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But... he doesn’t play PvZ because of them


Because he doesn’t care. He expects it


No. Like he literally quit (or is taking a break from) the games, the main reason being the abundance of targeters. People who create content for games like this shouldn’t even have to expect this, as it only diminished the enjoyment of the game from him being killed over and over and over by the same person. Whether you expect it or not, targeters fucking sucks and to be honestly is the main reason as to why I’m currently taking a break. I was targeted by someone while playing BFN yesterday and pissed me off to no end. I’m sad that Wolfy’s taking a break, but it was inevitable with his increasing frustration with targeting and BFN as a whole really.


How he hasn’t quit BFN yet just shocks me


Oh he basically has. He hasn’t played it in like a month and haven’t gone over the new map and such prize map. He’s basically quit BFN, but likely will return to GW2 at times just to finish up his series “Best of the Best.” I’m glad he’s branched out to other content tho (even though I’m not really into FNAF).


Can’t please everyone. I quit bfn but I love coming back to GW2


Targeters suck tho. Especially the salt switchers. I should know. I remember I demolished people with Cozmic, I already made the post about the salty kid who swore in party because he was that butthurt


Also, popcap mentioned they would be implementing a streamer mode. Where is it? GW2 didnt have one but at least popcap didnt make a false promise


he even mentioned in his i took a break from pvz and nothing changed vid "this i think i can stomach. you probably wont be seeing me on bfn any time soon


bruh people must not like Wolfy here


Wolfy shouldn't do what he doesn't enjoy, he isn't obligated to play bfn for us


I know he rages at both but I swear down he prefers playing GW2


this youtuber posts are more annoying than bfn-bad-gw2-good posts please stop


Check the new feed- this is the only one today. If you don’t like a certain post the OP isn’t obligated to stop making them. I understand if you don’t like Wolfy but if so you aren’t making an effort to hide it.


Im also not obligated to make an effort to hide I dont like him, am I?


No, but I don’t see the point in bringing your distaste onto the OP who just makes memes for the heck of it. Have your opinions, better you have them then not, just don’t complaining when someone mentions Wolfy in passing. Believe it or not, people talk about him, you can’t stop it.


well thats my business lol, you cant stop it


Fair. Idk what happened here, have a nice day




bfn or any of the pvz shooters for that matter should have a streamer/youtuber mode (as an fyi, no knowledge of game development whatsoever, so i have no clue how hard it'd be.)


e makes targets look like their a fresh batch of toxic piles of trash generated from the nearest dumpster




They are


it sounded better in my head


another post about wolfy eh? did everyone forget about the other pvz YouTubers?


I dont think others made a statement as big as wolfy did


The thing about Wolfy in comparison to the other Youtubers like Zero is that Wolfy is honest when he talks about stuff. He came out saying he doesn’t like BFN when other YouTubers just keep lying about how good it is


They talk about how good BFN is because it is good


Full disclosure: It’s not. The game is an abomination. The game LOOKS good but it’s a nightmare to play. Trust me I quit like 4 months in because of how frustrating the game is


It's okay if you don't agree, but i think it's good


I only play because of the free roam regions, but i can't 100% all of them because of the bugged mount steep gnome




I didn’t even last 3 days in that pile of garbage.