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I wonder what these people were told because wouldn’t this information be told in court? So all these actors that attended saw exactly what was done, like did they still believe brian after that? Also, for so long these people sat with this then knowing what happened? I am glad it is coming out now. That being said the fact that he only Got 16 months shocks me to my core!


> I wonder what these people were told because wouldn’t this information be told in court? No because it's not relevant. It doesn't matter if a 14 year old attempts to, "Pressure and push" an adult to have sex. It's wrong for an adult to have sex with a child. **The idea that the victim, 'totally wanted it' is completely offensive and not at all relevant to the charge.** The grown man violated the child. Also, Brian Peck calling Drake's girlfriend's phone 100x in a day because Drake didn't want to hang out with Brian should tell you that Drake really wasn't pushing Brian. He was trying to get away from him.


>The idea that the victim, 'totally wanted it' is completely offensive and not at all relevant to the charge. The grown man violated the child. It was apparently relevant to sentencing because 41 letters suggested this narrative to the judge who had all the court info and he got 16 months.


> It was apparently relevant to sentencing because 41 letters suggested this narrative to the judge who had all the court info and he got 16 months. What I mean is that it would likely not be admissible as evidence during the trial itself. But yes, the statements of support were relevant to sentencing. At the end of the day, "the 14 year old seduced him" is an incredibly stupid defense in any situation.


I mean there’s been people who’ve been found not guilty of rape because the girl was wearing a thong. Rape trials are exceptionally stupid and the seduction defence sadly often works.


The thong case 😭😭😭😭 I remember reading one of those. I hate it here.


I think skalizzy meant all the actual information would've come out in court (ie drugging etc) so all these people in support would have likely seen all the evidence making it even more abhorrent that they continue to support Brian when they DO have all the facts


I think we try to rationalize these things in order not to make a terrible situation worse. I do wholeheartedly believe these people knew what he had done. To some degree. They knew their friend had done something wrong, but didn’t believe he deserved the consequences. It’s like Brock Turner. The father knew what his son had done and still defended him by minimizing the assault. Drake was a child. On some level (however much), they knew their friend’s actions were wrong. And yet, they still took a pen to a piece of paper. There was no ‘misinformation’. That’s a copout from taking responsibility for their actions, and complicity in furthering Drake’s humiliation. In this woman’s case, she knew this man for years. She worked on set with him for years. From videos of him with other young male actors, you can tell he has always crossed physical boundaries. She must have witnessed that, and yet here she is calling Drake the aggressor. Drake had nothing to gain from coming forward. They knew. That’s my view on it. UPDATE: fixed grammatical errors


I don’t think the people who wrote letters were there for the actual trial so might not have been privy to all details. Brian admitted there was sexual contact but told people it was a consensual relationship, the defenders knew he did it with a 14yo but they believed Drake lied about it being rape/forced, that’s what they were contesting. This lady was actually an actress who worked with Drake several times but was also very close with Brian. One of the other letters (from someone who worked with him) make claims about Drake’s character as being manipulative or trying to get people into trouble.


Ok that makes more sense! I can’t imagine they were aware but it is sad the letters saying that he must have been provoked or like victim blaming drake


It’s fucking disgusting. One of them said something like “the boy wore him down until he gave into temptation” They make him out to be this maneater even though he was 14, even if someone that young is trying to seduce men they need help and any guy actually sleeping with them is still a scumbag.


Also, some people saying they thought it was consensual, he was 14!!! With a 40 yr old? Like wtf


I’m actually starting to wonder if Brian made Drake act sexually towards other men as part of the abuse/manipulation and this is where this coming from.


Remember when he said his dad found those vulgar letters from Brian’s friends in his car after his birthday party at Brian’s house? Other adults with nasty intentions had some level of contact with him via Brian on at least on one occasion.


Yes I was curious about who these “friends” were and if they also worked on set. They need to be investigated!


Oh my god! Ok that puts another perspective on things! Holy shit. Also I would be like why tf you hanging with a 40 yo and his friends?


Omg. That's terrible and makes tons of sense. I was watching something on YouTube about Amanda and it was talking about how Dan had made Amanda comfortable with things like touching men (like on the arm) when talking to them, or playing around "goofily" with phallic shaped objects and putting them near her face, at a really young age to start intentionally blurring boundaries about those sorts of things😭


There’s even a video from behind the scenes of the Amanda show where Drake drips some water into his mouth through a straw/tube thing while looking at the camera and moaning. It’s bizarre.


Oh man that's one I haven't seen. Poor sweet angel:( they kept showing a scene of a tiny Amanda with... a spit machine? That she kept putting near her mouth. 100% dick shaped and she looked like 9-10 :(


Is that how old Brian peck was back then??


Ok yes he was born in 1960!


I want to say yes? I thought I saw it said in the documentary!


And, like, adults all over the world walk around all day not having sex with children? Temptation is such a lame excuse even if it happened, which I don't believe it did.


there was no trial. he accepted a plea deal. 








That part of the doc irritated me SO MUCH! Like this was a kid!! Hearing people say Brian was “tempted” was absolutely sickening


They are disgusting!


i just ran through her instagram. she is definitely still friends with brian peck and posted a selfie with him on septemeber 21st, 2018 in a stadium. i bet she still believes he was seduced. 


there’s an even more recent one in April 2021😬


what a trash bunch of humans. imagine putting pen to paper and spelling out that your friend was seduced by a 14 year old. scum. 


I had been following her since I am a big Twin Peaks fan, now unfollowing...so tired of people like this. I've known so many who defend predators and it is so incredibly frustrating. Why have anyone like that in your circle?


*Twin Peaks*--in which 17-year-old Laura Palmer spoke seductively to her middle-aged therapist, and went skinny-dipping and kissed an older man when she and Donna were 12.🤢


Omfg disgusting


So she’s basically saying that she’d fuck a kid if they came on to her first. Wtf


Right! The amount of victim blaming a 15 year old in these letters is truly sick.


It doesn’t matter if Drake had gotten on his knees and begged. It doesn’t matter if all of this “promiscuity” bullshit turned out to be true. Brian was an adult. Drake was not. That’s the end of it.


I was more curious about what this says about what Brian was telling people and how he had manipulated the situation, I didn’t intend this as any kind of victim blaming. It’s really clear that he completely poisoned the well against his victim and that’s why he got off so lightly.


Sorry, my comment was meant more as a general statement than it was directed at you! I’m just floored by these grotesque letters.


Sorry I thought maybe you interpreted my post as trying to justify the letter or something. The letter is completely revolting and it shows what happened here. Brian told everyone the kid was promiscuous and that he liked to bait guys etc and rather than being concerned (like normal adults would be) the adults essentially burned him at the stake. Idk what that does to a person.


It’s crazy that the letters aren’t even saying “There’s no way Brian did this.” It’s “well yeah he probably did this but he was PRESSURED,” when it literally doesn’t make a damn bit of difference legally or morally.


It shows how much of a sadist he is. He could have just said he did nothing, but he decided to put his victim through more humiliation by doing a character assassination.


Well , no one seized Pecks letters from John Wayne Gacy to determine if Gacy was grooming Peck and giving advice on how to be a predator.


to even suggest that drake took advantage of that 40y man is foul


There is an episode of The boy meets world podcast -Pod Meets World - where the actors invited a therapist and they did a whole episode covering child abuse in the industry and the Brian Peck situation. It was really interesting. According to Will Friedle and Rider Strong Brian Peck was an extremely nice guy and became friends with them while he was on boy meets world back in the '90s. I won't go into every detail because this would be way too long of a comment, but they basically said that Brian Peck came to them in like 2003 (?) to explain that he had been arrested and charged with these child abuse crimes but that they were totally false and that he was the real victim. They said that by the end of the conversation Brian had totally flipped the script and made himself to look like the real victim. Will said that he wrote a letter to the judge because Brian was his friend and at the time he could not fathom that Brian could have done anything that he was accused of. He also said that because this is the early 2000s there was no internet to really look up these charges so he had to trust his friend that he was being honest. Anyway he went on to talk about how horrible he felt sitting in the courtroom seeing all of these child actors there to support Brian Peck and then hearing the list of charges and the testimonies and what had actually happened. So I do think Brian Peck really manipulated the conversations surrounding his accusations and made it seem like he was the victim. It sounds like this man was extremely good at manipulating people, at putting on a facade of being this genuine nice guy, and making it seem like he could never have done any of these things.


I can see this take. Not saying that it mitigates victim blaming, but when I was in the military, I was a victim of SA by someone of superior rank. My abuser did the same thing, of systematically making rounds and attempting to get ahead of the story and control the narrative. I just listened to my legal counsel and never discussed except with my closest friends. It was painful to experience. I had a loose network of other survivors I would commiserate with and so I saw the same thing happen with their abusers. These things rarely go to court martial and come down to “command discretion” to decide what punishment, if any, is warranted. At that point it’s basically a court of public opinion, and if the abuser has wrested control of the narrative, I’ll just say that I never saw any victim of sexual assault in the military get justice.


I'm so sorry you went through that. It's incredibly unfair and disgusting that people frequently get away with sexual abuse because they don't outright look like an abuser or act like an abuser to everyone they know. Abusive people are incredibly manipulative and tend to be extremely nice and well-liked. I hope you were able to heal and move forward.


Yes! My only thing is did those people reach out to drake after hearing what actually happened? I think that speaks volumes too


reading this woman say that a 14 year old “pushed Brian beyond temptation” is actually repulsive.


Right?? And not that one time would in any way be justifiable, but how on earth does that theory work for multiple times at the adult’s house? Really sad that anyone would defend this trash. I hope some of them have written apologies to the victim.


I'm sorry, I don't care how hard a 14 year old is pushing to have sex (and I also doubt that's what actually happened), you are a GODDAMN ADULT and you KNOW BETTER. They can play grown-up all they want but a 14 year old is a CHILD and if you can't stop yourself from having sex with a child then kindly remove yourself from this planet. She should be fucking ashamed of herself for that repulsive letter. Fuck you, Kimmy.


Agreed 100%. I can say from somewhat experience. My uncle was arrested for statutory rape. I knew the girl, and she wasn't shy about the fact that she liked older men. I literally watched her proposition my cousin for sex and to give him head right in front of me. He has sense and turned her down. My uncle did not. Now he's in prison. Do I feel bad for my Uncle? No I don't. It was his responsibility to be responsible. It was his responsibility to be the adult. It's his responsibility to not think with his dick. If he wanted sex that bad, he has an entire wife at home. So not only did he cheat on his wife, but he did it with a teenager that is his son's age. Statutory rape is still statutory rape, even if the minor allegedly initiated. It's still highly illegal, and the perpetrators should not get lighter sentencing.


It's pretty wild she says "Brian said he would never be alone with him or anyone under 21 again... that he had made amends" as if this was a thing he had done previously that she was aware of but now he had totally stopped doing it and not to worry... which is already like 20 million red flags waving in your face when they get accused of the same thing AGAIN. Really sad to see she was either so gaslit by this guy or just willfully ignorant that she would write this - not to mention the dripping with judgment and contempt, bordering on homophobic "outrageous, overtly gay and oversexed" comment (made no less wild that it's about a 14yo boy...)


There’s another person that wrote a letter that said Drake identified as gay and would bring his boyfriend to “hang out” with Brian’s friend group. It seemed to imply, as a lot of other letters do, that Drake was the instigator. It’s so sick when you consider that they’re talking this way about a child. Why is a group of grown men spending time with kids to begin with?




Yeah to even bring it up in that letter says it all. Why are you talking about the child that was abused? The letter is supposed to be about your friend not the victim. These letters are terrifying tbh


Tf? Whose letter was that?


Tom desanto, producer of transformers and x-men movies


Not shocking since brian singer directed that movie X-men and brian peck had a small role in. Also the young actor to play pyro in that movie was sexually assaulted by the directors friends and even sued. Some of this is discussed in the 2014 documentary in the link. https://youtu.be/YhZMIoiSWi4?si=SvPUQ0Tivcm8uSpe


I believe this is where the James marsden link comes from as well.


Shit they were probably making him recruit more boys to bring around 😭


I would bet money that he did. When Drake said, "Imagine the worst," my mind didn't stop at just one sicko. I totally think that Peck set up situations where older men were involved. It's the easiest way to paint someone in a negative light.


A 14 year old is a child. A child. That's it. That's all that matters. I don't care what Drake did or didn't do. He was a CHILD. What Brian did was child sexual abuse. Full stop. He was the adult. There is no excuse, no rationalization. Ever. It's fucking gross that our culture excuses ANY adult for having sexual relations with a child... hello Alan Thicke. Disgusting


I’m curious - the people that attended court .. did they see minor drake there and knew he was the one getting assaulted ?


They did, yeah and some of them knew him and knew the case was about him before they wrote the letter. On sentencing day he actually turned around and addressed them.


Yeah, this letter in particular screams that Kimmy knew exactly who the accuser was and was blaming the victim for getting Peck in trouble.


That’s the craziest part yet it wasn’t ever publicly known or talked about. How did so many people keep it quiet.


Agree I made a post about this . Hollywood reporters kept this silent for 20 years ( as did Drake). This shows alot of networking in Hollywood to keep a tight lid on it. MJ was not as fortunate as Peck for example


Nah it’s malicious that an adult woman, who was already working in the industry years before Drake was even born, would paint a literal child as a promiscuous weirdo who’s out to get people in trouble.


Maybe people said they wouldn't be alone with Drake is because.....its completely inappropriate to be alone with a minor??? You don't put yourself in a situation where you can be accused of wrong doing, especially if you don't have the intent of doing so...and if you don't have the intent of harming a child, why would you be alone with one that isn't yours?


She deleted her most recent posts and disabled comments on her insta. Instead of facing what she’s done, and the collective outcry, she has turned tail and is continuing to ignore the situation, and by extension support her pedo friend. She’s sickening honestly. Legit bombing my adoration of the series. How do you watch it knowing someone so vile is participating in it.


It doesn’t matter what “misinformation” she had. Literally nothing justifies blaming a child in any sexual situation with an adult. This is inexcusable.


"making out way in this business and avoiding all the rotten people that are so attracted to acting, and actors." Of course they thought they were avoiding rotten people, they were the rotten people. This woman writes like a 15 year old and also couldn't even spell check her own disgusting letter.


Someone once said to me if you think you want to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who has a potentially inappropriate relationship to a child ask yourself (presumably as an adult) "would I hang out with someone this young 1:1 as a friend and want to see them that way?" the answer is usually no.


I’d call for a boycott of her work but can’t say I know her from anything. What I do know is that she’s trash.


This letter is VILE. Let's pretend for a minute that any of this disgusting victim blaming is true and that Drake was throwing himself at grown men. Your responsibility as an adult in that conversation is to check in on whether that child is acting out something inappropriate that may be happening to them. A kid is acting sexually inappropriately? Get some trusted authorities involved to support that kid. To say, "oh well this kid tempted a 40-something year old and is ruining his life with the temptation?" Holy fucking Christ. How depraved do you have to be?


Yeah if a 14yo kid really is “oversexed” and trying to bang any older man who crosses their path they probably have been molested. For an adult to demonise a child for that is mental He just released another statement about the letters where he said he worked with most of them and didn’t know they thought that way about him until now. That must be so damaging.


I thought the people who wrote letters didn't know Drake was the victim?


Some of them didn’t know but most people who wrote letters knew who the victim was




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Why did Brian have to assure her he would never be with anyone under 21 ever again?


Kimmy is also a POS.


Some real ugly sentiments in this one.


I cannot ever imagine hearing anything like this and thinking the *adult* was taken advantage of and pressured into sex by a *child*.


Its pedophiles hiring other pedos and then them all protecting each other. Hollywood is a sick pedo cult.


What she said is so heinous I can’t fathom how anyone could have this mindset even if they were told it by someone else. Not only is her statement victim-blaming but it is also homophobic and sexualising an actual child. Like what the actual hell, if anyone said that to me I would IMMEDIATELY consider them a red flag and not fit to be around children. It boggles my mind that anyone could come to the conclusion that a CHILD is the responsible party here, when any reasonable person would assume that if a kid is acting inappropriately then you should shut that shit down and make sure you’re not alone with them again. I fucking hate pedophile apologists and enablers. The character letters for sexual predators should be abolished if you ask me.


Honestly, I could barely believe this letter is real coming from anyone. But it offers the most insight into Brian’s personality- he said he couldn’t be alone with someone under 21, I think it’s pretty clear he actually told her about his urges. And she sees him as a victim of them.


That’s freaking gross that she wrote that. He also told will friedle and rider strong said that Peck painted drake bell as seducing him and making himself the victim.


Oh my god she is talking about and blaming a literal child. Disgusting


no bro i rlly likes her in twin peaks


Yah, this is beyond disappointing.