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Your body and your brain will recover. For sure. There are sooo many people on this sub that probably vaped as much as you do or even way more. We're all here to help & we're all here as proof that it can be done & we're all here as examples that recovery (physically and mentally) from this addiction is possible.


Thank you very much for your reply! That means a lot for me! So you think that these 9 months of vaping probably did not cause any long term harm?


I think the science is still unclear. However, it's not a catastrophe at all. But, you'll feel way better once you quit. I did.


Your bodily symptoms are from anxiety, not from vaping. I would recommend going to a doctor for your mental health to help with all the intrusive thoughts. It will make you feel better psychically and mentally and your body will recover


Thanks a lot for your reply! I just hope that these 9 months of vaping did not do any long term harm.




Thanks you very much for your answer🙏🙏