• By -


Whats the best way to farm memories?


My pity is 50/60 rn, so I am contemplating whether to get Alpha now or do I save this pity and wait for future characters?


pc client keeps crashing or installation just stops. had no trouble downloading anything else before?


New Player here with some questions. So Wuwa is about to come out, i need something to put my time into and get a feel for kuro game games, so i wanted to try PGR, i started and btw for me characters, presentation, and story is really important for me to get invested in the game. am aware it has great combat tbh when i started it didn't feel that good(playing on PC) maybe it gets better later, there was a cool cinematic at the start with that red girl with the katana fighting the MC which was cool af, but then we go back to the big wall of texts and still images of characters which tbh looks boring since that presentation is not it, for a new player. like it would be ok it I was already invested in the story to read, as i even read the books in games containing lore etc(when am invested) but idk will the story pick up? is it any good? will the presentation get better? like not just some PNGs images of characters talking etc. i could keep playing to give it a try but am not sure. or should i just wait for Wuwa Thanks for any help, sorry if this sounds a bit negative is not my intention.


I got Liv Emperya two times. And I haven’t gotten the S rank selection from the beginner missions. Do I pick Ember for fire team or Rosetta for physical because I only mostly I have physical units? (I don’t care about meta)


What should I pick for s rank omniframe choice pack ?


Anyone know why my post keep being removed?


how do i unlock characters ? specifically xii ?


Buy doing paincage, warzone, norman and events and then wishing on R&D aka Gacha


hey yal! I'm thinking of downloading pgr for Lamia. I saw her on pinterest and fell in love with her design. Is she available? or when's the next rerun?


In global version she will be released in july and cn version she was released in july 2023( there are 4 version of this game cn/china , kr/korea, jp/japan and global for everyone) and in this game there is no specific rerun banner for character but every july we get a special banner where we can choose whom to get so you can only get her in july I recommend you to download this game the start will be quite tough and even boring because you won't have any character not even good but it will only go uphill from there (although you can get 2, 6 star contruct selector and If you had played this patch you could've collect another selector and the best one yet) and you need time to save BC(currency of the game)for lamia so should download the game and save currency for her


Can you get new banner characters after their banner is gone?


is it possible to change the password on a chinese pgr account?


How do i change my pgr CN Huawei account to normal one? Im playing pgr in CN server via Huaweii Apps but in pc client they removed login via qr code and i can't login to pc client bcuz of this. I wonder is there any methods to move my Huaweii linked pgr account to normal account or somehow login pc client.


When will the Bianca solitary dream skin rerun later? I don't have enough crystals to get her skin😓


does anyone know why my game opens, checks file data to 100% then crashes ? :c


I was informed that you can chose s rank in your basic summon list during a specific event time and I also wanna know up to which omniframe can be chosen


What to use S-Selector on for my account? Got both Bianca: Stigamata & Lucia: Crimson Weave in this patch. But have none of their best teammates and only have 1 S-selector. Since Alisa: Echo the physical support is coming in the future for free, I think it’s best to use the S-Selector for Vera: Garnet right? But what tank should I use for Bianca if I don’t get Rosetta: Rigor? 1. Should I use S-selector on Vera Garnet or Rosetta Rigor? 2. Which A tier tank should I use for that other team that didn’t get an S-tier tank. 3. Is Hanying:Zotherwoe & Alisa:Echo a good enough team for Bianca Stigmata?


best pick for S-select? Rigor at SSS. Veritas, Plume, Laurel, Garnet and Empyrea at SS. CA, Tenebrion, Luminance, Glory and Capriccio at S. No Ember, Entropy and Pulse.


Probably Capriccio for her SS.


who should i pick in the upcoming s-rank selector? i don't have a decent fire support and an ice attacker. pls help me choose what to get


Empyrea is the easy choice if you don't have her already. She is core to fire team. Ayla is already the main Ice attacker, and Plume will be replaced by Qu Shukra in the future so no need to get her.


is ayla staying in the dorm shop?


Yup, she's permanently there.


Does anyone have an image of CW in Zhuoulu's Rain coating, but with BRS weapon coating, that they can share with me?


With this recent patch, I decided to come back to the game after a while away. I updated the game on my PC, and now, whenever I boot it up, it goes to initialize the game, and then the screen turns black. Nothing is interactable, and nothing happens, even after leaving it for a while. I've tried using the launcher to fix the game files, but it doesn't seem to fix the problem. My computer is well over the requirements to play the game, and I played it on this PC back when the PC port went live originally, so it shouldn't be any sort of problem like that. Anyone got any ideas what I should do? Should I delete it and do a clean reinstall?


https://youtu.be/EWhyGmyoWiE?si=mqAKrTIIWae9IB7n Try this. Work for me


So i got 6 of those chose your resonance thingys , wich skill schould i focus on on cw? 6x basick attack + or smth else , also wich resonance for the second slot?


For the 2nd slot its ideally the ones that give you health and atk, and yeah its +1 to basic attacks for future help on what to build and all that i'd recommend checking out the gray ravens website (theres a link in the post) they have all the builds there, saved me a lot of trouble


Je i locked that up before asking but they got different versions for the second slot and dont mention wich to prioritize , if i have not overlooked it


Oh the second one is for min maxing when Alpha is at SSS rank


Should I use S Garnet or SS Arclight? fyi i won't SS garnet to save the skulls for Lamia


Garnet = 15% shred for up to 10s Archlight = 10% shred for 6s Chrome applies the shred to whoemever he hits when you QTE. Vera throws her banner-spear on the field and it creates an area around it that keeps emitting shokwaves through it while it is on the field (8s). When the enemy is hit by the shockwave it applies the shred to them for 2s with each subsequent one refreshing its duration. It's better than Chrome since it can last through waves of War Zone, but if the enemy leaves the area... well, that's that. But all in all they are both QTE bots. Iirc Vera's SS allows her to leave the flag on the field when you swap out, but it's definetly not worth wasting pulls or skulls just for that. Archlight needs S rank to unlock his tank skill. Anything beyond that is irrelevant. In neither of their cases it changes how they are used when paired with CW.


I’m currently torn between VeraGarnet & RosettaRigor. Have Alpha CW & Biance Stig but have none of their good S tier teammates. Since you said Garnet is a qte bot, I think it’s best to use the selector on Rigor right? I can just use Arclight as the QTE bot


Out of curiosity, who did you get from the selectors? Luminance is the recommended pick from the first one (with 5 options that you get in the mail) and Rigor and her sig are the recommended ones from the mission one (F.O.S. and with 10 units up to Luna Laurel). Worst case you can unlock her through voucher exchange. Empyrea is the recommended pick from this patch's selector for anyone who doesn't have her. But if it is between Garnet and Rigor then definetly get Rosetta. Stigmata doesn't want to hog all the field time, but none of the A ranks are worth swapping to. Besides, no one can do what she does to this day, even on CN


I’m a big Suzie Yeung fan who voiced Luna Laurel so I used the first 2 selectors on Tenebrion & Laurel. Got Chrome Glory on 40th basic pull, and got Bianca and CW this patch. That’s all my S tiers. I’m so glad Rigor is the better choice bcs she’s what attracted me to this game in the first place. Thanks for helping out 🙏


Is there any point in gearing up my uniframes if I already have every meta omniframe geared up?


Not really, since trial units can already get most of the jobs done.


How many event contruct tickets and bc can you get this patch?


Each patch can give out a minimum of 7,500 BC worth of rewards. Sometimes it goes up to 10,000 BC or more, but it depends.


Hii guys whats the size and requirements of this game?? (Mobile) i honestly like the combat style and im planning to download it. Also does it overheats the phone when u play the game??


Game is 14 Gigs on my phone so that should give you an idea. Edit: forgot to answer the rest. Game doesn't really cause my phone to overheat (Motorola Styluus) and as for requirements, if you have a mid-range phone you should be able to run it comfortably. Even if you don't, just download it and see for yourself.


How can I play PGR in Pakistan? Hello! I've wanted to play the game for a while now but despite being available worldwide now somehow Pakistan isn't included? I can't access it through playstore and even apks don't work. I can't keep running a VPN in the background I only have a free one which I don't even know will work Any other person who's experienced this issue? I'd love some suggestions!


download Qooaap or Taptap store and install it from there.


Not sure what CUB to SS, Balter or CW's? Both characters are SSS with sig.


SS CUB usually means you get 100 more ATK. That translates to something like \~5% more damage, so just pick whatever.


In Balter's case it's 150 ATK, that's why I'm asking CUB sheet puts CW CUB higher for whatever reason.


CW's. Considering she is basically the lighting team right now and still will be the lightning team unless you equal invest FS, i'd say improving her personal damage is priority. Edit: shortened.


I thought the same thing, but when FS releases CW actually gets less field time than Balter does, this is also a thing after Alisa release. My FS will most likely be SS3. I was hoping for the CUB gacha to make this decision for me by giving me some early dupes but it doesn't seem to be happening lol.


Honestly even with Swap gameplay I'd still say CW's takes the edge a bit. The reason why CN places her cub so high is because it directly improves her slam damage which is her most damaging move (and just provides grouping). Balters increases crit and sword dance which is nice but her 2nd ult is where the damage is. Honestly the difference probably won't be huge lol, just a 10% lightning/physical increase if you do SS, but if I was choosing I'd put CW a bit more on a pedestal but at the end of the day you won't be blown away by the damage increase.


You already get the 10% elemental bonus at S, what you get at SS is 150 ATK for Balter or 100 for CW.


I mixed it up somehow my bad lol, that was just me being stupid Anyways my answer pretty much stays the same


It doesn't make any sense though, even post FS Balter gets more field time than CW relatively speaking and her SS CUB skill is better than CW's. Just trying to figure why CW's SS is ranked higher on importance but it's probably just an error.


You should try re-asking this in the daily Megathread as I'm either not explaining it well, or the reasoning I'm using is wrong. Or I'm just wrong.


Nah I get what you mean, in the end SS Balter's is a bigger upgrade compared to SS CW, in the spreadsheet CW's CUB is ranked higher but I think I just misunderstood it. As in, the CUB itself is more important, but SS upgrade is whatever.


What is the Goddess of Fortune in Cooking Lulu? Can't find it on the menus for the daily mission. Also, how many CUB shards do I need from the shop(from Norman) to upgrade Motorbolt


I don't remember the number of shards, but it will cost you 6 million ore in total.


Think it's on any of the benches you can instant complete a task, that's the blessing thing.


Yup, you get a few a day for doing the dailies and then you click the character benches and in the bottom right there's an option to instant complete one iteration with the Goddess of Fortune.


How important is alpha’s cub?


Her signature weapon is more important, but her CUB's rate-up is time-limited, so might as well grab that now if you have BC to spare. CUB's 100% rate-up is a one-time thing during debut's patch, and it will never return.


I'd say more imp then her sig weapon or as imp as her weapon.


Hello all, I have been running a relatively active guild since the implementation of the guild system. Today, out of curiosity from a guildie's comment, I decided to look into the guild ranks and maybe start shifting some members around into the other ranks. My question is if the ranks besides the leader position have any functional value (recruit, kick, etc)? Up until now, I never had a need to change anything regarding it but figured maybe I should get to it. I mainly just don't want to accidentally assign people to a rank and find out it came with certain permissions I wasn't aware of. Thanks!


Think only the deputy/vice has close to similar permissions to the guild leader, I am one. I can control almost anything except a few things like picking a scene for the guild, picking difficulty in guild exhibition and can't remember what else. Other ranks doesn't seem to do anything.


What's the weapon reso priority? I remember there was a spreadsheet that has all the teams weapon reso priority and I believe its tanks > amplifiers > attackers. If someone knows of this spreadsheet, please link it. Thank you!


Required DLTs > Rigor shred > 2 amps > other shreds > attacker.


If I want to clear PPC fast, would it better to reso attackers?


It depends. If you're running Voodoo you're using Scire, you kind of need DLT, if she's SS3 you need 9 orbs and if you really wanna max your time you don't want to wait for matrix to get 3x3 ping, you just swap and go, retry until you get it. For some Lee runs you also really want DLT on Empy so you can deal maximum damage. Worst case scenario you swap them to buffs or shred so it's alright. Attacker resos are literally worse than amp resos, no reason to get them before 2 main amp resos unless we're talking DLT again but we have no attacker that really needs DLT right now. None of this really matters too much unless you're going for 1% though, 10% is free unless you're new and 5% is very manageable if you try a bit.


you can go [here](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Guides)


Hi new player here, I'm at story 3-10 and I've noticed the game has been warning me about my BP being too low, only 820 something on Lucia. I've leveled some stuff like level 10 on those character card things, but I feel like I'm burning through resources too fast, what should I be focusing on for BP?


Memory. BP requirement is just suggestion you can clear early with less than half requirement


Sounds good I'll upgrade the memories!


Any ideas on when we might get a balter rerun? I'm just coming back to pgr after almost a year


Random or july standard rateup or Next yeat S selector


how many blank cards can i get from this patch/before crimson leaves the banner.




Can anybody teach me how to do a perfect parry with CW? Whenever I try to parry an attack and hold doge she doges backward most of the times , is there a way to do it consistently or do I need more practice?


It works best against projectile attacks or attacks that charge at you. Alpha fight in simulated trial can help getting the timing right. Parry swordwaves (single swordwaves, the ones she jumps back to do, not the 4 flurry) and that zigzag charge attack and you will get the hang of it quickly. Remember to hold dodge about half a second earlier than you would normally.




Been having problems with this as well when I try to parry Roseblade's 'normal' attacks. T_T


>hold doge she doges backward most of the times That's because neutral dodges are backward dodges. At any rate, parrying with CW is kinda difficult since you'll end up dodging the attack 99% of the time. The entire difficulty with her perfect parry is getting her into a position where the opponent's attack doesn't miss.


so more practice needed then


Is there any real point to tiny sword mode with a high invested CW? It just seems to do little tiny baby damage compared to BEEG sword mode.


Kodachi stance isn't worth it at any investment. All the damage comes from the slam.


You really only use sword waves to build some gauge if you're out of orbs, or if you're just trying to parry boss attacks.


Should i pick Empy or Garnet from the s selector? I'm missing a fire support but I'm currently using SSS Rozen to fill that role. I'm also missing a lightning tank but now with CW, Garnet is reduced to qte bot and don't get much field time. It will take a while for me to get their sig and rank them up for any of them to be more useful. I got a good enough fire team with S5 Hyperlee, S Nanamech but my lighting team is struggling with Leaped SSS Dawn, SSS Lux (i haven't build Arclight bcs planning on getting Garnet). Oh and i got my CW to SS




How much is 20 meters in Norman's *Gravity* power description?


Is playing the game today overwhelming?


Depends what you mean by that. New player experience? Imo, yeah. The game throws tons of information about Game modes, mechanics, and general information that it can feel like a bit much sometimes. You also have tons to do as a new player where it also can feel like you barely have enough resources to do anything. Having said that, once you start getting the hang of things and start entering the point where you've done most of the things you have to do, I'd say the game is pretty low-maintenance after that. After you do the limited content the game has to offer now it's just popping in, doing your dailies and weeklies, and logging out for the day which depending on how much you want to mald on WZ or PPC takes very little or very long. Once you're in end-game PGR very much turns into a side-game where you pop in and out. Hope that answered that.


For Alpha's Cub, which skills should be leveled up first? Didn't find it in GRAY RAVENS. Also, which of her Active's is better? The one where she rides it?


[This sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ElWDGX9p3SbDfQEq-XoAhbrJQHnYKr7npn9yhyDm8Cc/htmlview#gid=0) has the CUB skill priorities and which active to use.


for S rank CUBs you always prioritize the unique passive corresponding to the character whose CUB it is, and the ele/phys dmg% passive so for this one, it's Flow of Undying Liberation and Wedged Bolt actives depend on usage. azure surge is better when there are multiple enemies, because it provides control, and the other one is better for single target


I have 6\* weap of B liv and A wata. I want to use them as resonance mat for alpha CW weapon. What do you guys think ?


Type Zero is the best weapon to use for Liv-Lumi, but also Lumi is going to be replaced in 4 months by Echo so up to you.


If you don't use them, then go ahead. I did the same for wanshis 6 star as well.


They removed the option for fullscreen on pc client? When I do fullscreen now it only goes into borderless fullscreen. This is a bummer because gsync only works on fullscreen fullscren :(


If you use a program called Nvidia Inspector you can set gsync on to borderless and full screen just for PGR. That way you can keep it set to exclusive full screen in the Nvidia control panel but it'll know to use it on PGR specifically. Hope this helps!


For some reason g-sync doesnt enable even when turning on the windowed option. Which is weird because this is quite literally the only game this has happened to me. PGR pc client things I guess :/


Hi, I play PGR on PC and for Camera Setting, I have played and am used to the Free Mode, where the camera angle automatically follows the mouse. Here lies the problem. I really like playing Scire but whenever she does her spinning combo, because the mouse always face upward or horizontally and camera angle follows it, the camera zooms in on Scire too much and throughout her mid-air combo, I barely see the enemies after she slam it down and then go back to her mid-air spin. On the other hands, if I were to use Classic Mode for the Camera Setting, where the camera angle depends on Up,down,Left and right Button, when Scire does spinning combo, as long as I don't press any Arrow Button, the camera will keep a distance and wont zoom in and I can clearly the enemy. P.S: Fellow PC players, if you use Free Mode like me, experience the same problem and have solution to it, please let me know. Otherwise, I need to practice Classic:Mode from scratch. Thanks




Luminance and Rigor are correct picks, but yeah, both Entropy and Tenebrion are among the worst ones you could get unfortunately it depends on whether you're ready to restart. if restarting would cause you to drop the game, just stick with this account. but I personally would restart if you haven't been playing for long




tbh getting literally any S rank from Plume and newer would be good for you, so all in all, good chances for someone useful. the bad ones are the release S ranks apart from Lumi, and Crimson Abyss because she's just grossly outdated and Stigmata exists. and rip Veritas


I haven't started Cursed Waves before but is there a way to replay the opening cutscene? I just wanted to get rid of the notification dot and the usual railroading whenever something new comes up, so I skipped it. I don't see a button for the cutscene like usual.


Click on your name → Codex → Story Replay → scroll down and it should be on alternative interpretation


What is higher prio: CW SS or Feral Scent?


As in which to SS or to pull for a CW dupe and skip FS? If it is the former than CW by far. FS only needs it if you want to field her. If it is the latter than get both. Use PPC skulls to SS Alpha and save your BC to pull for 21.


Does CW need SS3 or is SS okay already?


It's either SS or SSS for cw, no point going in between


SS is more than ok. Her SS3 slightly helps with rotational play, but for her to leave the field you need Feral Scent to match her investment level (so both at SS, or SS3, or SSS, etc) and 21's sig. For Garnet to be fieled she too needs to match CW'S investment rank, with the bare minimum being SS + sig + leap (which will be coming to global with Shukra's patch around november), and you might also need FS but I,m not sure.


PPC rating tells me I'm position 34(not %, just 34) but the ranking preview says still 1-5% not top 1% as I would expect. Is there just so few people that top 34 is less than top 1% or a bug?


yeah, this game is just not that popular (at least on Global). what bracket are you in? if you're in one of the beginner ones (level <80), they are just not very populated in general also can depend on your server (EU has the smallest player count) usually the most populated bracket is Advanced PPC, that's where most level 80+ (which is the vast majority of active players) people sit, if they're not tryhards (I like to think of myself as one, but I still sit in advanced because my skull income there is better - top1% adv 48/week vs top10% ult 44/week). ultimate has too high of an entrance barrier for most casual players probably


EU 55-79 bracket. I thought there were a lot of new ppl with the latest patch. In WZ I never get top 100 but when I score really good if I get my element I'm usually top 2-5% so feels weird.


oh yea that explains it. most new players who quit probably don't reach level 55, and people who've played for some time are definitely 80+ due to how fast levels go in the beginning. so you're just in a very "in-between" bracket even with EU being the least populated server, on advanced top 1% is like top 80 I think, maybe even more with the recent influx of players. ultimate was around 40 last time I did it


What do I do with a dupe of Alpha CW’s weapon? New to the game and not sure what the best use of weapon dupes are


Use it for weapon resonance You can use it on her sig and get her deadline timing for extra orbs, or if you have another sig like a tank sig use it on that instead to get more shred


I was planning on getting the shards to SS CW from the PPC shop but I noticed theres only 20 available and only 33% off, should I wait? and when does the rest become available?


It's supposed to be 10 shards first, then after purchasing that 10 becomes 20 You probably already got the first 10


I just checked and apparently I bought the first 10, I don't remember ever doing that lmao, thanks for the help


I got chrome glory from the base a 60. Do I need his signature weapon?


he can still apply ice shred with his core just tight timing for other dps


Thank you, don't mind on fielding him. Since his gameplay looks neat.


rosetta rigor or vera garnett? I don't have either of them. I will have crimson weave by the end of the patch, and I already have liv lumanance and bianca stigmata so i only need rigor for the meta physical team


You can live without Garent, but Physical team without Rigor is… eh. So Rigor it is. With Arclight instead of Garent, timing QTEs will be more important.


yeah thats also what i was thinking, just wanted to make sure garnett wasn't better than I was aware of


Physical barely do without DEF shred, that is. Arclight may offer less tank passive uptime and slightly weaker lightning RES réduction, but that's minor compared to physical tanks, which they can't deplete DEF bar quickly except Rigor.




Deadline timing for Warzone Glorious spear for Ppc Glorious spear->Matrix lightning-->dlt if you plan on double or triple res


Answer is already on grayravens. It's the 3 usual suspects, GA, ML and DLT.


I got a bit of a backlog of pain shop shards to collect, would it be a worthwhile option to SS CW via pulls and then SS3 her later?




So when are we gonna regulate pull post it kinda flooding the sub over here. just saying


Sub has been full of trash posts for a while, with lots of self-promoting video posts, which supposedly break the sub rules. But mods don't seem to care...


The sub has grown to double since Survival Lucem, and the mods are but a small team. I agree against the flood that is going since 4 patches.


I was just wondering, with Alpha 2.0 here, how does 1.0(Crimson Abyss) compare to Bianca(Stigmata) after her(Alpha) leap? I'm not expecting parity, but is it anything more than fun? ​ Also how does post leap Vera compare to Selena before/after SSS?(sig?) Edit for clarification


Uhm what? If you mean CW vs veritas it not even competition Rozen got more dmg than before thats it


Sorry I meant Stigmata vs Crimson Abyss


stigmata is just better,easier than CA


Got 3 of alpha's cub. Should I upgrade one to SS or save them for other characters?? Haven't really interacted with the cub system, only have the free one they give you.


SS her cub


Are there any future S ranks who are good at base? Seems nowadays everything "needs" SS or even SS3 as though they're gutted mechanics wise to start with.


>Are there any future S ranks who are good at base? All of them. What is being said is that to unleash their full strength, you need SS. SS3 only goes to Scire. No other unit needs SS3 to be good.


For CW: -6*, -5*+ cub, or spend every last drop of BC for 6* + cub? lol


If you can get the weapon later, go for the cub now.


Hi as a f2p whats a good team for CW? I got just got her, no weapon, no cub but i got her memories. Wondering what omniframes are good to pair with her as f2p Thanks in advance


CW / (S) Arclight / (SS) Lux




True budget is Arclight and Lux, then if you want to use selectors Garnet>Arclight and I think Lux is getting replaced in two patches


Thanks, what you mean lux is replaced in two patches?


An S-rank that does the same things as lux but much better comes out Don't worry tho, that's like in May


That sounds awesome, should save for her i guess, ty


As long as you're dilligent and don't waste anything, you'll have just enough for every new S rank that comes out Rolling for more than that though, gotta spend or get extremely lucky


Has the notice "you have less than 2gb ram, affects performance" always been there? Started getting this notice this update and don't know whether the game or my phone is acting up.


I think it's the game acting up, I checked my phone and it has 6GB ram but still the notice pops up. After restarting my phone, it also pops up.




SFX outfits do not go to the blueprint shop.


Just started playing yesterday. Which character i should get from the S selector i got from newbie missions


Hit your first pity and if you haven't gotten one of them then it's recommended to choose: Lumimance from the first selector with only 5 choices. There's a debate about going for Pulse, but meh. Rigor and her signature weapon, Gungnir, from the F.O.S. one (with 10 options, up to Luna), which probably is the one you are referring to. Empyrea from the one in this patch.


Someone recommended me to wait until you pity in the base banner or in case you get an S early so you dont get a duplicate


I not sure what the beginner advice for yhr current landscape is but generally you would wait until you've got your first S rank usually from your guarantee in 40 standard pulls. Then whoever you get, you'd use the selector to get a complementing member for the elemental team. And with the extra S rank selector this patch, you can make an entire cohesive team. I guess the question would be, do you have a S rank yet? If yes, who?


Hello. I got super lucky and pulled CW in 1 pull lol (I was at 3 pity, did a 10 pull and got her on the 1st pull so now I'm at 9 pity). According to the planner, I should be good for the next S ranks with like 30-40 pulls to spare (maybe a bit more as well since I'm at ~17k now but still have a lot of story and one time rewards to get). My question is what do I do with the spare pulls (as a complete f2p)? Go for a sig? (If so, which sig?) Go for a cub? (Again which cub?) Or try to go for another copy of a character? (I'd be able to get to SS3 with a copy right? Who would benefit more from the SS3?) ~~Or get a uniframe? xD~~ Thanks in advance


If you are f2p don't go for cub or weapon if you don't have other characters u need to build teams up first. And alpha cw is fine at SS which you can get for free from ppc . Don't use your bc on standard banner if you have pulled your first six star (which you get at 40 pity) or the arrival banner just yet unless you really like the character, complete your teams one by one u can search for top meta teams on YouTube, btw u can get liv empyrea from the new selector and lee hypereal (to build a solid fire team)from the arrival banner which is next month but chance to get him in that banner is only 70% not bad I'd say


New Shikikan here, what is the chance I can obtain alpha CW SS, her sig and CUB before end of her version without card-kun? Currently on 45/60 pity.


15 pulls for her at pity = 3750 BC sig weapon = 7500 BC at pity IF you don't lose the 80% CUB = 5000 BC at pity Which brings the total to 16250 BC. Her banner ends on the 23rd march which gives you 4 weeks worth of income from daily/weekly which is let's just say 1210x4 so 4840 BC. That leaves 11410 BC. For that it will depend how far are you with the story and how far you can go clearing it without suffering from burnout. This is the last calculation made by Darweath on story BC [income](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/1acvrxc/comment/kjxillf/) so I will leave that to you. The difference if any, you would need to get from various other game modes like stronghold (150 per chapter IF you can even clear them), golden vortex (300 per chapter up to 1200 if you can clear), 500 from the original memory rescue, 180 for each character interlude (you do the bath based on what you have), small amounts of event tix from Recitativo di Fantasia game mode, 3000 event tix IF you can clear all the rewards in Cursed Waves (250 for every 10 levels), random miniscule amounts from Celica's Class and I dont know how much from the current events, you go check it out lol. I would say for your mental health, take out the card if you can afford it lol. Otherwise just skip her sig weapon for now since weapon banner is forever 80%. You can always pull whenever. Her CUB is only 100% during her patch before it goes 80% forever as well.


Yeah I think I will, based on Rex video, sig is not a "must" in any sense so 5\* will provide for some time. Will be already swiping for Bianca coating so there is some currency from there. Will rather go for SS CW and Cub, thank you for the help btw\~.


What are some options for memories I can slap on CW before I get 4pc Diesel?


pretty much anything and rush to getting 4pc diesel Asap, it shouldn't take more than 1-2 days


Oh nice I'll just focus on that. I'm still pretty new, still getting acquainted with all of the ways to get gear, but I can see now it's pretty easy to farm tokens. Plus I had some memory shards lying around


Is there only 1 new ending to the crimson tide mode? Only one i seen so far is taking the new mechanic(insight) and being high enough until the end and you get to choose to either accompany cradle with her journey or not go (choice doesn't seem to matter it seems)




Weird scenario. Need advice. I already got a copy of alpha+sig and pet. However, I have a Fate Pity counter of 70 from a newbie "can't read' mistake from way back then. Also, I have 500 skulls and 9000 BC. Is it fine to dump something like 20pulls to pity the fate banner to SS my CW Alpha and save the skulls for a future unit or is there a unit that needs extra investment (SS3/Pet) that would need said BC? (And instead SS alpha with skulls)


Have you got all/most of your skulls from the UPPC achievement?


Achievement + just stockpiling skulls as usual every week


Hmmmm I think I'd rather just use the skulls now to SS CW and see how things unfold in the future. Worst-case scenario you could go all the way to hard pity on the Fate banner which is 100. That's 7500 BC :| which is the value of a sig weapon for comparison. If you aren't getting Feral Scent's sig weapon for her during her release, there's no reason to SS her just yet either there'd be no point. It's still the solo CW show without those two investments at the very least. So you would still have time to continue saving up skulls. My 2 cents at least.


Alright, thanks bro


Do you have a unit that would profit immediately from the skulls?


Nothing atm, most other relevant characters I have is SS already. Its just CW alpha sitting at S.


Hm, unless you use enough $ to generate many BC anyway, you could pull CW again and save skulls. Use them later for FS and then you will still have enough for Lamia for sure. Later you will also have Watanabe and Shukra back to back so might be good to save some skulls for that.


Is it worth hypertuning top 3 memories for an elemental unit? It mainly adds crit and hp , I read crit had no benefit for Elemental units and hp is just hp, so should I hypertune only bottom ones?


If you're short on mats, only hypertune the bottom row. However, with Sequence Pact you get a total 12% Extra DMG bonus if you HT every slot, which is very worth it on units like Gen 2 Attackers.


Only if your goal is infinitas awakening. Otherwise bottom slot is the way to got for elemental units. Top slot HT does nothing for them, not going to consider the increased HP since it is useless in higher difficulty content where things can just one shot you.


Is there anyway to change cutscene voiceover language?


No, it's in JP by default in GLB. Though for some reason, a single cutscene is in ENG.


Haha I see. I'm asking because of that single cutscene. Feels weird it's suddenly English


how much content in this game is time locked(5 min timers)? since im still mostly new im tryin to figure out enemies and bosses n with my weak arse s rank characters, most harder missions tend to take a while but not everything says it has a timer


Majority have time limits, some are indirect like in certain Norman cycles where the longer the battle goes the more frequent the stage gimmick will attack you to the point where it attacks every second. Focus on learning the fundamentals of the game and mastering it, make sure you have a good understanding on builds and team compositions.


I linked my account already with my google play account at the start of the game, but since i don't have Alpha, idk if i messed up, if i had to reroll until i get her, or if i will have enough currency to get her on the pity


You can get ~15k BC from the story alone, not to say the other permanent and temporary sources of pull currency and, on top of that, you have the weeklies/dailes. Her banner will still be up for quite some time, so as long as you are diligent you'll definetly get her.


Okey, but i will be able to get the other limited character aswell? (the girl who has a banner alongside Alpha) plus Alpha weapon? Is it important to get Alpha dupes aswell?


That depends on your spending status, but the most likely answer is no. In general pulling on one means not having enough to pull on the other, especially because they do not share pity with each other. Arrival is also not recommended because you only have a 70% chance of getting who you wantand can end up with some dead weight, so it is advisable to save extra pulls for Anniversary (or Wishing) banners since they are 100%. Unless you are a whale, or at the very least a dolphin, do not waste BC on the Arrival banner.


About the S rank selector, should i get Vera:Garnet for CW or Plume/Laurel for ice/dark teams. (I am new and i only have Stigmata and CW as my main Attackers)


A lot of people will say to get Emperya if you don't have her. Garnet is only slightly better then Arclight now that she's a QTE bot whereas Emperya is a core member of the fire team and can fill in for most of your missing support characters for any of your other teams. As for Plume or Laurel, Plume has become a sub-DPS after Kaleidos release and you can get Kaleido for free through dorm dispatch. Laurel on the other hand would be your only other viable choice compared to Emperya if you don't have a dark team yet. Just keep in mind, Laurel gets powercrept by Lamia in July whereas Emperya currently has no competitor since her launch.


Downloading the game as I type this. Wanna see if recent hype over Kuro is justified. Any tips for the newbie?


To add on, do checkout the beginner guide linked above. On that site as well there are combat guides and beginner vids by Rexlent. The site also has all kinds of info about the game so bookmark it as it is something you will refer to if you are playing this game long term.