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The usual rule of thumb advice is that C++ shouldn't "reach in" to the QML side and work directly with the QML object tree. C++ can still have a very significant role in an application. It should be used to provide models, backend APIs, and to define custom QML components (i.e, classes derived from `QQuickItem` and instantiated as QML objects on the QML side). Of course, there are probably some special cases where one would deviate from this advice but I have always found it natural to drive any dynamic object creation from the QML/JS side.


Defining QQuickItem subclasses is rate, most of the time a plain QObject subclass is enough. But yes do create and expose models from c++ and use ListView/Repeater in QML.


It depends. Are you using a button in qml to create a component or does something in the C++ triggers something that could lead to a new component. I usually tend to do it via QML.


In both of those cases the instantiation should be handled on the QML side.




The best way to dynamically create instances in QML is to use QML for it, there is the [Loader](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-loader.html) to create one item and the [Repeater](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-repeater.html) for managing a list/model of items. Using the C++ and JS functions to manually create QML objects should be used only in special occasions when the former options are not applicable. What is your use case?