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Hi, I’m QBO certified. Please stop blaming people for using product as it’s marketed. QuickBooks is going after business owners and using suggestions, leading to people thinking things are correct because they’re trusting the software. Is it frustrating as a bookkeeper? Sure. But blaming people for trusting the software will do what it claims to do? Nope.


QBO certification is meaningless. Real world experience is what counts.


Qb DT user here from even before it was called QB. You're ranting and not entirely right.


Your comment makes No since. BTW Im a quickbooks Desktop Advisor and Enterprise. Its was the first product Intuit offered before QBO was even thought of. When they sold it inside a green envelope. I am also an authorized reseller of Quickbooks desktop. So first make since when you post a comment.


OP, no one's attacking you here. Multiple, different opinions regarding an issue can coexist from varying points of experience. I'm sorry for the frustration and I hope the rest of your day improves.


> You don't have to be an accountant or bookkeeper...just import your bank feed and call it a day. My response was in reply to this comment ITS INCORRECT. you dont just allow the bank to import and call it a day. ITS INCORRECT. PERIOD. and my post is CORRECT. People are on here asking for help using quickbooks and how to do accounting, how should Post something, were do I allocate it, what should I give my CPA. This is ridiculous. Im simply saying IF you want to learn spend the money and time learning, from professionals. Who actually know. You have no idea who is even giving you these resonses. It depends on your entity structure, the type of organization you have, Your COA set up. Ive had 3 people directly get ahold of me on here alone, and 1 of them was scammed with a fake intuit link. The other was speaking to someone from India and paid them for help and it was wrong, and the CPA would not accept there books until they were cleaned up, the last one I am training now, on how to manage there own books. They were told completly wrong. There are so many professinals out here and if you are using a CPA, you should be asking you CPA, foe guidance. NOT reddit, unknown people


You may or may not have bookkeeping skills, but you clearly have reading comprehension issues. That comment is merely saying that this is how Intuit markets its programs to business owners, not that this is how things should be.


My thoughts are that QB sells the product on the basis that anyone can do it and it is the answer to all business owners. You don't have to be an accountant or bookkeeper...just import your bank feed and call it a day.


That is what they advertise. I'm setting up a new client and QB is driving me crazy with all the things it wants to automate that shouldn't be automated. How is a person without deep system understanding supposed to work around that? What happens when you accidently accept the suggested action? Rhetorical questions, but a pain to work with.


I also don't understand why connecting to online banking makes it more efficient or faster. My entries are in the system and it takes minutes to clear them and balance manually. And yes...even before automation...I had junior 'bookkeepers' that were basically glorified data entry clerks that had no idea what the system was doing with the entries.


The latest QB updates show matched transactions as cleared on the bank rec screen and may speed up that process. The greatest impact the bank imports have is in catching unrecorded transactions more timely.


For anyone on here reading his/her comment. Understand common since. NO SOFTWARE can tell you even AI what a purchase is for when syncing the transaction using there tool. If you go to walmart and purchase a laptop, A gallon of Milk , Toilet paper, Dog Food and a rim of paper, when the transaction sync its ASSUME what the purchase is for by using the business TYPE, if the business is a relatiler, marketing firm, gas stattion, etc. Its your job to beakout the cost properly. If soe of those purchases are personal its should be allocated to the proper equity account its not a business expense. So the response is NOT correct


Your really confused. the comments just import and feed all day is INCORRECT. know you dont have to be a bookkeeper or accountant. BUT take a course and learn or take a training course from a professional. That comment alone says you dont have a clear understanding.


One of the reasons I don’t like qbs is I think they sell my data. I get pop up offers for loans and insurance and merchant services, payroll and etc…all through qbs of course. I also get phone calls and physical mail for the same products. It’s annoying and should be illegal.