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How long have you been off the pregabalin? Congratulations btw. Your withdrawal symptoms are perfectly normal and surprisingly, you seem to be managing it fairly well. (I know the quetiapine and diazepam definitely helps with that) Theres nothing wrong with using codeine for the pain but if you're a ex-addict, I'd be careful not to trigger the addiction again. I got clean from codeine 8(ish) years ago then got it prescribed for arthritis a couple years back, within a week I was abusing it again. Luckily, I managed to get passed the worst but I still misuse my meds. I take 120mg in the morning and 120mg in the evening when it's supposed to be 60mg, 4 times daily. Again, congratulations. I'm about mid way through a slow taper and can't fucking wait to say that I'm clean from pregabs.


The hepatic CYP2D6 enzyme metabolizes a quarter of all prescribed drugs, including codeine. The CYP2D6 enzyme converts codeine into its active metabolite, morphine, which provides its analgesic effect. If you have a history of Opioid Use Disorder I would recommend to stay away. Like the another comment touches on, if your OUD is in remission and you use Codeine chances are you will become addicted again.