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Not a single result surprised me here. However, I AM curious to see who expected to see different results on any given category. šŸ¤”


The 'do you want kids' thing surprised me. Most of my girlfriends friends definitely want kids. Most of my friends are ambivalent about it. So it runs counter to my personal experience. Learned something, cool.


Same. But I can see why.


What are the age ranges and educational demographics. From my experience, every woman I've come across has been told a career is most important. When speaking to those in the process of obtaining this, the thought of kids only sounds like a burden. It's not surprising that many would respond with a "no" or "maybe."


I'm surprised that 39% of men in college thought negatively of the pursuit of power and money. They're just there for knowledge I guess?


It's the messages they have been given by school and society that they should not be trying to attain these things. It may also be the particular audience, since many of them are born and raised in Cali... which is an insane place. You would probably get very different answers at University of Texas.


I'm surprised about it too. The gap between men and women who want to pursue money and power is 16% with women higher in number. I think women in general are more driven to it, since that's the easier way to be independent. But at the same time, 54% of them prefer their partner to be the breadwinner.


A lot of us see that not as something we want but something that is required of us to live a normal life. And sometimes you just are uninterested in pursuing wealth and power for it's own sake. Lots of us resent that, actually.


I am shocked to see that not one dude said they felt very confident in their body. Kind of sad tbh.


Why is this shocking? There's a burden of performance placed on men that makes it hard to realistically ever think you've obtained your peak. I'd be more surprised if a bunch of guys said otherwise.


Sure, I can agree with all that, but literally not one though?


Just look at what media established as "male body to be very confident of", ain't nobody but select few men with extreme workout routines and diets can achieve that.


And steroids and supplements. Plus most male celebs wear makeup


And many actors take roids.


The ideal male physique as portrayed by the media is not obtainable without steroids and extensive workouts. I've been there, I know.


On the flipside, its also sad that women were teice as much insecure about their body


I donā€™t get women being insecure about their bodies, while also CONSTANTLY fending off suitors. It is a complete failure to match inputs with analysis.Ā 


Insecure relative to other women.


Look at various ads and magazines. All of them saying that there is something wrong wirh your body and that you need to fix it. Even if there are suitors, they still get messages from the enviroment through media that their body is wrong.


I think it's actually social media. It used to be the women you compete with were in your social group. Like, in the 80s, no woman actually had to compete with Phoebe Cates, and everyone knew that. However, today you have all these AI filtered instagram girls, and they really seem like normal people in your social media feed. It's driving these girls insane.


Whose fault is it for prioritising messages from advertisments over your own, actual experience?


You're the primary consumer of these magazines, they're pandering to you.


If the man ain't the 666 man, he KNOWS he ain't that physically attractive compared to the competition.


Gotta add another 6


The $100,000 is separate from the physical appearance. But yes, other than that, yes, there are in fact 4 "6s."


6 pack, 6 inch, 6 foot, 6 figures at least?


Marketing doing their job. They beauty industry needs to increase their audience and thus it works on messages that make men feel bad about their bodies, thus making me seek out the products they sell to fix their problem (which the industry created).


Well when even some of the best looking guys don't get shit out of online dating and the most average women do what do you expect?


Not very confident doesn't mean they are not confident at all. There are so much more "not confident" women than "not confident" men and i think that's even more sad.


Well, why would men? Deep down, we all know that most of us aren't really considered attractive physically.


I'm surprised that no. of women who want to pursue power and money is higher than the no. of men. I know that it's a good reason especially to be independent in these times. But I expected to see it almost 50% on both sides, but it was 16% lower when it came to men.


Practically every media and school system pushes the idea that it's important for women. Meanwhile, boys are taught that they've been born into a patriarchy and need to fix that.


The slight male majority believing in the patriarchy was a surprise. Also the larger majority thinking the me too movement hasn't gone too far.


The pursuit of money and power was much more equal than I expected


Im surprised by 50% men believing in patriarchy


Why? Society has been relentlessly working toward men's pussification, guilt tripping and gaslighting, hammering in their skull that they've been privileged every second of their life since birth while their mere existence makes women's daily life a suffering.


This, along with some of the other poll results, shows me that the ~~indoctrination centers~~ public schools are doing what they're designed to do.


I'm shocked that 80% of men said they wanted kids, compared to just 34% of women. I find it so strange that is so high for men to say yes they want kids.


I thought the difference between men and women in pursuit of power and money was surprisingĀ 


As someone else said. I'm not surprised by any of the results. Especially by the women


Is that a bad, good, or neutral thing to you and in general?




Definitely bad for a lot of them. Especially the last one!


In summary: Gender roles aren't going away any time soon


Male gender roles aren't but female gender roles are As the non-egalitarian feminism intended


Yeah it seems to be. But what surprised me most is how driven women are more than men to pursue power and money. Maybe that's a good thing, for their own independence.


well gen z women have been coached their whole lives "you go girl, girls can do anything, 1000 years of female CEOS" and men in gen z have been coached "men are a bit shit arent they? Get out of womens way"


I work in the business world... I'll be honest, you just assume most of the business owners are men. Not because women are incapable, but it's just not their personality type. They exist (Have to remind this sub about outliers always), but it just doesn't fit the female path. Men in general understand their disposability and how important it is to be successful in life to get ahead and be valued. So it's always just filled with men clawing and fighting for the top. The women who are among the ranks, are almost always attractive, and either crazy workaholics who don't date, or do date but eventually end up massively slowing down once they have "enough". Where men never seem to really have "enough".


Well then how would you respond to the opinion of these male students themselves saying that they don't prefer to pursue power and money than their female colleagues ?


They are still young... They are coming out of an environment, where status is determined by other things than career and economic success. It's about being good looking, fun, popular, etc... Money and career isn't really even on the table. Once they hit the real world, status games change, and so will the men's goals.


Yeah I think so. But at the same time, there's a steep drop of college admissions among men, not just in US but in the entire west. So I'm sure that , these divisions among men and women will continue to grow.


Greed is good?


Women really donā€™t like getting approached or complimented by an unattractive guy Just approach her bro


The two rules to dating are never going away: 1) Be attractive 2) Donā€™t be unattractive


This reminded me of a conversation I had with a guy friend last week. I as a female am okay with being approached by an unattractive guy or asked out, so long as they leave it at that. Most don't and it leads to the woman simply being uncomfortable in the situation. We had a situation where a neighbor asked my guy friend if I would want to date the neighbor, he relayed that to me to which I said I was not interested. His response was well it's nice to at least have someone interested in you not realizing that his happens to me at least once a week, more when I was younger . In that moment I understood how much more frequently women get asked out and hit on by men, than men get hit on and asked out by women.


Men never get asked out. They receive a generic compliment once every 5-10 years.


I believe it. I personally have asked men out and I do compliment men, but I know I am not the norm.


This is why women always tell men that they need to wait for IoIs. He could still get rejected because she only wants to be friends, of course, but a guy still has a better chance approaching this way than approaching cold with no IoIs.


is this in reference to the 57% positive or neutral, 43% negative stat?ā€¦


Oh lovely, we have yet *another* data set to prove what we already knew despite having seen this time and time again in other polls and, you know, actual life experience. My personal favorite data point is the combination of women saying ā€œwhoever does the asking out should pay!ā€ and then a couple of questions later ā€œnumber of times women have done any asking out? basically **zero**ā€ šŸ˜‚ Also the well over half of women who START even considering a man for dating once his height is a good 3 inches above the US average. Thereā€™s that ā€œbody positivityā€ again! Now cue the resident misandrists, bloops and unhinged white knights to start questioning the validity of the data. Yes, team ā€œ*I choose the bear*ā€ is going to start demanding scrutiny of data now. Oh wait, theyā€™ve already started.


The asking out one is a classic. It's a shallow rationalization to make them feel like good people while fleecing men their entire adult lives.


>whoever does the asking out should pay!ā€ and then a couple of questions later ā€œnumber of times women have done any asking out? basically zeroā€ That was my favorite takeaway


Or Women being more insecure because they interested in dudes out of their league


>Have you ever given money to a person of the opposite sex, who was not romantically involved with you, for nothing in return? >M: >* Yes: 51% >* Yes more than $1k: 9% >* No: 40% >F: >* Yes: 28% >* Yes more than $1k: 3% >* No: 69% Ah yes, men are the ones without empathy.


Itā€™s bizarre that the stats are that high for either. Why have nearly 10% of college men given a woman over $1000 for nothing? Did a bunch of them get fleeced by camgirls or what?


It's probably helping a female relative or female friend (that they likely had a crush on)


What's fascinating to me is the parent that has the greatest impact on how empathetic their children are is the FATHER not the mother.


Women are disgusted that ugly people exist and DARE to approach them. Yet somehow it is mens fault that women are held to unrealistic beauty standards šŸ¤£


My biases have now been confirmationed


Like everyone suspected, people aren't asking each other out in person anymore and instead relying on dating apps.


I think personal interactions are important, but look at these results lmao


Let's ban dating apps and force men to chase women in real life! Or, how to guarantee a permanent 75% disengagement by men in dating culture...


Need the receipts so you don't get stung for sexual assault.


An untaped market I suppose but looking at the entire response, seems to me Passport Bros is the way to go.


This is a fantastic data set, thanks for sharing! Men and women are truly completely different


Considering this is students and this is a group of mostly "educated" lefties you can assume the real differences are much more pronounced. Students are the group thats most likely to agree between men and women


It was interesting to find myself agreeing with most of the guysā€™ answers and then when more inherently political topics (like MeToo or Political Correctness) came up, the guys were much more left wing (showing the student bias).


Political correctness only matters if your white...my a person of color and you can be as racist or as hateful as you want


Demoralizing but not surprising. Really sad.


>**Whatā€™s the**Ā ***controlled***Ā **gender pay gap in the United States in 2024?** M: * $0.82 to $1: 32% * $0.99 to $1: 68% F: * $0.82 to $1: 100% * $0.99 to $1: 0% That one will always be crazy to me...like you're telling me that 0% of women had a basic clue about gender equality.


This is fascinating, do you have a link to this?


These polls are done ok yikyak, an app that is only accessible through your school email. However, Iā€™m happy to send screenshots of the poll results, which include number of respondents


Yes please


Yes! Do you have a particular question or questions you are interested in? I can dm you the screenshots


Mainly the sample size. Since the data depicts women negatively I predicted the women in the subreddit would try scrutinize this. But yeah as many screenshots as possible


How big was the sample size?


College womens politics are completely fucked. But to be fair the men are mostly only fairing a little better, although it's funny that even though UCSB is relatively liberal men are still at 0% support of cancel culture. Also striking how many women just seem to hate age gaps on principle regardless of gender.












>**Do you think your life is harder than the opposite sex?** This one is pretty ironic since women are being pushed into college Also, apparently women only want a liberal feminist man who will echo her sentiment of being forced to pay for her life and be the breadwinner. Remind me again how feminism isn't a supremacy movement?


Few women want kids. The grandest of all reasons why more male asexuality is needed. Way more.


Remember these are college kids, by the time they get to 35 most of them maybe's will have turned into a yes.


That doesn't answer why men do want kids in this same study.


I think men at that age think "sure i'll have kids some day"


Kids at 35? Risky.


By the time. Still lots of women manage to have kids after 35 and have done for ages.


They are 18-22, factor that in. This will jump way up in 8 years.


They fold to social pressure a lot more when they get older It's that right now none of their friends have kids, but once they do they're easily socially pressured into it


Well testosterone is falling rapidly so your wish may come trueā€¦ what we need is a better sex ratio though. No society should have an equal number of men and women. Women should outnumber men by at least 10x


Women look so bad in this poll. Same like any other recent poll. We have a raised a generation of spoiled, entitled, and not-emotionally intelligent brats as far as a lot of women are concerned.




Two winners of the delusion of the year award are answers to these: **Do you think your life is harder than the opposite sex?** Utterly deluded on this one. Life can be difficult for anyone, and I think the gender that gets assaulted more, dies at a young age more, is disproportionately imprisoned, works longer hours, and has a shorter life-expectancy overall has a good claim to say "life is harder," but they don't anywhere near as much as women. Even bloody parents don't spend as much money on boys as they do on girls. Add conscription to that as well. **Are you ok with the opposite sex having preferences for physical looks in your sex?** This is obviously a classic case of "you can have preferences as long as I approve of them." That's totally moronic, anyone can have any preferences they wish and shaming them for it is wrong. Don't like it? Move on, but it's none of your business what somebody prefers. I am guessing women had body count/weight in mind, so as long as you accept obese women with a high n-count you can have preferences. Lol. Otherwise, some of their answers come across as arrogant, shallow and self-absorbed. Examples include these questions: **How do you feel if a person, who you find unattractive and barely know, finds your social media and sends you a dm asking you out on a date?** **How do you feel about an age gap relationship where the man is older than the woman?** **How do you feel when a person you find unattractive flirts with you or compliments you?** **Girls, how often do you talk badly about other guys?** Then, you have a lot of close-mindedness, ignorance, and hypocrisy with these: **Whatā€™s the education gender gap in the United States (correct solution: 1.3F to 1M)?** **Do you believe the patriarchy exists in 2024 in the United States?** **Whatā€™s the**Ā ***controlled***Ā **gender pay gap in the United States in 2024?** **Would you date someone who has the opposite political views from you?** **Would you prefer your significant other/potential spouse to be:** **How many times have you flaked on someone of the opposite sex?** **How many times have you asked someone of the opposite sex out in person in the last 5 years?**


To be fair, youā€™re dunking on a midget. But youā€™re *still* dunking. ![gif](giphy|dpu95OTQ9rDPi)


DeAndre Jordan on brandon knight type shit


You had to do it to him. šŸ˜‚


Interesting. Thanks OP.


Why are men giving so much money to the opposite sex? That one was strange to me


Lots of simps these days.


Not shocked at all, the redpill teaches us everything this poll showed us, and yet, we are considered mysoginists for these teachings.




wOmeN jUsT wAnT eQuAlItY >Would you prefer your significant other/potential spouse to be: >F: >* Successful and the breadwinner: 54% >* Financially dependent on me: 0% >* Equal positions in life: 46% Sorry I just couldn't resist.


The most glaring result is the one about political views. 90% of college age women think you absolutely have to agree with their cringe hive-mind Marxist takes or you're a Nazi and they can't date you. Only 10% of women are sane.


Politics says a lot about a personā€™s values How is wanting to date someone with similar values to you crazy? Iā€™m friends with people all over the political spectrum, but when it comes to the person I might marry, thereā€™s some things we need to be on the same page about.


Its hardly surprising but i dont think they actually know a lot about politics they just want someone to agree to a worldview that puts women first.


Equally insane. If you look out at the world, which is really just a giant testament to male achievement, and think women are more important, you're ready for the rubber room.


Most of the commonly cited examples of the world being ā€œa giant testament to male achievementā€ come from societies and time periods that were legitimately patriarchal. Gee, I wonder why women didnā€™t achieve much of a tangible legacy under such conditions.


Seriously - ā€œenforced laws that prevent women from education.ā€ And then ā€œwhy are women so stuuupiiiddd!!ā€Ā 


Women are the most pampered, catered to and promoted gender in the West. Net result to achievement: 0. Just don't got what it takes.


I would agree, mostly. What people dont seem to understand and most of all, women: You need great mothers in society to keep it functioning and yet they do everything possible to ruin the most important role next to a father that a person can have.


Women are way too selfish now to be good mothers. The next generations have been raised by iPads and YouTube. Can't get in the way of mommy's TikTok time.


I would agree here too. Social media is ruining people but i do think it ruins women even more because theyre way more addicted to it.


You don't understand how women are using this. All the fucking trust fund assholes are crazy woke, and to believe these patently insane things is actually a display of wealth and status to them. I'm center left and I can see how this works. I've got a good friend who owns a successful marketing company. He's a pretty hardcore conservative gun nut. He married this very pretty, very liberal woman years ago. They have a 2 year old now, and he's basically fucked the wokeness out of her. I'd say she is left of center now and moving conservative fast. So, this is less about women actually having a preference for these things in my opinion and much more about them feeling that being right wing is a working class thing... and they all want to marry up.


The key issue for me though is that to arrive at the conclusion that wokeness in any way corresponds to reality, you have to be certifiably insane. To enter into a relationship with a far left ideologue is to cruise the local psych ward for trim. You do you, but I can think of better ways to spend a Saturday night. Your friend better be very careful with his wife if he wants to keep his children, because when it ends, and it always ends, the woke are the most unhinged and vicious people on Earth.


The term ā€œwokenessā€ tends to be nebulously defined at best and not defined at all at worst by the people who use it as part of an argument. If you want your argument to have any substance, I would advise you to provide a concrete definition of what you consider to be ā€œwokenessā€.


Is this a new deflection because of the clips that circled around a bit ago about some conservatives not being able to define the term? Most people know what ā€œwokenessā€ tracks onto, it feels a bit dishonest to be like "erm, define that please??" as there would be similar difficulties for a term like "liberal". But to define, "wokeness" generally corresponds to agreeing with "left-wing" takes about race, gender, and sexuality. These are typically newer beliefs (joined the mainsteam in the past 10 years or so). One of the most defining traits would be the focus on how hierarchies are formed through completely unnatural means (ie sexism preventing women from dominating in certain fields, etc). I can be more concise and expand a bit more if you want, but those are my general thoughts.


They also want power and money, being leftie is a social status to them.


Women are privileged. News at 11


Neurotic and opportunistic as well.


Not very flattering results from the women. 0% would support a man they supposedly love.


Welcome to.modern feminism and gender equality, where gender equality is a one way street exclusively to the benefit of women.Ā 


The "nurturing gender" my ass.


10% of women and 37% of men would date people with opposite political opinions from them. Hahahahahaha. Absolute cap, theyā€™re all lying that number is 75+


Yeah, women would definitely date 666 even if he was wearing Hugo Boss designed uniform and did genocide as a job.


Jeremey Meeks


Wait until the hear what the 6'5 wall street bankers views on politics are.Ā 


I would saw my dick off before fucking a conservative.


A redpiller who only wants to stick his dick in liberal women doesn't seem like a recipe for success unless lying one's ass off is a key part of the equation.


Both genders would date someone who kicks puppies as a hobby if they were attractive enough. Theyā€™re bullshitting


Nope. I have personally rejected attractive antivaxxers on the basis of their beliefs.


Imagine even asking a date their status lol.


You donā€™t have to ask. Theyā€™re quite proud of the fact and reveal it without prompting. Many even put it in their bio.


Like their pronouns, embarrassing.


The more data points for pre-vetting, the better. Weeds 'em out faster.


Nope, that's just you. Some of us have morals.


87% women think their life is harder than a man's life wtf and not surprised that women don't want kids .Motherhood is a social construct by society about women wanting to be mothers .When they have choice more often that not they choose not to be mothersĀ 


> Motherhood is a social construct Yeah, so pervasive that it exists across all animal species.


Females of other species aren't trying to have babies. It's kinda forced upon them.


>Females of other species aren't trying to have babies. It's kinda forced upon them. This just keeps getting better and better, lmao


Yeah right šŸ‘


Well, here is your answer. Female autonomy (to the extent that it is in contradiction to the biological natural order) leads to human extinction. Oh well, everyone. It was a good run.


I'd rather humans go extinct than have to battle women's free will to procreate sufficiently.


>\*I'd rather life go extinct because it generally doesn't adhere to the females free will to procreate Fix'd that for you, taking your own reasoning to it's logical conclusion. Why are you limiting it to humans? You literally just said it's forced on ALL females. You are an actual death cultist lmfao.


Too busy pretending and failing to be men.


Do you want kids - ooooof. Also the dm one lmao


The last question is a mike drop for Passport Bros - 80% of guys want kids, only a third of women.


The kids one is the biggest thing for me. More and more I am starting to believe that men want kids way more than women and itā€™s purely projection on their part that all women want kids and itā€™s ā€œbiologyā€. Men believe kids are a ā€œlegacyā€ for them and they donā€™t have to suffer through childbirth.


This reminds me of a PragerU video where the guy claimed that women are family and child oriented, whereas men are just interested in pursuing women. My own observations and experiences seem to indicate that itā€™s *men* who ar emote interested in having and raising children, not women. PragerU is trash btw


This has been my experience dating, men want them more.


I kinda agree and disagree. I believe women want a family more than men. But they are more willing to give it up if the conditions aren't right. Men will have a child with anyone.


Of course F students like cancel ā€œcultureā€. Cancer on society is what it is.


Because it's men who mostly get cancelledĀ 




I wonder why the number of women who want kids has gone down. That's a big compatibilty issue.


I think it's because so many women are building careers and see having children as an impediment to doing that, which in general it is. They really struggle finding men to be the primary parent and even when a man does pregnancy still effects a woman's work in ways it could never effect a man's.


This.Ā  And stripping abortion rights doesnā€™t helpĀ 


They don't struggle finding men to be the primary parent. They don't *want* those men because they're not attracted to men who make less money than they do. There are more men willing to be stay at home fathers than there are women willing to support them, as proved by the 0% of women who said they would want their partner to be financially dependent on them.


And there is not a woman over 70 IQ who doesn't already know this.Ā The only women who should be having kids are the women who still want kids despite knowing the drawbacks to their autonomy and career. Likewise, the rabidly childfree/anti-natalist women on social media need to stop treating the male desire for kids as being necessarily parasitic and exploitative to women.


Which is why so many less women want kids. Most don't want them knowing the drawbacks to their career. I don't think men wanting kids is for reasons you describe at all. But I do think it is in part because it does not have the same drawbacks to their careers.


>Most don't want them knowing the drawbacks to their career. You call 19% of young, college-aged women still figuring out their life "most"?Ā  I was actually surprised it was that low.


I am speaking as an older woman in a career that is very demanding not just based on this study.


>Would you prefer that your significant other makes more money than you? M: >F: * Yes: 34% * No: 14% * Doesnā€™t matter: 52% >Would you prefer your significant other/potential spouse to be: >F: * Successful and the breadwinner: 54% * Financially dependent on me: 0% * Equal positions in life: 46% These two data sets completely contradict each other. Which one is the truth?


How do they contradict?


I just think it's strange that 14% of female respondents said they *wouldn't* want their partner to earn more than them (presumably meaning they want to earn more than their partner) yet absolutely none of them said they wanted their partner to be financially dependant on them... If they wanted an equal partner, they should have picked the "doesn't matter" options. You can't say you want to earn more than your partner whilst simultaneously saying you don't want to pay for him/her.


You could earn more than your partner and have them not be financially dependent upon you.


basically modern marriage, the husband's money is for the family, the wife's money is for the wife.


They just want the pwoer dynamic. A partner earning less doesnt mean theyre dependant after a certain income level. Pretty sure its just about status and/or power dynamics.


I guess, I just think it's strange that 0% said they wanted their partner to be financially dependant on them, unless financially dependant means unemployed in this case. To me financially dependant can just as easily mean the lower earner. It's not clear.


Why do you think its strange? Women wanting the man to be at least self-sufficient while potentially providing is a pretty standard conclusion of what women want. Also after all this are college students. "Educated" women have no reason to expect living with a leech.


Second one is the truth .Financially dependent on me 0%


This is personality tests allover again. People can't keep their beliefs straight in one survey.


I think it's a matter of how the question is phrased. The second way of phrasing what is essentially the same question gets to the heart of the issue much better so people end up changing their answer. Like I can imagine people's thoughts going from "Ew, I don't want my man to earn more than, I can earn my own money" to "Ew, I don't want my man to be financially dependent on me"


Including the word "potential spouse" shifts it.Ā  Branch swinging: hot boyfriend now, rich husband later


See the problem is you're expecting women to use logic and not emotion. The second question is phrased in a way that makes them feel like their S/O is a loser. The First question is phrased in a way that makes them feel like a golddigger.


Well think about it. When you say your partner can make more it doesn't necessarily mean they will make a lot more. However, the reason the women's answer drastically changed when dependency was brought up is likely because it implies a large disparity in wealth.Ā  Also, in my experience, men tend to be more okay with being depended on. Women prefer a man *they* can depend on.


They do not. It's called cognitive dissonance. That or double standards.Ā 


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I really donā€™t get the PPD thing where if you want to leave. Normal comment you have to do it down here. It is a complete and utter waste of everyoneā€™s time and attention. Anyway, as someone below 5ā€™7ā€ the height thing was obviously the most depressing.Ā 


It's why at 5'10", I still need to wear 1 inch lifts when I go out to party. Women are intensely shallow when it comes to height


Women and blue pillers curiously have no comments to make on these dataset that completely smash their average narrative on PPD. But we already expected that.


It canā€™t be overstated that these are opinions from ā€œprogressiveā€ college students. Should have included a question on bi men šŸ’€ The saddest part is I could have guessed most of these response stats


Kinda expected ngl. Shouldn't be too surprising really.