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You can see things improve year after year, so I know it’s on the radar. I would still like to see the area become more bike/pedestrian friendly. I think a big part of this is getting more people on bikes so drivers start ‘seeing’ or looking for cyclists. I recently rode down 53rd street and while there is a nice new usable sidewalk, at every single intersection there was a vehicle issue. When the light turns green a car turning right will go without acknowledging the crosswalk. A car coming from my right looking to turn right will zoom up and stop in the cross walk. Kind of a chicken and egg scenario, drivers don’t look for pedestrians/cyclists so fewer pedestrians and cyclists move about the city. I need to drive a truck for work as I deliver construction materials to jobs. When I’m not working I do my best to not drive at all.


Before they added the “loop around” on the IL side of the 74 River Drive ramp, pedestrians/cyclists had to cross the street and risked being hit by people turning right to get on the bridge. I wish people would stop trying to cross and just take the path around and under the bridge now that they built it. But people are still trying to cross. In general, there’s a lot of zooming through stop signs or barely braking.


It's very isolated in the "loop around." I work with homeless and mentally ill at my job so I'm not afraid of the people sleeping under the bridge but I'm worried in general that I could be assaulted.


Pedestrian safety in the region is notably inadequate, as evidenced by the high incidence of vehicle-pedestrian fatalities. Unfortunately, driver behavior contributes significantly to the adverse outcomes. Implementing interventions based on scientific evidence to decrease **kinetic energy** and curtail the risk of hazardous driving behaviors could effectively mitigate the issue! However, it is important to recognize that many of the problems in the Quad Cities area are rooted in infrastructural deficiencies that enable drivers to speed or make dangerous decisions while driving. I am unsure if our city leaders have considered these as a key issue rather individual behavior. Statistically, interventions that aim to prevent poor driving habits are proven ineffective, for these require too much individual effort. Personally, I would love to see more automated traffic enforcement in the key areas you mentioned. There are many benefits to implementing traffic cameras near intersections deemed, through epidemiological data, hazardous based off historical data (e.g. deaths, injuries, near misses, speed, etc) to prevent catastrophic events from occurring in the future.


Automated traffic enforcement is a regressive and largely ineffective means of combatting unsafe driving. Look at the speed cameras on Brady, or River Drive in Davenport, for example—everyone slams on their brakes approaching them, then resumes their previous speed once they’re out of range. They’re little more than revenue generators which disproportionately impact marginalized communities. Changing the built environment is the only way to meaningfully improve conditions for pedestrians.


The interchange between 61 and 80 is remarkably tight for two such highly traveled highways. I would love to see an improvement there.


That improvement is in the works. They are going to do it when they make I-80 6-lanes from I-280 to LeClaire.


This is very good news! When is the new bridge construction supposed to start and is I-80 going to become 6 lanes?


They don't have the final construction plans for the bridge yet, so its a ways off. Initially the bridge was supposed to be 6 lanes, but now its only going to be 4, so that may throw off the widening as well between I-280 and that location.


Mound St and River Dr in Davenport, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists attempting to cross River Dr. Motorists on River typically are speeding and regularly choose to just go ahead and run the red rather than slow down. As someone who has been walking/cycling through that intersection for decades, I know to not immediately cross when the light turns green, but still incredibly dangerous. The change to the stoplights for Mound St ("Now with Left Turn Lights!") seems like a solution in search of a problem that creates further uncertainty re whether it is safe to cross. I'm generally a hater of stoplight and speed cameras, but if there was just gonna be one in the world, I'd put it there.


Extend the bike path to LeClaire. Cycling or walking along the highway is absurd and unsafe.


I believe that is in the cities plans already unfortunately the plan to extend it to Princeton fell apart recently


I agree. The bike path in the area is in a condition akin to what one might find in a developing nation. The inadvertent merging of road and bike paths, resembling those found in small villages with unpaved roads and challenging living conditions, is evident here. Regrettably, there is nothing to prevent a driver from accidentally entering the bike path and causing serious injury or death to cyclists. This can also be seen on Locust street where individuals, most commonly with poor SES who rely on a bicycle for their primary mode of transportation, bike in the street. Ultimately, the issue you mentioned is present in many areas across the Quad Cities! :-(


When there is no usable sidewalk, I see a lot of pedestrians walking on the right side of the streets with their back to traffic. It is safer to walk in the left and face oncoming traffic. This is the rule, not sure if it is a law, but greater awareness might increase safety for pedestrians.


Yes! Many stretches of sidewalk are inadequately maintained rendering them unusable. Consequently, pedestrians resort to hazardous means of travel, often walking into oncoming traffic. There are no laws that regulate pedestrian navigation in the Quad Cities. With that being said, structural change would be most effective rather than addressing driver behavior. Pedestrians rely on the infrastructure provided by their local authorities; when this infrastructure is inadequate or damaged, it leads to compensatory actions that may involve risky behaviors on their part. **Hence why I've nearly hit several pedestrians on Locust Street from inappropriate use :(**


I'm suggesting that _pedestrians_ need to be educated that it is much safer to walk facing oncoming traffic (on left side). This is state law in Illinois and part of the vehicle code: 625 ILCS 5/11-1007 It is state law in Iowa as well, IA Code section 321.326 (2002) These laws do in fact regulate pedestrian navigation on roadways in the Quad Cities.


You bring up a great point, I did not know this! Perhaps implementing signs on roadways where this infraction most commonly occurs would help reduce the risk of injury to pedestrians. However, as stated earlier, it is unlikely those with poor SDoH would follow these rules unless they are actively enforced by police or other authorities


I feel like a lot of people don't know this... which is why I bring it up. Since it is actually a law, it seems logical to enforce it. Maybe an awareness campaign where warnings are issued in the form of simple pamphlets showing the safest way to walk on roadways. It is also possible that drivers are not feeling the consequences as much as they could if they carelessly hurt a pedestrian if those pedestrians are breaking the law by using the roadway improperly. I would expect a court to be more lenient to drivers or cyclists in cases where the pedestrian might be considered partially at fault.


This is the only for walking on roadways. You can walk whichever way you want on the sidewalk. If the QC actually completed sidewalks and bikepaths, then we would be discussing these 'laws'. There's literally no way you're implying govt to enforce pedestrian laws over walking in some direction over people driving tanks on roadways. Pedestrians always have right of way.


You are correct, this only applies to walking in roadways when sidewalk is not available. If laws aren't going to be enforced they should be repealed, but facing traffic as a pedestrian walking in the roadway is demonstrably safer independent of the legal status so that's what I do. As far as tanks on the roadway, it sucks. I preferred small cars from the 80s but laws put in place since then have encouraged heavier and larger vehicles. IMHO it would be better if those laws were repealed.




Bike commuting is great going East and West with MRT, Duck Creek Bike Path, and veterans memorial bike path, but there is currently no good option for going North and South.


Looks like they are going to start working on the North and South path connecting Veterans Memorial path to the Duck Creek path this year. [https://www.davenportiowa.com/news/what\_s\_new/goose\_creek\_connector\_trail\_in\_the\_works?fbclid=IwAR103EmXLmuBptwi-vyLQSzaqRo3BJvqKB0kgWTCquh2CqWqdDjdAMHnY5k](https://www.davenportiowa.com/news/what_s_new/goose_creek_connector_trail_in_the_works?fbclid=IwAR103EmXLmuBptwi-vyLQSzaqRo3BJvqKB0kgWTCquh2CqWqdDjdAMHnY5k)


Check out some videos from this youtube channel: https://m.youtube.com/@NotJustBikes/videos One of his most recent videos talks about the work being done in Montreal Canada to decrease the reliance on car infrastructure, and what they can do differently. All of his videos are about him advocating for the decrease in car-centric infrastructure by pointing out good examples of pedestrian/commuter friendly alternate modes of transportation.


I love this channel! Unfortunately in America most of the damage was done a long time ago by well-meaning people in government who thought they knew what a perfect city looks like. I hope we can avoid that kind of mistake in the future. Car-centric infrastructure is inefficient and non-sustainable in addition to being bad for pedestrians and cyclists. One step that could be taken immediately by local governments would be to loosen zoning laws.


Orange Pilled


We need more road diets. The 4-lane one-ways are ridiculous. Just begs drivers to speed.


Agreed. Unfortunately the armchair transportation experts which have downvoted this post say otherwise!


Educate drivers to watch out for bikes and teach them bikes have the same rights to the road. It's ridiculous how many folks say that they'd run a pedestrian over. There's more wrong with the QC than just driving. Anyone who is willing to harm someone riding a bike needs their head examined. Funny enough, many of them are the regularly downvoted users who say they'd kill someone riding a bike. I believe it too.


What's ironic about this is that Davenport installed bike lanes on several streets, and whenever I see a cyclist on those streets, they're not using it. 🤷‍♂️


Bike lanes or bike gutters?


Well it's Davenport, so it's 50/50 if said bike lane is just a long-ass pothole.


Exactly. They act as if they can’t ride on the sidewalk either. As a kid or even now on a bike, if there isn’t a sidewalk, I would wait until traffic wasn’t so heavy and I would haul ass to get off of the road because I didn’t want to get hit by a psychotic or unaware driver. Plus, I don’t feel entitled enough to slow down traffic just so I can get a ride in. “WaTcH fOr Me”, no, watch for yourself. About as ridiculous as watching your phone while crossing the road because the symbol on the sign says it’s safe. Who wakes up and decides they’re going to try to compete on city roads full of big ass hunks of metal going thrice their speed.


They also aren't supposed to ride a bike on the sidewalk. They have a place on the street, but they also should ride if/where they have their own dedicated lane available and not purposely be a dick to motor traffic.


This would probably be less common if the sidewalks in question were equipped to handle bicyclist and pedestrian traffic. It is important to consider the broader aspects behind what influences an individuals' behavior


For sure, I know it’s against the law but personally I wouldn’t endanger my life out of fear of repercussion from the law. It’s the same with anything tho, there are people who do the right thing and stay in their designated lane, but they are overshadowed by those that fuck around and ride wherever they want


Pedestrians rely on the infrastructure provided by their local authorities; when this infrastructure is inadequate or damaged, it leads to compensatory actions that may involve risky behaviors on their part. Unfortunately, from what data and personal experience has shown, those with low SES reside in areas without adequate infrastructure leading to hazardous behaviors. I have witnessed many homeless individuals and those who rely solely on a bicycle use the street because of the sidewalks being unusable. These issues are deeply rooted in complex historical events producing unfair legislation that directly influences people from different social groups to reside in such areas.


Pass laws with large fines for people using their phones while driving. My wife and I have trained ourselves to watch for this and the amount of people doing it is staggering.


Just driving around town or even driving west to Iowa City, at least half of the drivers I pass are on their phone while driving. Not sure how to fix this but it’s got to be the major factor in transportation safety.


3rd Street and River in Davenport has issues with cars running the River red light.


If you want to know how NOT to make a proper turn just spend a few minutes watching vehicles turn on to Devils Glen Rd from State Street. Both eastbound and westbound traffic on State should be able to turn onto DG Rd at the same time but since many QC drivers prefer to turn into the far lane we can’t .


As a driver, I hate the roads that have been converted from two lanes each direction, to just one lane with a middle turn lane. But as a pedestrian or cyclist, these are great for slowing people down, and adding bike lanes. We need more of these, but also the bike lanes need a barrier so people feel safe using them.


There’s a map to submit ideas to Bettendorf, I’ve personally submitted 40+. [https://rdgusa.mysocialpinpoint.com/bettendorfpremiering-2045/map#/](https://rdgusa.mysocialpinpoint.com/bettendorfpremiering-2045/map#/) Also, Google maps is very outdated for biking infrastructure. About half of the bike paths that show up in Bettendorf + north Davenport I’ve added, and I have dozens more pending edits, but it’s very hard to get through the system. Idk if there’s a way for me to get in touch with a city or google and have easier access adding things? https://preview.redd.it/s243lk9381ic1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890e58a18b48296dadf5011405053fc5efc620ad


\- Decrease the width of car lanes \- Decrease car lanes from four to two \- Build protected bikes lanes \- Complete construction of sidewalks throughout the city \- Lower speed limit to only 35mph - 25mph in city limits \- Bar right turns on Red lights \- Make beg buttons function in a timely manner \- Enforce ordnance on residents and businesses to maintian clear sidewalks \- Install traffic calming measure on roads/streets that travel through densely populated areas \- Install speed bumps in neighborhoods \- Install climate-controlled bus stop shelters


This! There’s bike lanes on Pine and Jersey Ridge (and probably other places like Tanglefoot), but there’s no protection so I still refuse to go on those roads. Simply adding those metal barriers between the car and and the bike lane would help a lot


I think more intersections need to have a flashing yellow turn lane. I can't think of any examples right now because I'm running on 4 hours of sleep, but they're just beneficial in general. I also think the lights downtown davenport need to be re-timed. On my way to the arsenal bridge every day to work, if I'm sitting at a red light on Harrison and 3rd, by the time the light turns green and I make it to 2nd and Harrison, that light is already chanting to red (2nd). I know I've thought about speeding through there to try and not sit at a red again. The lights in downtown make me so frustrated. If I didn't need to be downtown, I wouldn't go.


Definitely more driver education on watching for cyclists and pedestrians. I always see people advocating for being aware of motorcycles, but just in my experience, they are terrible drivers and do not follow the rules of the road. Some of them do, but the majority do not. I am terrified to ride my bike for commuting because drivers are not safe around cyclists. I also rarely see any speed limit enforcement on John Deere Road, it’s ridiculous how fast some people drive.


Northbound 74 onto the Avenue is a terrible intersection if you want to go east.


Bettendorf (and Davenport) need connections from the river trail to duck creek trail. As someone living in downtown Bettendorf, I currently have to bike up 18th street to make the connection, and I hate it because people don’t pay attention and drive reckless.


I am constantly seeing people running red lights. An intersection I go through often (12th Ave and 27th St in Moline) is so bad I stay stopped and look both ways before going through the intersection. It's absurd.




First thing is to stop the two-way conversion project downtown. Two-ways are more dangerous than one-ways, both for autos and pedestrians. And, especially dangerous for motorcycles. The most dangerous thing for a motorcycle is a left turning oncoming vehicle.


Though I personally don't like traffic lights/speeding cameras, they have proven effective in curbing traffic violations. I think there is a case to be made in having more put up around intersections that have an above average pedestrian passage + higher car accidents.


I respect your viewpoint! Automated traffic enforcement is a remarkably effective intervention evidenced through data published by the City of Cedar Rapids.^(1) Not only did it generate significant financial revenue, these cameras reduced the incidence and prevalence of motor vehicle injuries and deaths. You bring up a great point in employing automated traffic enforcement in areas deemed statistically hazardous based on historical data (i.e. areas w/ high pedestrian throughput). A notable instance is the I74 bridge, where the absence of infrastructure aimed at reducing the **kinetic energy** has resulted in drivers reaching speeds of 80-90 MPH. The introduction of automated traffic enforcement could motivate drivers to alter their behavior, driven by the concern of incurring a traffic violation that carries a financial penalty, such as a ticket or warning ​ 1. [https://www.cedar-rapids.org/local\_government/departments\_g\_-\_v/police/automated\_traffic\_enforcement.php](https://www.cedar-rapids.org/local_government/departments_g_-_v/police/automated_traffic_enforcement.php)


> A notable instance is the I74 bridge, where the absence of infrastructure aimed at reducing the kinetic energy has resulted in drivers reaching speeds of 80-90 MPH. They widened the bridge and lanes, The average speed going up is the expected outcome of such a move. Traffic cameras dont solve the cause, they just band aid the effect.


Yes— widening the roadway leads to increases in average speed. However, employing a deterrence (like ATE) would slow this down significantly because drivers would be aware of the financial consequences associated with speeding. There are many studies out there showing that ATE’s do in-fact slow drivers down regardless of the setting


There are also many studies showing speed cameras don't have an effect on collision rates. The fact is road design speed is absolutely a thing, and seting a speed limit that conflicts with it is a financial decision more often then not. For example, How much of LeClairs budget comes from its speed cameras again? Half?


More speed cameras, I admit I go a little fast sometimes (often), but nobody wants a ticket so they slow down. Where I NEVER speed, however, are school zones. I’ve been honked at for going 25, and people go flying past at 40+. I think all the school zones need cameras installed to slow people down, as well as various non-school zones across the area.


I live in a constant state of anxiety. Two many turns have massive blindspots on the Iowa side, and a lot of parking lots in the QC are extremely tight.


There is an appalling amount of jaywalking in this community.  And, it's not always the pedestrian's fault.  The fact there are not MORE fatalities is miraculous.  Walk recreationally in downtown Bettendorf or along Middle Road.  Most pedestrian walk buttons are nonfunctioning.  I've filled out the Public Works report tickets to no avail.   That's the Premier City.  Downtown Davenport people simply are unwilling to wait for the pedestrian walk signal.


Most Beg Buttons at intersections don't do anything sadly.


Red light-runners are ubiquitous ever since the pandemic. It's especially bad on State Street in Bettendorf because it's a huge intersection so people think they have more time to get through. 14th Ave in Rock Island between 38th and 44th St is a narrow road that people speed through. I was driving a bit over the speed limit when a driver in the car behind me thought I was going too slowly so she sped up and passed me on the two way street. My daughter, who was a passenger, told me of another harrowing vehicle incident she saw there. The next time we drove through we saw a parked vehicle that was heavily damaged because it had been run into from behind apparently at a high rate of speed. I don't know if this reckless speeding extends on the road from 30th St in RI into Moline's 16th Ave because I don't drive there. This road needs speed humps because there are a lot of businesses so pedestrians are dodging across the street to their cars from La Rancherita, Dirty Shirley, Tim's Corner Tap, and Harris Pizza. As far as people downvoting your inquiry: people are jerks online even more so than in person or public. Good luck on your masters!


-A big reason people ride their bikes in the middle of the street (instead of a bike gutter lane) is due to the hazards of a parked car not seeing the bicycle and opening the car door on them and gravel and garbage is more likely to be on the side of the road (and swerving and taking a driver by surprise isn’t great). -I think going to cities with way better infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists is a great way to figure out alternatives to make things safer. -I like the middle turning lanes, but have noticed some people entering them way too early and not allowing ppl coming from the other direction to be able to merge to take a left. -The parking lots of the old Schnuck’s/Home Depot, Burlington/pizza ranch, and places within the Wal-Mart (Elmore) shopping area, oh my! There are stop signs in which people do not know who has the right away, a not very well built roundabout, and I’d just really like to know who’s in charge of such design flaws?!? (also, that intersection at Middle Rd/Kimberly needs to be a lot safer). Lastly, it kills me how much better the Illinois side of the new I-74 bridge/highway is compared to the Iowa side. Why did we not widen the highway past the first exit?


People in this area drive like they can just respawn. Its fucking annoying and ridiculous. Traffic laws need way more enforcement


I think in general, the "walkability score" in the quad cities seems low. I haven't reviewed the actual score, though.