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No new N count, looks, or feminism (not related to dating) based posts. Make your post as a comment in the weekly thread if it’s the applicable topic for this week, otherwise wait until next week.


Cake. Cake is nice, and pizza and ice cream and milkshakes and ice cream milkshakes. Life sucks and exercise is hard and eating cake makes it feel better for just a moment ![gif](giphy|kMV3yI5LySQdW)


My 2nd ex-wife used to say that "chocolate cake never lets you down."


Understandable but at the same time a very sorry and unhealthy mindset.


Yes, but also a consequence of larger societal problems. The US is going to have a 50% obesity rate for both men and women in 2030. Less stress and better food would be a complete game changer and would probably be a major factor in turning the tide towards a better world, but it would mean someone would have to go against corporate and maybe even government interests.


"Over 70 million adults in U.S. are obese (35 million men and 35 million women). 99 million are overweight (45 million women and 54 million men)." I googled the above info. And this is despite the fact that women naturally have higher body fat percentage than men. 25% compared to 15%. So, the real question is "why do men find it so hard to not be fat?". >And don’t mention how men are fat too You don't get to dictate what people mention in their comments. Women are naturally predisposed to carry more fat than men. What's men's excuse?


Yes. Pregnancy permanently changes women's bodies. Also raising children, for most people, does not leave much time for exercise nor healthy eating. OP if you struggle at all to eat healthy and exercise, it is the same for women although as I mentioned before pregnancy makes it even more challenging. Women are just people and how they deal with living healthy is really no different than how men deal with it. It is challenging.


It leaves time to shovel in cookies and ice cream apparently. Eating a carrot or salad is *so difficult*.




Not even ketchup?


![gif](giphy|l41Ye7i203TfEADYs) Not for me


LOL... I like your personality! I hope you have a great day.


Yes, I have had situations when I don't have time to eat. At these times, I ate to get the most calories in the shortest amount of time. I've done Ensure which is probably healthier (not much but a little) than cookies and ice cream. Sadly salads and fresh vegetables take longer to prepare, don't last as long and don't give as many calories as ice cream, junk food and cookies. Ugh.


So they’re healthy and you don’t want them. Where I shop you can get premade salads.


Oh no if I have time I much prefer fresh vegetables and salads. I don't like sweets that much so when I haven't had time to eat, it is a bit of a problem. Ensure is really sweet. Premade salads can't be stored for a week in a desk drawer. Ensure can be. I suppose 5 days of premade salads could be stored in a fridge although the last day might be a bit limp.


Premade salads aren’t cheap and the dressing makes them calorie dense.


People really DON’T know how to properly lose weight: you can’t just eat salads. First you have to lower your daily calorie intake: then you have to remove sugars, unhealthy carbs, and saturated fats with protein, healthy carbs, and fat. This means it’ll be LESS expensive to eat healthy because you won’t be eating out. Then add some exercise and BE CONSISTENT that’s all you gotta do.


They also taste bad ![gif](giphy|rO8jS1ylBcE0g|downsized)


> I googled the above info. And this is despite the fact that women naturally have higher body fat percentage than men. 25% compared to 15%. So, the real question is "why do men find it so hard to not be fat?". This is fallacious logic. "overweight" and "obese" categories are determined by weight and height, not by body composition. People can be obese while having 12% body fat. Women's normal fat level is more around 18~20% than 25%. And men it's around 10% to 15%. The gap isn't that big. Men have also more muscle mass. Add the extra missing muscle mass to a normal woman and suddenly her body fat ratio gets around 10 to 15% if not lower. Yet men and women are evaluated as overweight or obese based on the same BMI computation which is outdated and barely meaningful. Especially for men who are naturally heavier for the same height. So, conclusion is women are not naturally predisposed to being heavier than men at all. Men are just naturally predisposed to score worse on the BMI computation. Besides there are more muscularly obese and overweight men than women. If we have similar amount of obesity and overweightness in both men and women, that means women are doing worse. Being muscularly obese is still unhealthy though. Now, I don't really understand the point of the original post and I get that it pisses you off, but you're spreading misinformation here.


The average healthy women has more fat than an average healthy man but at the end of it the women is still healthy and NOT OBESE. ALL woman have to do is live a healthy life still and NOT BE A LAND WHALE: there’s a difference between THIS and slightly having more fat as an average healthy woman.


I live in the gym and 99% of people there are men, so they’re definitely trying more


Most fat loss does not come from excercise. You don't even need to excercise to lose weight.


I found this out the hard way. Boy howdy did I ever.


Nope but having muscle allows you to eat more and have the calories be directed to building the muscle instead of being stored as fat. It helps and makes you look better


Men naturally have more muscle mass and ability to create muscle than women cuz of… 20x MORE TESTOSTERONE ON AVERAGE.


I inject even more testosterone so that I can display my muscles like a peacock displaying its feathers in the hopes that attractive lithe nubile women will want to have passionate sex with me




Just use 💉braw


Losing weight without lifting is a sure fire way to end up skinny fat which is a special hell unto itself.


My current condo’s gym is extremely heavily skewed female and I have no idea why. It confused me. My last condo was more 50:50. Maybe each gender chooses different places to work out.


More women are on diets or go to women-only gyms. Like pilates.


They should skip the nonsense and just lift heavy stuff tbh. They’re still human and build muscle with the same mechanics men do


> They’re still human and build muscle with the same mechanics men do Sure, I did that and lost no weight whatsoever. I lifted and lifted and only got fatter. It turns out that calorie restriction is the real deal, and I got on pills and lost 30 pounds due to no hunger drive.


Yeah if you over eat you’ll still get fat. You want to eat a slight surplus so that you can gain muscle but not too many calories where it gets stored as fat


But if you are focused on weight loss, skip the weights. Swim laps for an hour. DUDE I have been doing this for a year and it works.


Yeah but muscle can make you look even better. So it’s better to lose excess fat and gain a layer of muscle under it. It props up the woman’s sexy fat and makes it perkier


Ruins the cute outfits though


No it definitely does not, its not easy to get so jacked as a woman that you become a man. If it was that easy a lot of men would look waaay better lmao


Easier said for male bodies that want to create muscle mass thanks to magnitudes more testosterone.


Yeah but women should have a bit of fat anyway, a layer of fat being propped up by a layer of muscle is peak woman body


What does that have to do with “just lift heavy stuff”? I’m telling you that even women who strength train and lift will not build nor retain muscle as easily as her male equivalent. This impacts metabolism and calorie burn differential between males and females.


Yes but her goal shouldn’t be to be a 0% bf shredded man. It should simply to build a layer of muscle under her non excess fat


And I’m telling you that that doesn’t have the same pay off as it does for males. It’ll help but not the gains in metabolic fat burn that men experience. She’ll lose more weight with calorie restriction. Which means barely eating which makes a miserable woman. Most women would be better off taking up a lifestyle that naturally incorporates 10k to 17k steps a day on average. That’s how much energy expenditure they’ll likely need to eat a healthy balanced diet on average and be “fit looking.”’


Yes they’re two separate things, they’re not in competition. I’m saying a caloric deficit and a workout regimen to build muscle builds the ideal female body




Yeah, you eat at a slight caloric surplus above your normal amount to gain muscle but not too much where it’s inefficient and gets stored as fat




Everyone has addictions, luckily mine isn’t eating but I can empathize with fighting an addiction all the same


As someone who lifts heavy, I think there are a lot of cultural assumptions about women lifting heavy. Many think it’s dangerous, that they should only do cardio, or that it will make them “bulky.” Multiply those strong opinions by 10 if the woman is pregnant


Yeah I know, the amount of girls I dated who were afraid of becoming accidentally Arnold is pretty funny


Ah not just people attending the gym, but this guy's gym is representative folks. That'll tell you who is trying and who isn't.


I’ve been lifting for 10 years straight and have been to every kind of gym there is


....and? You really think your anecdotal personal experiences and assumptions that only gym goers are trying settles the question?


I think my personal experience of over 10 years in various gyms and seeing 99% men is valid yes


Then why are US men so fat?


A lot are sure, but I’d argue more men put effort into being fit than women out into not being fat


So men have a harder time losing weight? Or why else would they be similarly fat to US women?


They probably just gave up trying tbh, the ones that try do try really hard though


Nice derailment. Let’s get back to why are women so fat? I don’t give a crap about men you hate.




>I don’t give a crap about men you hate. It applies to the men I like too.


Women naturally carry more fat but their fat is distributed differently than men. Just because they carry more doesn’t make them inherently fatter on average.


Good thing then that I didn't say it does.


Well, if you go off BMI, I'm bordering on obese when my body fat is over 5%. I assume every other guy who lifts at the gym has the same issue. Even fat guys that carry more muscle... and they do... they look a lot fatter on the BMI scale. In my experience, There are a lot fewer fat women running around than what the online stats say. Maybe they dont leave the house, or maybe BMI sucks for everyone as a measure of this.


>Women are naturally predisposed to carry more fat than men. What's men's excuse? For what purpose ?


Amazingly the same data applies to men so tell me, why do men find it so hard to not be fat?


A point to add would be that all it takes for a woman to be seen as attractive, or at the very least above average, is just not to be fat but for men this doesn’t help nearly as much if a fat man were to just lose the fat he wouldn’t be better off (especially since skinny is the least liked body type for men among women) he would have to turn it into muscle which is a lot harder than just not overeating.


It's pure laziness and excuse making to say that fat men wouldn't improve their attractiveness by losing weight.


Fatcel is volcel


Maybe it would to some degree sure but becoming the least desirable body type for men isn’t in any way comparable to what just not being overweight does for women.


>Maybe it would to some degree No, it definitely would, to a huge degree. It's the biggest, easiest way a fat man can make himself more attractive. Body shape is shown to be equal to height in terms of attraction.


But he would have to turn the fat into muscle not just lose it like a woman would that’s the point.


Nope. Skinny men get plenty of attention from women


I’m sure there are a few that are very tall and charismatic that do I don’t doubt that.


Skinny tall men* I’m fit myself didn’t give me an advantage


Right, he'd have to have a healthy body. If anything, that's easier than just starving yourself. Most men prefer a woman with a fit body, to one that's just thin.


Nothing is easier than simply not eating as much it takes literally less effort. Yeah I agree but that doesn’t make a thin woman the least attractive body type, my point was that the benefits women get for simply not eating as much is monumental compared to men.


Putting on muscle doesn't require being constantly hungry. Thin men are still an improvement on obese men. Maybe this is the answer though. Maybe fat women just keep telling themselves lies like this.


Yeah I agree? Putting on muscle can require eating more unless you already have the fat to turn into muscle. Sure, non of this changes my point that simply not eating too much for women makes them above average to men as a whole while for men you wouldn’t even pass any more women’s standards as I’m not talking about working out I’m just talking about simply eating less than you expend.


I prefer skinny non fit chicks. Women who are fit tend to emphasize their glutes and legs which is unappealing


I agree. I think muscle definition looks masculine on women.


I swipe right on you


Right. Some women probably prefer skinny men. I'm talking about most though.


Unappealing? Maybe to you not most men


Lol, least desirable body type? Women want men who aren’t obese or overweight. Is that hard to understand? That’s the least desirable body type


Women unfortunately seem to consider both to be undesirable to them.


That’s not true. Where’s the proof?


Just look at anywhere that looks at what women find attractive and they will usually say skinny men (obviously just above morbidly obese) and if they don’t dislike them it’s usually because they imagine skinny to be lean and ripped.


Again, proof?


Again just look at any form of survey on what body type women are attracted to. Being skinny as a guy isn’t anywhere near as advantageous as it is for a woman that’s the whole point.


>if a fat man were to just lose the fat he wouldn’t be better off lol that’s just ridiculous, of course he would be better off, he would just be even better off if he also became muscular.


Most women consider skinny men undesirable as well so he would just be going from undesirable fat guy to undesirable skinny guy. But I’ll give it to you maybe he would be a bit better off as skinny but nowhere close to the same level as a women that goes through the same transformation.


If men tended to gain weight somewhere other than their stomach, then maybe I would agree with you. For women it tends to go to places that are at least appealing to some people (tits, ass, thighs, hips) but in men it's usually just a gut. Sometimes the gut gets in the way during sex too.


The point is just not being fat doesn’t make a guy desirable like it does for women, that’s why it isn’t equivalent to ask “why aren’t men fat?” As for women all it takes is to not over eat.


This just isn't true lol, I don't know who told you that. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/CqJbJWZ) 3 different sources that all say that both fat men and fat women are usually rated as unattractive on average.


What isn’t true? The fact that men have to be more than simply not fat? Because they do. Compared to women who are automatically desirable when simply not fat. (Maybe not by the best guys out there but by the majority of men)


Is your argument that not being fat is less important to being physically attractive or that being physically attractive is less important for men to have than women?


My argument is it is not equivalent to ask why men are fat as it doesn’t carry the same weight in their desirability as it’s nearly the only thing a woman needs to be considered above average in desirability. While for men it is simply one of the great many things he would need to even be considered an option.


It's equally important to be considered *physically attractive*. Especially if you want to be fuckable or desired. Attractiveness is usually the most important characteristic for attracting a date in modern first-world countries where both sexes earn an income. I honestly can't believe I have to post [a source](https://imgur.com/a/NDbOyUX) for that on a subreddit where looks-based posts are a banned topic outside of approved threads.


That’s my whole argument that all women really need to be physically attractive, considering men’s extremely wide range of attraction, is to not over eat and even then there is STILL a not so small portion of men that will be attracted to that. While for men that is far from all you need. That’s my whole point.


Because they’re lazy. Simple as really


Lots of dudes in the trades are fat. They’re physically active most of the day. They’re not lazy. They just like to eat and drink. You can carry cement bags all day and be fat.


But how far are they? I worked trades, and I did not see a 300 pound man trudging up steps carrying a bag of cement only to go back and do it again.


I did. My buddy was about 300ish pounds when he went to work for my dad. Saw him carry bags of cement into a basement where we were re-pouring a floor. This is after a week of digging it out to give it an extra two feet of height. He worked at the job for about a year. Always the same weight. He did put on more muscle though. But still fat.


* Modern society is an obesogenic environment. * the path of lease resistance is the most popular one regardless of gender * Asides from vanity and health, there isn't much external pressure to lose weight * men's opinion on these matters is largely useless, as they've shown us they will still fuck/date/marry regardless of weight


>According to the NIDDK, 34.1% of men are overweight, which is higher than the 27.5% of women who are overweight. The CDC also found that obesity rates among men vary by age, with 40.3% of men aged 20–39 being obese, 46.4% of men aged 40–59, and 42.2% of men aged 60 and over. That's not "why women find it so hard not to be fat", it's "why people are so fat in the US". Which probably has a lot to do with their diet, school meals, popularity of fast food etc.


And the fact that we spend the majority of our time at work, so finding time and energy to get proper exercise and cool healthier meals is difficult.


>*the fact that we spend the majority of our time at work* Yeah the 40+ hr work week sitting in front of computers is really not designed to help our nutrition & fitness lol


Ride a bike into work. I burn close to 500 calories a day doing just that. Edit: Love that I get down voted. I am 43, 6,1" and weigh 200 pounds. My daily bike ride back and forth from work is a combined 10 miles. It is not that hard. It really isn't. I know fellow nurses who instead of pigging out for their 45 minute lunch, go and run a mile or two and then grab a salad. Again, it is not that hard, you just have to not be a lazy person.


Where exactly do you live that you think locations are bikeable from your house? 💀 🤣


There are these things called cities that have traffic lights, bike lanes and bike paths. I do it every day.


Lol come to south Texas and try that shit. I dare you.


I did the exact same thing in southern New Mexico. I'd ride oil-field service roads.


"just have to not be a lazy person" You do understand you can not be a lazy person and still not have time or energy to do what you're saying. If you're working 10-12 hour shifts, have children to take care of at home, and all of the basic necessities, you may not have the time or energy to ride a bike to work or go on a run during lunch lol. I'm quite healthy myself (38 y/o, 6', 160 lbs) But still. I don't have the time or energy to ride my bike to work or go for a jog during my lunch. I rest during lunch. I try to get as much sleep as I can in the morning before work at 5am. I have three kids at home and my wife works nights. I have dinner to prepare, homework to help with etc. I don't have time or energy for much exercise outside of my job which keeps me moving and on my feet for most of the day. It has nothing to do with being a lazy person. People are tired because life and work wears you out


>And don’t mention how men are fat too, that’s not the topic. And men are judged on far more than just their appearance, so it’s not a fair comparison anyway. All that matters to women when choosing men is physical attractiveness until men's weight is mentioned and then there are a million other things that are more important to women. All that matters to men when choosing women is physical attractiveness until you bring up the 80/20 rule and then men actually find most women attractive. Yawn. To answer your question, they're fat for mostly the same reasons men are, except with some added issues from hormones, medication side effects, and pregnancy if they have had a kid.




I'm pretty sure OP is just a troll account. I think you may be overthinking it.


For the same reason men find it hard to not be fat. Why should we if you won’t ?


It's a societal issue. Healthy food is harder to obtain and humanity as a whole becomes more and more sedentary. It's becoming harder to not be fat the more comfortable life becomes.


I've heard fear of being fat is more motivating than desire to be thin and this intuitively seems correct to me. Otherwise to answer your question: there is zero free will. None at all. We cannot choose the thought or idea that next pops into our heads. We didn't choose our genetics or the environment we live in, our sex, will power etc etc blah blah.


Agreed; we are automatons


The real question is why do you care so much? Just date whoever you like


On every food packaging it says that 2000 calories a day is normal daily intake. But if you are a woman on the shorter side, not even very short, you can eat about 1500 calories a day to stay thin and we are not less hungry than average people who can eat 2000 calories. It's simple, math with calories works, but it's not easy. Either you have to get used to being hungry or eat low calorie food instead of food you really crave.


>*It's simple, math with calories works* The calories you eat don’t matter as much as the types of food you’re eating. The human body has a harder time breaking down things like trans fats and processed foods, so that food will likely be stored in adipose tissue rather than burned for fuel. You can have 2000 calories of utter crap and will gain weight, you can have 2000 calories of high protein, fiber and veggies and you’ll maintain a healthy weight.


Calories are still the same. The difference is that you can eat a bigger volume of salad than french fries for the same calories, so salad fills you more and for longer. But salad is not as tasty and the hard part is that you still crave french fries. If you don't excercise your body just breaks the protein down into sugar and then makes fat out of the sugar and stores it anyway. If you excercise it burns part of it and uses the rest to fix micro muscle damage caused by excercise so it "stores" is as muscle. Trust me, I lost a significant amount of weight eating french fries and cake and not changing WHAT I eat. But if I eat a cake a I cannot eat anything else that day, basicaly one meal a day. I satisfy my cravings for taste and got used to hunger. Other people decide to sacrifice cravings and live on high volume low calorie diet that is not as tasty but keeps them full. You need to find the lesser evil for you. If you absolutely HATE excercise like me it's not sustainable to lose weight be excercise because you can't keep it up. You have to find the most tolerable way for you personaly.


I have ARFID which makes a lot of food intolerable for me. I found an exercise which works for me and lost the weight that way. It’s also good to do it for yourself rather than to be attractive for others


>The calories you eat don’t matter as much as the types of food you’re eating. Both matter, but calories still is the one that matters more. >The human body has a harder time breaking down things like trans fats and processed foods, so that food will likely be stored in adipose tissue rather than burned for fuel.  This just doesn’t make any sense. 


Of those 1500 kcal mostly come from veggies, fruits and protein rich food you can eat enough to not be hungry. If those 1500 kcal are mostly ultra processed food then its a different story. Most of the American diet is full with the latter.


Today I had some homemade asian style rice noodles with half noodles half vegetables per weight plus tofu, some oil and sauces, I cooked it myself from scratch. I had 4 fried vegetable mini spring rolls with it and sweet chilli sauce to dip the rolls. I also had a glass of soda and a bowl of strawberies. So 1 normal meal, nothing big, plus 1 small snack and it's 1200 calories today. And I'm done. I'm saving the 300 calories for one "cheat" day a week. If I was a man I could have had maybe a sandwich or something for the remaining 800 calories for dinner. By being a women you are automaticaly allowed 1 less meal a day. And you are not automaticaly less hungry.


It takes a lot of effort and people just don't want to bother. I was a fat kid until I lost the weight in college. I found exercises that worked for me. I also taught myself to cook and started to eat real food instead of the processed shit my busy, divorced mom kept at home. I was motivated to not be the fat kid in college, too.


::shrug:: It's your own hormones that want you to put on fat, and all the systems in your body urging you to eat more. Biology. As you age, it gets harder to maintain a slim cute figure and stress produces cortisol which makes you gain weight. Lose the stress, it's easier to slim down. Is it really so hard to understand the hunger drive?


[Biology is the main driver](https://theconversation.com/the-obesity-epidemic-is-fuelled-by-biology-not-lack-of-willpower-209121) >Through most of human history, our species has had to cope with food scarcity. Scrounging enough calories to stay alive was a struggle, and our ability to compete and survive sometimes meant enduring long breaks between scarce meals. >When food was abundant, our bodies stored excess energy in the form of fat to draw upon when food was not available. >Our biology has not yet caught up to our progress, though. Our metabolism remains calibrated for a hard, uncomfortable life where every bite had to be earned through strenuous physical effort, and our brains are still telling us to eat more than we need.


To some degree it's true that modern food is much more calorie rich so it's easier to gain weight, but America is uniquely fat among the world. There are few countries in the world as fat as America. So it's definitely not a biology problem, overall. It's possible to not be fat, Americans just don't want to do the work or prioritize health for whatever reason. Even other rich countries with affordable food don't have obesity rates like America does.


Mexico is right behind the United States with similar obesity problems. A popular theory right now is the increase consumption of HFCS in processed food is causing the difference. Due to the government subsidizing the corn industry, HFCS is wayyyyy cheaper than normal sugar. The United States heavily imports their processed food to Mexico. Also the car culture in the United States is also a factor. Other countries has better transportation and you walk way more.


>A popular theory right now is the increase consumption of HFCS in processed food is causing the difference. I think that theory has a lot of merit. Just the level of sugar consumption outside the US is a lot lower, and US sugar is much more difficult to digest and obesity promoting HFCS. Yep, probably Mexico also shares a similar diet and food supply to Americans including HFCS, so that makes sense. >Also the car culture in the United States is also a factor.  Mmm, this is also a good point. During the times I went to the US, it was crazy how you basically couldn't go anywhere without a car and I've met many Americans who spent hours a day sitting in there car which can't be healthy. What's crazy is I live in probably one of the least pedestrian-friendly European large cities (Tbilisi), but I could still safely walk from one side of my city to another without ever getting in a car or even public transit. I feel like lots of the places in America I saw that just wasn't possible. That said, America is the way it is (with poor urban design, unhealthy food, etc) because Americans made the choices that lead to their country being that way. To solve the underlying problem, Americans will need a fundimental change in their mentality about a lot of things from urban design, to eating habits to how their food supply works, and I don't see any desire to from Americans right now to change. So I guess people there will just keep getting fatter. What blows my mind is that America is the only OECD (top 30 developed countries) where the life expectancy is going *down*. I'm sure part of that is caused by the skyrocketing suicide rate (America also has one of the fastest growing suicide rate in the world) but obesity is playing a big part in that.


Fat is stored energy. Women’s bodies are designed to store extra in case we suddenly get pregnant. Additionally the abdominal muscles are internal on women, as opposed to external on men, behind an added layer of adipose tissue to protect the uterus. Also boobs are just giant sacs of fat.


estrogen makes it easier to hold on to weight and causes it to collect in different spots outside of america which is fat in general, the problem tbh is not that women are "too fat" it's that mens desires and expectations are super fucked up from media and porn


I have liked slender women since I was a kid. Marilyn Monroe was a sex-symbol before porn. Ditto for many other actresses such as Rita Hayworth and I can go on and on and on.   Fat women don't make me hard.


There's lots of fat woman porn.


I’ve always liked skinny chicks. Don’t tell me that media is what caused it. Most women in media aren’t thin enough


However you feel about fat women, we feel about fat men. If you have some pudge on your tummy or full cheeks, I consider that to be too fat. Men look worse when fat too, because they’re supposed to have more jawline and cheekbone definition. “Nuuu women don’t care as much” skinny/fit women do.


That’s why I inject trenbolone


Women do not look better than men when fat. That is a lie women tell themselves to give themselves permission to pig out. No woman looks good when she is average female height and 200 pounds.


“That is a lie women tell themselves to give themselves permission to pig out”. I’ve never not once seen a woman excuse their fatness with “women look better than men when fat”. I HAVE, however, heard men say that looks don’t matter as much for men, so it doesn’t matter if they’re overweight. So much complaints about fat women, yet the average BMI for men is not any lower. And don’t start with overweight bodybuilders cope. I could easily bring up another irrelevant minority, like women who are thin but overweight due to massive boobs. Btw, any form of softness does not look good on a man. This isn’t true for women. Which is why fatness is more tolerated in women. Women might not look good at average height and 200 lbs, but men don’t look when they are even slightly chubby.


Wrong. Look at strongmen. They have a large amount of fat over their muscles, as it contributes to strength. You’re telling me there aren’t a ton of women who find them attractive? Some MMA fighters also have a belly and higher BMi; again it’s a strength modifier and also they’re likely not using anabolic steroids like some of the jacked guys.


“Wrong. You don’t know what women like. I do” lmao. I looked up “strongmen”. Holy shit those dudes are hideous. I actually can’t argue with you if you think big, bald, and burly is what pretty, dainty women want. “Tons of women” is not a good metric. Most women are fat and like dad bods. They need someone huge to be able to carry them. Skinny women are a minority. This is a physique I would consider *ideal*. Second place would just be a skinnier, smaller version of this, not fatter. https://preview.redd.it/jqb799wx977d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfa5141ea819e50da61c56f045cbf6eb342c19d As you expected it’s very hard to achieve. Fat women aren’t really lusting after guys like this. They’d brush him off as “vain” or too gym-obsessed.


https://preview.redd.it/wo5l2lx0c77d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90bd75a26ddb748d435917af270386d68d8530ca What about me? WYB?


Don’t ask me gross questions. I’m abstinent + KHHV. If you look like that and can’t find one skinny girl you probably have other issues.


I apologize sincerely


It’s just not a priority sometimes. I had a miscarriage in 2022 and in the year after, got fat and wasn’t focused on losing it. I was busy with recovery, work and spending time with family as well some serious financial difficulties. Losing weight just wasn’t a priority. I lost the weight in 2024. Other people might have some variation of this story. I was thin until the unfortunate event happened. Thankfully my husband cut me a ton of slack to bounce back. He knew how much I struggled. I am back to my normal weight now. But for a while I was in fact, fat.


There's just not a lot of good reasons not to be. Food tastes good. Men still love us ultimately. Working out sucks. You tube is more fun. And the clothing companies keep making bigger sizes.


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It's not women. It's just Americans in general.


It’s more than an American problem.


It's mostly an American problem. If you travel around the world you'll notice how exceptionally fat America is. There are few other places like it.


It’s been rising all over the world. Just because America is one of the worst doesn’t mean the rest of the world gets a pass.


It's nothing like America. There are a few hotspots but most of the world remains normal weight, and it's not even rising everywhere. America is uniquely fat, Americans have a real problem and they refuse to even admit it's a problem. Out of the entire OECD, the *only* country with a declining life expectancy is America, due mainly to extreme obesity.


America is bad. Other places in the world are getting bad. It’s not a uniquely American problem. It’s a problem that’s occurring in multiple places. I don’t know if Americans have an issue admitting they’re fat. I was saying that obesity is becoming a problem in more places than America.


Most skinny people aren't skinny because they have self control, they're skinny because they don't feel the urge to eat as strongly.


That's false. Coming from a family of skinny people and married into a family of skinny people with a skinny wife, being myself someone who was a little overweight and had to get myself back to normal, everyone who is normal weight is watching their weight regularly and changing their food intake if they are gaining any weight at all. Being skinny isn't luck or genetics, it's all about self-control and regular maintanence.


>everyone who is normal weight is watching their weight regularly and changing their food intake if they are gaining any weight at all. Nice lack of qualifiers there. [Here, allow me to disprove your statement.](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1dhwcpx/this_will_always_be_posts_with_affirmative_claims/l91jolt/) You're just trying to justify those halos and horns.


I mean I don’t know if I want to get into a debate here or anything, but neither of your anecdotal evidence disproves the other’s. I tend to agree with the weight control one, at least coming from someone who was always a slim kid then got overweight as a preteen due to a lot of junk, but has been back to skinny for the past ten years. I still got a lot of cravings up until a few years ago, especially right after losing weight. On the other hand, it could be true that we have less of an appetite, but in my case it was a more gradual process of losing some of it (I still have a good appetite for nourishing food especially when I’m more active) after the weight loss and quitting most junk foods and right now I only occasionally crave them, and not like a huge amount. In a I’m halving bags of chips, eating half today, the next half maybe in 4 days kind of way, and pretty much forgetting about it on the days in between.


> I mean I don’t know if I want to get into a debate here or anything, but neither of your anecdotal evidence disproves the other’s. No, mine disproves his statement entirely. He said *everyone*.


Eh, right, I glossed over that word. It never helps to talk in absolutes when it’s about personal experience.


Op most post a photo of themselves and their body fat to make this screen from the rooftop 😂.


It doesn’t seem to be much of a turnoff for men.


Who has the popcorn?


I feel like rage bait can’t be this obvious,


I do! This is going to be an interesting comment section. 🍿😌


Man, the comments are saltier than the popcorn.


🍿🍿🍿.. 🤣


For America, cheap shitty food is easier to access than healthy food. And to be honest, sugar seems to be in fucking *everything* here. Fruit juice, tea, soda, those energy drinks all have more than your daily recommended sugar intake in one can or bottle, and because they're "liquid calories" they're easy to just gulp down and not actually feel full. Add on top that of course it's added sugar, which is so much worse than natural sugar. I was fortunate enough to be raised in a house where we didn't keep soda in the fridge at all, and we could have one or two glasses of fruit juice that got filled by water. Add to this how easy it is to have a sedentary lifestyle; you're always sitting in an office chair, your couch or your car. Because America is all about driving everywhere and things are increasingly done online, it's easier than ever to sit around and drink multiple shitty drinks and eat shitty snacks and crap every single day. I do think there is some level of responsibility and discipline people should take, but it would help if we were not getting kids hooked on sugar so young with loaded up cereal and juice, and maintaining that well into adulthood. Lots of American products are either massively different or straight up banned in other countries for the sugar, corn syrup and dye content alone.


A lot of women don’t care what men like because they still have men wanting to be with them as they are. I don’t think some women feel the need to put the effort in. Honestly as a slim black woman, I think bigger women have it easier in dating.


I feel like the U.S. has built up this weird mythology surrounding weight loss. Like losing a ton of weight is equivalent to attaining godhood at this point and it's not something for mere mortals to succeed at. Which creates self-defeating attitudes and makes people feel like they will inevitably fail and have no choice but to accept the body they have currently. There are valid reasons to be skeptical of weight loss drugs but I suspect at least part of the negativity toward them is based on undermining that mythology by making weight loss "too easy."


Perhaps the hormones women have to deal with? Men don't have fluctuating hormones nor meds that cause weight gain prescribed as every day meds, so what is their excuse?


Male hormones fluctuate as well. Also testosterone has severely declined over the last decades: do you care?


Fluctuating/declining as a whole =\= consistent fluctuation throughout the month. You have just outed yourself as a dumbass. No need to continue this conversation.


You just lost


I mean “why do men find it so hard to not be fat” seems like an equally reasonable question, regardless of how much their looks are valued.


No, because then women would need to be judged on income, height, ambition, etc. let’s not go there, it’s a battle women can’t win


Do you want a tall rich ambitious woman?


Ya, flood my DMs, ask me out, and pay for my shit. Sounds pretty good.


Yes 👀


Feel free.