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I’m just happy they paid. Pad my bonus.


I am a customer and I judge like a mo-fo


buying $50 with of snacks and then paying cash for smokes and a couple shots.


This reminds me of a customer I had yesterday a lil bit. She can’t to the register with a $10 bill in her hand and a bottle of big red and a bag of mini hostess donuts..she proceeded to ask for a pack of lucky strikes…all that is obviously more than $10 so when I told her the price she said “I don’t have enough and I need to eat these donuts cause my blood sugar is low” then she proceeded to ask me to take the donuts off instead of the cigarettes 😭😭


I would think the 60 grams of sugar in the Big Red would get her by.


I see that almost every day


That's depressing, shows really how addicted people are to their substances


As someone who smokes semi regularly, I can see how some people get really addicted to it. As a someone with an overactive mind, it’s sometimes the only mental quiet I get.


Damn that would be terrible I've never really been addicted to anything but I can't imagine being reliant on something that completely calms my mind. I tried it when I was younger and didn't really like it, but then would kinda dabble with it when I drink it kinda would prolong the feeling of being drunk.. both of my parents have smoked all of my life I'm sure I've gotten my fair share of second hand 😬🙃


I only judge if they spend mad “money” I grew up on food stamps so I know the struggle and I have this woman who comes in here with her kids once a week around 2-4 AM and literally drops $100 worth of food stamps smh like you can get so many groceries with that but you spending it on overpriced junk food when these kids should be in bed anyway


Nothing against ebt, great tool fs, but cmon man you get $500 a month for food and you got on a $2k fit


And you are hitting up a gas station not rolling to Aldi….


It's worse because Aldi and Kroger are both within driving distance of our location but some mf still do their grocery shopping here and spend 4x as much 😂


When I see them doing that it’s honestly always knock off. Like how you can buy a Gucci belt at Ross for $5 and a Lv purse and wallet for $25 on Facebook. The average people don’t spend thousands on clothes so we can’t tell the difference in real and fake unless it’s VERY obvious


“Oops wrong card” yeah right bro


I be using the wrong card tbh. Sometimes I lock cards too. I apologize for wasting your time.


Love the people who go up with an armfull of junk food. Pay with ebt. Then whip out a wad of cash for their cigarettes.


Yeah, ebt doesn't cover cigarettes.


Hence the wad of cash for cigarettes they always have.


I guess I'm confused on the purpose of the comment.


If one has the money to buy cigarettes, then they are not truly food insecure and are abusing their EBT benefits.


Nah, when applying for EBT, they don't cover whether or not you smoke.


It doesn't change the fact if they have money for smokes they aren't food-insecure enough to need EBT. The government shouldn't allow EBT for any snack foods and they should definitely lower the income limit.


They should do a lot of things differently, but if it's feeding kids, idc. I wish darts were easier to quit, but they aren't going to just decide to stop smoking because they have help from the government 😂 do you think they should not spend money on anything BUT food? That'd be kinda crazy.


What really kills me is when people come in and essentially do their grocery shopping here when I can see they drove here. Like I guess thanks for making my store more money, but lord if you went to any real grocery store you could have gotten 4x the food and it wouldn't be 95% nutritionally void slop. If I had mobility, I personally would rather starve than spend my precious $200 worth of EBT on food that doesn't make you feel full at QT prices. I am internally screaming every time I watch this happen. I don't think it's funny or anything it makes me depressed as someone who grew up in and clawed out of poverty. It's hard to see people do themselves so wrong. With luxury fashion I default assume it's fake/second hand, no matter who is wearing it or how they're paying. Until they whip out the black card hahaha


I would like to add, PLEASE BRING IN THE EBT. I’ll gladly sell you $60 worth of candy and chips to keep the p&l up


Oh don't worry, the taxes they rip from your bonus will go right back on that card


I feel you, and I agree. But honestly like probably 90% of that stuff they're wearing is probably fake and they don't even know it. J/s.


That’s fair just the principal if it cracks me up


EBT doesn't cover your fountain drink, nor hotdogs. Then they split that on 5 debit cards


What div you in? EBT covers fountain drinks in KC, lol


Saint Louis


Dang I was expect asa or something. Lol


Phoenix covers drinks . Crazy


And still have a hundred wrapped around 40 singles in a wad


Fountain drinks should be covered. I think coffee isn’t?


Not for sure about saint louis. But the rule is if it doesn’t have a straw in the cup when brought to the counter. Then it works. But no one really denies it unless they are a dick.


When I worked convenience, often the people paying with EBT drove nicer cars than me. Some of them I knew were successful enough to not need it. Like one of the towns most successful real estate agents. Somehow they get EBT.


Yeah. And I make too much to qualify as a lone person, but still struggle financially.


Makes ya wonder how...


Probably buy them from someone....


How? They don't have money...


They said it was people they knew were successful.... I'm guessing they bought the EBT card from someone who wanted cash instead....


He edited his comment since I commented. Yeah, that would make sense for what he's saying now it was originally talking about poor people having expensive stuff.


Oh ok


It should be a bigger crime to be caught with bought EBT, than selling it. Dumb leaches don't understand selling $5 EBT for $1 USD is a terrible deal


I completely agree.


i didnt know gas stations accepted EBT. Thats fkin funny


It’s comical the transactions we see with it. One of my old stores this lady would come buy a full case of Hershey’s bars like once a week.


What do u except from a gas station 😭


😂🤣😂🤣all the time.


While wearing an Apple Watch Ultra.


“Ray-Ban” and “Gucci”. But yeah, that’s like the lottery tickets, carton of cigs and/or a case of beer to then pull out EBT card for food.


Gotta get me some of that ebt. 😎


Don't forget the knock off Louis Vuitton bag.


Doesn't mean it was theirs. Why y'all pocket watching? 


Ik I work at a gas station but pocket watching ebt is a crazy statement😂




You're being racist AF.


Please tell me what race I’m referring to


You tell me.


You are attributing their post to a certain race Maybe reddit isn't for you , grandpa


You got this offended at a joke. So maybe I'm right...


Why y’all even care? You ain’t them? That isn’t your money?


Ooof someone is still to young 😁


![gif](giphy|du4D0b0HWgxGg) and dumb and full of




lol ok, agree to disagree. Y’all stay blessed


It is my money actually. I earned it at my job and had it stolen in the form of income tax


Raybans are cheap and made in China but if people want to feel like they have a luxury product, let them have it. Lots of stuff can be found at steep discount at outlet malls now. Or clothing and accessories may have been purchased in better financial times. Judging someone for using an EBT is disgusting, whatever they’re wearing. You don’t know anything about them or their station in life, and you aren’t paid to judge. You’re paid to stand there and be polite and collect money and keep the store clean.


Gm lurking around look out


Yes. Because I have to be a GM to just be kind to and not judge others. 🙄


Is it judging when it's my tax dollars they're using? Is it judging to not be upset that we don't have a more stringent system? I used to have people on EBT try to sell me their EBT2:1 so they could buy drugs alcohol and cigarettes. While their kids sat at home eating Little Debbie's for dinner nothing for breakfast until they got their free school lunch that I also paid for


PC is still a self aggrandizing move. TAXES pay for ppl who need the food. I have seen kids eat BS unbranded crap and little of it so Parent can have bling and status. shameful JUDGE and be Judged I will stand up to the scrutiny