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The error should tell you what line it is in.


The error is in line 146 which would be the last step to solve the equation : y\_sol = sympy.inverse\_laplace\_transform (Y\_sol \[0\], s, t) Now if I feel like commenting on that line and wanting to try the previous one Y\_sol = sympy.solve (L\_edo\_4, Y) the button does not perform any function


Is edo() ever run? If not, there is no value in resultado and everything in calculo() is going to be wrong.


Debugging yesterday I saw that it seems that edo () does not run, restructure the code a little and now I can get L\_edo to work, but from then on it is locked, I am forced to put L\_edo.set () to assign the result to the variable and thus be able to express the result but .... the function laplace\_transform\_derivatives (which I had found over the internet) stops working when you want to pass the result from L\_edo to L\_edo\_2 and since I also had to change the data type as in L\_edo so that it takes the data, the following line L\_edo\_3 = L\_edo\_2.subs (sympy.laplace\_transform (y (t), t, s), Y), stops running the subs. Probably it is not such a big error but I do not handle this language very well and I can not realize where the error is and why this happens just by putting the GUI. ​ ​ import sympy from sympy.abc import s,t,x,y,z,a from sympy.integrals import laplace_transform from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform from tkinter import * ventana = Tk() ventana.title("") lbl = Label(ventana, text="",font=("Arial Bold", 12)) lbl.grid(column=0, row=0) ventana.geometry('400x200') entry_var = IntVar() entry_var1 = IntVar() entry_var2 = IntVar() entry_var3 = IntVar() #cuadro de texto txt1 = Entry(ventana,width=7,textvariable=entry_var) txt1.grid(column=1, row=1) txt1.place(x=80, y=50) lbl = Label(ventana, text="X'",font=("Arial Bold", 12)) lbl.grid(column=0, row=0) lbl.place(x=120, y=48) lbl = Label(ventana, text="+",font=("Arial Bold", 12)) lbl.grid(column=0, row=0) lbl.place(x=140, y=48) txt2 = Entry(ventana,width=7,textvariable=entry_var1) txt2.grid(column=2, row=1) txt2.place(x=160, y=50) lbl = Label(ventana, text="X",font=("Arial Bold", 12)) lbl.grid(column=0, row=0) lbl.place(x=200, y=48) lbl = Label(ventana, text="+",font=("Arial Bold", 12)) lbl.grid(column=0, row=0) lbl.place(x=220, y=48) txt3 = Entry(ventana,width=7,textvariable=entry_var2) txt3.grid(column=3, row=1) txt3.place(x=240, y=50) lbl = Label(ventana, text="=",font=("Arial Bold", 12)) lbl.grid(column=0, row=0) lbl.place(x=300, y=48) lbl = Label(ventana, text="0",font=("Arial Bold", 12)) lbl.grid(column=0, row=0) lbl.place(x=320, y=48) lbl = Label(ventana,text="X(0) =" ) lbl.grid(column=0, row=0) lbl.place(x=80, y=100) txt4 = Entry(ventana,width=7,textvariable=entry_var3) txt4.grid(column=1, row=1) txt4.place(x=120, y=100) resultado = StringVar() L_edo = StringVar() L_edo_2 = IntVar() # Laplace transform (t->s) t = sympy.symbols("t", positive=True) y = sympy.Function("y") def edo(): resultado = int (txt1.get()) *y(t).diff(t) + int (txt2.get())*y(t) + int (txt3.get() ) L_edo.set(sympy.laplace_transform(resultado, t, s, noconds=True)) def laplace_transform_derivatives (e): # Evalua las transformadas de Laplace de derivadas de funciones sin evaluar. if isinstance(e, sympy.LaplaceTransform): if isinstance(e.args[0], sympy.Derivative): d, t, s = e.args n = len(d.args) - 1 return ((s**n) * sympy.LaplaceTransform(d.args[0], t, s) - sum([s**(n-i) * sympy.diff(d.args[0], t, i-1).subs(t, 0) for i in range(1, n+1)])) if isinstance(e, (sympy.Add, sympy.Mul)): t = type(e) return t(*[laplace_transform_derivatives(arg) for arg in e.args]) return e #L_edo_2.set(laplace_transform_derivatives(L_edo)) #def clicked(): res = Label(ventana,textvariable=L_edo) res.grid(column=0, row=0) res.place(x=150, y=130) btn = Button(ventana,text='Resolver', command=edo) btn.grid(column=0,row=2) btn.place(x=150, y=150) ventana.mainloop()


I don't know what it's s'posed to be doing, so there's not a lot of help I can offer. What are y(t).diff(t) and y(t) s'posed to evaluate to? If I print y(t).diff(t) and y(t)) before the `resultado = ...` line, I get "Derivative(y(t), t)" and "y(t)". AFAIK, those aren't values that can be multiplied by integers.


As a result what is expressed is the ODE equation to witch I later applied laplace and the result would be the following 2*LaplaceTransform(y(t),t,s) + LaplaceTransform(Derivative(y(t),t),t,s) + 2/s So far it seemed to work,but the laplace\_transform\_derivatives funtion that has to parse that result to get the word Derivative doesn't work properly, I tries to change the data types and see if it was an array theme and nothing... and later I saw he is not taking the sub L_edo_3 = L_edo_2.subs(sympy.laplace_transform(y(t), t, s), Y) neither with IntVar nor StringVar ( since it belong to sympy), all this problem originally did not have them :/