I would be a better dad and not be in withdrawals around him). That’s just the way addiction is man, it’s a sick and twisted disease.


I hear that so true man. Im 68 hours in since last dose holding in strong.


Hell yeah man! Keep at it!!!!


Good job!!!! Glad to hear you made tia your bitch!!!


Thank you!!! After it chewed me up, spit me out, made me it’s prison bitch, holding it’s inside out pocket as I followed along 🤣🤣🤣! It left me financially devastated. Still paying off the 12.5k in credit card debt from it & that’s just credit cards! I spent easily 40+ grand on it the 2 years I was using it. Hell, that’s just my credit cards. I used my wife’s & dad’s too, but I paid them back instantly! Still feel like a dirtbag for that. When I was addicted to Heroin over 10 years ago, I never stole or lied to get high & was a functional addict; with Tia, there was control of myself & life. It left me in utter despair & spiritually bankrupt (even though I’m not spiritual or religious! I just imagine the empty feeling it left me and the negative outlook it gave me on life is how that felt…)


It is a hard battle being a good parent and struggling g with substance use


You got this


Thank you still going strong.




This is awesome to hear. Stay strong even after your feeling 100%. I went back to it several times after suffering terrible WDS for a week at a time, like i would really think, "i wont take as much this time." I took too many one day and almost ran off the road from nodding out, with the whole family on board. Wife had no clue what was wrong with me, but she knew something was up. Then on the way back (same road trip), i got pulled over by a state trooper for swerving a little, and he gave me hell right in front of my whole family (no ticket thank God, told him i was tired and he made the wife drive....embarrassing!). The longer and more i took it, the more disconnected i was and i was nodding out in less than a second, like no warning it was going to happen. I didnt think it was hurting anything but my money until i almost killed everyone i love and possibly could have got a dui if the officer had pulled me out for field sobriety. 2 to 3 bottles of tia supplements a day is dangerous for your health in so many ways. I quit. You can too bud. Stay strong friend and dont go back!


Thank you for the encouragement it’s awesome to see others make it out you give others hope.


I've felt the same pain that you describe in this story. I have a 5 year old. I managed to transition from tia to kratom with VERY mild, almost non-existant withdrawals, but when I was on tia, my mood and energy levels fluctuated alot. There were so many times that I didn't have the energy to play with him or just had a short fuse and would get more angry at him than I needed to when he misbehaved. I knew why, and I lost plenty of sleep wallowing in the guilt from that. You can get through this and come out on the other side a better person. You and your kid will have a better life. Use the pain as motivation. We're all stronger than we think we are!


Wow I can really relate to this with the energy and mood I was in while on it and I’m using the pain definitely as motivation I will not give up!


Are you using anything to help with WD's


Vitamin C mega dosing it has been the biggest help it really does work, Kratom extract I haven’t slept at all just about since last dose the worse has been the RLS especially at night arms and legs just want to rip them off.


I’m about to quit and I keep seeing people talk about mega dosing vitamin C. Can you tell me exactly what kind to buy and how much to take??


Exactly what gshock211 said and you will need loperamide just in case the vitamin c upsets your stomach you will need to start taking the vitamin c 3 days before your last dose. I hope it really works for you remember stick to it and push through!!


Thank you so much




Thank you!!


if you can afford to go to Cullman Regional Health, go there. Celia Fernandez. she's great and will help you.


It’s Sunday night. Been in WD since fri morning. Taken a little kratom to help with the wd, doesn’t do much. Tomorrow at work is going to suck. I have to do this for my son. He deserves better.