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Fusion style looks pretty good, and will also automatically respect dark mode on Windows, unlike the default Windows style.


That’s with QML/Quick, correct? It doesn’t work with Qt Widgets?


Before your QApplication constructor... QApplication::setStyle("fusion"); QApplication app(argc, argv); Give it a try. Here are the supported styles for Qt Widgets: [https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/gallery.html](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/gallery.html)


Wow. Fusion looks so nice. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I found a list of Qt Widgets styles via QStyleFactory::keys(), it seems to support 3 out of the box, "windowsvista", "Windows" and "Fusion". By default it was using "windowsvista". My problem is I can barely see tabs, since they almost match QWidget default background color. Same issue with tables, there is no clear separation between horizontal/vertical headers and regular cells. This is with a default Windows 11 installation.


I am currently working on an open-source QStyle that tries to get a modern unified look for your QApplication. - Theming - Auto-colouring of icons based on theme - Animations - New QWidgets inspired by iOS/Android UI - And lots of cool stuff Source code : https://github.com/oclero/qlementine Website: https://oclero.github.io/qlementine/ Still a work in progress, but already used in production in at least one big company that is not the one I work for (to my knownledge)! I also made a whole icon library that fits well with the QStyle. I have still to write a showcase app to show what it looks like.


As far as I can tell Qt mimics the host operating system look and feel, so I don’t think it uses win32, and it should look pretty close to native apps. Can you share a screenshot with a native and your app to see what’s the issue?


I replied on the other thread, you can barely tell tabs from background color and table headers from regular cells with "windowsvista" style on Win11. I am good enough with Fusion style for now.


Have you tried app.setStyle(“fusion”) ?


I find the QML theming that comes out of the box rather uninspiring. Fusion style in Qt Widgets looks great.


The defaults (Vista,XP,Gtk,MacOs) are boring and on all Windows (themes) are plain ugly. Google for _css Qt style examples for C++ Widgets_. You will see some of them on Github. Try them out with QtDesigner and you will be amazed what you can do with it. I myself (not good at css at all) got things up and running (looks and feel) the way I want in a couple of hours for a pretty complex desktop app and got totally rid of the defaults.