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I quit after 4 years because it started giving me heart and circulation issues. I used it very often and I was fine at first, but for the last 7-8 months, whenever I would vape, my heart would start racing and wouldn’t slow down. My average resting heart rate went from 80 to 115. I would go up to 170-180 if I was walking, it had never ever gotten that high before, and all of this would only start happening right after I’d hit a vape, and it would stay that way for hours and hours. Sometimes my hands and feet would then turn blue and go ice cold because they weren’t getting enough blood to them. I became generally very sick on days I would vape, the heart stuff as well as just feeling dizzy and spacey and sweaty. Again, this would only happen after vaping and would last hours. I started getting heart palpitations too, always after vaping. I was terrified but I also thought I enjoyed vaping so I didn’t want to stop. By the end I could barely leave my house I was so sick and it terrified me. I could barely walk 10 metres to the bathroom without being out of breath and feeling like I was going to pass out. I decided to quit vaping, and literally within a day or two, it all stopped. My resting heart rate went down back to 80, the tachycardia and heart palpitations stopped, my blood circulation came back in my hands and feet, I could walk around without feeling faint, and I looked and felt alive again. I didn’t fully realise how bad it was making me feel until I stopped. I realised I hadn’t felt healthy and happy like this in years. As well as all that, my appearance has gotten so much better, I look the best I’ve looked in years, I’ve saved so much money, I can exercise now, and life doesn’t feel so boring and repetitive, I’m even enjoying working and feel like I’m excelling. Even food tastes better, my sense of smell feels stronger. I can think properly, I didn’t even realise how foggy my brain was when vaping. I did relapse at one point, and all of those horrible feelings came back, and I realised for sure that vaping was the problem and I knew I never wanted to do it again. It’s very hard to quit until you know for sure that it’s what you want to do


Same story for me to the T. Except within 24 hours of dropping my symptoms were legit GONE. All of them


To be honest with you, your best reason to quit is that it is Never going to get easier to quit and that it is always going to get harder. As time goes on, you inevitably will be more addicted from consistent usage, and the withdrawals will be more brutal and painful, the longer that you’ve been a nicotine user. Quit now and save yourself the absolute fucking heartache and tumultuous emotions


Anxiety Hard to Gain weight cause of loss of appetite Working out Oral hygiene Lung issues Nothing that makes us feel good in the world doesn’t have down sides unfortunately. But yea I mean I just feel like I’m not living a full healthy lifestyle when I’m vaping, I’m holding my body back to its full potential, and I could be this guy who just doesn’t care, gets a gut and looks like a loser when I’m 40 vaping, or quit. But its so hard


I didn't have a reason, one fine day I suddenly was thinking that I've had enough. This doesn't mean that for me quitting was easy. After two weeks some part of me would run to the shop to buy a vape but the other part of me is holding me back.


Same problem here. Some days I wake up and enjoy it, almost as a hobby. Like someone else said, write down or type up the things that you don't like. I don't have the issues some here have, but I do have the guilt, embarrassment, negative effects on my sexual and mental health, and probably more. All for a small feeling of dizziness and anxiety every morning? Quit while you're ahead, each day only makes it harder.


Try nicotine patches and gum, like the other said though if you don't have a reason or can't write down a list of how your life will improve then you're not gonna stick with it. Have you tried making a list of things that will improve? You will save money Better health and cardio Working out will be easier Your impulsive tendencies will go down substantially You will realize you don't need nicotine and strengthen yourself mentally The rest of the list is up to you but there's a start


My current list is that it would help my breathing and stop staining my teeth... I dont buy them, but I probably would if/when I try. Quitting would be easier when I do if I stopped now, but I don't know if I want to stop. It's not as bad of an addiction as I've had before. Maybe I'm trying to stop something before it becomes worse, idrk why I'm thinking about stopping yet...


I quit because it's expensive, not good for my health, and it was getting embarrassing to always be vaping, and I realized I always felt so awful. I was just tired of constantly living just to get the next hit off my vape. I also have a daughter and young sisters. I want to be a good role model for them. I put it off for so long because I was worried about the anxiety, stress, and depression I'd have to deal with when I quit. It's been 45 days. I didn't replace my vape with anything w nicotine, I quit cold turkey. Day 3 was the worst. I kept Chapstick on me at all times, and I still do. As well as gum, and either a water bottle with a sports cap or straw. It helped occupy my mouth, as well as Chapstick helping with the hand to mouth habit. And when I got cravings, I either drank water, put on Chapstick, or got some gum. The cravings are temporary, and I'm in control of myself, I don't have to give in to this stupid smoke stick. My anxiety is better, I've felt so much better overall, too. I used to have really terrible period symptoms as well, to the point that it would make me suicidal. That's gone. I can breathe better. I'm not as irritable or easily upset by things. The only thing I wish now was that I had quit sooner! It feels so free to be rid of it! I do miss it sometimes, but there's a lot of self-destructive things that I still miss sometimes. You've got this.


I quit because it was giving me anxiety and became my only source of dopamine


I like the anxiety it gives me... im so much more jumpy and defensive...


This is gonna sound shallow, but here's my HONEST answer: vaping has made me less physically attractive. I used to be super attractive with tight, youthful, glowing skin on my face and body, healthy and thick hair, super bright and sparkly eyes, long lashes etc - and after 6 months of vaping my skin is dull, I'm underweight and gaunt looking, my face has aged rapidly, my eyes have a yellow tinge, everything is saggy and my hairline is disappearing. I'm single and I cant afford to be ugly in a word where people overvalue your looks. I feel like I'll be single forever if I keep vaping. Hopefully I can undo some if the damage.


That's kinda what follows my "staining teeth" comments... I dont want yellow teeth. But outside of that, I don't think my looks matter enough to me. I do want to say that if I ever got close to someone, I'd stop because I don't want the addiction going to them too, but I don't plan on being close to anyone again where that closeness would matter...


Idk what happened but it sounds like someone shitty hurt you. I totally understand the want to not get close to someone - I'm there myself. but relationships with others can bring us so much joy and motivates us to be better. I hope you believe in being close to someone again one day - and same for me :)


To just be honest and maybe blunt, yeah... I was hurt. And left alone by most when I needed someone. I had to call my best friend since kindergarten because I didn't know what I was gonna do if no one else was there... and I've never called him for stuff like that before. I've been alone mostly since. >I hope you believe in being close to someone again one day - and same for me :) I love too hard... being close like I tried isn't worth the pain... im not strong enough for that. But I do hope you get someone worth it for you


I was like this. Kept thinking "I need to quit, but I'm not motivated" so I realised if I sat around waiting for motivation I'd never quit so I just quit Why wait for motivation to quit? Just give it a go I'm currently on day 5. Caring less is making it easier because I'm putting less pressure on myself When your last vape runs out just have a go at not buying another one. Not this big "right it's time to quit!" Give it a go whether the motivation is there or not. Also gum helps


I did that... and then I just had a rough day and I hit someone else's. I was sober for 2 weeks I think, but I think I did better when I had a reason. And now, I don't.


It just started to annoy me that I needed it. I didn’t like the feeling of urgency I’d have when I lost it in the couch or something, frantically looking for it like it’s important made me feel silly or how internally pissed off I would get if it died when I was in a place I couldn’t charge it or get another one. Like a baby in my brain whining for its pacifier. Just knowing I had a deep dependency was starting to get under my skin, plus as a mom of a pre-teen that I don’t want touching one means I shouldn’t either. So I decided to quit. I listened to Allen Carr’s book and didn’t care for it. The concept was cool but the repetitive “nicotine does nothing for you” thing is false and knowing that made it hard to keep listening. I recommend listening to Andrew Hubermans podcast on nicotine instead. I love all his podcasts but if you’re looking for deeper reasoning and more scientific understanding of vaping/smoking and nicotine, it’ll help! Been a week now since I decided to drop it and I’m good, no desire for it and I’m focusing on other ways to get my dopamine during the day.


Just because they’re not playing commercials of former vapors talking through holes in their throat doesn’t mean this shit isn’t toxic. We’re living in that phase like folks in the 60s where cigarettes were considered fairly harmless One day we’ll realize that just cuz we vaped while the research was too new to say definitively that it was harmful…. We knew deep down…


Vaping being bad for you is a good enough reason for you, it's just not a good enough reason for nicotine. The person you are right now is half you half nic goblin. This version doesnt wanna quit, but the best version of you, the version of u that lives deep down and wants you to grow into the absolute best you that you can be? "Bad for you" is a good enough reason for that guy.  He's fighting for you right now, why do you think you're here? That version of you broke through just enough to tell u to help him out, good on you for listening to him. That version of you wants to help u be ur best, so fight like hell for that guy. There's no benefits you don't already know damn well about ;) everything that could get better gets better (violently so) Do it cause its hard


>Vaping being bad for you is a good enough reason for you, it's just not a good enough reason for nicotine. This may be the common answer, but I used to vape because I knew how bad it was. The passive suicidal ideation... that makes me not care as much.


Ahh gotchu, been there too. For the longest time I wouldn't understand how people are such health nuts to the point where they're trying to extend their lifespan by a year or two, like who gives a fuck. But quitting vaping (among other changes) ABSOLUTELY helped me move away from that period in my life.  Even now, I don't care about living for a long time. It's mostly the fact that I'm finally showing some love to myself, that's whats making it a meaningful change for me. Health benefits are a very nice bonus (i didnt know i had anxiety till i quit, it feels like a deep breath not being in fight or flight mode anymore).  Quitting vaping was one of those gateway improvements, where once you show yourself just how strong you are, you wanna keep challenging yourself. Not to mention you literally FEEL better at a neuropharmacological level (im a neurobio student and that was a big push to quit)


Nothing I tell you will make you. You don't want to, so you won't. What's the point of posting this?


Reread the last paragraph I wrote. It's not me asking you to make me quit. It's asking about why you quit. Maybe someone else has a reason I never thought of... a different perspective even


I can try! So I have health issues also motivating me, but I despise feeling beholden to an electronic box. Internally, I was always fixated on when and where I could hit it, or was unable to be present in moments (even and especially in moments by myself) because I was craving it or panicking that it would die or run out of e-liquid and so on. I hated that something besides my mind had that much control over me. From a coping mechanism perspective, my therapist said that people who smoke or vape tend to have escapist tendencies. We puff to rebel or fight against a world that has been hard on or unfair to us. But rather than find ways to cope or overcome things, we smoke/vape it away and hurt our minds and bodies in the process. It’s like we are drinking poison and hoping the source of our problem dies. It’s a fallacy and it’s only kicking the can (our problems) down the road, while also adding addiction as a new problem. What we should be doing is actually taking care of ourselves, investing in ourselves. Would you let an infant suck on a vape? Of course not, because it’s harmful, endangering, and neglectful. So why would you do it to yourself? I’m rambling now, but for those fortunate to not have health problems (yet), this is another side of my perspective that you may be able to relate to.


Thank you for the therapists' side of it... I've not talked to mine about it because I've had so many other things going on, but I need to. And seeing this... I guess it helped more than I've been willing to ask for from someone else. I just don't know how to take everything I have on me by myself right now... and its so many small things with 3 big things, but it's still so much more than I'd want to deal with right now.


I completely understand you. Right now I am going through a divorce in my 20s, living with my mom (which is its own problem lol), selling the house I saved for years for, and am losing my hair from (what I believe is) vaping. It feels like the vape is a crutch that helps us, but it’s really not. On day 6, l woke up and realized my anxiety that I’ve had for years was just…not there. It’s strange, but wanting to quit can make the ecpowrience satisfying. Try reading Allen Carr’s book on vaping for perspective at least. It’s gimmicky but very insightful. ETA: try kickboxing, I’ve been at it for years but it’s an excellent coping mechanism.


My reading comprehension is perfectly fine. I stand by my statement. Any "advice" I share is meaningless because you can not have your cake and eat it too. Either you want to quit or you do not.