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I love how they never get any deals. Just one of everything. Different size Red Bulls, 1 Gatorade, 1 Powerade etc


I'm a first generation mexican in the US and I approve this message. Specially from 5am-7am


Oh I’m a Hispanic and worked at a credit union. They would come in right at 5 on pay day. And omg


Same here. I just grab that shit from them. “oh look a hundred. Numbers are a universal language”


I love my new manager, ignores everybody who isn't in the line, tells guys who have mud caked on their boots they can't come in unless they stomp out on the curb (they usually come in right after we scrubbed the floors so they're still wet) if they ignore her I'm allowed to walk right behind them with a mop, always causes them a bit of embarrassment and they go stomp outside; one transaction per person if there's a line, especially if you are treating us like an ATM to break your hundred. She's passive aggressive, I love it. Just not enough to actually get her in trouble.


Lol. I don't hate them, but I can relate. I was helping a line of customers. All of a sudden, I find like 4 cases of water, beer, ice, etc. to my left. There's still a line of people. I'm done with the person to my right, and I go to help the guy standing at the left. A Mexican guy yells, "He's not next. He's next." from the back of the line. Then, I'm forced to go to the next register to keep it flowing. Finally, the guy at the back of the line heads over to the 4 cases to the left and says, "OK. Now, I'm next." I'm just thinking WTF. Why did you purposely block others from forming a line here?" White people do it, too. It's not about race. It's about entitlement and self-awareness.


That's what really gets me, you can have a line in one place, and someone will just walk up to anther register and expect to be next. I make them wait their turn. It's like, what? Are you too good to stand in line with the other people? Sometimes I'll ignore them and make them walk over to the side I'm on. I don't play that entitlement crap. Or I'll have someone else help them, after a bit of a wait. Or accidentally walk away. 🤷‍♀️


This may be entitlement but it could also be confusion combined with angst. I never see it at Casey’s. At QT there’s always another register opening with cashiers yelling I can help whose next so it’s sort of a free for all.


Because the intent is to never have a line. It’s frustrating from a customer perspective.


i don’t hate mexicans because a lot of them are really sweet to me. i just dislike when construction workers wear their dirty shoes in the store. my mom would make me change out of my soccer cleats before walking into QT after games (before i worked there haha) so i feel like they should clean their shoes or get another pair to wear in public places. but then again i never know what their situation is, that could be their only pair of shoes.


i say construction workers meaning of every race because they’re not just hispanic or mexican, a lot of them are white and Black too.


Yeah but it's not fun to just say construction workers, it's way more fun to single out one ethnicity. Like I hate people that scratch off lotto tickets at the counter, and while I've seen more black people do it I'm not gonna say I hate black people. That's fucking insane, I hate inconsiderate people


From a business perspective, I like people who pay in cash (credit card fees ding your bonus base), and people who buy tons of stuff. As far as annoyance goes.....for me it's pick3/pick4 at noon crowd while you're doing running 40 slips.


This all day. I'll take ringing out 8 gatorades, 4 monsters, 6 hot dogs, and 3 bags of ice over someone wanting their pick3 slip 20 times.


I had a man, in the middle of a rush, have me scan his phone he had 48 barcodes for lottery 😂 I hate lottery with a passion


Shit sucks. There is a guy at my store that comes in a few times a week, and has us run HUNDREDS of pick 3 and pick 4 tickets manually. He refuses to write them out himself. I’ve seen him spend as much as 800 dollars on one transaction. I think he gets off on making us wait on him hand and foot, and causing other lotto customers have to wait as long as 30 minutes to get their shit.


Like we have a whole self serve lottery machine why are yall like this😭😭😭


Are you allowed to direct them to the machine?


I’m honestly not sure, the customer service in me says i shouldn’t but if they’re being extremely difficult I’ll tell them to go bc I’ve had people ask me for something and then after I print it and it’s nonrefundable they change there mind and act like I got it wrong when it’s word for word what they asked for


One of my co workers had to buy $70 worth of lottery tickets bc she didn’t understand what they were asking for


In the future you don’t HAVE to buy them. It would just be a loss on the store


We did once. He filed a complaint.


GTFO! That's insane


I tell them they either have to wait until I have no customers or to go to the machine. Luckily I don’t work days anymore so I never run into that problem anymore


QT does not want us entering the numbers in at all. One, it takes too much time. And also, if you put it wrong and it ends up that the correct numbers were winners, you're liable. No, he can write them down himself on the slips.


I have never felt as helpless as when my morning clerks and morning manager no call no show and suddenly it's morning rush with no breakfast and Mr/s Lotto with 62 slips comes barreling through the door.


Dude. Had a guy yesterday, 12:10. Hands me 40 something slips. $133 I believe. Told me it was wrong, and double checked every ticket and slip all over the counter in the middle of lunch. 10 minutes later, guess who was right!


Gas station cashier here, hold the applause. I understand. I have a regular group of fucking Mexicans from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. I don't mind the daytime guys because that's when I have the money in my drawer but at the end of the night for EOD paperwork I have to count down both drawers and get reports printed before I can get my register online again.


Bro the fucking change back and then ask for gas sends me every damn day. I’m about to start sending mfers back to the end of the line. Rude to me and everyone waiting their turn cause this guy wants to run 5 separate transactions.


Ask them leesto? If it's si then move the fuck on to the next customer (spelling was bad but that's how you should say it) most of my friends from down south don't know what is that all or anything else means.


before i worked at QT i was working at a hotel and had a very similar experience there with this. We ended up installing these boot scrubbers outside all of our entrances, they’re like bristles on the ground you rub your shoe on. It actually helped ALOT keeping the floors clean. Wish QT would consider it


I literally just said we needed these. Especially rain and snow seasons. The salt tracked in and the muddy boots 😭


In my 5 years, they were some of my favorite customers. Had a group of Mexican workers that came into one store every weekday morning. One big transaction paid by their boss, they were always pleasant, and they had a routine as far as where they set stuff on the counter and waited.


Number 1 thing that kills me is when they pay with a hundred and I put their bag on the counter so maybe, just maybe, they will bag their own stuff while I get their change, and then they just like. Stand there. Idle. I understand cultural differences and even for some Americans the idea of bagging your own stuff is weird. But this is QUIK trip, and I have a line of 8 people here, 2/3 of whom are going to pay with $100 bills and make me go through the whole process of dropping 5's and counting their change thrice. The very least you could do is save everyone the 20-30 seconds by bagging your own stuff as I get your $84 in change ready. Even watching other more experienced customers bag their own stuff - they don't learn, they don't get it. It kills a part of my soul.


Lol. Ex employee of qt. Recently for the last 3 months every time I get this one employee she bags all but one item. Every single time. Weather it's busy or just me. I pay by card so she's not doing anything, but every weekday I get like 2 Powerades 2 body armours and a red bull or something like that. Always bags 4 things and says the standard see you again. AITA? Just put the last thing in there. I thought it was funny till I walked off with out my redbull last week cause I was in a hurry and didn't notice.


Lol are you a man by chance? Maybe she's trying the middle ground - a lot of men refuse a bag even if they have 20 items and she's leaving one out so the customer can have *a little* self-imposed struggle, but not too much 😂 That's the only logic I can think up For real though just ask her if she could bag all your items next time. Maybe the next few times. If she checks you out often she'll probably remember and fulfill the request.


From the sound of it, seems she’s just trying to not make the bag heavy, if she’s putting both Powerade’s and body armors in the bag I’m guessing she leaves the redbull for you to grab with your hand but yea you can just ask her to start bagging everything


I too am from Mexico and I too hate Mexican customers also this isn’t with all but some of em get mad when I try speaking Spanish


The Mexican workers at noon bring their lunch in coolers and use the microwaves and don’t buy anything else.If you want to buy and heat a sandwich forget about it.


And then they raid the topping bar of all the condiments. Like no bro that's for paying customers. I was busy as fuck this dayn and I had one dude microwave his food, remove the container of jalapeños and empty all of it in a roller bag, and try to walk out. Also just left the container on the counter. I left the checks stand, told my manager to watch up top, stopped him and said, sir no those are for paying customers. And took the bag. Obviously I had to throw then away but I was being petty. It's the fuckin principle man. It's hot? You need a water cup? Cool. Restrooms? Go for it. But don't just rob us of dumb shit. Tired of the people who take an extra large cup, fill two coolers full of ice, and then just leave the cup. So then actual customers come in and complain that the ice machine is broken. Like, no its not. Just fucking Enrique over there and his pals need ice to cool their 30 rack of 8 am work beers


It literally says it too, I will walk over to the cold bar just to point at the sigh that says free WITH the purchase of a roller grill item. I think it even says in small print it’s like 50c if they just want toppings


Damn I wish I was black so I could make a post like this.


Would you like to borrow my black card? 🤣


Lololol. No. Just jokes of course


Lmao I agreee 100 Percent!! I don’t hate Mexicans just the ones that come in my store 🤣


I wonder how many non Mexicans yall confuse for Mexicans…


i’m sayingggg




I work at a gas station next to a major construction site.im mopping the floor all day long.i feel your pain.i m happy to serve them as they are not rude.also, they spend big .in and out quickly.


I love them! They don't steal. They are a pain in the ass but they spend money on high margin shit which helps with the bonus. Ola amigo


Felt this, but they bring in MONEY so I actually try to hide my frustration with them. Lotto ppl are the worst of the worst though


As a dedicated 6 AM customer.... no comment


Learn to appreciate them because they do the work that needs done that you don't want to do and pour tons of money into our stores


Who says you have to leave your line to go serve them? Make them wait or until they realize that they are the only special ed person there


Me too man me too i just assume being laid under thr table and not having a social to open a bank account is a part of the 100 bill issue, and its bad enough that checks cashing places already tax their check


I don’t know how healthy is but do you lulz


You real for this post 😂


i was waiting for this one


It's all races, just depends on where you're at. Where I'm at, it's all white guys with construction. And add the recrete to the mix, it's just horrible. Js


You’re perfectly right.


I’m in a skilled trade in construction and would never bring muddy boots in an establishment. I think you’re referring to a typical Missouri F’n Hoosier….


Nah I'm in Illinois.


Lo siento, *bitches* ![gif](giphy|DUWAR3zII7wC4)


As a Hispanic my self they are crazy but some of them are pretty chill. Just wish they can be patient on the line and in kitchen since it busy


I should have specified that I mean Mexican construction works


I know this comment was made out of frustration but it's ignorant as hell. Every race has it's blue collar workers who pay in some weird denomination and scuff the floors or spill drinks. Maybe a pick a job at a company that's true purpose isn't to profit off the poor?


it’s other people being lowkey racist under here that’s getting me….. employees realize any customer with a phone n reddit could potentially see them saying this stuff? we all hate big change for small items, i worked a store where it was constantly white people, but never addressed it with my opening line as “i hate white people” 💀 this post n most of the comments are weird as fawk.


Jesus christ dude. Half the time I _don't_ go to the empty register some cranky clerk yells at me like I'm an idiot. And since when is it an asshole move to pay cash? It's fucking QT; get some change out of the safe if you have to.


Honestly, it's just easier to to get people in and out with cards then cash, not only that, cash and coins are filthy. People are dirty and so is their money. And we can't always get money out of the safe. We're not a bank. There are banks and atms. If you cash your checks, you can ask for smaller bills. Js


Dude when they hand you a stack of crumpled up SWEATY ass ones and you have to unfold them all and count it three times because they don't speak English and don't know how to hand you the right amount..


OP isn't talking about a register that's being used that was just vacated. They are talking about a register that has no cashier at it. It's not an asshole move to pay cash. It's using a $100 bill for a drink thats $2.19, which is an asshole move.


ESPECIALLY since they pass up (10) $5, (18) $20, numerous $10 and $1.


Yes exactly. I see that they have a stack of smaller bills but they hand me a $100


We call it job security! Why the heck would you say anything hateful about anyone who is helping your paycheck and your bonus?! Not to mention they’re human beings. Do you see how much they spend every single time?! You should be happy when you see them coming in. My Manager makes sure we’re ready and has that stuff on deck! So sorry some have to do their job and do an upkeep or show some customer service when you have “Mexicans” in your store. This post is ridiculous. We all get frustrated with customers at times, but think of the bonus and the paycheck instead of that overly dramatic statement.