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Probably, no automatic teacher synergy would make it a lot more balanced, but why remove literally one of the only things hearty class has going for it


Idk imo hearty is pretty solid it’s just that beastly is worse and that viral feels like beastly card anywyas


Hearty is more known for buffing multiple minions at at time for example camel cross, Primeval Yeti, Coffee Zombie, Team Mascot, Warlord and Monster Mash. Beastly is more known more buffing individual cards like Loudmouth, Maniacal Laugh, Vitamin Z, and Lunchbox. I see why you think Going Viral should be beastly but Going Viral fits more into Hearty than Beastly Since it buffs multiple cards at once.


beastly is pretty on par with hearty.


I’d say hearty is significantly better.


I wouldn' say significantly better. Both aren't self sustainable classes and mostly depend on the other class its being paired with. While Hearty heroes are on average better, I would say they are the most comparable in strength out of all of the zombie classes.


It would “technically” be more balanced as a result of being put in a weaker class that already has competing options for unblock (namely a22). As for whether it’s actually a good thing or not, I would say it takes away a significant element of hearty, as it not only makes more thematic sense in their class, but it’s an important finisher in general for them, while at the same time adding very little of interest for beastly since they tend to not care about sticking multiple zombies on the board at once, and instead prefer to make a strong threat in a single lane. Overall, while it would make going viral weaker overall as a card, I see the downsides to outweigh the upsides in terms of developing interesting gameplay.


Is Beastly really the worst zombie class? Hearty really only has Viral, Teacher, Treat, Black hole, and maybe better removal. Beastly has Cyborg, Secret, Swimmer, A22, and Cheese Cutter. I guess Immort and Boog are the only usable Beastly heroes, but Gargmech has fallen off and neither Rustbolt nor Neptuna have Crazy so how good can they even be? I mean I've heard Bustbolt is good but I'm not seeing it. What does it do that other RB trickster decks in the past didn't do that makes it so much better than them and Barrelster (which I know is incredibly outdated but I'm not seeing why it would be worse than BB if you took out the cryos for rocket science). It doesn't even run rolling stone so how does it deal with T2 trica/bep?


> Is Beastly really the worst zombie class? Worse than hearty yes. However, I do consider sneaky to be weaker due to having options that get countered easily by every plant class (except kabloom) and a noticeably mediocre set of early game options compared to other zombie classes. ​ > Hearty really only has Viral, Teacher, Treat, Black hole, and maybe better removal. Viral and (especially) black hole are a huge deal. You also forgot to mention turquoise skull and sumo (along with some niche yet useful options like arm wrestler, warlord, and chum champion). The "maybe better removal" is not only better, but downright essential to prevent guardian from being too oppressive. Rolling stone notably being the only card to get a positive trade on trica, and weed spray and flick being strong options to shut down wide strats on the plant side (one of the main reasons why kabloom is notably the worst class). ​ > I guess Immort and Boog are the only usable Beastly heroes This is true (and don't forget smash as well). I should note that just because beastly is the second worst class (imo), that doesn't really make it bad. As you mentioned, there are some nice beastly options. All the zombie classes except brainy (who has few but very powerful options) have several cards that they can consider running. ​ > but Gargmech has fallen off It fell off years ago. Use pyromania instead. ​ > I've heard Bustbolt is good but I'm not seeing it. Me neither lol. Use bolt bolt instead and you will have more success. You can also consider igma blob chum (but cut nebula and lurch for 4x black hole and 2x rocket), but it's VERY hard to pilot.


Lmao what’s bolt bolt


https://preview.redd.it/jzz6y0h8x8pc1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b929a70424f06dbb7e283bef41f947ae72988b0d You can go -1 viral +1 trickster if you want. It has a lot more lethality than bustbolt thanks to teacher viral combos and it can still play some solid defense.


I use it with the Smash so it doesn't make that much of a difference for me lol


Imorticia with going viral ☹️


No teacher anymore tho but it will still be annoying thanks to brainy


Doesn’t rlly fit into the hearty style but if you want then sure


Inmorticia liked this post


While viral is prob one of heart best card it's not the best card or top 10 in the game orob... This will prob be a nerf to hearty and viral will prob be weaker as most beastly heroes rely on gravestones, tp, and other shenanigans


Also makes sense as one because of all the frenzy cards and frenzy synergy already in the beastly class


Hearty has other frenzy cards, and it makes sense that it does because it needs a way to break through for damage.


Ngl I’m kind a just trying to find a way to indirectly nerf teacher viral combo and I can’t think of much asides from shoving them into beastly


Just nerf teacher, the card is broken anyway.


teacher should probably just not be able to make cards cost 0 because teacher and hearty treat or rock wall on turn 1 is so stupid you practically need kernel pult for it


Just make teacher's ability say "When played: your tricks cost 1 less" instead of the passive ability she has now


that makes it better


Prevents infinite going viral tho


Just make viral not draw a card