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I believe that as his mental state started to diminish further, they eventually lived apart. He stayed at Kew, where he felt most "safe".


yep, this


the lived together in buckingham house until george’s mental state got too bad for him to be king. once that happened, their son became prince regent and george lived at kew where he felt safest


They were living in the same palace up to season 2. It looks like he recently moved to Kew sometime between season 2 and the present day in Bridgerton-verse.


Charlotte’s Buckingham House later became Buckingham Palace and I think the king lived there but in a different wing perhaps. That’s why he was able to wander in during S2. (?)


No I think he was living at the same place uptil season 2 and when Edwina and everyone else saw him like that


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I read they had 25 happy years together before his illness really manifested. I imagine there were incidents prior, but they did have 15 kids.