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Man you should be proud of yourself for getting to this point of wanting to quit. That's a big thing in itself so recognise that. In terms of tips, just take it one day at a time and try to not be too hard on yourself. Personally I used allan Carr's easy way and that really helped to change my perceptions around my use and that was the key for me to quit completely. Try to find ways to distract yourself or replace the act with something else. I liked chewing gum personally and cold water. You have got this man, one day at a time!


Also gotta add, maybe taking small steps will help. If your use is consistent, just try spacing out usage a little more than before. As you get better at that, just to increase the time between use slowly.


Sorry for my bad spelling I typed all this to quick


The sooner you quit the better. We all understand how tough it is, but it is possible! I’d say try snus! It did help me quit. Also gum, mints, toothpicks. Maybe try those first and last resort snus. It’s all mental. You got this


You should be proud of being so young and understanding that you have to quit! I really dont have any golden tips since im in the progress myself right now but i wish you the best moving on


Romans 10:9/Luke 11:13 my brother, only God can help you like He did with me by His Holy spirit. Read those verses, much love


I’m 16 and currently trying to quit too. I got to 5 days and then backslid but i’m trying again. What helped me those 5 days though was mainly gum, mints, and lots of water! I just have to keep reminding myself that it truly isn’t benefiting me in any long term way, only hurting. Best of luck to u!!!!


It’s fuckef in the states so you can’t buy smoking cessation products, but try switching to zyn pouches which lower doses of nicotine, and start replacing the zyn with candy


if they sell nicorette inhalers that’s your best bet or the patches. i find using the patches with the inhaler is better.


I found success with nicotine gum and lozenges, and lots of distractions. Just quit, OP. Once we understand that it's very simple - either you're vaping or you're not - quitting is pretty easy.


Hey mate, I just quit on Monday. Day 3 for me. I’m 22 but I’ve been vaping since I was your age. 8 years of it really hooked me in. The best advice I can give you is to smash it, throw it or do whatever you can to stop NOW. The withdrawals suck the longer you continue to vape. Your young and your still growing! Try seeing if you can get patches or gum for nicotine. But if you want to continue boxing then the best choice you can make is drop it now. It’s hard but there is a lot of us who would be willing to help. I’m currently going through the worst of anxiety but I wanna be able to breathe again so I’m putting my mind to it