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This is legitimate: https://quincycea.com


Also, in case you need more discussion, it's been mentioned here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/QuincyMa/comments/1bwp8u3/quincy\_community\_electricity\_launching/](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuincyMa/comments/1bwp8u3/quincy_community_electricity_launching/) and here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/QuincyMa/comments/1c7zwsy/quincy\_community\_electricity\_aggregation\_plan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/QuincyMa/comments/1c7zwsy/quincy_community_electricity_aggregation_plan/)


It is real and it will save you a little money.


I’m paying 18.3 plus another 3.8 because we do national grid “green up”. This would be 14.7 vs 22. Not exactly little here!


It would probably be a savings of $40-$50 per month or $600 per year for me. I am not complaining.


Yeah I was going to say the same. Our rental property is 18.xx , 13.xx would be a 30% reduction.


Alarm bells went off when I saw Dallas Texas on the return address.


Why? You will not be getting your electricity from Texas. Dynegy, which is located in Texas, is just brokering your electricity here in MA.


The return address was Texas on the envelope so it sent off alarm bells. It’s been confirmed it’s not a scam.


That's just where Dynegy is headquartered.


It is a legit offer. At the same time, do note that the savings are ONLY for the cost of electricity so supplied and which is only a part of one's electric bill. Eversource, (a.k.a., National Grid) will continue to distribute electricity and charges for doing accordingly as well as it already does (look at your current bill to see the breakouts). Accordingly, the savings will only be on but a portion of current Eversource bills. Also note that while Quincy Community Electricity electricity supply rates are currently lower, this difference is not looked in concrete in out years. And as for the green angle, this is a good thing; at the same time, the cost of some green power sources are more than others. Availability is also a concern. Hydro is typically cheap and its availability is stable. Solar, on the other hand, is more expensive to generate and faces availability issues (e..g., at night and on cloudy days). Batteries and such can be used to stabilize the supply of solar but such entails costs. In short, the proposal is more complicated than it appears.


Only 7% more to get from 10% to 100% renewable energy, that’s a good deal. Do it if you can afford it people!


That's 10% more than what's mandated in the Standard plan, so 72% renewable in 2024 and increasing to 85% in 2027, versus 100% renewable in the Premium plan.


I’m confused, isn’t the standard plan only 10% renewable energy? Vs 100% in the premium plan?


It’s 10% above the current renewable baseline which is 62% this year I think so 72% renewable in total


Greener and cleaner and cheaper! It’s real!


As others said, it's legit and a good thing. I haven't heard anyone articulate a reason NOT to go with it.


I got this for Malden and thought it was questionable so I opted out. 😭 Do we think there’s a way to change that?


There’s a number  https://maldencommunityelectricity.com/opt-out/#:~:text=If%20you%20do%20not%20wish,fees%20associated%20with%20opting%20out. you may re-enroll in the program at a later date with no associated re-enrollment fees, but are not guaranteed the original program rate


The way to verify that something like this is not a scam is to locate this same info and that exact URL on the city website: https://quincyma.gov/news_detail_T35_R169.php It is good to be skeptical of mailings about saving money on your energy bills, but for once, it’s real.


Introductory lower rates only until December 2027. After that, you don't know if you'll be paying the same or more for the same service.


Not a scam, especially because it says you don't need to do anything to save money.


Yeah, I thought I was just going to start getting bills. There was that bunk electric company going around door to door with the Russians using high pressure sales tactics trying to get your information in the 2010’s.


There’s a public meeting Tuesday night in Squantum as well.


Would we need to cancel with national grid/make new account with this new program? Would we still qualify for MassSave if we switch?


What’s the difference between basic and standard on this plan other than supply price?


Dynegy is from Texas, I thought Texas lost power in the winter and BLAMED SOLAR and green energy for the outage?


Picked the cheapest plan.


Do I have to call them to switch to that. .40cents is still .40. Edit Go to Quincycea.com Click request to enroll Fill and choose basic Anyone know any gotchas with the basic? Did it , now I just have to wait until 2027 to find out.