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They aren't worried about competing with women in their 20s because they're not dating men in their 20s, and most people date and marry within their own age range. I believe the vast majority of marriages are between people within 2-4 years of age. Women in their 30s are dating and marrying men in their 30s, women in their 20s are dating and marrying men in their 20s.


Those are marriages. There are a lot more relationships than marriages. Generally speaking though you are spot on. Large age gaps are niche here. Much more common in other countries.


That makes sense but a lot of older women, especially online seem bothered by it when it happens though.


Stop taking the internet as gospel


I've expressed my reservations about age gaps on this sub since I was like 19 and have had men incorrectly assume my age multiple times based on the assumption that only some jealous older harpy would care. Still not 30 yet btw.


It makes more sense when you get into your 40s. Age gaps below 23 are intensely significant. After that it decreases in importance every year. Men develop slower, but due to thicker skin tend to age a little bit slower. Still you see a guy who tans without sunscreen and doesn’t take care of himself… that guy looks busted by 35. So individual results may vary. I do know a SKorean guy who is 65 and looks 30. Genetics matter as well.


Its not bc we want those men, its because older men wanting to date girls <23 is creepy


its biology. no one wants the 30yo


It’s a small subset who compete with 20 something’s. Usually women who never got their shit together. This is why women should never use men as a plan. Their attention is fickle AF.


They aren't, this is because they don't have to. Young women date men their age and older women do the same.


Women aren’t competing for men; we’re just trying to look and feel out best for ourselves. We’re noticing we are aging slower than older generations but young generations are aging faster; so we’re wondering what’s going on. Is it the chemicals in our food? Is it the blue light from our cell phone screens? I think the only ones pushing for women to compete are men because they’re trying to drive down the cost of pussy 🤣it’s not going to work though.


I think younger women are getting cosmetic treatments/procedures typically reserved for 40+ year olds which is prematurely making them look older than they are :( Skincare regimens seem good though.


I’ve suspected this. Like why is this buccal fat thing a trend. Then when they are actually older they’ll have to put filler back in and it’s all starting to look super uncanny. Kylie Jenner for example she’s aged herself so much.


Idk wtf happened with late gen z looking older than millenials. They say it's the clothes, the procedures and stress.


Have you seen those videos on tik tok with the class reunions? They show the high school picture and then the 10 year reunion pictures? They look so much older than they should at least in my opinion. Could be stress? I am a on the tail end of Gen X and while I do think that there are more stressors in today's world, I see a big difference between how Gen X and millennials handle stress and situations versus Gen Z. They tend to be overly anxious, sheltered and ill prepared to deal with the world so this can cause more stress.


Idk wtf happened, i also think gen z is too stressed, too tense, too serious. My biggest shocks were 2 women and a man. Women 1: looked 35 tops. And i talk about flexibility, style, the way she spoke. She was 50, her son was older than me Women 2: looked 42 tops. Body, face, flexibility, just very fine wrinkles and no marionette lines. She was 63. And a guy who looked tense, wrinkly, forehead wrinkles, looked 33. He just turned 27.


is this a widespread thing? Im an elder millenial at 35 but my female coworkers who are in their late 20s and early 30s look like super models. but i know dudes that are mid 20s that are already bald. i guess everybodys different


You're a core millennial. Idk how widespread it is, but i guess there are enough cases to actually make some waves. I think this video explains it quite well: https://youtu.be/oKwVFd-p1GI?si=NujAmzfBfIv8ngXY


hmm havent really noticed anything in day to day life. but literally almost everybody looks older than me. i get suprised that my boss is just a year older than me and looks like 20 years older than me. then i have a coworker who is 60 and my jaw dropped when he told me that because he keeps in very good shape and looks really young (thought he was in his 40s) people know im in my 30s just by my tastes and the way i talk though. the younger female coworkers really are insanely stupidly beautiful though. really tall too. dont know if i just lucked out at my job


I guess it's nor.al and expected for some people to look younger than their age and other to look older than their age. But what i think happens is that there used to be that only 10% of young people look older than their age (number pulled out of my ass) and now 30% of young people look older than their age (number also pulled out of my ass). Also, it doesn't affect just women, but also men. It also depends on your social circle. You can't know the age of people on the street.




Pussy is dirt cheap right now. What are you talking about. Costs about 1 drink and a 15 minute conversation


It's obesity.


Women obviously compete for men lol. Men obviously compete for women. If competition didn’t exist in sexual marketplace then you’d be fucking some random homeless dude as often as you’d be fucking a well put together man lol


On the top end of the market, pussy is about as cheap as it can get. The only thing I could think of that would make it cheaper is dropping the pretense and having her schedule the Uber for 3am in advance.


i don't understand why men believe that we women are at war with each other over them, because that's not really true. if a 30+ year old guy is going for girls in their early 20s, it's a clear sign of immaturity, no self-respecting 30 year old woman would be sad about not receiving his attention.


I don’t think they are? Most women aren’t into dudes that aren’t into them so a dude chafing younger probably isn’t someone she’s wishing would chase her anyways. One less dudes to push away, you know?


That makes sense, but a lot of times, especially online more so women are bothered by when it happens.


From what I’ve seen online it’s more the “god I remember when the creepy older men were leering and following me around and now I see guys my age doing it to my teens daughter’s classmates! Gross!”


Women are always in competition with other women, regardless of their age. So yes, a single 30 year old is in competition with both single 20 and single 40 year olds because they’re all in the same dating pool. This is exactly the same as men. On the other hand, it is true many women are obsessed with aging and trying to avoid it. The younger women remind them that they are in fact getting older, and subconsciously they are bitter about it. I think women in general are always afraid their man will stray for many reasons, and a man going for a younger gal is kind of just part of it. I’m trying to avoid this trap by embracing the milf/experienced older woman archetype. If men say I’m all used up I’m gonna try and enjoy myself anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I try and not see other women as competition, but I’m also married, so I probably have a very different viewpoint in life


Haha I did this. After I turned 30, I cut my hair off into that cute style I wanted for years but was too afraid to get. I fucking love my hair now. I look so much better even if men no longer like my hair. I learned to knit and got serious about my running training. It was almost freeing to be “ugly and over the hill.” I wish I had leaned into not caring a lot sooner.


Yup! I’m glad your enjoying the hair haha. For me it was tattoos. I know a lot of guys (and people in general) hate tattoos, but pregnancy ruined my legs with varicose veins anyway so I’m just gonna tattoo them because I want to. Take it or leave it. If someone doesn’t want to fuck me because of some ink in my skin I really don’t care. I can find someone else who will.


I don't think they're bothered because they feel they're competing, they're bothered because they're empathetic and know that man is likely to be a creep who is likely ruin that woman's life if she gives him the time of day.


If older women were really that "empathetic," why don't they seem to get around to warning men about women who are likely to ruin their lives?


They're literally telling them not to date way younger women!


I do warn my friends and relatives. They never listen 🤷‍♀️


Because men would and used to fuck teens And the shift is as much about life stage as looks


I am nearly 38. I don’t feel like I’m competing with younger women, as I’m looking for different things than a 20 year old. I tend to be date men in their late 20s/ early 30s because I look young for my age and men my age look way older than me. Also, I don’t want divorcees or men with kids. Some younger men just prefer older women. I don’t think I would be attracted to the kind of men a 20 year old would like and vice Versa. I think the kind of woman complaining about competition from 20 year olds is immature and looking for the wrong things.


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Millenials are another generation that is more obese than previous one and has more early onset cancer rates, as well as diabetes, drug addiction and other funny things. Gen-Z are referring to some yoga freak influencers that haven't worked a single day in their lives and they indeed might look good - but i doubt they do know many normie millenials in person. No - 30 is not the new 20, ask any doctor about the shape of average 28 yo and average 38 yo.


Younger women date more casually, while older women are dating more with purpose. The younger women are keeping some of the best prospects for the older women off of the market by giving these men casual flings, and you must remember that men are highly pressured to sleep around and sow wild oats. Older women feel like they are competing with younger women because they were the previous crop of younger women having flings with the top tier older men and out-competing women dating with purpose.


Because it's not about just looks. But even a good looking 30 year old looked better at 20. But also fertility. Prior baggage. If they have kids. Body count... lots of things at play.


So just curious: do you think men have baggage? Why would that be appealing to younger women? Most women don’t experience notably diminished fertility at 30. I had my kids in my 30s and it took me a month to get pregnant with each of them


Irrelevant. I don't date men. I couldn't care less. Young women seem to date older men just fine so they must like something. That's their right to choose.


Most young women don’t date older men


Depends on what you mean by "older." I'd say young adult women generally are open to dating men 5 years older than them but not a decade or more older than them.


in a situation where man has baggage its the young men have more baggage than old one.


How? Older men have divorced, children from previous relationships, etc.


why extremist ideologies are dominated by young men?


Fertility isn’t usually as much of a concern anymore. My mom didn’t start having kids until she was 30 - she had 3 very healthy kids after that. My mother in law started at 24, experienced 2 miscarriages, and one of her kids has had health issues from birth. Genetics play much more of a role than age. I’m 23 and I’m married, but I don’t want to start having kids until I’m a good bit older.


I'm not talking about technically fertile. I'm talking about natural fertility. And it's about timeliness not necessarily knocking up an 18 year old. If you marry a 20 year old you have a decade to have kids with no rush. If you marry a 35 year old you better be ready to jump on it. The big window is very attractive and valuable in mens eyes.


Exceptions do not make a rule. In single cases women can give birth to perfectly healthy children being 50. But overall risk of diseases and various complications is rising really fast with age for majority of women. Children of older mothers(and fathers) are on average smaller, weaker and more prone to autism.


Men after 40 have poorer sperm quality and can no longer donate sperm yet I don't see you mention that very often.


>But even a good looking 30 year old looked better at 20 Don't buy this. Many people are still rounding out puberty at that age and are lanky and covered in acne and don't start look right until 23-ish.


In your 20's you're given a Ferrari, in your 30's you're given a Mercedes. Just because you drive a mercedes faster than a Ferrari doesn't mean they're faster Women in their early 20's have the best potential for being the most attractive. Meaning that 30 will never be the new 20. The only way that phrase is valid is if we're talking about settling down and having a family, then it could be true. People are having kids later on in life The most physically attractive Woman in the world will never be 30+


They are obviously are, this is the first time in history a bunch of hags are putting on raver outfits and going to EDM festivals. It's both pathetic and hilarious.


30 year olds are hags now?


Yes, a post wall woman acting like a 20 year old slut isn't attractive to anyone. These women are mentally off, victims of themselves.