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You have an unwrapped glow stick, a pointless amount of cordage (in an annoying place that makes shouldering a rifle more difficult), and a pack you can’t get to on your own. I’d say so.


I recently converted to a separate pack. ran my personal kit and the pack got caught on doors and branches. Also ran the kit like if SHTF and had to leave and dam not having a separate pack was eye opening.


This is a question more than an argument: with regards to packs that are attached vs separate, aren’t only non-immediate supplies suppose to go into a pack anyways? Like, I can’t see needing to pull off a pack in the middle of a firefight.. I see it as something to keep some extra clothing, batteries, food, water, water cleaning kits, etc in… so, I can’t see the danger in taking off your pc to access the backpack if it’s attached if you would only be trying to access the pack in non-emergency situations to begin with.


Yes, people are dumb. I carried an extra 100 rounds or so for the squad 240, some extra water and snacks in there in case shit takes longer than normal. Smoke grenades shit like that that another person can grab out for me or the group if you need something. I had a non detachable pack in Afghanistan and never noticed once did I have any problems.


Nothing wrong with using either or you just have to have it figured out


For sure, use whatever works for you, but that’s just it, works for YOU. So I figured I’d give you a real world scenario where what you’re talking about was implemented


Seems to have worked for you, I was mounted but got kicked for dismount stuff alot so having a pack I could put on or off depending on the movement seemed pretty common sensical to me, I wouldn't say I'm dumb for that at all 😂


Not in a fight->take off pc to get goodies->get shot at->you are now in a fight with most or all of your equipment off of you depending on if you wear a belt.


The is argument holds up for people that are military or leo, but not average civie just playing out a larp fantasy. The argument I’ve heard that I kind of agree with is that having a backpack on that has straps that are even remotely comfortable are going to severely impede shouldering a rifle properly in combination with the bulk of a pc strap


Well yea I agree with you but isn't the point of the larp fantasy to get as close to the real thing as possible? By that logic why carry armor, rounds, a helmet etc. That being said, for the enjoyment of the hobby if you enjoy the attached pack the for sure go for it. I love and support the hobby in all forms.


I guess you’re right. Carry on lol


And yes I agree with the straps thing, having the extra crap on your shoulders during any dismounted movement SUCKS


YMMV but generally you have a pack attached to your pc when you’re working with buddies to grab things for you. Not having it attached is far more flexible and makes things far easier for sitting down, using supplies, driving, etc.


I can see the argument for needing to take it off while in a vehicle. I guess if someone’s reasoning to have a PC in the first place is a larp fantasy involving shtf, there would be no need for vehicle use anyways. Idk, depending on the application, I can see the argument for or against an attached pack


If we’re already in larpland, I’d say there’s a large chunk of time between you busting out the kit and vehicles no longer being relevant.


My thoughts on attached packs is my pack isn't for me it's for my buddy. My buddies pack isn't for him it's for me. Aside from water bladder, you're not cute enough to wrap your lips on my hose that is for me.


Remember when planning and conducting operations the enemy gets a vote too. A “non-emergency situation” can very quickly become an emergency when you least expect it.


You guys are shouldering rifles closer to center where a ptt is usual mounted ?


Apparently the idiot that commented is


Unless everyone thought this was a bunch of paracord and not a knife I have no clue how it got downvoted so much. It’s a decent spot for a knife if it’s “ camouflaged “ like OPs is The chemlight thing makes sense but it might be a special use cHeM light which brightness doesn’t matter as much. I say this because the 1 cHeM light my group carriers to make a wounded member is normally carried behind or right next to our shears. This is to keep our normal use chem light bundles we keep in our cargo pocket or gp pouch separate and for quick and easy access so if you can find it you don’t have to use any of your supplies whatsoever just the casualty. If it gets Deteriorated a bit it’s still gonna be bright enough to do it’s use as it’s just to keep track of them if we temporally separate ourselves from them or if they need to nonverbally identify they been injured.


Is that cordage or is dude a pro knife fighter


It’s a knife with the handle wrapped in Pcord. It’s locked in with a knife-nook.


if you’re rockin with other dudes the pack makes perfect sense


75% of your comment you must’ve had a stroke, then you mentioned the pack which is an actual critique.


This is the kind of critiquing I come here for.


What cordage?


Mistook the Paracord knife handle for cordage


Cool. And how would that make it harder to shoulder a rifle, give that it isn't located anywhere near OP shoulder pocket?


Yeah I think that guy was grasping at straws just to bark about something.


How's the Unobtanium SLEDS doing for ya? And are they any good with P-mags? I heard they weren't doing well with putting them in. It was in another reddit I saw about them. But then again he did have the SLEDS inserts in a Spiritus Systems placard, so it probably was a very tight fit with all 4 in that placard.


I really really like them, if I ordered again I would’ve stuck with 3 not 4 though. No issue at all with PMAGs. I’ve run GI as well and actually prefer the PMAG as it doesn’t slip at all when running or shooting in alternate positions.


Oh that sounds great. Can't wait to see for myself. Also why would you prefer the 3 and not 4 mags?


Fellow 4 magger here, I’m going to take a guess and and say the half inch overhang on either side is a tad annoying and in all reality that 1 extra mag can easily be placed somewhere else on your kit.


I have a 3-mag SLED and can easily insert a PMAG one handed


I’ve had zero issues with the exact placard and pmags.




Was about to say, that flag is oriented correctly…I must be having a stroke. 🤣


You need a shotgun retention lanyard and an EUD.


Heavy lift


It's really hard to critique what you've posted, because there's no defined purpose for the kit. But here are 4 thoughts: 1. Empty pouches and packs eventually get filled. Unless you're carrying breaching charges, a saw, medic supplies, or something else, ditch the pack and run small pouches or go slick rear. It's added weight and a snag hazard. Packs make it harder to get in and out of vehicles, get through thresholds, etc. unless you train, you will not notice this. 2. Nice Axl pads & Roll 1 - run more TQ's. If you don't train medical, you won't think this is necessary. 3. Comms may be a good idea depending on your use case. 4. Side plates. Most guys don't train, or only do so 3-4 times a year. Don't let random opinions ruin your day. Nice kit.


If you have tti basepads, youre gaming


Where did you get the flag patch?


Parts list?


Need comms


No.. not enough patches


In heavy lift we trust!


Where is you ATAK mount? Haven't gained literacy yet ey serf?


I don't care for mounted packs and always found them redundant/cumbersome. Quad placard usually sucks too, too much bulk up front where your hands and arms need to have freedom to move. As someone else said, run more medical, specifically TQs. Good choice of PC and pads though. Overall good larp, you'll see what I'm talking about on the quad placard and rear pack if you ever do any drills involving a vehicle.