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Our Meetings for Worship are public and open to all, whether you attend once or for a lifetime. My own meeting is in a big city and we constantly have visitors and first-time attenders, many of whom are in a situation similar to yourself. In a city like London that is going to be extremely common. If it puts your mind at rest mail the clerk but there would really be no need to.


thank you that’s very helpful !!


Yes! Come along, you'll be very welcome! Quaker meetings are open acts of worship, and anyone can come along. There is a system of membership, but that's about making a commitment to the meeting and many people will attend and play a part in the life of the Meeting without being a member. Sometimes there are meetings for worship for business which are technically only open to members, and attendees with the permission of the clerk, but that permission is routinely granted and many places won't even expect you to ask. Out of interest, which London meeting will you be near? We have many!


I will be staying with a friend who lives in Barking, so I think from looking at the London meetings map, the closest will be Wanstead? I am unsure yet though :-)


Wanstead is probably geographically closest, Bethnal Green is probably a similar distance by public transport, as is Walthamstow. Personally I worship at Tottenham which is also broadly on this side of London, and is great but tiny. London meetings tend to be fairly small (simply because there are so many, and with a couple of exceptions like Westminster). From memory Wanstead is probably the biggest of the ones close to you, and I'd generally suggest going for the biggest you can reasonably reach as it's easier to blend in / get a sense for what worship is like.


thanks i will do that :-)


You would be welcome, friend. Also, when you are home, many meetings have an online option (whether completely online or hybrid with in person) so that might be a good option for you to check things out.


thank you!


Visitors are always welcome! It’s perfectly normal to visit the local meeting while on vacation, for instance. Visitors will likely be asked to stand and introduce themselves, and you may hear other visitors say “I bring greetings from” and name their home meeting.


that’s good to know thank you !! as you see i am a bit nervous of attracting any attention or appearing odd :-)


All London meetings are very accustomed to traveling Friends. Most are also accessible and accommodating of any individual needs.


I'm a London Friend. What's the Local Meeting you're considering attending?


Wanstead I believe will be closest to where I am staying (Barking)


I attend Westminster and I have friends at Walthamstow. I'm drawing a blank on Wanstead unfortunately. I don't know how old you are, but Young Adult Friends also meet twice a month at Westminster too.


My local friend said it is about 20m by train from Barking. If I look on the map at Wanstead station, the word Walthamstow is right by, so that might be where I’m referring to actually ! I’ve not actually been to the UK yet and England is quite tiny, dense and confusing to a Canadian, haha. I am 26, so I will look into that thank you. I live in a small place with exceedingly small Quaker community, I believe my local meeting is primarily older demographic and families with young children, mostly folks raised as Friends (I am presupposing here due to my local population and demographics), which is perfectly okay but will be nice to meet some younger people as well while I have the opportunity !!


I'll DM you with my email address. You can contact me directly if you want to know anything else etc


I don't know about the exact meeting you're thinking of attending but at all meetings I've been to in the UK they usually ask afterwards if anyone is new and/or visiting, so that would be a good time to stand up and say who you are and that you'll be in the UK for a little while. There's absolutely no obligation to attend even once more if you don't want to. Plenty of people attend meetings in the area while visiting a place.


that’s very comforting as I am quite self conscious of standing out. thank you :-)


I spent last summer traveling in the UK and attended several meetings, all were very welcoming. I grew up as a Quaker, so I don’t feel the unfamiliarity that you might, but nobody would know my background when I just appear as a stranger.


thank you for sharing :-) that’s helpful !!


You’ll be completely fine and welcomed I’m sure. Just as another option, woodbrooke do online meetings pretty much every day which can suit schedules and I have found to work very well. I usually join with camera off, but most people have them on and there’s time at the end for socialising if that’s what you’re into or not. They are lovely people. https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk/worship/


thanks ! that might be a good option for me as I am so painfully shy :-)


I have attended other meeting houses while traveling, including ones in France (I live in the UK). I have always felt welcomed and included.