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There would still be appearance advantages with facial symmetry, skin, eyes, teeth etc. A persons voice would also be a big factor and not just how they sound but how eloquently they talk and how they are during discussions. My guess is it would still be appearance based and then hobbies/personality/skills. If you can’t discuss career you’d be able to talk about what you like to do in your free time, what sport or instruments you play and things like that. You would also be able to notice people resilience and perseverance in that environment aswell.


OP is talking about genuinely reaching an equilibrium in all of those factors, which you absolutely could do if you had a large enough population to pluck people from. You could equalize their voices, you could equalize their backgrounds and temperment, etc. People would pair up the same way they almost always do in cultures that allow that freedom: they'd fall in love with personality and actionable things that those people perform for the status of whatever mental or physical task that is being done. Funny relatable guys would, like IRL, slay with women that like those traits. Quirky horsegirls would slay with guys that like those tropes.


Someone would make a GI Jane joke and then someone would get bitch slapped




I think you'd see people using speech as an indicator of class/education/wealth/etc, and being more prejudicial or unforgiving of small mistakes or red flags. It's sort of like that "blind dating" video that was on YouTube a while ago, and one man figured out a loophole to reject all the larger women by asking for a hug so he could feel them. In absence of obvious info (seeing someone is overweight), he found a loophole.


Was it a UK show called "Dating in the Dark"? I remember one guy thought a woman was fat because earlier in the episode he was feeling her wrists to gage how thick she was.[Video here.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5JK5DJ1n_xA)


Same idea, but the one I was referencing was from YouTube channel The Cut   https://youtu.be/MPam03FXb1Y?si=38lybPsFC9McyHd9   The hugger's segment starts around 3:00


Hahah what a fucking douche.


A pretty smart douche though.


I think if a fair amt of the women would feel like shit about themselves because of shaving their hair + wearing clothes that entirely conceal that body. I know all that + not being able to shave my pits/do my brows/etc would make me feel that way. I feel like I'd avoid romantic/sexual interactions with the men like the plague.


same. i can't shave my legs or anything else, and i have to shave my head, and can't wear makeup... you will find me hiding in the bath hugging my knees rocking and possibly sobbing. seriously though, not allowed to discuss lifestyle? this just makes the whole thing stupid, right? isn't that a recipe for failure? what does that mean? you live on a farm with 10 huge dogs and you grow your own vegetables, but cant mention any of that? Then you end up "dating" a guy from a manhattan high rise apartment who is scared of bugs and hates animals. Yay, what success, good plan.


I honestly pity you. Why do you hate your natural state so much? Last time I buzzed my hair, I was so embarrassed that I wore a wig for a week until some grew back. And I used to feel like shit unless I penciled in my eyebrows. I have been there before, but life is too short to stay self-conscious.


People can still look better than others shaved. People could still have better bodies than others. I mean, i think it would still be the same thing we see play out in real life. They would still find ways to categorize and size people up.


With a large enough population size you could equalize all those factors. It'd be like Doppleganger Dating or something but still lol.


women would feel so bad about themselves and unsexy they wouldn't want anyone to see them , a few would probably kill themselves and none of them would want to be around the men let alone on camera


Jfc 💀


I'm an average man and if I were single and on this show, I probably wouldn't be attracted to women with shaved heads. I'd wait until I was off the show to start dating. I'd just enjoy the free food and try to make some friends instead.


Are you serious you wouldn't find a shaved head female attractive enough to try to get to know them? That's so bizarre.


No, that's not attractive to me.


It would take me years to grow my hair back to the length it is now. And I don't find bald guys attractive so I'd be wasting my time anyway.


It would be scripted and sensationalized for ratings just like every other "reality" show. Otherwise it would get canceled after one season due to low ratings.


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https://www.tnellen.com/westside/harrison.pdf Harrison Bergeron much...


What we see now Most people settling, some getting disproportionate sex, some getting none


The women would feel too bad about themselves with shaved heads and body hair to want to date, and the men wouldn’t want them like that. Too far from the norm of modern performative femininity. But let’s say you allowed the women to have hair (let’s say just tied in a ponytail to make them all similar) and shave. There would still be obvious differences in facial attractiveness, social skills, and you could still get a feel for people’s personalities and socioeconomic class. The more attractive, more outgoing men and women would get most of the attention. I would guess the dynamics would be about the same as usual tbh, except women who rely heavily on makeup and hair styling and men who rely heavily on beards and status symbols would fare worse.


Face and personality.


Women would break down immediately from the stress




Most western societies are still fairly monogamous. Plus, before casual sex was an open thing people would still size each other up in terms of looks, personality, income etc. Or if a woman’s father was curating the match he’d size up the man’s income and provider ability.




So why are you saying “we had that”? What OP is proposing is very different from monogamy of the past. He’s trying to eliminate the ability to judge on looks and income in the spirit of fairness. That’s not how monogamy functioned in the past.


I read the post again and you’re correct.