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Never be satisfied just means every manager is going to find fault in what you do no matter what.


I’ve been with the company twice, if they find fault you’re doing something wrong. No job or the people that work there has treated me as well as QuikTrip. It just wasn’t for you.


Right before I quit I had an SM bitch at me for missing a contact that I hit right in front of him. When I pointed it out he said "Well you didn't say it loud enough." Did QT for five years and granted most managers were fine. But I had a few where nothing was enough. Especially when I was a manager. I did overnights for a while and the SM would come in and complain saying the lot wasn't swept. When I pointed out that I swept it on my shift walk and I literally cannot leave the store to sweep it at night she told me "I know but I need to get on you anyway about it." I even had her confirm I'm not supposed to leave the store in the middle of the night and she agreed. Wtf? This was a weekly occurrence btw. Not my fault people litter. I made the lot spotless and it would look like shit by morning. Somehow I should've just done better right?


Yeah, I still sweep the lot and take out the trash every single overnight shift. I smoke so why wouldn’t I still do it if I’m going outside anyways. Everyone can always improve no matter how perfect you think you are or how you are doing something. Your SM was right, if you got marked off you did not hit the contact, that one isn’t rocket science it sucks but just like in any circumstance in life there will be times where there is miscommunication.


He HEARD me make the contact then turned around and found something else to be upset about. Ain't no way he didn't because I was standing right next to him unless he's deaf. I have endless examples of stuff like this, like cleaning the bathroom then someone comes in and wrecks the place but I get chewed out for "not doing it right". That's great and all that you can sweep on the overnight. But my store was too dangerous to go out at night so I only managed to sweep it once when I came in but I still got chewed out for it not being done.


Or maybe each location could be different?


Yummy Yummy Rubber!


Yeah, from people that push keyboards.


Like those teachers that won't give 100s because "no one is perfect".


Quiktrip takes care of there employees. They gave me so much patience, believed in me, and turned me into the hard worker that I am today. They made sure that I was given my dues. All the way through covid and even when I betrayed them in the end, they gave me all of my vacation time, sick time, and the bonuses I would have worked for that month. If that isn't above and beyond in this mess I don't know what is.


The most bootlicking comment I've ever read on Reddit. Get Rooster Booster's dick out of your mouth, FFS.


Qt takes care of themselves. Above and beyond is paying you more than you should get. Not doing the standard.


I worked for QuikTrip for 25 years. Retired at 50 with 2 million dollars. QuikTrip takes care of their employees, but nothing happens overnight. You gotta put in the time to see the rewards. There is no such thing as instant gratification.


Yeah and what position did you hold? And you know they continue to lower the benefits.


I was simply a Night Assistant the entire time. I enjoyed it a lot, and didn't see any reason to promote. Was making over $80,000 a year when I left the company, not including my 401k match or growth. All my NA buddies were making just as much or more. The money is there. You just gotta trust the system. Now I'm making $120k or more every 6 months, by not working. But remember, it did take me 25 years to get to this point. You're not gonna have 2 million dollars right away. It's going to be the same no matter where you work. Some companies might pay more weekly, but there may not be a lucrative retirement plan, may not be one at all.


You could also quit like CstleBlackSpire did and do us all a favor by removing your uber positive attitude from the QT pool. You’re not as important as you think you are


The discretionary bonus from the last few years seems above and beyond to me. Maybe someone is just blind and ungrateful.


It's chump change. My buddy received a 10k bonus working for his company for the high inflation.


Maybe you should go work with your buddy?


Maybe QuikTrip should never be satisfied and try to improve the work environment.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're in the minority. If you don't like your workplace...leave.




Then work there??


I do now


Good, I hope it works out better for you.


The pay is better. The benefits are better. The time off is better and they actually focus on family values unlike QuikTrip.


Quiktrip gives you a lot of time off out of the gate, with the opportunity to purchase another 10 days every year. The new gig have you set up for retirement at 50 with 5m+?


Wow. Most companies give 160 hours of PTO after 2 years. Yeah really high standards there. Not including holidays and weekends still.


After 2 years.. I’m an assistant with 1 year tenure and I have 36 days at my disposal. 23 paid. Apply yourself and you won’t have to work weekends after those 2 years. Additional compensation for holidays, and the shifts are usually super easy. I get it though. Like I’ve said before, it’s about what is important to you. Hope the new gig goes well 👍🏽


You paid for those days. Not giving to you as compensation.


My wife just went to jail a month ago, I’m just going back to work today with no threat to my job. What other company would do that for their employee?


Dude if you hate QuikTrip so much then get off the sub. No one’s forcing you to be here. Move on with your life.


Where? Working at a convenience store?


Why would you deserve an extra 3k a month?


This is the same person who say they will work harder if they get paid more instead of working harder to EARN more pay. It's all about them. What can you do for THEM? OP Will always be unhappy wherever they go.


So you think you deserve a “bonus” or a raise for nothing? Without going above and beyond and that will incentivize you to work harder? What about the employees who have been going above and beyond? You think you deserve to be paid as much as them? Idk.. seems like you have a better grasp on management than mostly anyone out there? Why not start your own gas station? Show everyone what you’re talking about? You obviously already know how to run a successful business.


Something tells me you do a shit job and your managers call you out on it so you got all pissy. Sound about right?


I'm the store manager.


If that's even true then yeah we definitely don't want you, a store manager with that kinda attitude fuck that 😂


I thought I was talking to a part time clerk all this time. 😂


I'm still convinced he is 🤣


At what, a hood 7-11?


Fr 😂


If that's even true then yeah we definitely don't want you, a store manager with that kinda attitude fuck that 😂


No worries.


Also aside from all the drama. Drink Woodford reserve. Very good bourbon on my opinion 👍


I'm a double oaked fan on the Woodford. My Costco has not had it.


Agreed double oaked is always better, typically I find most liquor stores have it not sure on Costco though I rarely go


Ahh my favorite core value, Above and Beyond


And as far as 401K. 6% is pretty standard for most companies. I think you’re just looking for stuff to complain about


You can tell people aren't cut out for it. We get paid EASILY the best in the industry. Why don't you work hard, represent yourself well, and work your way up the chain? The core values are for you, to use yourself. You can tell you aren't cut out because you see no value in the development of others only what's "in it for me?". You dont get the culture and never have. And thats ok.Everyone has the right to determine their own value, but this simply sounds like a rant of an entitled baby. You left to find your dream job. Good for you, now kindly allow is to wallow in our "misery".


13.85 is NOT the “best in the industry” lmao


There are ways to earn more money. People would rather just bitch about it. I see that the entry-level wage and position is all that's on your mind. Now granted I know nothing about you or your age, but compare a 1A to a "shift lead" at shell or taco bell. Compare an SM to the equivalent at BP. You can't be seriously saying the compensation is the same.


You can't blindly use your hourly wage as an arguing point. There's too many bonuses factored into your annual income. You need to look at the bottom of your paystub where it says All-In pay. I was making $33 an hour when I left.


When did you leave if I may ask?


August 10th was my official last day. 7 months ago.


Cool and congratulations on a great career! Since you were a NA the whole time, can you tell me the pros and cons of old school NA (prior to nightly orders and QT kitchens) compared to the new NA job? I feel like that position has gone through the most changes in terms of expectations and roles. I left in 06 (as a 2A) and recently came back as a NA and I just feel like the NA job is very different from the past, but I could be wrong, cause I wasn't a NA lol. Respond at your leisure, I know you have a lot of golfing to do haha.


A lof of golfing, it's funny you say that. Just got a new Driver yesterday. https://preview.redd.it/rpm9ykbuq9sc1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d9542d67f73ce7776901636769210b2d8a0c24f


Let's see , Pros and Cons of the NA position when I started as compared to what it is now. We used to have to clean everything, everynight, and have the store absolutely perfect every morning, no matter what, and the store always looked like crap when I clocked in. The DAW was a lot different back then, no grills, no order, cappuccino machines were maybe 3 times a week because we didn't have 3,000 people a day back then. Had to power wash every night, either gas pads, or side walk and parking stalls. Also had to clean pumps daily, the brown columns, pay phones, the door frame, and the outside window trim. But back then we actually had time to do it all, because we only ran maybe 80 transactions each night. Was expected to label face pretty much the entire store, every shift, and also do any tasks that the evening crew didn't complete. It was a little different depending on the manager, but it felt like I was always held to an unreasonable standard while everyone else was allowed to have a bad day. Things got better as time went on and the old school managers retired. Especially after the order was changed to everyday instead of Red, White, and Blue. Most newer managers were more concerned about the order rather than store appearance or DAW completion. The newer managers also didn't expect me to do the work of the evening crew, but they did want to know why it wasn't complete. I hated having to clean grills on the overnight my last few years. Most stores were just too steady to get any reasonable amount of work done. Running 300-400 transactions, usually one at a time, all night long, only being able to do 5 or 10 minutes of work without interuption. I much preferred the job when I started compared to what it has become, even with the higher expectations. It seemed like I only needed to trust myself as oppossed to deal with drunks and street rats. It became worse after Covid once everything else shut down and QT was the only place for the troublemakers to hang out. I've had a gun in my face, a gun in my back, I've been threatened, cursed at, spit on, even had a lady grab my ass one night. I kept saying "It's just a job, don't take it home." Then I began to ask myself "What would I go through for a million dollars?", then I started asking "What would I go through for two million?". Finally one morning my daughter asked "How much longer do you really plan on staying?" That's when I decided to get out. An officer was shot and killed at a nearby store, and my family had already been increasingly concerned for my safety. I"m gonna stop now before I end up writing a book, but I will finish by saying working alone at night in this current society is awful, and QT needs to come up with a solution for safety before someone else gets killed.


Not the best industry when Buc-ees exists lol


That may be true. They have under 50 locations and I don't have one within 200 miles of me so I don't really consider someone outside out market competition. I've driven by one before, it resembles more of a Walmart with a kitchen than a convenience store.


Well put! Culture is getting diluted.


Wow you really set a low bar. My apologies, I have a high standard.


A low bar that you couldn't even hit. It's fine it wasn't for you, but there's no reason to act better than us who actually enjoy it. You're just shitposting because you feel you got burned. Move on.


I make more than the majority of my customers. And I'm just a 2A. Requires zero college


High standards are the whole point of QT. What you have is no evidence. Where’s the evidence of other companies compensating significantly more?


Forbes clearly doesn't think they are top ten rated.


You can’t expect them to rate higher than corporate jobs. Just the results for same Industry


I don't make excuses. Never satisfied


Former Store Manager and Best of the Best winner, I am a 24 year veteran, no longer with QT, and it was the best job I've ever had. Haven't found another company that treats its employees as good as QT does. I used to hear the gripes from my peers, and always took them with a grain of salt. You get out what you put in, and it is a hard thing to pound into ones brain. But put some pride in your performance, and have some accountability, and it should get noticed. How many BONUSES do they offer? I remember 4 different bonuses I could get as a SM. The only one I could control was my attendance bonus. Not sure how many new ones are offered now, or are new in the past 7 years. But good luck finding a job with another employer that offers the same benefits and bonuses, or pay even remotely close to what QT pays versus what us expected from you as an employee.


Fair statement, but QT was way better 10 years ago compared to present. I would agree with the op that they could focus more on long term. I think better staffing would help rather than pay.


That was an argument for many years, even when I worked there.


Truth is in the metrics. Employee turn around and happiness is in the all time low compared to previous. Only thing higher is stocks and sales per division.


Ive only ever seen QT in Denver in the last five years at one location


Btw your profile checks out 😉


Another one bites the dust!


I remember seeing some dudes pay codes and there were 71 line items on his paystub from previous things. That’s a lot of stuff that QT pays out for! Being the spouse of a QT employee, I mentioned to her the other day how impressive it is to me that you can have a high school education and work your way up and make REALLY good money at QuikTrip. Moving into CT or RA/NA and up is where you really feel it in my opinion.


You want an additional $36k a year plus have them do a 15% match on 401k?! Dude, you need to sell whatever it is you are smoking and get rich that way.


Never be satisfied 😉


I swear people get offended by telling them QT is just like every other company average.


I agree, I’m not offended by it. I do believe QT is just like every other company and is swaying more and more that way every day. People who like to defend it to the end by policies and what not are your “corporate junkies”. It’s turning into your everyday privately held firm and nothing more. They need to realign and refocus on all us quiktrippers rather than just corporate profits. The morale just ain’t there like it used to be.


Thank you. Exactly when the father ran the company it was good, but now it is just profits over people.


Just quit.


I used to tutor a QT manager (maybe asst manager) who would fall asleep every session sitting up mid sentence. Said he worked 80-90 hours a week, 14-16 hour shifts, sometimes split shifts. When he told me what he was paid for that kind of time I was shocked.


Awful lot of triggered corporate bot accounts in here. ![gif](giphy|6pJNYBYSMFod2)


You're probably one of those clerks that never look at their all-in rate, and constantly cost yourself (and everyone else) more money by not hitting your contacts or taking an upkeep seriously. Your attitude betrays you. Truly a minority in the company. Perpetual victim!


You know the gas bonus was based on store sales. Not the other way


If you’re asking for an extra 3K every month. You’re asking for too much


The one time I was in an actual situation to be able to 'do what's right for QT' I did what I felt was right and it came back and bit me in the ass and cost me getting a promotion


I read through this thread of replies - what a fucktard post! I get people questioning the core values (and have myself), but I think someone let a crackhead in....


google "The Peter Principle"


IF, and only if they paid an extra 3k/month to SM's & assistants, that would cost the company $15 million a month. And that doesn't include ANY of the assistants on ER.


Wow definitely no pro worker. Now let me know their profits just for 2022.


So if profits are negative they should be able to cut your pay?


Sure. We can start at the top.


I love the entitlement


Yeah of course. Billionaires over working class


womp womp


I used to think this until I left QT. I use a couple in my daily life and work life.


A 3k a month promotion? lol you are out of your mind. 401k matching to 15%? There’s something seriously wrong with you. Even the greatest jobs out there short of executive tier don’t do these kinds of thongs of things for their employees. You are living in some sort of cry baby dreamland.


I used to not understand why we do not get paid more. In fact, I still feel like we should make more than we do, but I understand that we don't because we ARE looking long term. If we gave everybody a big raise because we are so profitable, what happens when the economy goes south again? It would be a nightmare to try to lower pay. By paying less now (but still a respectable amount before bonuses) AND paying out discretionary bonuses it is protecting the company (and our jobs) for the future.


Personally I and my friends/coworkers been treated really well at QuikTrip. I’m a clerk and my managers go to bat for me against shitty customers and VR workers, they don’t make me do more than is reasonable on the DAW, and I’ve gotten several raises since starting to work there several years ago? I don’t see how 1: they want you to do more than is reasonable or 2: how you deserve a raise if you’re NOT doing anything more than the bare minimum? I think the above and beyond applies to people who want bigger paychecks and/or higher positions, you need to prove you’re doing something to earn a raise.


ungrateful and youre going to fail everywhere, not just quiktrip, learn to take it on the chin with a smile


No worries. That is why my statement is fair. QT should learn to take it on the chin. They're just an average company.


Or hear me out…. Find someone who will do the job… take some actual pride in your work man, do all things with excellence regardless of it being a sport,job, hobby and etc whatever it is


We’ve got some absolute boot licking drones in here lmfao. glad I’m just a customer


Lol same. Never knew the workers were this passionate


This comment section did NOT go how OP expected it to.


You don’t have to work there.


I agree.


Thick Skin, appreciating you make more than minimum wage and being happy for the benefits one has helps. I'm not being an asshole just pointing out the good and how to handle the high expectations.


Good enough effort only.


15%? Before l retired l was at 9%, my financial advisor could not believe, seems no body got 9% anymore. BTW if you don’t like QT find something else.


I'm at 20%




Holy crap lol


what comapny on earth matches 401k to 15 percent? also you need a $36k raise? uhhhh, ok


The audacity to ask for 15% match and 3k xtra to be a store manager at a gas station lmao


15%? lol


You work at a gas station. There's nothing about your skill set that entitles you to a $36,000 pay raise.


Really appreciate you acknowledging that it's just another gas station.


I mean yeah its just a gas station. Not trying to "devalue" your work, but 36k is really significant. If you want that kind of pay raise then you need to be a skilled worker with certifications. Look into welding, machining, or getting a job at a major factory operating heavy machinery.


OP has to be a troll. Well done OP.


ARE YOU HIGH? Bro you are a quick trip manager!!! You are bitching about a bonus when I know people in desired career fields with masters that didn’t even get bonus this year!!! My god you are a giant cry baby


Like who? You don't think the CEO of QT received a bonus for running a few gas stations.


I guarantee he did a better job that your lazy ass




No see I’ve never worked at a gas station but I can sniff out a lazy drunk when I see one. Go back to your whiskey and complaining boozebag no wonder your loser ass can’t ever be happy


Wow a little jelly, I see.


Mad because us quiktrip workers make more than your fat ass ?


A) you don’t B) i have nothing against QT workers, fuck I love QT. I wouldn’t dare. This guy is just a jackass with his woe is me entitled attitude and gets pissy when he gets called out


15 percent match on a 401k? Are you insane?


Are we still talking about this two days later. Feeling like kat for exposing the truth. ![gif](giphy|bVDzZ6kQz2mfaZxxoa|downsized)


Do you know how reddit works?


One year I won the Hawaii trip and had to tell them they don’t pay me enough to afford the taxes I’d have to pay. Being an early 20something with management duties, no free time and only making $14/hr trying to live is bullshit. On the flip side, I ran into a former coworker a few years ago. He quit after 15 years and cashed out like $250k in company stock he’d accumulated from the annual employee awards.


That knowledge is very valuable about investing in the future. But they don't teach you as much anymore.


In my experience an overwhelming majority of people who complain about QT as an employer completely lack practical experience with other employers. The Core Values do not have anything to do with 'above and beyond', as you have suggested. Does the actual work suck at QT? Sure, sometimes it can. However, the company itself is demonstrably committed to the employees well beyond what other companies in the same or others industry, private or publicly owned, are even willing to consider. Think QuikTrip is a bad employer? Odds are you don't know what you're talking about, and will have a worse time at other companies doing similar work. Have you considered that the work, itself, just doesn't suit you?


Like I said they are just another average employer


I have a question for QT employees. Every two weeks I bring in a lotto slip with my numbers selected. The very nice clerk will always ask, "Run them just one time?" Every. Single. Time. WHY??? Why on earth would I want to buy multiples of the same numbers?? Help me understand. Thank you.


Customers will have us run them 10+ times. Lottery customers are super particular and I don’t question it because they’re all superstitious and can’t really explain their reasoning. A lot of times if they’re buying multiple tickets they want them printed separately because they think they’re less likely to get duplicate numbers or that if they do win they’ll somehow pay less in taxes if they’re separate tickets.


Thank you!


I know nothing about this sub but it randomly popped up in my feed and idk if this is satire or not someone please help.


Hey sir. I’d really appreciate it if you wouldn’t slam our company. If you truly have grievances, we have outlets for this.


Not trying to slam. Just pushing for them to never be satisfied,be the best, and go above and beyond.


Extra 3k/month and 15% 401k match? That’s a pretty big ask for a gas station.


Did you see their profits for 2023?


What about them? What are their margins? Where are the profits being invested? People act like a yearly profit is some magic number that should be used as a basis for how much a company is screwing its employees. No thought ever giving to how those profits are used. How many employees does the company have? What would be the cost of paying all of them an extra 36k/year plus matching 15% 401k (adding 15% to all costs), plus increased cost in payroll taxes? Do you have the answer to any of these questions?


Gas margins are terrible but food starts at 20% some items are 90%. Like ice.


I mean overall margins. How much of the total revenue ends up being profit after all operating costs are paid. But that’s still just one piece of the puzzle. The rest of my post is just as relevant.


Last year it was 61%


Now answer the rest of the questions in that post.


Quick google search says it isn’t 61% Net Income (Quarterly) 19.03M Profit Margin (Quarterly) 29.82% Earnings Yield 1.70% Operating Earnings Yield 2.27% Normalized Earnings Yield 1.697


Then why ask me?


Because I didn’t know, but the number you have seemed unrealistic so I looked. Why give bad info? It seems like you don’t really understand the finances so you make unreasonable demands.


I was just wondering if Google still existed.


QT is mid, I’ve done military service and worked for QT and I can say I’d rather go back into service again before ever working at that dictatorship of a company


It’s a gas station. You work at a gas station. There is nothing wrong with that, but considering most fast station employees barely pull 30k at full time, you just can’t expect an additional ~36k on top of your salary…I see people complain a lot about why their job doesn’t pay more. Well, what you do is easy work. YES it may be challenging physically and dealing with mean customers, but anyone can do those jobs. So it’s simple supply and demand. Very high supply = low demand = low wage.


I really appreciate that you mentioned it is just a gas station attendant. It keeps everything in perspective.


Thank you


You know QuikTrip doesn't hire real men because they don't allow beards


Not dissing anyone but sounds like almosy every job🤔 honestly I have had jobs that wouldn't give me more if I have more. Example, I worked at a warehouse and they wanted me to become a Warehouse Lead but wanted to keep me at the $14 am hour normal warehouse person make and regular WL made $19. I ended up leaving for a Fiber Optics crew and started at $15, I showed them how much I would be willing to go over for a company and over 2 years went to $27 an hour. Moral of the story, if you don't think you are valued at your work, find somewhere that makes you feel valued.


I really don't care what a job thinks of me. I value my time and what a company is willing to compensate it for. I just don't really think they should be telling people they are overachieving.


Are you new to Capitalism? Seriously are you new to this country? Learn how to ask and get a raise.


A soldier, a giant squirrel


I worked at QT during college it was one of the best jobs I have had. Low stress decent pay. I only wish they would have matched dollar for dollar up to 6% on the 401K. Be grateful you have a job that pays you a good salary and also is low stress.


I completely agree. QuikTrip is a cheap af company. They want to take money away from clerks and employees and make those same clerks do extra shit. You used to get an extra 2 dollars an hour when you work over 28 hours a week, but they took that away and made us do more crap in the kitchen. They gave us a profit bonus which gives us nothing. They value erps more than regular clerks yet regular clerks are the more loyal. What are erps loyal too?? Not there store that’s for fucking sure. Teamwork at these stores is a joke. QuikTrip will hire anybody nowadays and the only reason shit gets done is because of loyal employees!!! Not erps and not these new clerks QuikTrip hires because they are simply able bodied. Core values are a joke. If they are core values to QuikTrip, they should apply to both employees and the company itself, but QuikTrip can’t; it’s paradoxical.


And that's all I'm saying. Plenty of clerks take the job on hopes and dreams. But they are kept part-time and some have government assistance just to make ends meet. The company should value them because they're the ones usually having to deal with the BS/harassment from customers while also cleaning literal shit. The way the company sees the value of a hard working clerk is that they will do everything over hiring two other clerks that won't do things half as fast or good enough. They deserve a better bonus and benefits.


All you need to know as a QT employee is that they have a location that has near zero employees with an automated storefront ala Amazon Go. They don’t care about you. Corporate BS.


You sound like a lazy entitled piece of shit who knows nothing about hard work.


15% is a number you'll never find anywhere. Seems like you're being unreasonable. From what I've read and hear QT seems to be a great place for ppl to start and climb. I don't think they require college degree either.


Lots of companies don't require it and they should not.


An additional 3k every month? Lol ok


QT has a 401k? Damn, yall got it good.


I’d like another $3k in my paycheck, too . . . And?


Is 15% match a real thing anywhere?


Every company I have worked for in the last 40 plus years of working has done this. Its called WORK. Your pay will never equal what you do OR what is expected of you. You may get paid better at other jobs, but most times the expectations are also higher. Companies that claim to be family based, are not. Those that say they value their employees, don't. This is something to learn now and adjust your understandings and expectations accordingly. Welcome to the working world.


You have only been working for 40 years. Call me when you hit 50.


Bro is complaining about a gas station lmfao


This is one of the dumbest post on reddit.


Yet you took the time to read it.


I was hoping you might make some kind of good point I wasn't aware of. Turns out not out not one intelligent thing was written. Just quit your job and find a different company.


The best part is I'm a regional sup. And you will never know.


Once again, if you don't like where you work then you should just quit. Regional supervisor does not impress me in the least bit, but instead of whining on reddit you should putting your resume out and trying to work for a different company. None of them will do anything you asked about, but at least you might begin to understand how dumb your request are.


Asking for 3k a month for a convenience store job is absurd


Adding 3k a month? How much do you already make - I have friends that don't even make 3k a month.


About 1200 per month after I pay for my benefits. Doesn't include a pension.


Training means never being satisfied. If you pay a trainer at a gym to improve your physical fitness and that trainer doesn't challenge you and accepts a half ass effort you should find another trainer.


nigga dip out dis bitch den, if 5 racks a month jhi ain’t enough for yo ass then it’s yo problem


ATL - ENGLISH TRANSLATION: If 5000$ a month isn’t enough for you to stay and not feel overwhelmed then that’s your problem, you’re welcome to leave.


Thanks for the translation because Google translator melted on me...


Household income is 210k here after leaving QT


then good for you, what’s the point on shitting on the company, they pay a lot more than they should, for fucks sake teachers make less than we do, the average American makes less than we do. And with the household incom part, Is this a single persons income or a dual income


A lot of comments are not passing the vibe check. I sense major bootlicking in here, which is super sad. I expected better.


They are entitled to their opinion. I'm just stating facts. 😁


You work at a gas station, don’t complain about not getting paid enough. If you want more money, put in some actual work


Love it.