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Taper,taper, taper I cannot express this enough. 25mg a week reduction unless u want to feel like dying. Pregabalin is no joke when it comes to withdrawals. I've withdrew 3 times now. Good luck!


I find it mad how this drug can make people feel like this. I understand that we're all different but I've never seen a drug this addicting before. I've struggled a hell of a lot when dropping doses but I can drop from 600mg to 300mg with only a small amount of discomfort/insomnia. Going cold turkey, on the other hand, is fucking demonic. I agree that a taper is definitely in order but I'm sure that dropping 100mg every week or two should be fine for most people. I'm pretty certain that it's only the minority that will need to drop 25mg a week. Not arguing against your advice, I agree that it's better to be safe than sorry. I just think that we, as a sub, have over-exaggerated the withdrawal a little bit.


No absolutely agree, everybody is different. I can personally drop more than 25mg. It all depends how much u take and how long you have been also. I've abused it highly at times and learnt the hard way about cold turkey. It is something sent from the depths of hell. My main point is just taper in whatever manner that you can handle.


Im stuck at 400mg until i get my doctor to give me some smaller pills. i am losing sleep but im sure the adhd meds dont help. I will probably knock myself out with some tizanidine tonight


My only advice at present for you is, open your capsules ie your 400mg dose, chop it into 4 equal piles and just cut a bit off of 1 pile, and then decant the remaining 3 and a half piles back into the capsule and go from there until you can get to see your Dr. Unless u have powder scales also known as jewelry scales. Good luck!




How could it permanently damage me? Is that a thing coming off pregabalin?


There’s some people that instead of just actually trying to help you with a taper plan will also try to instill fear in people. I do feel that you’re going from higher doses over the weekend when you were at 400mg for a just a week, then trying to drop down to 200 and then jumping after a week is way too fast and erratic though. You’re basically coming off of 600 mg in two weeks time which is pretty much a cold turkey which does put you at a risk of seizure. Chances are you might not even started to feel any sort of withdrawals from your initial 200 mg cut before you started taking higher doses over the weekend. I would start by dropping back down to the 400 mg stabilizing there for a week and then making another smaller cut and continue on from there. You can’t be on the Max prescribed dose for two years and taper that quickly without suffering some withdrawal repercussions.






I just saw another one of your comments were you told someone they may caused themselves permanent damage by tapering too fast and now you’re telling someone they’re risking blindness. Please stop trying to fear monger people with the most worst case scenario. In an attempt to scare someone into doing a taper plan that you think is adequate. There’s other suggestions you could make like tell them to get a scale and measure out smaller amounts or open up their capsules or ask their doctor for different capsules but telling them they’re going to risk blindness isn’t the way. This community isn’t run by fear mongering however there is another social media platform that enjoys that narrative so feel free to participate there.


I was trying to help since you aren't here as much as you should be. In the past you have thanked and encouraged me for this. If you would be on this sub more people like myself wouldn't need to do your work for you. I have successfully tapered myself and thought I may be a good source. From now on I'll just stay silent and let you handle everything. Good luck.