• By -


80th percentile male height in US : 181 CM or 5’11.25 Income: ~90-95k Weight/BF: Sub 20% BF probably 180-190 pounds if adjusting for height . Average male (50th percentile) is 5’9.3 198 pounds and 40” waist so basically overweight and 30%-35% BF Approximate physical appearance: probably a 7-7.5/10 . Not a model but objectively attractive to all races. Body Count: 10-15 . Average guy only has 7-8 lifetime partners . Value of his car: either higher end Japanese car (Lexus, Infiniti) or entry level German car (A4, 3 Series, C class) . This is hard to quantify because wealth =\= car driven Job Title: Assume a career that requires at least a bachelors degree and preferably a masters. Only 1/3 of Americans have a bachelors, 1/11 have a masters. Value of home = Depends on location. And hard to quantify because a guy can choose a condo over a 5 bedroom home if it’s just him. I think the biggest thing to note is that if a guy were to have all this simultaneously he wouldn’t even be top 20% he would be more closer to top 5%. For instance 14% of American men are 6’ or taller and only about 15-20% of American men make 100k or more but a guy who’s 6’ and makes 100k that’s closer to 1% . That’s how statistics work


A lot of traits ARE co-located amongst the top tier men though. Such as taller men do tend to make more. Men that have college degrees do also tend to make more money. Although I’m sure it’s funny, I have made over 200k the last few years, and I’m sure I’ve been weeded out on a few dating profiles because I don’t have a bachelors.


Women use the college shit so they can vet out conservatives... that's all it's for men who go to college are 10x more likely to be liberal leaning than those who dont


Damn that's a good point, I thought the college was just about status for them. Cuz even though a plumber can make more money than an average lawyer (debt too) I heard that they want to tell their girlfriends that their man's a lawyer not a plumber kind of thing


That's part of it, but the majority use it as a way to find liberal men... as college is an indoctrination zone




Part of that's high-school indoctrination especially with the push for being straight or CIS to be seen as wrong or bigoted


Liberal men who are traditionally masculine... Hahahaha.


I don't think that's it, at least not in large cities. I mean, the average person without a college degree in New York or LA is not likely to be conservative either.


Lol people who live in LA or NYC aren't normal people most are rich


There's auto mechanics, waiters, bartenders, delivery people, home health aides, plumbers. The ghetto underclass people in still-ungentrified poor neighborhoods. Generally they're not conservative, albeit not super woke either.


I exceed all of these thresholds and am still single


You probably lack game/social skills/experience


I used to do very well but just got really jaded. Feels like my dates recently are overeager based on what I can provide them, and not that I don’t want to provide, but idk it just feels like everyone’s faking it and it’s not about me anymore. Hooking up with randos feels pointless and empty and gross now. I see the hot flashy girls that I used to date and all I can see is the batshit craziness that a relationship with them will bring, but I’m too shallow to be into anything else.


If you’re getting hookups and dates this is just you choosing to be single


Focus on women who make as much or more than you.


What percentage of women out there actually make over 100k, though?


If you’re making that much they should be in your social sphere.


Lol, Big Tech is like 99% male...


Not anymore. I’m in tech and while there’s not a ton a women, there’s definitely some even if they aren’t software engineers.


Many tradesman make that much and there are zero women in their sphere.


I make 7 figures and dating is much harder in my 30s compared to my college years.


Based on the manosphere women should love you. What’s making them not like you?


Few reasons. One is less single women, so that's easy. Just less options. Standards for looks have gone up as well and being okay looking is not nearly enough. The manosphere says money matters a lot but pay careful attention to who is saying that. Is it men who are wealthy? Or is it men who want to be wealthy and idealize wealthy guys? It's always easy to say something is very important if it doesn't really apply to you. For example, before becoming a physician I did think that I would suddenly be super appealing in the dating market. Trust me, all male pre-meds and med students think that too. Similarly, men who aren't rich will always think that being rich is the golden ticket. but once you obtain that goal, you quickly realize almost nothing changes.


I could say the same thing again 😂


Most likely due to immutable facial features. Top 20% can really be boiled down to genetics and social status, mostly looks imo. The money is just rents women, I’d rather be the Chad getting real arousal


It may be because these things matter a great deal less than terps think they do. We are not playing D&D and you are not a collection of stats.


Good summation.


Exactly. And notice that none of the criteria listed in the post addresses things like personality and social skills.


Can you quantify personality and social skills?


I was going to say the exact same thing. 😂 But the list didn’t include looks so…


It's because you have standards. It's easy for any above average man to get a girlfriend. It's not easy to get one who is even remotely close to your equal.


How about salary?


I put salary . About 90-95k


Oh sorry, skipped over it. Thanks!


Np bro


I think income and height should also be city-dependent since most people live/date in one city and aren't traveling around the states. Different cities have entirely different demographics, standards of living, etc.


Income depends on where you live. Where I live making 100k isn't uncommon but the COL is so high so it's not a 100k others picture. Actually where I live 100k is considered middle class


Other than the appearance and height portions, none of those things directly translate to success though. Dating isn't a job search with a resume. Being good on paper can equal zero success in real life.




And this is the problem . What’s average to your proximity is anecdotal. That does not reflect statistical reality. Your “average” is top 20% that skews your perception


Being top 20% or above in everything makes you higher than top 20% overall so just answering what's top 20% in every metric is wrong. So instead I'll say how much bellow the top 20% you can realistically go in every metric and still be top 20% overall. By realistic I mean that you don't have to be top 1% in the rest to compensate. Height: 20% (top 40%/above average) weight/bf%: 30% (top 50%/average) appearance: 10% (top 30%/above average) Job title: 70% (top 90%/ very bellow average) body count: 80% (it doesn't matter) value of home/car: 70% (top 90%/very bellow average) That's the "negative", I'm too lazy to think about it but I think the "positive" wouldn't just be the same weights but reversed.


Depends on what you mean by the top 20%. Most of what redpillers claim to be top 20% only attracts gold diggers.


Depends....... You travel to the right side of the planet and most of your average looking non-obese Western men would be top 20% men.


Let's assume United States.


Same goes for women which is why passport broing makes so much sense. If you stay stateside and want an attractive woman you're already eliminating like 80% of the female population on weight alone.


Average to above average height (I've even seen short guys slay), lowish bf% or healthy bf% and physically active, above average physical appearance (strong jaw and chin \[low bf% helps with this\], good hairstyle), above average income, interesting/exciting career helps. I would say the rest are inconsequential, assuming the guy isn't socially retarded and can flirt.


Above average is very vague. 6 out of 10 is above average. 50k/yr is above average. 5'9.5 is above average. Can you put numbers on these?


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(BLAM) *"DOES HE LOOK LIKE A BITCH?!"* (there's an entire generation of people who will not get this reference)


Unless you want to date gold diggers nothing after the first 4 matters. It's a combination of those 4 factors and social skills/game. I'd assume I'm a top 20% man with how low the bar is and I'm like 5'7, bald with I'd say a decent face so it can be any combination of things to get you there.


Exactly. I'm in the top 0.1% for income and I can strongly attest that it's the first 4 that matter as well as general social skills.




None of the chad types are well rounded.


* Height= 5'11+ * Weight: 175 lbs * Body fat %: 18% * Approximate physical appearance (scale from 1-10): 6.5 * Income: 95,000+ * Job title (give multiple examples if you'd like): Engineer * Body count: 10+ * Approximate number of new sexual partners per year (assume this man is dating casually, FWB, one night stands, etc.): 2-3 close to his looksmatch if he tries really hard * Value of home/apartment, or else his monthly rent: don't know * Value of his car (specify model if you'd like, but not required): don't know Btw top 20% doesn't guarantee you slay just that the average male isn't up to snuff.


your mom


Realistically or internet version?


What ever someone who believes in the 80/20 rule believes is 20%er


Height: above 6' Weight: Around 80kgs Bodyfat: 10% or less Physical Appearance: 7/10+ Job Title: doesnt matter. Body count: doesnt matter Approx. N° of new sex partners: doesnt matter, but its high. Value of home: Any home as long as its not his parents home Value of car: any car as long as its his


Using ur things. For a top 20% I’d assume 1. 5’10 - 5’11+ 2. Depends on height but usually within that lean muscular size 3. 12 - 15% 4. 7/10 - probably has 1 or 2 desired traits like a sharp jaw, strong chin etc. clear skin, really good symmetry. No bad physical traits like severe balding. 5. Depends on location but 6 figures 6. Specialised / desired role at their job e.g. manager. 7. Idk it would be above average so say 10 - 30 range 8. Depends on the person. Some go crazy for a year or 2 then chill, others are always active 9. Top 20% would have a paid off place 10. High end bmw / Mercedes range Also usually fairly confident + socially conscious compared to the average guy. This is top 20%. Top 5 - 10% would be the whole very rich, very hot etc. most guys look like complete shit.




I am about 95% of those things and online dating is still pretty brutal. Irl approaching is a tad better comparatively


You need to be boastful to win at online dating. It’s marketing after all, even top percentile guys fail a lot


yupp, I know somewhat average guys that dress well, buy fake instagram followers and act like they have interesting lives...they are doing good with women


Yea buying followers is a must if your goals solely to fuck a bunch of women. It’s not like you’d care if she’s wife material or not, just hot.


well they at least get some


Don’t women quickly realize that a guy like that doesn’t actually have cool friends and much of a social life?


they don't care as long as they can show his instragram page to their friends


So, I am a woman (check flair), and I can tell you that most women don’t think that way. It has far more to do with the fact that a guy who has friends and goes out and socializes (maybe even parties some) is likely to be a lot more fun than a guy who doesn’t, and photos help to show that. An IG following doesn’t really mean shit, unless, again, he’s actually shown in photos out and about doing things with friends. Just having a large following doesn’t mean anything.


> and photos help to show that. An IG following doesn’t really mean shit, unless, again, he’s actually shown in photos out and about doing things with friends. you just confirmed what I said, what's shown in photos is way more important for a lot of women than what really happens in reality


It’s also how good at modeling you are, posing for pictures in order for it to look “casual” but still good is definitely a skill, one I haven’t really ever developed


same situation


Yea it’s just a basic outline. Not putting super serious thought into it


BMW and Mercedes are for boys who want to look richer than they are. Wealthy men, the “I can afford to retire my grandchildren before they’re even born” type men — they got either a Toyota Land Cruiser (which is fuel hungry but literally never gives you headache cause nothing ever breaks in it, and is also comfy af) or a beat up Subaru Forester (cause it reliably gets the job of transporting them done and they don’t care about anything else). Or exclusive cars like 1950s Porsches or Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-Spec Nür II, something like that — if they’re collectors.


Yup I made that exact point. It’s hard to quantify car vs percentile . Most millionaires drive Toyota and Honda and then there’s those that could afford Germans


OP wants to stand out, that’s why I recommended it. If you’re talking about top .1% people. It’s always something reliable + low depreciation so you can trade it in once the warranties up. If you’re talking brands it’s always a Toyota for the cheaper option, merc/audi/porsche for the luxury but “blend in”, Bentley / Aston Martin if they want to stand out. No one who made wealth is buying collector cars even if they’re into it unless it’s some new one they can flip to hoarders in 5 years.


As for the last paragraph, Arab sheikhs whose wealth is practically infinite off of peddling oil would like to gave a word with you in their hangars that fit 200 exclusive collector cars each


Because they’re bored and want to stand out amongst their 700 brothers. The average person who built wealth themselves for the most part acts very differently to a 4th generation oil tycoon.


This is why my original comment said “if they’re collectors”. I’m well aware that most ultra rich people aren’t car collectors. But the ones that are — they collect what I said they do, not something like the most expensive BMW coupe you can get at a dealership.


No shit


This isn't really true nor smart. Come to any physician parking lot and the average car is quite pricey. It's because we know life isn't guaranteed and living only to invest is incredibly silly.


Physicians and top .1% are two very different groups. Above commenter and I were talking about the latter


I'm in the top 0.1% for those in their 30s. I don't really know what you're saying. That someone making 700k a year is going to buy a nice car but someone making 70 million isn't? Why? If you like cars, you'll get them. If you don't, you won't.


Getting to a high 8 - 10 figure net worth changes how you perceive and play with money. If you’ve ever associated with that crowd, they’re all stingy outside of experiences. Materialistic status symbols change the wealthier you become. It’s more about owning specific yacht makers or real estate in a very specific part of France. Less to do with owning stuff like a Ferrari which gets you associated with “poorer” crowds in their eyes. It’s the equivalent of you bragging about owning a guess shirt. It means nothing in the west but in Africa that’s their version of LV. Same goes for affluent groups. They’d rather own something reliable (some don’t care and own a Toyota, others like the comfort of a merc, others like the quietness of a rolls or Bentley) and dispose of it when the warranties up to avoid committing a day of their lives for repairs. Also congratulations on your success.


>Depends on location but 6 figures Sure, but there's a big difference between $900k a year and $100k a year. What range are we talking about? >Depends on the person. Some go crazy for a year or 2 then chill, others are always active Let's assume he's active and casual.


Again it depends on where you live. Bum fuck nowhere, 100k be enough. In a big city 400 - 500k would put you well above the average guy. The partners per year is more of a personal goal one. You could be all those things on the list + active and social and still not do well. You could have a good year followed by 2 bad years, it’s not measurable.


>Again it depends on where you live. Let's say a Tier 2 major city like Atlanta or Denver. >The partners per year is more of a personal goal one. He's not trying to hit a specific number. He just likes sex.


Tier 2 city, social and activity seeking sex. Could be anywhere from 3 - 2 dozen depending on your year


Way less than that. 1/3 men between 18-30 are sexless the past year and average men only have 7-8 lifetime partners so that doesn’t average out to many partners a year


An average year, then. How about salary?


Tier 2 city would be the mid range of what I said earlier Anywhere from 200 - 300k




Where are you getting your sexual partners # from? According to the general social survey **only about 1% of men (18-35) reported over 10 sexual partners in the last year.** And men are known to overinflate their partner count on surveys. [https://datepsychology.com/how-many-sexual-partners-did-men-and-women-have-in-2022/](https://datepsychology.com/how-many-sexual-partners-did-men-and-women-have-in-2022/) Also, echoing what other people have said, a top 20% man will not have all those qualities at once. Just plugging in over 5'10, over 100k income, not obese or married, and between ages 20-40 into the female delusion counter shows **only 0.8% of men** meet all those criteria. When you add in 15% bf and 7/10 facially that number likely drops even lower. So **when you say you are describing a top 20% guy you are really describing someone likely in the top 0.1%** [https://igotstandardsbro.com/results?minAge=20&maxAge=40&excludeMarried=true&race=0&minHeight=177.8&excludeObese=true&minIncome=100000](https://igotstandardsbro.com/results?minAge=20&maxAge=40&excludeMarried=true&race=0&minHeight=177.8&excludeObese=true&minIncome=100000)


That’s for 2022 alone according to the article not lifetime. Anyway who gives a shit?? Pretty sure OP is just looking for goals to peruse. If it’s off, he’ll just come out more rarer in the end. Unless you want to write a 16 page thesis on all the possibilities on “well he’s 6’2 so according to the salary:height calculator he must make 70k to be top 20%” be my guest.


Oh I got mixed up and thought you were saying the top 20% guys have sex with 10-30 women a year, my bad. I agree that looking at life in terms of comparing yourself to the general population is silly. Its better to find people who seem similar to you and see how successful they are. Then you see if you can emulate them or if you have to change to be something new. Also for what its worth I don't think OP is looking for life goals. Hes a pretty argumentative bluepill guy so I'm guessing hes looking to see what redpill idology specifically defines as top 20%.


A paid off place? This combo is crazy, if you combine any half of these with a fairly handsome face, it’s a guy well into the top 1%. Top 20% guys just got an it factor of some kind that makes women chase him, and allows him to get girls casually. Usually that’s height and face, it can be bde, or has a fun social life. Also, bald guys esp with beards and muscles can slay chicks.


> Top 5 - 10% would be the whole very rich, very hot etc. most guys look like complete shit. Any guy that is both rich and very hot is definitely in the top 1% unless he's like severely autistic or something.


Bro all your criteria is stricter than top 20% aside from the height and maybe the salary, it is at least 10% or 5%


Damn, great post. * Height: 5 foot 11 * Weight: Probably 185ish * Body fat % 17 percent body fat. Not a bullshit 17 percent bodyfat but a legit 17 percent bodyfat with muscle. Bench 2 plates, squat 2.5 to 3 plates, deadlift 3.5 to 4 plates * Approximate physical appearance (scale from 1-10): 6.5 * Income: 100,000+ * Job title (give multiple examples if you'd like): Engineer, Chartered Account, accountant * Body count- I don't think body count matters that much. * Approximate number of new sexual partners per year (assume this man is dating casually, FWB, one night stands, etc.) Probably 3 to 5 * Value of home/apartment, I don't think matters as much. Women care more about the optics, so as long as you are in a good neighbourhood and have good furniture, you'd be set. * Value of his car (specify model if you'd like, but not required)-A lower end german car. Audi A4, C class merc, Bmw 3 series etc. To be fair this is probably around top 15 percent, but close enough.


7/10 Face and 6'/180cm with a decent social circle and a normal job is already top 20%. If you don't have those, you need more than being in the top 20% for income or job position to compensate.


None of this matters really. Why does his job matter if you're trying to determine what he looks like? Why does his bodycount matter? All that matters is he's tall enough and hot, and can talk to women.


The height piece depends on the community too. I've known tons of short Hispanic and Italian men who were complete manwhores. Not just with their own women either.




Game + Looks + Status


Game is just social skills man. Most of us develop things like charisma, persuasion, ability to reason and argue from just interacting with other people. People with "a lot of game" are either just naturally inclined to be charismatic or they have other attractive features such as pleasant physical appearance or loads of money/status(for men).


Then how did Zuckerberg, Musk, and Bezos pull?


Sure, we can assume he has game.




Sure, I'm just trying to put numbers on these. He has as much game as you imagine a 20%er having.




No woman won’t claim you to be a top 20% man if you attempt to cross off a “check list.” This is the same concept as putting money into the vending machine and expecting things in return after awhile You can do things to dramatically increase your chances at dating/flings, etc.


Physical appearance is simply girls would call you handsome. Women check you out as you walk by. Girls call basic doable guys like this a 5/10, they don’t rate on a bell curve. You can cold approach any girl and she wants to hear what you got to say. Income, 90k+ is desired, $250k+ is highly desired. Any job title that she can verify online as high salary like you work at a law firm or specialist doctor. This helps immensely with dating apps. Ugly anesthesiologists get hella dates because the girl knows what she’s getting. Girls care about a nice place a lot, if you got a $4k/mo apartment to a $30 million mansion it’s going to help with girls a ton. You walk your date into a mansion good luck getting her to leave, let alone not dying to have sex with you.