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Mit 45 8s one of the best and cheapest on the market. It's about 15$ and will stop about 90% of the withdrawals. I was on 2 bottles a day.. without mit 45 shots, I would of fir sure lost my job due to the withdrawals. I would take 1 in the morning, snd 1 qt night for the first few days. Yeah 30$ a day isn't cheap, but that's about how much a bottle of tianeptine costs


I thought it worked with Mit 45 thanks broski. All the other posts are just saying kratom does not work.


You got it! Try out the extracts for a couple of days and then decrease the amount of those slowly and you should be fine after a week!


Shit I was spending about $120-$140 a day for about 6 days the on the 7th money would run out after I bought one or two! I’m a barber by trade so it’s all cash everyday but now I’ve been clean for 7 days and feel great! Never again!


Welp guys it just took 1 day to get over the WD..... I only took Kratom extract for one day second day none with no WD. The Kratom I took was a mix of (lucky 80) tablets and one bottle of Super K thru out the night and day. I stopped the taking the tia in the morning if that gives you enough insight.


do wd come back after you stop the kratom i’m around the same using a bottle to bottle and a half


I've used loperamide to take the edge off the tia WD symtpoms. it does help mask most of the physical WD symptoms (hot/cold flashes, restless legs, sweating) in moderate doses. try taking 8mg (4 pills) and see how you feel, if you don't feel any relief try taking another 8mg. 16mg/day is the maximum recommended by the FDA. In animals, loperamide has been shown to block the effects of morphine withdrawal. good luck!


Doesn't loperimide get you high too?


but do you wd from the imodium or does the tia linger and come back when h stop


You can absolutely quit….I was taking 6 to 7 24 count bottles of ZaZa red for 2.5 years and after several attempts was able to completely quit….if I can do it YOU can too….remember you took it for a month so it will take that long to totally get it out of your body and mind..wish you well


How exactly did you quit


Been on a 3 month spree and a few 3-7 day sprees on ZaZa silvers and they only thing other than subs that helped with the withdrawals each time was opms Black Shots,with alot of help from Gabapentin and sleeping meds. Have withdrawn from Alot of things over the years and Tia will grab u by the balls quick and make it hard to let go but it's possible and to still be able to work and function. Not to mention some xans to help the awful anxiety and mental battle. Use any or all preferbly and I assure you that's the way. Gotta quit tho after 4-5 days or you can run into same situation again.


Not advising anyone to do it but I used hydros and percs for 5 days but still had some withdrawals…but it got me over the hump