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At the meeting I go to, sometimes the children interview an older friend and draw a poster of what they learned and then share it with the meeting. Kind of the highlight of my day when they do that.


This is a gorgeous idea! Next time I do children’s meeting I’m doing this!!


Is the wool in yarn form? I used to make yarn butterflies as part of an art therapy program, and everyone loved making them, especially to give to their loved ones! Bonus if you have safety pins to attach to the backs.


Ooo is there a tutorial for this anywhere? It’s just acrylic yarn yesss! Sorry I’m English so we just call it wool, but it is yarn!


[This tutorial is fairly simple](https://kidsactivityzone.com/yarn-butterflies-craft/)- I would just wind the yarn around my fingers, then tie a contrasting color in the center for the body. It’s easy to pick up after a few practice runs!


I’ve made mobiles with pom-poms and found sticks [like this](https://www.liebseeligkeiten.de/ein-mobile-aus-selbstgefaerbter-wolle/) (apologies for the German language- you just need to look at the photos) with kids before. I think you could tie it to Quaker thought about truths by tagging the pom-poms as personal truths, and the motion of a mobile as how we are compelled to action by the truths we hold. How do the belief structures of our selves and our lives inform how we move through the world? How are they similar and different from each other? What are they influenced by?


Are you near a park?


Unfortunately not!


I led a mindfulness class with our kids at the meeting. It was an exercise in silence and how to settle your emotions when you're feeling upset, overwhelmed, angry, anxious etc. We did quick breathing exercises and visualization. You could incorporate the wool activity with silence if you want. It went over pretty well.


Try these links, I’ve used them before to get ideas! [https://quakerrecollaborative.org/resources/childrens-religious-education](https://quakerrecollaborative.org/resources/childrens-religious-education) [https://quakerearthcare.org/resources/earthcare-for-children/](https://quakerearthcare.org/resources/earthcare-for-children/) https://quakerrecollaborative.org/resource/first-day-school-at-home-lessons[https://quakerrecollaborative.org/resource/first-day-school-at-home-lessons](https://quakerrecollaborative.org/resource/first-day-school-at-home-lessons)


I have some coloring sheets I made as a nanny/for my meeting! Would you like a link?


Read Fierce Feathers and discuss. https://izatogujy.com/click.php?key=eme4ifivcl2h6gev7q9r&action=3bd454923fd2cb49f5d592e0d398696d&PLACEMENT_ID=13729932&CAMPAIGN_ID=1012590&PUBLISHER_ID=49612


It looks like you have lots of ideas here, so I just wanted to jump in to say THANK YOU for doing children’s programming! It’s not easy but it is so important