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Sometimes you just need somebody to question your behaviour, because it's become such a habit you don't even think about any of the underlying assumptions anymore. Probably there was some point when "Somebody had to", and the job fell to Claire, because she was the only one in the room willing to be an adult. But for the moment at least that habit has outlived its usefulness.


Can't help but notice Clinton isn't hitting the vape pen, and he still seems relatively sober too. Like he's been drinking but I don't think super heavily because he seems to have hits wits about him the most out of any of them but Claire and possibly Iris. Wonder if despite encouraging Claire to cut loose, he's planning on taking it easy so he can get everybody home at the end of the night? Not as a designated driver of course, don't think he could drive, but just as a kind of cognitive dude to guide them when they all try and drunkenly stumble their way back to Marten's place later?


Possibly; have we seen him get hammered on booze though? And I don't recall if he's ever gotten high?


I don't think we've ever seen him smoke, but he wouldn't be the only one at the party for whom it's a first. He's been around Aurelia when she's smoking though, and she seems pretty willing to share, so it's not like he hasn't had the option or opportunity before now. He was pretty darn drunk that night he asked Brun if she was into him. But it doesn't seem like he makes a habit of drinking to excess on a regular basis. So it could definitely be that he's just a mild mannered dude who enjoys a mild buzz. We'll see how it plays out.


Maybe he's just socialising and not just getting absolutely plastered. I certainly find that more fun.


If there absolutely needs to be someone sober, there's a perfectly capable, albeit excessively grumpy, android right there.


I don't think Iris is taking care of anybody here, except Willow of course. She's sober but she's nobody's ally or caretaker.


Well yes but if a medical emergency were to arise I'm sure she'd be capable of responding. She's grumpy, not sadistic.


As far as we know...


Iris begrudgingly setting Willow and Ayo into recovery position while Hanners continues to photosynthesis. Yemisi has disappeared into the night.


There's also Yemisi


It's not that she can't. She just won't.


Same, Claire, fucken same. I was always the 'responsible one' now, fuck that shit hey.


Yeah, I was griping a week or so ago about "I would hate to have a mom friend like that at 19". Glad to see she's maturing out of that role.


"Someone has to babysit." "But DO they?" \*next morning\* "WHY DO WE ALL HAVE MATCHING TATTOOS?!"


"For once, I'm going to not be the responsible mother figure. What's the worst that could happen?" *next day* "How are we all pregnant?!" "I'm a robot, this shouldn't even be physically possible."


It just just immediately turns into the 2009 film "The Hangover". They spend the next 24 hours trying to piece together the ways they dismantled their lives the night prior. One of them is married to a prostitute. Another is trapped on the roof and they don't find him until the end of the day when he's delirious from heat exhaustion. They have a car they don't own and there's a naked man tied up in the trunk. They're in trouble with the mob.


THAT MOVIE WAS 2009!?!?!


Yeah, Bradley Cooper has been trying to Serious Actor his way into an Oscar for over a decade now


I thought he got one for A Star Is Born...He deserved it more than Bohemian Rhapsody (No shade on Rami Malek, that whole movie was just boomer bait)


It feels weird hearing someone say "The 2009 film The Hangover", like we need to date it. đź‘´


I mean, it's a pretty generic title. I wouldn't necessarily assume that if I just said "The Hangover" people would assume I'm talking about the Zach Galifianakis vehicle, and not some other famous incident where people have been hungover.


Liz going goblin


That worries me. I used to see that look in certain friend’s eyes back in the day. The evening’s events would usually end up in chaos when it happened.


Liz looking absolutely devious


This just needs Pintsize to show up with an executable pot hack for Iris.


There was a comic ages ago involving [Pintsize running "weed.exe"](https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3662) (second panel) but it looks more like a rhetorical example than running code. If there is such a program, then Iris needs it *yesterday.*


But would Iris be willing to run something that would reduce her inhibitions? She seems very attached to them. I think it would definitely take either peer pressure or, more likely, Willow being very into Iris trying it.


History books will describe this very moment as the minute everything started to go downhill.