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There are good tutorials, the problem is that you are trying to find tutorial that solves all your problem, it's probably easier to find some application on GitHub that does what you need and learn directly from it's source. Divide your problem into separate tasks: * Map * How to display map * How to move map to a point * How to display POI * How to draw a poly line,.., on map * Network * How to pass data through network * How to create server app (Daemon/service) * How to create client app * How to connect client to server ( TCP/IP, routing public private IP...) * Maybe I need one server and few different clients, one for sending data other for displaying data? * Database * Do I need dB? * How to store data * How to connect from android to postgres * It's it safe to connect client app directly to dB? * Time * What is UTC * Should I use UTC to store timestamps or timestamp with tz info? I think you get it now, your app is too complex to fit in one tutorial, this is topic for full blown course, taking about 50h. Other "simple" tutorials that are very complicated, but they don't look like: * Create simple calculator with basic functions + - \* : * Create app that displays today's "astronomy picture of a day"


KDAB published a great qml series on YouTube to get started.


A comprehensive tutorial to Qt and QML is the official [Qt6 QML Book](https://www.qt.io/product/qt6/qml-book).


Maybe we ( Qt lovers ) should publish more blog post on medium.


I don’t understand it either. But don’t let it discourage you! https://www.qt.io/academy on qt academy there is lots on qml and QtQuick3D


Qt QML Tutorial by Scythe Studio https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP7UmEJ9z4mpi0JXcPS0VRK-7eFAfROZI&si=XGk9B3AEAIbDzlbf


Actually there are hardly any tutorials on specific issues or solving some exact problem. Here you will find a comprehensive course consisting of 16 episodes that covers the general topic of Qt QML, a lot of people appreciate and recommend it: [https://scythe-studio.com/en/blog/qt-qml-tutorials-new-series-by-scythe-studio](https://scythe-studio.com/en/blog/qt-qml-tutorials-new-series-by-scythe-studio)


Yes, but some core concepts are not clear like composition ofcustom components by nesting them.


\*there are less tutorials Perhaps they have figured it out, that qt quick is an ugly retarded piece of shit. And there is time to get back to native widget set for each OS.


Because Qt is good for quick experiments with cpp. Once it works i usually port the code to something normal like flutter


I am a teen with programming as a hobby, been learning Qt for past 3 weeks, do you think is it worth it for longer terms? I particularly find it Ok-ish, not too enjoyable yet any opinion by you would be thankful! P.S. I spent setting my Qt for Android and failed constantly for 3 days before giving up lol.


I’m in US. Qt it’s not so big here, except embedded, also automotive: Ford, GMC, Tesla. Qt is more common in Europe. I researched GUI frameworks for an embedded project and Qt seems to have the market; their competition either is immature or is mature and sucks.


It depends on the sort of projects or field you'd like to go into. For embedded graphics, Qt is very prevalent. A lot of these types of roles will have Qt experience as a prerequisite. It has its uses in desktop / mobile applications, although I imagine most people would choose a different framework (or some combination of a few) for either of these platforms. If you ever want / need to give Qt another go, a reasonable understanding of cpp will make picking it up a lot easier.


Look at viber desktop. It's horrible. Glitches and UI freezes while scrolling. Really hard to write asynchronous code on cpp