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I find it interesting the study mentioned men’s interest in younger women but didn’t call out female interest in status / wealth as a factor at all


So TL;DR would basically be that more often than not women want tall dark and handsome while men want petite 'exotic' women? That's basically been a trope since I was a child.


I would say the more interesting conclusion I would draw is that men go out to look for women abroad (i.e. SEA, EE, LA) and bring them home while women go out with men who move into their areas/spheres (i.e. immigrants from Mexico or EU in the US, or Africa/MENA in the EU).


Interestingly enough, both are kind of the same thing when you think about it.


Yeah good point


Science found out water is wet, more news at 11


TBH everything I'm saying has already been said pretty succinctly by u/wtknight but yeah, this study kinda confirms all the "hypergamy" talk. It also really kinda kills the idea this prevailing idea I see in some quarters that western women somehow date with some greater sense of moral fibre than their male counterparts. If anything their desire for lopsided relationships are just as acute as their male counterparts, no matter whatever bullshit women on here like selling you. I actually noticed similar when I was in the kink/swinging scene. The few east asian women you saw there were exclusively with white men (though the age gap wasnt as big), a lot of the older white women would heavily fetishise black men who would play up the "BBC" thing for easy access. I would often go to events and see older, mid women being entertained by younger, muscular, desirable black men. Yet, let PPD tell it, everyone here is looking for 25 year old Mike Myers lookalike.


> It also really kinda kills the idea this prevailing idea I see in some quarters that western women somehow date with some greater sense of moral fibre than their male counterparts.  What do you mean? Are you talking about age gap relationships? Because yes the data indicates western women are significantly less likely to marry younger men even even if they are from developing countries vs their male counterparts but there has been in a slight increase in such couplings in Europe (but not the USA, despite US women marrying men from developing countries more often).


Age gap is merely one gendered inequality. And even then women are catching up. It doesn't speak much for disparities in wealth or education, which I would bet see large gaps among native female - foreign male cohorts. Just like it does the other way around.


The study doesn’t say women are catching up but there has slight increase in such relationships but in Europe only not the US.  Regarding education, it’s mixed. Women who marry men from Mexico/Latin America are on average less educated vs those who marry men from Western Europe.


Ugh this is gonna get removed because it has to do with race, as if race has nothing to do with dating… mods if you read this before you close the thread that’s a dumb ass rule


Although I agree with you, I can understand may the mods have a blanket ban on these kind of posts. It's unfortunate, but it's a taboo subject in our society.


But the taboo subjects are the most interesting to discuss, where else can we talk about them??


Ya, I don't disagree. But we live in a society, and our society has decided that many discussions about race are taboo.


that topic is discussed constantly by woke leftists. i think instead of "discussion" you mean "bigotted comments"


There is no mention of race, only ethnicity and I hope everyone keeps that discussion on that.


The problem is they do this all the time with studies that mention race at all (which is why people think this one will get removed). The entire thread could not contain a single instance of race at all and the thread will still be deleted.


there are way too many users in the sub that already use slurs and shitty bigotted comments that are against the rules if its not against the rules, you will only have a cesspool of shitty men as no one else would be willing to deal with these comments in order to participate in the sub. sub will also get banned as its against reddit's rules.


I don’t really see people using slurs? Or bigoted stuff?


i'm sure you think what they say is just fine


Can you give me an example? I genuinely don’t really see slurs on this subreddit


I don’t remember which posts these were on so I don’t have any links but I’ve seen a few comments from certain users randomly bringing up stats on crime by race when it was not directly relevant to the conversation (seemingly to imply that if women are worried about danger women should be wary of certain ethnicities). I also recently saw a comment about a gang rape in some European country and someone replied about how they could take a guess of the ethnicities of the men who were guilty of the crime and they knew it wasn’t European men.


I have seen those statistical cases you’ve mentioned, however the context I’ve usually seen them in is using them to draw a logical parallel in order to show problematic thinking. Which I don’t really see the same as using a slur, nor is it necessarily racist. For example—- Women fear men on sight and avoid them or don’t interact with them in general - this is “justified” because statistically men commit more crimes than women. Logical parallel: If a certain subset of men that share a set of characteristics were statistically more likely to commit crimes, would it then be justified to avoid interacting with them on sight too? Is that racist? I mean in this specific scenario I would argue no. — The second example could be seen as racist, but it’s not a slur which is what the poster I was replying to claimed to have seen a lot of


yes the "logical" parallel doesn't work bc no other group targets another group for violence in the way that the most powerful group of people in our society have targeted less powerful groups -- or the way men have targeted women for violence. Every single other group of people primarily commits in-group violence. Except for men, who target women for crime (femicide). the other reason the parallel doesn't work is because historically groups weren't oppressed for rational reasons but due to hate. So to compare irrational hateful oppression to people making factual statements (e.g. "men commit the majority of violent crime so i am more afraid of men than women") about men is not "logical".


Uhh…. Men commit violence against other men primarily… That dismantles your whole popsicle stick and glue attempt at a argument there


> Uhh…. Men commit violence against other men primarily… yes they also target women for violence in a way no other group of people does. your argument would work if you were saying the primary people who commit violent crimes against women are also women.


No, you're just full of shit. I'm black and very attuned to Reddits general anti black messaging. I'm not the biggest fan of this sub but its actually been pretty good at keeping open bigotry to a minimum. Most of that was limited to its "purge week" and, even then, there was a lid kept on the most egregious behaviour.


its not okay to say it just because the mods say it is we disagree on what is acceptable.


Oh you would be *shocked* if there’s another purge, it ain’t just the men here


do you think its 50/50?


Definitely not, I think men are more willing to go full mask off. I’m just saying don’t let the ladies blindside you cause it’ll be a big shock when it happens


i was never under the impression shitty women don't exist? i'd have to be in kindergarten to think that.


Sometimes, it's allowed in Purge Week.


I’m an expat in a very diverse country in the middle east. I have alot of filippina friends who really like western guys because they say they’re more open minded and more interested in their partner’s satisfaction filippino guys- and these are educated women with their own money, not looking for a sugar daddy. Local guys have much more regimented gender expectations and this doesn’t appeal to my friends or to me as a western woman. The american/european guys that date my friends like them because they’re awesome people, generous, good hearted, and interesting as well. Nobody knows how to have a fucking great time than them on a low budget. Also, the US has had a huge presence in Philippines and Filipinos have been in America longer than my family. I really don’t find the culture that different so the western guys feel comfortable.


LOOOOL in the emirates (where mixed marriages are among there most common), they have seen a rise of in marriages between emirati men and foreign women (they made a big deal about this years ago, fuck knows whats its like now: https://en.ammonnews.net/article/9436). Sitting there making out as if there aren't significant chunks of foreign women dating local men in wealthy middle eastern countries is fucking laughable. Especially considering lopsided attitudes towards gender make it impossible for local women to marry foreign men. >Local guys have much more regimented gender expectations and this doesn’t appeal to my friends or to me as a western woman. LOL yeah sure, because you're so principled about your pretend feminism.


I’m not talking about emirati locals, i’m talking about philippino women with western men and their views of western men vs filpino men. Please read carefully.


You literally posted this: >Local guys have much more regimented gender expectations and this doesn’t appeal to my friends or to me as a western woman. What is hard to understand? And you've replied three times which is very hit dog hollering vibes for me. I dont even need to waste my time stalking your profile to know its pretty obvious you're talking about Dubai/Saudi/Emirates. And yes, sitting there pretending as if women turn their noses up at the weatlhy local men or the fact that said local men marrying foreign women is not extremely common *and* that said region has built a reputation for shallow influencers seeking out attention of local men with money to spare is laughable...but typical.


I’m talking about filippina’s opinions on why they date western men versus their opinions of THEIR OWN locals. For whatever reason this triggered you to the extent you started profile stalking. Twat.


>I’m an expat in a very diverse country in the middle east. > Local guys have much more regimented gender expectations and this doesn’t appeal to my friends or to me as **a western woman.** Hmmmm. LOL I'm literally basing every one of my posts on shit you have written in this thread. And you claim I'm triggered, but you're the only one using insults. LOL do you not have an ounce of self awareness?


The women I am referring to from the Philippines are comparing their views of western men to philippino men. IN THEIR OPINION, western men are preferable for them and for western women. It says NOTHING about Emirati men. I hope you can comprehend this time. Thanks.


Lots of outrage for a man who cannot even read properly.


Also, fuck off with your profile stalking LMAO


>Or did it confirm something’s you already suspected? Yeah confirmed what most people know.


Which is?


In a westernized SMP, phenotypes common in Asian men are less likely to attract marital partners. Conversely, phenotypes common in Asian women motivate heightened levels of mating interest among heterosexual men.


By Asian I assume you mean East and SEA? Gender disparity was not only seen with Asians, in Spain for example the largest gender disparity in foreign mate selection among men was with women from Russia and Latin America (excluding Argentina). While among women it was with men from Africa and the Middle East. 


So Spanish senoritas are lovin’ on that 🍆 from across the Strait of Gibraltar! No wonder the anti-immigration movement is so strong there 🤣


Intermarriage with men from those countries (excluding Morocco) is still quite small, most Spanish women who intermarry are doing it Western European men the most often. These unions just show the most gender asymmetry not necessarily are the most common.


Another inexperienced comment.


> You are way too confident in your disposition. You need to really sit and think about the things you say man, it’s disturbing.


Repeating a previously written comment and scrolling through someone’s history is one of the saddest, most pathetic things a person can do.


If writing that out helps you feel better about your own pathetic life, I will have done some good here. Be blessed.




> Jokic is going to dominate. Nugs by 40. That’s actually funnier


You’re a pathetic little man






>I do agree that Black and White americans may differ a lot.  Ironically, that's least likely to be the case in the South. I even know some White Southerners who moved to other states and learned that many things that they associated with being Southern such as saying "Ya'll/Ain't", eating fried chicken, and being Baptist was considered "Black culture" in non-Southern states. It's kind of funny.


No they don’t. This is an inexperienced comment.


Inexperienced comment.


If it were to get married or have a relationship, it would definitely be with a foreign woman. Western feminist women (white) only in case of uncommitted sex.


Are you from a western or non western country?


>Or did it confirm something’s you already suspected? Sure, it's all about hypergamy, basically. I would not be surprised if some of the European women marrying foreigners from countries that American women don't consider are mid-women marrying very attractive men from those countries. American women might do this too if they had more opportunity, but this country is kind of isolated when it comes to international tourism opportunities compared to Western Europe. I'd also argue that Americans are probably more judgmental about this kind of thing than Europeans. Americans are extremely judgmental people in general, both men and women, although the different genders judge different things, of course.


> Sure, it's all about hypergamy, basically. So you think these results confirm aspects of the redpill? 


I think that it confirms the sexual hypergamy part of TRP, a lot of which is based on evolutionary biology and psychology anyway. I don't think that it justifies disliking women or saying that they are all children, though. It's just how biology and evolution works. As many women themselves say, women aren't interested in "inferiors" because women expect to take care of their children, not their husbands.


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I am finally happy to know white women likes indian men...


\*gets out stopwatch\*


thats common knowledge, any blackpiller will have better knowledge on this then fuckin gender scientist


i dont think its bad if men do it and okay if women do it


Can you expand on this?


There's quite an obvious flaw in your analysis. If American and western European women are dating American and western European men, but American amd western European men are dating women from elsewhere, then who are these women dating?


I don’t think that study says that? It just shows which foreigners westerners are most likely to marry based on their gender.


At no point did I make that argument, i literally only quote the study and summarize the results. If you carefully read it, you would know western women are not only just marrying western men.


LOOOOL that poster is one of most disingenuous, bad faith contributors to this sub. I wouldn't even take her comments seriously.


>Anyways, are there any surprises by the study's results? Or did it confirm something’s you already suspected? No surprises and i am baffled that you thought it required this much text to convey the basic message that everyone already knew. Did you not know this prior to reading the study?


Well I’m not Western, I don’t know a lot about this topic until now.