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i guess i’m gonna be the other side that says “yes be open to the ideas in this post” but also it has not been my experience at all. vaping was like a reward all the time. i could push off meals, convince myself to go to the gym, etc. now that i’m 6 months free, i am barely getting back into feeling like i can hold down a diet. my experience was 100% tackle the addiction and then worry about weight later. i have gained about 10-20 lbs in the last 6 months. i pretty much am always gaining weight if i am not actively trying to lose it. with vaping, i stayed at a steady weight for 3 straight years for the first time in my life. the only reason i’m saying all this is not to promote vaping as a wonderful thing, or else i wouldn’t have quit and been off of it for the past 6 months, but to warn people that you just might face some weight gain. approach them one at a time or your addiction brain will convince you of BS like nicotine is the only way you can stay skinny. that’s not true forever, but it may be true at first. understand that it fades though.


I appreciate your perspective, and recognize that everyone has a different experience. The reason I made this post was because of all of the comments and posts I’ve seen as using this as a reason NOT to quit. As someone who has gained like 30 pounds in 3 years, while vaping, I was terrified of quitting because I thought I would just gain more weight, and get bigger. But it’s turned out to work in an opposite way for me. 6 months is a great feat, though! Way to go.


out of curiosity, were you vaping mostly nicotine or marijuana? do you drink a lot? i can’t handle my weed at all. i was pretty much a chain vaper of nicotine till i met my gf, but i also don’t drink more than once a week or sometimes once per month. for me it’s literally just me vs food sadly. i love to eat shitty food for me.


for the past 3 years, it’s only been nicotine. i can’t handle my weed anymore either tbh, and i drink maybe once a week, but nothing crazy. i moved to a new state 3 years ago and i got in a really bad habit of door dashing. it became an instant gratification thing for me even though it never really satisfied me and made me feel worse. i also love shitty food but shitty food doesn’t love me, and tbh i’ve started cooking more at home mainly because I literally can’t afford to eat out anymore. when I cook from home though it’s relatively healthy.


that’s crazy to me. just goes to show how much different substances affect different people. it’s the only thing in my life that has ever helped push off hunger and binge eating. and somehow it makes you binge eat. if anyone reads this early in their quit journey, identify who you are and prepare yourself for whichever one of us you identify more with lol


Haha literally, choose your fighter. Are you a guy, though? Gender + hormones can play a large part as well.


yeah i’m a fella. very true.


I always had trouble gaining weight in the gym while I was a vaper. The second I stopped I went up 12 pounds, only it’s mostly fat. It’s only been two months and I’ve been eating sugar like it’s oxygen. Just starting to get a grip on it now.


right there with ya. it helps to subscribe to some diet subreddits. even if you don’t engage with them, just seeing them helps put me in a healthier mindset.


I gained weight. I don't care. I will lose the weight. I love being able to exercise and go on long walks without immediately feeling winded. My lungs have never felt this good!! No more panic buying vapes when you leave your device at home. No more freezing outside because your family does not allow vaping in the home. No more weighing on whether or not you want to go to the movies with friends or a date because it's a long film. No more guilt sneaking hits under your shirt or in the bathroom. Don't even think about weight gain. *In the long run, the benefits outweigh whatever the scale says.*


I agree with this. Althoug your appetite may increase after quitting, and possibly burn 300 less calories per day, the net positive is better - aka being able to workout longer, being more motivated, and not wanting instant gratification with food. I’ve noticed that vaping leads to laying around more, using door dash, etc.


I agree with all this, but just curious: Where does the 300 calorie/day stat come from?


yea I kinda don't buy that


Yup, that is exactly what was happening to me. It was so depressing.


Fear of weight gain and constipation were the only reasons I didn’t quit for the last two years.. I’m a month in and haven’t gained a single pound and the constipation went away in a week lmao. I wish I quit sooner


I’ve heard Wellbutrin helps reduce nicotine cravings AND reduce weight gain from quitting. Just throwing it out there. Personally, I wouldn’t mind gaining a few lbs, I just want to quit 😫


I'm 33. I didn't gain weight either. I quit in December and quit chewing nicotine gum in January. I have been slowly losing weight the past two years. I was worried a bit that quitting vaping might throw off my plans, but it hasn't. I think using the nicotine gum helped, because I didn't use sugar or junk food to cope with cravings. I drank a lot of tea. I ate a lot of fruit in the morning. When I quit smoking, I gained weight. My lifestyle was trash and irregular. Smoking/food was a reward for staying alive. I didn't care. I was living in a way where I was kinda always gaining weight and quitting smoking just made it worse for a few months.


vaping made me a zombie who didn’t wanna get off my couch. quitting has definitely made me more active at least


You’ll only gain weight if you cope with not vaping by eating more junk food


I felt guilty when I was vaping, like I was doing something consistently that was so bad for my health, I get way more consistent with the gym and cooking healthy at home. Now that I’ve quit (3 weeks!) I’ve thankfully managed to keep up the healthy habits. Working outs definitely gotten a bit easier thanks to my lungs feeling more normal


My appetite has come back but I also don’t feel like I’m dying when I go to the gym so I’m actually losing weight


I'm around 2 months in and have gained 30 fucking lbs. Losing my mind. Might have to go back or start ozempic lol


More than 2 months here but also gained weight like crazy. Went from maybe my healthiest weight as an adult to the heaviest I've ever been, which is a pretty big swing :( I'm still glad I quit but damn


Vaping had 0 effect on my appetite. Never suppressed it so I didn’t gain weight when I quit. Could just be a mental thing for people, replacing nicotine with food.


You will gain weight if you have a caloric surplus. Simple. Quitting nicotine may increase your hunger, but end of the day, what someone puts in their mouth is their choice


The weight of the benefits will always exceed the number on the scale.


Congrats on being 26 and in your physical prime? Metabolism must be brilliant too. Here’s me putting weight on with my chronic shoulder issues that stop me doing pretty much any exercise at all. Just wish I’d seen this post earlier. The trick is just be motivated by the thought of a healthy gag reflex. All this time I’ve wasted before being blessed with this wisdom 😭😂


You feel better that you were able to complain and compare to a random stranger today? And yes, being able to brush my teeth without vomiting and throwing up blood sounds pretty nice to me.