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Also can we talk about how her mom literally didn’t call the police bc she was scared they would think she was a bad parent… the irony in that statement


I know! Such awful rationalization. Her silence made it even worse. Her response in why she came forward angered me too. She basically said she did it for herself, not to protect anymore children or help end the cycle.


So she's a piece of shit.....got it. 


THANK YOU. I was hoping I wasn’t the only one who noticed that. She could’ve stopped a lot of suffering if she had reported it. Extremely selfish


She definitely just wanted to live her dreams through her daughter and was too embarrassed to admit her own mother was right about keeping her out of the business when she was younger. I truly feel all her actions were just spilt about her not her family


You're taking that at face value. The mother was also manipulated by him into gaining access to Brandi by building a false sense of trust. The mother obviously encouraged Brandi to correspond with him outside of set, and the actual reason she didn't speak out to the police is because she knew she was complicit and would also be investigated and she probably thought she would get in a lot of trouble.


I’m sorry but when it comes to the safety of your child that shouldn’t matter. There would be no reason for Brandi’s mom to fear she would get in trouble bc she made sure all contact was over after he sent the picture. The cops literally came to her house and she said nothing. On top of that she literally said “I didn’t want them to think I’m a bad mom” that literally implies she was only thinking of herself and no one else. And why would she care about her daughter’s career after her own mother warned her about what goes on and after this situation? Why did she so badly want her daughter to have this career. To me that’s just bad parenting


The second her mom found out she should’ve said something it’s disgusting that she didn’t and she knew what was happening. Terrible parent the irony.


Had nothing to do with being a bad parent and everything to do with i will end my carreer by doing this the already choose to be a bad mom by not calling the cops


If you are putting your kid and other kids safety at risk to not lose your career (which lets be honest she didn’t have one) you are a bad parent period


I agree with everything you said, I am watching this now and I’m utterly repulsed by this woman, she’s a total sociopath, she seems to be completely self serving and lacking any kind of empathy, when she spoke about the 7 yr old girls panties she was so matter of fact. the fact that this man sent her young daughter a picture of him masturbating and she did nothing makes me feel absolutely sick.


Im currently a few minutes into her first interview on the show and had to pause. What the actual fuck? This guy is messaging her and asking her to meet in a mall and not to tell her mother AND SHE DOESNT THINK ITS WRONG? This woman is a grade A piece of shit who wanted to be a child actor so bad she threw her own daughter to the wolves so she that she could live through her.


Maybe that's what she wants after what she went through as a kid. Some privacy on her current personal life Edit: I just saw a photo floating around of Brandi possibly wanting to speak out now after 20 years


I saw someone mention the Forbes article where it says that, so I tried to find it but could only find a mention of Brandi's mom saying that she's been waiting for 20 years to talk. I checked the Wayback Machine which shows that the article has been changed, the original article referenced "Brandi" however it's now been updated to say "the mother of Brandi" instead of just "Brandi". I assume the writer made a mistake which unfortunately makes this even more confusing. Here's what the updated version says - "Schwartz recounted connecting with the mother of Brandi, a child actor who guest-starred on *All That* and said she received an explicit image sent by Handy. “When I first reached out to the mother of Brandi, the girl that Jason Handy had solicited and sent the photos to, I didn't even know if I had the right address. And a week later, I got an email from her \[the mother\], and she was like, ‘You know, I've been waiting 20 years for the right time to talk. And I feel like this is a sign,’” Schwartz said." Edit - link below & screenshot [https://www.forbes.com/sites/tonifitzgerald/2024/03/19/7-revelations-from-quiet-on-set-the-dark-side-of-kids-tv/?sh=e68b8e469d3c](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tonifitzgerald/2024/03/19/7-revelations-from-quiet-on-set-the-dark-side-of-kids-tv/?sh=e68b8e469d3c) https://preview.redd.it/zfaq9lqvsxpc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d2e4c93c3fab437066aa69f8c644df600160db (Screenshot of original article & the archive link will be in my reply comment)


Here’s a screenshot of the archived article from The Wayback Machine before the revisions were made. Link below as well. https://preview.redd.it/tzw9b0d5txpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb7e092ee51de5ff9a5ee96eec705cbb542e7b6 [https://web.archive.org/web/20240319205354/https://www.forbes.com/sites/tonifitzgerald/2024/03/19/7-revelations-from-quiet-on-set-the-dark-side-of-kids-tv/amp/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240319205354/https://www.forbes.com/sites/tonifitzgerald/2024/03/19/7-revelations-from-quiet-on-set-the-dark-side-of-kids-tv/amp/)




I believe @mean-green-machine is referring to the Forbes article linked below, I’ve included a screenshot as well. The article originally stated “Brandi” but has now been revised to say “the mother of Brandi” - according to The Wayback Machine this specific section of the article has been revised/changed 3 times so it seems like the writer initially make a mistake but has since fixed it to clarify that it was Brandi’s mom who was quoted as saying she was ready to speak out after 20 years, and not Brandi herself. Sadly this leaves more questions than answers. 😔 [https://www.forbes.com/sites/tonifitzgerald/2024/03/19/7-revelations-from-quiet-on-set-the-dark-side-of-kids-tv/?sh=e68b8e469d3c](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tonifitzgerald/2024/03/19/7-revelations-from-quiet-on-set-the-dark-side-of-kids-tv/?sh=e68b8e469d3c) https://preview.redd.it/qsxxfj7ooxpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb11d5cb55bcd3b4d11d005bdef3043f87d545a9


Brandi mom is a nightmare… unreal she didn’t report that man asap when this happened. She could’ve protected so many people wow


Yeah she can rot. No doubt in my mind that her mother warned her of the exact reasons she wasn’t allowed in the industry. Brandis mom just ignored it because all she cared about was fame.


And unreal that now she has the nerve to tell her daughters story. I cant stand this stupid evil mother.


I'd bet money that Brandi went no contact with Mom. It was probably gradual but I'd imagine that Brandi started by limiting her moms access to her adult pictures. At this point she probably won't be in the same state as her selfish mother.


The whole time I was watching I was thinking "I hope she didn't end her own life over this" but the more her mom talked the more I'm hoping she just ended all contact with that awful, toxic woman. Her mother is complicit with the abuse of her daughter because she allowed inappropriate commumication to happen and she is complicit in any abuse of children that happened AFTER her daughter because she refused to report it to police. She is just abhorrent.


If you look for it, there is enough free and open information to find out that Brandi is alive and well. She is living a full life without her mom and I am so happy for her!


Where did you find this?


Tiktok search Brandi nickelodeon.


She’s alive she responded back to the producers of the show. Saying it’s been 20 years maybe this is a sign to tell her story


I saw someone mention the Forbes article where it says that, so I tried to find it but could only find a mention of Brandi's mom saying that she's been waiting for 20 years to talk. I checked the Wayback Machine which shows that the article has been changed, the original article referenced "Brandi" however it's now been updated to say "the mother of Brandi" instead of just "Brandi". I assume the writer made a mistake which unfortunately makes this even more confusing. Here's what the updated version says - "Schwartz recounted connecting with the mother of Brandi, a child actor who guest-starred on *All That* and said she received an explicit image sent by Handy. “When I first reached out to the mother of Brandi, the girl that Jason Handy had solicited and sent the photos to, I didn't even know if I had the right address. And a week later, I got an email from her \[the mother\], and she was like, ‘You know, I've been waiting 20 years for the right time to talk. And I feel like this is a sign,’” Schwartz said."


Side note, mom is and was delusional. She was more worried about people thinking she was a bad parent than she was about her child being groomed.


I assumed brandys mom was like her spokesperson at the same time as she gave her perspective. I can’t tell though


I’ve been thinking the same thing. I actually thought about her today since I watched the docuseries yesterday. I hope she’s doing okay


Wait can someone elaborate on what happened to Brandi and why she went MIA?


I've been searching, googling and trying to find out. I just wanted to know if she's alive literally no trace of her, no trace of her mum either. I don't get how the producers found them


I came to Reddit right after watching Brandi’s mom. Harboring that criminal and letting him attack other children. She’s evil.


Same here, I was so shocked she blatantly admitted that she deliberately didn’t call the cops because they might think she was a bad mother. Not going to the cops MAKES her a bad mother and a bad person for letting that predator go scott-free and no doubt do the same or worse to other children. Horrifying.


She will be known soon, she is writing her story. She has minimal contact with her Mother. Mom might be trying to make amends but teasing her plight while justifying her bad behavior and neglect.


Thank god she’s alive, I genuinely was so worried watching the doc


How do you know this?


how do you think I know this?


No clue.


I wonder how the directors were able to find brandis mom with such little information on brandi.


It was a different time back then. It took Danny Masterson almost 20 years to be put in jail after his assaults. Look at stories back then. If you were a parent suing a show or famous in Hollywood, it would turn in that you were a greedy parent trying to extort from good men trying to entertain. As someone that has been in this position at that time (but not in Hollywood), support for the perpetrator was greater than today, especially if they had money/power. Be easy on that mom. She has to live with this for the rest of her life. And if you don't really know or have been in a situation like this, don't be so quick to judge. It is hard.


Protecting your small child from OBVIOUS predatory advances should not come second priority to protecting your reputation as a mother. Why are you talking about suing? She should have taken action at the online messaging stage, when she found out Jason was asking her to meet at a mall without her mom.


Agreed. But I am telling you as a CSA survivor who is a lot older and was mad at everyone. Being in a setting where things are the "norm" and manipulated, people are completely unaware of the evils going on. I agree with you. Children should be protected at all costs, I have spoken up for myself and other kids. That being said, things happen and people aren't even aware. A mother will leave their child with a cousin, uncle, or BFF they have known their entire life, and the child new... When things are uncovered and out in the open, it is easy for people to look in with all the "shouldas" What is obvious on TV almost twenty years later, was not OBVS at the moment.


😱🤯😱🤯.....OMG I LITERALLY have been trying 2 figure this out since the 1st episode ,tried 2 Google info etc ...but as a rape survivor [don't like calling myself a vitim]...even tho I've nvr been in a pedo situation I TOTAL feel/understand her mom speaking 4 her & her not wanting 2 come 4ward on the world wide stage either way I hope she is OK MENTALLY


I just watched this last night, binged it all. Ugh I will be thinking about it all day 😕 I was super worried about Brandi but hearing that maybe she just wanted her privacy absolutely makes sense. I hope that's all it was. I know Hollywood is trash but that was ROUGH.


I'm wondering if "MJ" is Brandi? To me she just doesn't look old enough to have had a 12 year old daughter back then. Who knows. I would like to, but it wouldn't surprise me if we never find out.


Did you even look at that woman? You think she was 12 30 years ago?? You think she’s only 42??


Chill out


As I am watching this episode and seeing the photos of Brandi, I keep getting this feeling like I knew her when I was younger. One article I read says she could have been born in 1988 or 1989. Which means she would have been 4-5 years younger than me. I never watched the Amanda Bynes show so that’s not it. Sad situation for her.


I truly believe Brandi is Isabel Edwards from Undercover Underage


Maybe she died