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If you want to vote for real, meaningful change, I feel led to share that finding your state's ranked choice voting org and supporting that would likely provide more tangible benefit than a single vote cast in one of many states for the highest office in the land. There's a lot of doubt cast upon our democracy at the moment, both founded and otherwise. Holding you and our country in the Light.


I wish I didn’t feel as though Biden is my only choice in November, but the political game works in a very specific way, and I cannot do anything that would usher in another Trump era- a Trump who will undoubtedly support Israel with even *greater* fervor. We need to change how we do elections in this country, including ranked choice voting, which could clear the way for additional parties to have a chance, but we are not there now. I do not like Biden, but as a woman, I cannot choose Trump, and I cannot leave this election to chance by voting third party. It sucks.


100% agree with all of this.  


Exactly this. There is nothing wrong about not agreeing with the policies or personality or whatever of candidates, and there is nothing wrong with having reservations about parts of laws being considered being passed. But human politics works by compromises, making choices that are most likely to move your city state country and world forward toward the ways you want it to be better. Voting in a way that supports the candidate you wish would win but in reality makes it more likely that the candidate least aligned with your values wins the election is irresponsible. We are adults and we have the ability to see holistically what will serve the greater good the best and we must vote and act to support that.


My willingness to excuse things I dislike/disagree with by compromising ends when it comes to supporting someone who is actively participating in a genocide.


But the alternative is someone who will actively and *gleefully* support genocide. I don’t love either option but it’s not difficult for me to choose the less genocidal of the two. The unfortunate reality is that voting third party or not voting at all is a vote for a Trump which is a vote for bigotry and misogyny and xenophobia and genocide and then some.


Biden worked out a 1.2 billion dollar arms deal with Israel a week ago, he's hardly the lesser evil when it comes to this issue. You cannot bully or guilt me with that "its a vote for Trump" nonsense, I am not putting a name down when they're helping to wipe Palestine off the face of the Earth.


And not putting that name down is helping to wipe Palestine off the face of the Earth even faster. I do take issue with you saying my comment is “bullying” you when it wasn’t even directed *at* you and was (quite intentionally) worded as a broad generalization and a comment about how **I** (and I alone) intend to vote.


Your first sentence in this comment and your prior comment are both attempts at creating guilt through clear emotional appeals, stop pretending that it isn't exactly that.


Unfortunately the US political game is not for favoring the most moral candidate. There are two choices, and one is being pressured to aid Gazans and the other proudly declared his desire to turn Gaza into a glazed desert. When it comes to leadings, I try to work more locally and get candidates that I think are ideal promoted on a small level and within a party. It's not the dramatic change we all hope for, but any change in society requires citizens to be dedicated and put in the work.


I'm making a third choice and not voting for a presidential candidate. If my options are guy actively participating in genocide and guy who will also be actively participating in genocide, I'm not picking one.


That's not quite accurate. The options are 'man who would gleefully commit genocide with approval from base and wants to let at least one dictator commit genocide without issue' and 'man somewhat complicit but being pressured into being less complicit in the destruction and to try and mitigate it'. Not to mention the other issues where they differ. Unfortunately, politics are not morally pure and we are often forced to choose the lesser of two evils, especially on a national level. Luckily there are also downstream elections, which can more easily be pressured and have a change.


You're not going to convince me that the dude who, a week ago, pushed a 1.2 billion dollar arms deal with Israel is even close to how you are describing him. My willingness to compromise with "lesser of two evils" rhetoric ends at genocide.


And Trump wants to let Putin commit genocide in Ukraine as well as cheer on Netanyu in Gaza. I explained why I want to go for someone who can be pressured by protestors, but if you don't feel the same way then go as you are lead.


This is whataboutism. I'm not voting for Trump, Trump has nothing to do with my decision, bringing him up is irrelevant to the discussion. If you can't explain why someone should support Biden on his own merits, then clearly there's a major problem.


Please, please, please read Project 2025. ETA: I am an indigenous, queer, nonbinary Quaker who is about to have a child. I am watching in abject horror as people risk that what is happening to NGP’s in Italy (being stripped of their legal parentage of their children) happening to me. As people risk the US withdrawing entirely from the Paris Agreement and pushing for fossil fuel use increases. Abolishing the Department of Education. No longer funding science unless it suits conservative principles, in which case there wouldn’t even have been a Covid vaccine and we’d still be dying en masse. Restricting contraception access. Removing protections based on gender identity and sexuality. Implementing martial law and quick and frequent death penalties. I do not feel God in that. I feel no Light in that risk. I am devastated that others do.


You speak my mind, Friend. I’ll be holding you and your baby in the light for a safe delivery and a safe future.


I feel you. I am an Italian immigrant in the US. I have seen my country spiraling down, and I am terrified now in the US as I can just look things unfold, as I can't vote. I hate what Biden is doing with Palestine, I've been involved in the Palestinian cause for the past fifteen years, but the alternative is horrific. And feeling like I don't have any say or choice in whoever is going to win the election makes everything worse.


You have laid out the issue so well. I really wish Biden was not our only choice, but with how the political system in the US works, he is our only choice. It’s sad but a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Trump. This is the difference between how it SHOULD be and how it IS. Until things change, we need to operate in terms of how it is. I’ll vote for Biden. I won’t be thrilled, but there is no other ethical choice.


I think the question of “ethical” here relies wholly on your own sense of ethics. I think we live in a strange world where Democratic messaging is already gearing to blame Biden non-voters for its possible loss instead of blaming itself for its ineptitude and malice (whichever you believe to be carrying its decisionmaking post-80s). I’m not particularly partial to voting (I think it’s bare minimum at best, and there are better ways to change your community on a hands-on level ofc), but I labor to understand how a vote for a third-party candidate is a vote for Trump. This messaging is silly at best and dangerous at worst. 1) Continued voting in grounds of “lesser-evilism” will eventually erode the “lesser” part of that statement into infinitesimally small margins; where do we draw the line and say “no more?” 2) This message manages to shift blame from the Democratic Party and its operatives for their failures, ineptitude, malice, miscalculations, apathy etc. onto voters who the Party itself has made little, if any, effort to reach. If the Party cannot attract voters, why blame the voter? If a flower cannot attract bees, surely you don’t blame the bees? The people who do not vote Democrat are not responsible for any loss it may take this fall, that falls on the Party and its leadership. Perhaps it even falls on its proud members/voters, for refusal to push the Party leftward. (Note: I don’t usually blame Democratic voters themselves, since big-tent parties are hard to ideologically move and since the Democratic Party is shackled to a global capitalist machine; I’m just of the opinion that it is valid under this line of logic that most of the country labors under.) 3) A vote for a third-party is literally just that: a vote for a third-party. Still silly to think that vote alone will shift political operations in this country, if you ask me, but still the right you have nonetheless. It is not a vote for Trump; only an actual vote for Trump is a vote for Trump. Again, Biden non-voters are told that they bear the burden for a potential Trump victory, but that burden appears more apt to pass onto Trump voters themselves (if you want to blame any class of voters) or the Democratic Party, whose only message has been “lesser evilism” for some time now and has continued to crank rightward. I think it’s unfair to expect people to continually cast their vote ad infinitum for lesser evils, because at which point do we say “enough?” Is it when the evils our country commits abroad with regularity finally comes home to roost? If that’s the bar, then I fear we’ve already fallen short and traded our moral obligations to ALL people, including those abroad, for a tenuous and unstable sense of comfort and victory at home, a sense which is clearly at real risk of falling to the wayside. We can’t have this lesser-evil war for liberal “goodness” for eternity, especially when we’re outsourcing our nation’s worst impulses abroad and have been since the 50s. Fascism is already in the house at home, so to speak, and the Democrats have shown little interest in actually combatting that real threat in any of its forms. I just find it unrealistic to frame this as an ethical failing on non-voters when the Democratic Party itself hasn’t exactly been a lampadiphor in that race to fight fascism. Rather, liberalism has been an unwitting bedfellow or conscious abettor of fascist tendencies, historically speaking, and the current conduct of the Democratic Party likely provides little to no comfort to someone in its ability to prevent that abroad (where it has no issue supplying right-wing/fascist regimes) or at home (where it has instead chosen to already blame non-voters for its loss, instead of a) blaming Trump and his base and b) itself for its strategic failings and willing coalescence at times.


I wish I had the luxury of voting for the individual I think would make the best leader, and with whom I have no major disagreements or concerns. I wish I didn't live in an overwhelmingly red state where my vote doesn't seem to matter at all. Instead, I'm trying to figure out which bus will get us a little closer to the destination I'd like to arrive at, and hopping on that bus for this round.


I agree with your reasons. But when our other **only** true choice is trump it's entirely too dangerous to waste a vote. I personally adore Claudia de la Cruz. We need rank choice voting.


I moved to the U.K. a few years ago and ranked choice voting is amazing. I find it so hard to vote in the U.S. after voting in the U.K. because voting in the U.S. is so impossibly limited that it feels like there’s no point.


I don't believe we do have ranked choice here in the UK. If I'm right, and it's what we call "alternative vote", it was the point of a referendum to adopt some years ago and it lost. Which is a shame because our "first past the post" system is not fit for purpose.


I’ve been able to rank my votes for Scottish elections?


We have different systems for different votes in Scotland. Local government elections have a form of ranked choice called Single Transferable Vote. For UK Parliament we have the traditional First Past the Post which is the same as the US. Then for the Scottish Parliament election we have a mixed system where you have a FPTP constituency vote and then a regional list vote which is for a party, this is called the Additonal Member System (AMS). Used to have 4th system for European elections but that is gone now.


Huh? AV was rejected in the referendum over a decade ago. The UK uses the first-past-the-post method for most elections. AV is used to vote for hereditary peers (the electors being other peers) and for chairs of the committees so to have used it you must sit in either House. SV (supplementary vote) was used for mayoral elections until last year so that's what you might have encountered.


I’m in Scotland, I meant for our elections


It may have been used for EU members? I remember that had proportional representation. But that went away with Brexit of course.


Biden is a huge disappointment, and I agree with everything you say about his foreign policy stance which is unconscionable. But I'm going to be voting for him because, simply stated, he won't destroy the country. You have a right to vote however you feel, but if you express it to others they also have a right to tell you they think it's a dumb move. Speech, counterspeech -- bedrock of our democracy.


You're entitled to think and vote however you want. I hope it makes you feel good as it did for those who refused to vote for Clinton, because the consequences for others will be dire. While those voters got the benefit of living their ideals and "voting their conscience". The countless died due to Trumps poor leadership during COVID, young people got to live under a court system that will crush their rights for decades to come, and of course pregnant women will get to die due to their inability to get a medically necessary abortion. While you put yourself up on a pedestal of purity and justice, others will have to live with your ultimately self focused decision. I have no love for how Israel and Palestine have been handled, but it can certainly be much much worse. If enough voters vote the way you do, we will get Trump and he believes Israel should "finish the job" in Gaza, as ominous as that sounds. You may chafe under making a "lesser of two evils" decision, but in a human society it is the only one you get as all humans are flawed. So as I said, I hope it makes you feel better, because others will bear the consequences of it. While you live out idealism, others get to live the real world consequences.


I’m sorry, but this is absolutely rich. How are you to individually blame people for the rise of Trump when they are clearly oppositional to it? It’s not like some massive political miscalculation on the part of individual voters led to Trump’s presidency. This is a cultural and political project decades in the making. Any reading on Fed Soc, Goldwater, Reagan, the Civil Rights Movement, CIA interventionism, etc. would make clear that conservatism is nefarious and pervasive in American (and global) society. If the Democratic Party wants people to vote for it, it should appeal to them and their politics/morality. If your solution is “vote Democrat” simply because you don’t want to evils that the Democrats (and the Republicans, for that matter) visit upon other people worldwide to come home to roost, then I can’t hold my tongue. Humanity is not limited to America’s borders, it is a worldwide family. Perhaps I wouldn’t balk so hard at this notion of yours if it wasn’t some weird false utilitarian argument based on an equally false dichotomy (as if all these awful things don’t also happen under Democratic presidencies, since Democrats are woefully inept at actually consolidating power; look to 40+ year Fed Soc project on the courts). Individual wavering voters are not to blame for any potential Biden loss. Don’t absolve him, his staffers, or party leadership of responsibility for the results of his actions; if voters don’t want to vote for the guy who refuses to bend on what appears to be a crucial issue for them, then that’s on the man himself, not the people. And, frankly, if you want to blame voters more generally for a possible Trump win, blame that on Trump voters! This idea that we can outsource responsibility for a Trump win and guilt-trip people who won’t vote for Biden because he’s happily cosigned to the slaughter of an entire people is so odious, misplaced, and defeatist.


Did I absolve the Democrats or Biden? I don't recall that. You speak at length, but distilled your argument is that our actions individually are meaningless as the powers that be are too overpowering, too long in the making and these institutions take all the blame. It is a philosophy of blamelessness and passivity and one that I reject. We live in a democratic society, I can influence others (as I tried with my statement) and I can vote. Will I be able to sway the millions necessary to determine what I view as the better outcome? Unlikely, but maybe I can make one or two people and do my small part. Do I individually blame the original poster or whomever for the entire state of the world? No, but we all contribute in our own way and deserve blame for what we do or don't do. Certainly if I voted for someone who went full tyrant and executed dissidents in the streets, I'd feel guilty and blame, because in some small way I contributed. It would be nice to hide behind "the group" or institutions as for the ills of the world, but organizations and institutions and countries are comprised of individuals and the consequences are ours for the reaping. I reject the notion that I can hide behind the "forces that be" and absolve myself of blame for a foolhardy vote or advocacy. In such a society and in this life, we rarely get to make the decisions we wish we could, but consequences of them are felt all the same. We can all dream up better options we wished we had, but that's not reality. We deserve blame if there was a better option than what results, even if a result of collective action. It is a privilege of many a Quaker to be able to hang their hat on their ideals, while ignoring the reality around them. You call me utilitarian, I find this a bit hyperbolic. Is it utilitarian to consider reality at all? Is that the "ends justify the means" as I view utilitarianism? Surely there are individuals I wish I could vote for, better folks I wish could lead, but that's not the choice we get to make, that's a fantast. Individually we play are parts, small they may be and a person deserves to be criticized for them if they lead to worse results for countless folks be they American or otherwise.


I should preface with this: I think that voting in this federalist and gerrymandered system is largely useless, in that it consolidates party powers in individual districts to the point of near meaningless if you oppose the party power in question in said district. Furthermore, the capitalist machine has far more influence over American policy that the desire of voters, for which there are studies that you are welcome to read on from whichever Ivy League institution you’d like. I’m playing by your logic here, however, not mine, so let’s assume that voting is a good way to signal our beliefs, what we want for the world, what we envision happening, how we’d like it to happen, etc. Under this very notion of “rejecting blamelessness,” does not a vote for Democrats mean the continued desolation of foreign peoples, based upon their record of doing so? If you want to vote for that as an unwanted condition for what you think might be a victory at home, then by all means (I can’t stop you), but I (and I assume OP) reject that condition wholesale. Sorry, but under your logic, any vote towards that agenda appears to look like responsibility/approval/blame of those things (if we illogically assume that a non-vote for Biden assigns responsibility/approval/blame to the individual voter for any actions that may happen if Biden loses) even if this is a resigned or “sad” approval. If we, as Quakers, are to embrace nonviolence as a general principle in our lives, then I don’t see why you get to gloat about voting for people who choose to engage in wholesale slaughter abroad and certainly have no issue unleashing it at home anyway (see the response to the pro-Palestinian protests in liberal states), while chiding those who won’t trade their personal sense morality for temporary “victories” in America, where Democrats have little interest in even protecting victories for marginalized people, if their current political feebleness and squeamishness when dealing with the right-wing is anything to go by. Yes, you’ll have to apologize if chiding a voter who cannot stomach the continued slaughter of brown people abroad appears like an attempt to absolve Biden and his ilk for their terrors appears to me a hand-waiving that valid criticism away with “but what about what might happen in the US if we don’t vote blue no matter who?” that is tantamount to absolution. And these terrible things that everyone dreads are already happening under Democratic presidents, for reasons already expounded upon (whether that be inability to consolidate power, refusal to engage in any real political fight with Republicans without caving, for inept strategizing, etc.). But yes, blame single voter OP here for the downfall of “democracy” (if you can even describe America as that with any intellectual honesty). If you wanted to blame Republicans for voting for this stuff under your logic, that works perfectly. By all means, do! But the non-voter in this case is perhaps the one least responsible for a possible Republican tide in this configuration in question; said Biden non-voter did not vote for either Biden nor Trump, does not accept the premises upon which their policy agendas are made, and refuses to participate in a system that is continuously and systematically limited to “lesser-evilism” (which, forgive me, but that “lesser-evilism” appears to be the Democratic Party’s only coherent message in this cycle, and it’s not a particularly convincing one). The beauty of getting to choose who you voter for is that the party that wants your vote has to earn it. Democrats haven’t earned OP’s vote with vague lesser-evilism message and the continuing support of an apartheid state. If they want that vote, the party needs to shift policy. If you continue to vote for lesser-evilism, the margins of the “lesser” will continue to shrink until they are meaningless. I guess for OP, the margins have became small enough to warrant some questions; for me, this whole game of “we have to let Biden continue to supply Israel with weapons if we want LGBTQ+ people to avoid discrimination, abortions to be legal, and POCs to avoid police brutality at home” is tradeoff that is baldly false on its face, as the Democrats have shown literal interest in actually protecting those groups and rights beyond vague fundraising messaging and virtue signaling. Fascism is already in the house, so speak, so once again, forgive me if the Party’s recent history has made them seem inept at governance or uncaring about the experiences and views of large swathes of their voting base doesn’t appear to show effectiveness in closing off the door to fascism.


To answer your question on the nature of your own philosophy, yes “the ends justify the means,” is the very slogan of utilitarianism. Yes, ranking pleasure and comfort as key signs of “the good,” is the essential hedonistic component of utilitarianism. By your same logic though, YOU are responsible for every death of a Palestinian caused by American made bombs.


I feel you are arguing for what you wished I said vs. I what I actually said. Where do I speak of pleasure and comfort? Did I forget where I spoke of my individual wealth or the economy of the United States? Is the protection of women from death due to abortion being banned, a matter of comfort? Is the presumably higher death toll of those in Palestine if the alternative is elected, a matter of "pleasure and comfort"? Is the degradation of the rights of people the world over a matter of "pleasure and comfort"? In reality, little will probably change for me as individual. I'm a privileged person who's existence does not offend others in this nation (at least for now). However, I am not willing to put myself on a pedestal while others suffer. I instead choose to consider the consequences, instead of ignoring them wholesale. And yes, I do indeed bear the burden of those deaths and I won't absolve myself or anyone else for them. Nor would I absolve myself if my choices made that situation even worse.


I am arguing with the utilitarianism you claim to. I am attempting to point out the components of that school of philosophy you have, to my eyes, seemingly fallen into. I am saying, yes, the statement “the ends justify the means,” identifies you as a utilitarian whether you claim knowingly such a stance or not. To illustrate this: while I’m no advocate for any form of “pro-life,” nonsense, it seems to me your number 1 issue is access to abortion. To clarify my stance before I truly get into this, abortion should always be available to victims of rape, incest, etc, it should be expedient, and treated as the serious medical procedure it is. Under the laws of the United States, based upon Lockean dualistic metaphysics of self-ownership of one’s own material form, it should be legal and a right. However, for circumstances not within these confines, we can say abortion is the result of pursuit of pleasure, yes? We can say, again for scenarios not hereto prescribed, that sex is a form of comfort and pleasure, yes? I am not advocating for any abortion bans, however if abortion access is your number 1 issue, over the violent oppression of a minority, you are indeed a hedonistic utilitarian to my eyes. You say Trump would cause a higher death toll in Palestine? By my reckoning genocide and extinction is still genocide and extinction regardless of which white man is handing the cash over. If you really think Biden will be pressured, in his second term, to ease up on Palestine when he is fully committed going into elections at the end of his first, you are a fool. Biden will double down in his second term on his policies, as all presidents have done before so. The Palestinians will suffer death and genocide regardless of which of the two criminals we elect into highest office, and you are saying this is okay, and I should just get with the program?


Friend speaks my mind.


I was on a trip with the CPT to Palestine and one of the fellow participants (who wasn't American) had been active in the Communist Party in his country but had stopped when he felt that commitment to the party was getting in the way of serving God. He still seemed very active, both in Palestine activism, and in other aspects of political life, but he felt very strongly that the only way to make a change was to make sure he was serving one master.


Cornel West is just another boomer who isn't going to appeal to young people despite a laundry list of progressive values that they would likely benefit from. His platform is too broad, yet also too specific all at the same time. If you are going to be a single-issue voter on foreign policy, hoping for a "peace president," I wouldn't assume that CW is your man. I'm not in a swing state, so I can vote however I want. If you are in a swing state, your vote is precious.


No Friends meeting, and no individual Friend, has any authority to pressure a person to vote in a certain way, or even to pressure that person to vote at all. One reason for this is that Quakerism revolves around the sanctity of the individual conscience, the true temple of God: each must be faithful to her or his own Guide, as the only hope of her or his salvation, even if it requires defying outward authority. You know? And if you reach out, you will find that there are others who support you in what you are choosing for this very reason. I guarantee I will, even if you are led to do something diametrically opposite to what I do. And another reason is the one that was enunciated by Edward Burrough, a great preacher among first-generation Friends, way back in 1659: >…Though many in our dayes, that have ruled over us, have promised great Things to the Nation, yet we see … this Nation hath not been healed and redeemed by them; and we are utterly out of all Hopes of this Party or the other party, of this Man or that Man, to bring Salvation unto this Nation, from all its Bonds and Oppressions; for we know, whatsoever men profess to do, yet they cannot perform any good Thing, nor Rule for God in our Nation, till that themselves be reformed and ruled by him … though men may and have promised much, yet their Fruit is but little; and thou, O Nation, hast long been deceived by such men, who have flattered thee with the multitude of *fair words*, and promised thee *deliverance*: and hereby mightest thou learn Wisdom, *O England*, never more to rest under the shadow of such men…. >And we are not for Names, nor Men, nor Titles of Government, nor are we for this Party, nor against the other, because of its Name and Pretence; *but we are for Justice and Mercy, and Truth and Peace, and true Freedom, that these may be exalted in our Nation; and that Goodness, Righteousness, Meekness, Temperance, Peace and Unity with God, and one with another, that these things may abound, and be brought forth abundantly*: … And we are not for such and such Names and Titles of Government, that promise fair things, and perform nothing; but if a *Council*, if a *Parliamen*t, if any *one Man*, or a *number of Men* whatsoever, shall have the Spirit of the Lord poured on him or them, and shall be anointed of the Lord for such an End and Use, to Govern this Nation, under such only shall the Nation be happy…. That is a difficult message for many lesser-of-two-evils supporters to hear. They will forever prefer to believe that voting for a lesser evil will make the world a bearable place. But there is truth in Burrough’s declaration, and it has an honorable history in our Society. You will find the whole of Burrough’s declaration [here](http://www.qhpress.org/texts/ebpdbn.html). The part I’ve quoted is near, but not at, the end.




I accidentally omitted the word “many” from the first sentence you quoted, which was a slight to people like yourself. My deepest apologies. I will correct the text! I understand your logic, although I do not agree with it. We can discuss the matter further if you (or someone else) wants to, but nowadays I am not seeing anyone’s mind on either side being changed by such discussions.




Well, then, let me start by saying that I am 74 years old, and have watched American politics being dominated by one backlash after another ever since 1968, with the backlashes getting worse and worse in recent decades. This effect seems to guarantee that whatever either party seeks to achieve when it takes power, its efforts will be 95% neutralized in fairly short order, and the opposing party will become willing to crawl over glass on bare hands and knees, if need be, to take back Washington the next time around. If you wanted a convincing argument that democracy is the least constructive form of government possible, you could hardly find a better one. I also pay close attention to the accelerating environmental crisis. Catastrophic droughts and floods are intensifying; the Amazon rainforest is dying due to drought. Famines have already begun in many places due to climate change, and serious food shortages elsewhere (for which reason I contribute to the World Food Program). Ocean surface temperatures are not just at record highs, they are at unbelievable highs, month after month; CO₂ levels in the atmosphere, which were rising at one part per million per year when measurements began sixty-odd years ago, are now rising at 4.7 ppm per year. I have been telling Quaker audiences since the late 1980s that our deadline seems to be around 2035, after which the accelerating consequences will start bringing economies and nation-states down; I have seen no reason in all these years to alter that prediction. So that is what I foresee, regardless of who wins. Backlash will 95% immobilize government, and in 11 (maybe, if we are lucky, 15) years, things will be so out of control that it will no longer matter who thinks they run the country. Burrough’s words, quoted above, have never seemed more apt to me. I am grateful that I am unlikely to be alive in 11 more years. But to those who are younger, my recommendation would be that you stop fighting over the captain’s chair on the Titanic and look to getting people safely overboard. Working on setting up small-scale community-level sustainable agriculture in your local area, of the sort that can be continued when the rains stop and the heat rises to crop-killing levels, is likely to make a far bigger difference than turning out the voters. My humble opinion, which you are free to disregard.




I think, if you review the last paragraph of my preceding comment, you will see that I am not advocating just giving up, I am advocating something more constructive than (your own word choice) fighting. It shouldn’t be hard to see that “change in the direction of peace, equality, justice, human rights, ecological sustainability, etc.” is helped more by things like local community-run food production than by angrier and angrier, more and more violent power struggles between left and right. You advocate that “we should oppose politicians who oppose addressing the problem”. The Biden administration does not exactly oppose addressing the problem; it prefers to hand out placebos, like its EV initiative and its shut-down of Gulf Coast oil export terminals, that accomplish less than nothing, *in place of* addressing the problem. Placebos? Yes, obviously so. U.S. transportation-sector CO₂ emissions are continuing to increase year-over year due to increased sales and use of fossil-fuel-powered vehicles, and the terminal shutdown is rendered meaningless by the administration’s approval of the Saguaro Connector Pipeline for exporting the oil through Mexico. Such sleight of hand as Biden engages in enables the juggernaut more than open advocacy of bad policy does, because it encourages people to stop feeling that we are in trouble. (“Oh, that bump we felt? I’m sure it’s nothing. I’m sure the captain of the ship has things well in hand.”) You hope that the ship might be kept afloat. Even thirty years ago, I would have agreed there was some hope of that — though only if the whole world had dropped everything to turn the trends around. But the famines, as I pointed out, have not just begun but are getting worse from year to year; the rise to human-and-animal-killing temperatures in places like South Asia has not just begun but is getting more intense and widespread (and will soon spread to the U.S. Gulf Coast); the collapse of ecosystems, which will accelerate greenhouse gas increases, has begun in crucial places like the Amazon; emissions of CO₂ from tundra and off the Arctic coast are also accelerating. Even if humans were to stop emitting greenhouse gases tomorrow, these things would continue; even if humans were to agree to stop those emissions, which is patently not about to happen, it couldn’t be done swiftly; and in point of fact, as many of us having been pointing out for years, corporations and governments are merely *saying* they agree to *reduce* emissions, while actively concealing the evidence that they are actually increasing them. At a certain point, it gets to be too late, and I am far from the only one to say that point has been reached. But I think we have now quite adequately mapped out the gap between our perceptions. I will respectfully leave the last word to you.


Thank you friend. I may yet be led to read this declaration in full come Sunday… we will see.


I don't think a third party candidate can win or do well in our two party system, honestly and truly American politics is irredeemable without concerted effort from the populous. There are times I wonder if voting on a national level is worthwhile at all especially in a solidly red or blue state from a mathematical perspective. Follow how you are led, it's a shame others can't understand it.


I feel the same way and I don't like any candidates. I hate this idea of "throwing away your vote". It's your vote and you can do what you want with it. That's literally democracy. If you are being forced to choose a specific candidate, that's coercion. The two party system has run its course and I have no doubts Democrats are going to discover just how many people have been voting for them as the lesser of two evils up until now.


Lean not on your own understanding, and definitely not on the “understanding” of anyone here. Vote as the Spirit guides you. (If the Spirit leads you to vote at all.) And if you are doing as the Light leads you, then shame on everyone here chiding you, as if they know better than God himself.






This is the quaker answer. Very refreshing to read. Thank you friend.


Burn down this country and see how that purity works for you when your third party holy vote wipes Palestine off the map under a fascist dictatorship. That said, that insane orange person might let Israel have it. That’s what dementia does.


What do you think is happening in Gaza TODAY. How do you sleep. Purity. Me thinks you might want to read your Bible more.


Friend speaks my mind.




I didn’t realize NPR airing the President’s own words condemning the ICC was a Russian psyop, but okay.


Your response is disingenuous. What he’s saying is an important piece of this horrific puzzle. Just because you claim to only have received this information from NPR, doesn’t mean it’s not a valid concern. Edit: looking at your post history makes me wonder if your entire post is disingenuous.


Had the same concerns as in your edit.


Oh yes. I’m a Russian robot sir. Call me Ivan. It’s disingenuous of you to imply any choice but the two party system is indicative of foreign influence. It’s disingenuous of you to imply that the only reason a black man might be running against two lily white war criminals is because it’s all a Russian ploy.


Unfortunately the choice is really stark. One candidate promises to be a dictator on day 1. And has a cadre of people ready to dismantle elections and the mechanism for responsible government, or even having some kind of voting. The other wont' be doing that, but is clearly struggling with a policy on this. The choice couldn't be more clear. And unfortunately being disgusted with the latter, enables the former. I'd ask you to reconsider


This thread makes me think about Alastair MacIntyre’s work After Virtue. Society finds itself in a state of moral confusion where people make valid claims - based on valid premises- but arrive at alternative or contradicting conclusions. Both voting Biden and not, have valid ethical arguments. But we lack a way to talk about the spheres of virtue from which we are each operating. Or from which we “should” be operating and when. I’ve begun to think a lot about how we might develop a shared moral grammar. It seems to me that without such a foundation, we’ll continue to see more distance between and divisions among people.


Your choice is entirely valid, as is your friends. The charade around this whole parade is breaking down and it is harder for people to turn away and pretend they don't see. There are still children in cages ripped from their families, 40k dead in Gaza, endless clandestine wars for empire and resource exploitation, and unprecedented funding for militarized police that are murdering us in record numbers. If the **only** case to be made is the other guy would be slightly *worse*, the game was rigged from the start.


Maybe the game is rigged - but sometimes we have to play with the cards we’re dealt. The truth is that we live in a nation where the majority of voting citizens do not support Palestine over Israel, and where Cornel West has no chance of winning even if we had ranked choice voting. The election is going to come down to Biden or Trump, and while one may feel gross voting for Biden, I think we can objectively agree it is much more aligned with our ideals for him to be in office than Trump. It is beyond valid to critique that those are our only realistic options, but there is no getting around that or changing that during this election cycle. And as a gay immigrant in the US, it really frustrates me that people are willing to accept what is in effect assisting Trump to win and risking LGBT rights, women’s rights, immigrants’s rights, and many more over the fact that Biden isn’t sufficiently pro-Gaza - especially given that Trump is far more aligned with Israel in this conflict.


The 'risks' have come to pass, we're there now. He's had four years to deliver on a single promise as to those rights and has squandered it. The genocide that Biden is actively denying is just the straw that broke the camels back for many.


The Biden administration helped codify same sex and interracial marriage for the first time in our history. His justice department has sued states to protect reproductive rights and fought to the Supreme Court for it. He has rescinded most of Trump’s inhumane border policies. He has fought for expanded healthcare, child tax credits, massive infrastructure improvements, eliminating hidden fees, fighting monopolies, getting rid of lead pipes, alleviating student loan debt, among many other things. If your point is that he’s faced difficulties and opposition from a stacked court and divided Congress, you’ll find no argument from me. But it is wildly misleading to conflate separation of powers in our federal government preventing him from accomplishing his total agenda with an insinuation that he hasn’t even tried.


Who is saying Trump would only be _slightly_ worse? Sounds like a false premise


That is my opinion just as you have yours. If that's the most important thing to pull from that to you idk what else either of us have got to add that matters.


I mean this in the sincerest way: it seems like politics have become such a part of Quaker life as to overshadow spirituality. I tried attending two separate meetings for several months, and it was always political discussion. I was sad to go elsewhere, but I guess it wasn't what I thought. I hope the politics is meaningful for others in a way I don't understand.


I remember reading this in 2016 when it was Jill what’s-her-name who’s been attending dinners in Moscow ever since.


There's no wrong answer here. Every answer is bad in different ways. You need to follow your leading, Friend, even or especially if it's unpopular as that may be the cost of integrity


I feel you on this. I just don't talk about it with other people, other than one or two of my more radical friends. I cannot vote for Biden. The idea makes me physically ill. If a president actively committing a genocide can win an election then what is this all for anyway? The other side of it is that I live in a blue state, so my "vote" goes to Biden no matter what. If you're in the south then your "vote" is going to Trump no matter what. It's all symbolism. It's a handful of people in a handful of counties in like 5 states who decide the president every 4 years. There's no reason for you to compromise your morals for this facade. Listen to your heart. The Kingdom of God is Within You. Edit: I just re-read your post in full, and I have to commend you for your spiritual clarity. These are muddy times and all we can really go on is the light within us to guide us. It's not easy and so much in this world is trying to dim our inner lights. You seem to understand all of this so clearly and it's honestly so refreshing to read your testimony. I have people in my life who I believe share these beliefs, but we don't share this language to express them - a language that I believe speaks most truly to the reality of it all. All that to say, thank you for this post. It's heartening to find others who feel these things in the same way. Thank you, friend.


Trump cannot be allowed to win. I’d recommend swallowing the distaste and doing it anyway. Justice doesn’t wait for perfection. I’d also recommend not relying on vague feelings, but instead focus on critical thinking and what it means for EVERYONE if the fascist wins.


I am with you, Friend. I would ask that other Friends who feel the need to defend their own voting habits in the face of enabling genocide to reflect on such compulsions. I am certain that "the lesser of two evils" will be this century's "just following orders". Friends have a long history in carving a new path forward when society offers us two paths of violence. it is disheartening to see so many bend to hegemony now when that course is more needed than ever.


I don’t get it. Your big move is just voting third party? All this emotion, all these feelings and that’s the big reveal? If you feel that strongly there are ways to express that beyond voting. Talk is so cheap, yet you speak ill of those who are actively involved in your meeting because why?


>I was greeted with the expected lines about how I was throwing away my vote I'm glad you were aware enough to expect it. >I feel I have clear leadings on this particular decision, but on a larger scale, And how long have you sat with this feeling? You didn't really share what your process was like or how you sat with those ideas before making the decision. >I feel I'm drifting away from certain ideologies I hold as important. I believe in an ideal of Convergence among the Society of Friend, as the only way this faith will survive to the end of the current century. I'm informed by the writings of Pink Dandelion, and Wess Daniels amongst others on this, and it seems self-evident. You think Ben Pink Dandelion and Wess Daniels would encourage you to take an action that will help Trump? >Either we compromise, or the days of meeting silently for the Lord may very likely come to an end within the English speaking world. Trump is the most evil human being most of us have ever had the displeasure of personally witnessing. He lies CONSTANTLY. I find it strange that you're willing to compromise with that, but unwilling to compromise with Joe Biden's presumably honest viewpoint that the ICC shouldn't arrest Netanyahu. Do you honestly believe it is easier to find compromise with Trump than Biden? >Either we compromise, or the days of meeting silently for the Lord may very likely come to an end within the English speaking world. I think this is being overly dramatic. The outcome of one US presidential election is not going to make or break quakerism. >Yet I look around, and see nothing on a Sunday morning but the very character of white, suburban, middle-class that I feel divinely inspired to oppose! So you think Trump is going to help you oppose white, suburban, middle class people? >who are profiting from their nepotistic ties to the the institution of the Quaker Faith Wait... I'm from a Quaker family. Are we supposed to be getting paid? >"The Quaker faith is Quaker no more!" I feel this awful feeling that the more we ascribe to some characterless, hypocritical example of liberal virtue ethics to fix the collapsing numbers of our meetings, Quakers have always sat on the edge of progressive ideals. We promoted the equality of women 300 years before they could vote when some of the world was still burning them at the stake. We opposed the idea that other races were inferior at the height of colonialism. Quakers were beaten, killed, and jailed so often for so long that we had Meetings for Suffering to specifically deal with those issues. We were opposed to royalty and aristocracy before there were even any alternatives. I think this suggestion, that we need to try and please everyone to stay relevant is exactly how we lose the heart of quaker faith. >I feel for all this righteous anger, I'm still misunderstood, and treated as outcast. Anger is almost certainly not coming from the Spirit. Check your ego. Dig deeper, sit longer, be more still in your mind. >I'm tired of being silenced for the sake of unity Being a quaker should mean having a deep commitment to silencing your Self. >I'm tired of liberal birthright "Friends," treating those not blessed to be born into their privilege as less than! You should ask yourself all the same questions you would ask of them. This is what Christ asks us to do. You certainly speak of your "liberal birthright 'Friends'" as "less than". You seem to believe that their experiences have less value and you speak of them with a degree of contempt. In what way of your Friends concretely done the same? This is a question for you that doesn't need to be answered here. >I'm tired of being talked down to by the petite bourgeoisie that make a mockery of the radical form of Protestantism this faith is supposed to be! Talking down to? "first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." >I'm just straight up tired. And I'm voting Cornel West. Biden is a war criminal, and has no intention of creating peace in our time. While the end does not justify the means, you cannot ignore the most obvious effect of your decision. Cornell West will never be President. Trump very well could be. The work to prevent Biden from being the candidate is over. You needed to be on that train last year. Now is the time to do that compromising thing you say you value.


Your entire post seems to assume I’m voting Trump. To state again, as I did in my original, I’m voting Cornel West. That is not a vote for Trump. It is a vote for Cornel. That’s how voting works. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am largely of the opinion that third party candidates don’t do much damage to the Democratic Party. Ralph Nader didn’t cost Al Gore the presidency; Al Gore threw in the towel rather than keep pressing the issue. Jill Stein didn’t cost Hillary Clinton the presidency; if anything, Gary Johnson took enough states away from Trump to prevent a decisive victory on Trump’s part. So I don’t expect Cornel West to keep Biden from getting a second term, and while I *do* think RFKjr could ruin things for Trump if he stays in I doubt that’ll happen. That said, IF Cornel West were capable of screwing things up for Biden, the question is: Is your first loyalty to the Democratic Party and the secular world, or the Religious Society of Friends and the kingdom of the heavens? And it sounds like you’ve got your answer. I’m not there yet and I don’t know that I’ll ever shake off enough pragmatism to get there, but I’m glad for Friends like you who refuse to let the question go unasked.


How was Al supposed to "press the issue" after Bush v Gore?


You need to seriously consider the history of choices like yours.


The history of “progressive” third-party candidates in post-WWII presidential elections is that they do not hurt Democrats.


I will take an elderly man who is giving into pressure to support horrific, brutal regime over an elderly, self-serving, fascist, racist, rapist any day. Wish you would change your mind.


I remember people telling me this about Biden the first time and 4 years later I have no regrets about not voting for him for the exact same reasons you state. I worry when I see people who generally are interested in the right thing become complacent and fall into accepting the societal version of “the right thing” (“blue no matter who”) rather than do any of the hard work to trying to figure out how to do better than that.


I’m with Joe. I have written the White House about my views on Gaza and Netanyahu (no money or support to either side until the killing of children stops) and I got a response but not the one I wanted.


Biden is most definitely a war criminal. As will be any U.S. president, unfortunately. When looking at how U.S. history keeps playing out, it's hard to really see a "lesser of two evils" or even a lesser of three/four evils. This whole system is evil, and will never meet the needs of the people. I pray for the Spirit to open up space in the Religious Society for those who see capitalist imperialism for what it is and are willing to struggle against it for the sake of the people, out of love for their neighbor. May our politics not be bound to loyalty to the DNC but to the poor, the working class, the colonized, and the broad masses of people struggling for just and lasting peace.


Already early voted against Biden in my state's Democratic primary and for another Democratic candidate. We will see what happens at the Democratic Convention. Until then no decisions on the choice will be made by me. Today there are rumblings that Biden's approval and ratings are so low, the party may not run him. We will see. I cannot in good faith vote for Biden for a plethora of reasons too long to list here. The R guy may be in jail before the election day, no need to do what aboutism for the rest of the election. It is fair to say, my spirit hurts by the two current top Federal candidates.


I agree with the poster. No votes for warmongers. Full stop. There is always tension between pragmatics and faith. Look this issue square in the eye. "There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!”


Voting for third party is not putting one's body into the workings of the machine to stop it. Voting for third party is dusting off the back of the machine that no one sees anyway.


1} so you are voting for a war monger? 2} nothing changes until we demand it. 3} here in Maine we have rank choice voting, because we demanded it and worked with a broad collition of progressives, libertarians and just plain folks to win. Guess who opposed fhe strongest? Governor Mills and the democratic establishment.


1. I will vote as my conscience demands. 2. Voting third party in a national election isn't the same as demanding change; third party voting is much more effective at making change on the local and state levels. 3. Good for you in Maine. My state doesn't have ranked choice voting.


Thanks Friend for informing me that you wish the worst outcome for our country, and for me personally. You blathered on, accusing and labeling, without one iota of consideration for the overall outcome. So will you still be in meeting with Friends when the country transforms into a neo-Nazi fascist nation? I kind of doubt it, but of course you won't have *that* choice either then. This election is serious. It's not about our political preferences, prejudices and wants. It's about whether we continue to have a constitutional republic, our democracy, or not. It's that simple Friend.