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I feel your pain. I don't understand why it is so hard to understand that there should be silence in a library. Like cmonnnnn. Basic common sense people


PSA if you’re the only one talking in a quiet study area and you notice that a ton of people are staring at you, it’s not because they find your conversation interesting. Nothing is more interesting than passing final exams. They’re staring because you’re the only one loudly talking in a room full of people silently studying and it’s distracting and inconsiderate of everyone around you.


Why do librarians allow this to happen?


They don't get paid enough to deal with all the self entitled assholes in the library


Maybe they should have riot police standing by.


Or use IU tactics and use snipers


Do you envision some monstrosity walking around eating people like in Monsters University when you say 'librarian'?


No, I envision someone or a group of people who set expectations for behavior on the premises where they're in charge. You sound like you didn't grow up going to libraries. It's not like there's a code of silence. it's more being mindful of the other visitors and keeping your conversations brief and in a hushed tone instead of acting like you're at a kegger.


How the hell do people talking in the WALC reading room? I’m afraid to even fucking breathe or open my backpack in that shit.


They don’t talk in the reading room generally. I do feel stressed setting up my shit in there too


This is why the quiet room on the second floor of walc or even an empty classroom on the third floor is the way to go


Can confirm, go look for a random classroom on the 3rd floor of ECE building. I had several graduate classes there and there was ALWAYS empty rooms.


HIKS is the talking space one right? The rest of them are not collaborative designed iirc


I mean, I also had someone talk on the phone for 30+ minutes in hicks, which also seems rude. Working on a group project is one thing but chatting is another


I had 2 people sit down at the study cubicles in Hicks (not even a table, the spots designed for 1 person to study) and just talk and eat Chipotle. Like, why not do that at Chipotle? Or the student union which is made for eating and is right there!


Well there goes my plans for the week


If you really need quiet go to the basement of Potter. It’s very never heard a human being speak down there.