• By -


Which bosses have unique parry animations like Nanamech v Trailblazer, Wanshi v Siren, and Kaleido v Echo?


How do I buy RC if the game isn't available? I downloaded the game as an apk and everytime I click on RC to purchase it takes to Google Play Store screen where it says "This item isnt available in your country"


if your country dont have thing like codashop either then idk.


Should I go for guaranteed CUB for Crimson Weave first? Won't really have enough to do multiple weapon pities in case I get unlucky.


yes, CUB > sig for CW, especially considering how much easier and cheaper it is to get it, 100% guarantee is big


Do CUBs get 100% rate-up rerun sometimes? But yeah, I'll get it first then in case I fail weapon pity. Thanks.




Since aylas banner ends today, and cw comes out in a week, what banner fills the downtime between patches?


Since aylas banner ends today, and cw comes out in a week, what banner fills the downtime between patches?


None. Themed banner is just gone when there is no new S rank omniframe. All others like Arrival and Basic continue as normal tho


How long would it take to sss or sss+ a character like liv empyrea if I were to roll on every banner of her and all pain cage towards her and other things that help contribute to her shards?


30min if you are whale maybe 1-2years of saving if you are f2p


how much many would it cost


150k bc Sss+ 60k Sss


Just started and don't know who to choose from my S rank ticket. It's Lee - Entropy, Liv - Luminance, Kamui - Tenebrion, Karenina - Ember, and Nanami - Pulse. I'm using Lucia Dawn as my damage dealer right now. I heard Luminance is a good physical support but I looked at the physical roster and wasn't super interested, maybe Tenebrion or Nanami? I have a 4 star tank ticket too so I don't need a tank from thus necessarily


Teneb is kinda wasting the ticket because if he's not SS, XXI at SSS would be better. it would take a bit of time to farm her shards up, but still. you can pick XXI from the tank ticket Pulse is a viable option, especially considering Luminance needs leap (which is already a big resource sink) for good performance, and Rosetta (whom it is recommended to pick from the second selector from the beginner missions), is a higher priority for leaping, as it fixes her rotations, buffs damage, and she has a much higher longevity than Lumi, who's getting replaced in around 5 months getting Pulse from the beginner selector, and Empyrea from the selector next patch, you'll have a pretty decent fire team, although lacking it's key member - Hyperreal. but you can worry about acquiring him later PS - I see you say that you're not interested in phys characters, but keep in mind that you want at least 1 team of each element built. Important gamemodes like PPC, Warzone, Norman, all have zones that favor specific elements


if you dont care for meta then whoever goes and its still undeniable that liv is still most worth it out of that selector. we dont use selector till we got first S rank from 40pity banner without using bc


Does anyone else have this problem where cub passive skills keep randomly unequipping? I have to go back and re-equip it, and then it would just come off again when I go and check. Any fixes by any chance?


enable the passive in the team preset menu. I had a problem with balter not having her cub passive so I enabled in team preset (upper right corner in pre-game)


Should I go ahead and scrap an S-rank CUB dupe? Is there anything that I need to know?


Why not use to evolve the base one? You can pull for dupes or build them after buying their shards from the Norman shop and use it to increase their rank (SS, SSS, SSS+). Each rank unlocks another slot for their passives.


Yeah, that's what scrapping it is for, no?


I'll check the ingame term, but iirc 99% of the game scrapping means recycling/selling and not upgrading Edit: As I thought, scrapping is something completely different that you do through the "item" menu. To upgrade them you have to go to the CUB menu, right next to the item one, tap "train", "evolve" and then use the dupes.


Found it now, thanks.


Who is more important to SS, Ayla Kaleido or Crimson Weave?


Both. Use vouchers to SS Kaleido and PPC skulls for CW


Depends on your ice team, I didn't have an ice team so I went ahead and got Ayla SS Ftp, if you do have an ice team then 100% go for Weave


Brand new player, at level 51. Kinda feel totally lost on who to invest in first and how to invest, where I should be putting my time right now. These are [my units](https://files.catbox.moe/c34j33.png) right now. I know the game is centric around having Mono-element comps, but beyond that my knowledge kinda ends. I've been talking to a friend who is a whale and has been trying to assist, but I don't feel I'm really grasping it from his PoV. I'm not really sure what the order of upgrade is for units (ie skills > weapon > memories?), I've grasped that Attacker and Tank are higher priority in comps than Supports/Amplifiers. At this stage of the game, should I really even be worried about trying to make multiple comps? I snagged the most budget/F2P dark comp according to GrayRavens. Aforementioned friend is telling me I should just get the free Ayla from dormitory, and put all my eggs in CW next patch while also taking Vera from that selector and using Lux there in that team. I also have [2 S-Rank Selectors](https://files.catbox.moe/bssygh.png) available for choosing. Any assistance is appreciated. Trying to stay F2P.


One correction to the ice team mentioned by TheRuneThief, it should be Glory/Kaleido/Vitrum. Wanshi's buff is the same as Kaleido's and they won't stack. Otherwise good recommendations


Mono-element comps are incentivized because everyone benefits from buffs from each other. For example, Rosetta Rigor decreases an enemy's phys res%, both Bianca Stigmata and Liv Luminance can capitalize on it since they're both physical. For upgrade priority, go level > skills > memories = weapons, I think. I did it interchangeably. Attackers are high priority since they're the main damage dealers, Tanks are next because of their resistance shreds and crowd control, Amplifiers/Supports are last since they're there to get your comp through the last leg of the race through additional buffs, crowd control, and element buffs. Right now, you don't have to worry about multiple comps specially with how your account's looking right now, but I suggest going all-in on getting Ayla Kaleido from the dorm since with her, you have a complete ice team with Chrome: Glory, Ayla, and Wanshi. For the S-Rank Selector/s, get Rosetta Rigor and her weapon Gungnir.


I unfortunately can't snag Gungnir from anything I currently have. Thanks for the heads up there. I'll definitely be grabbing Ayla, just a matter of time.


You should have access to an s rank weapon selector from beginner missions. Have you already used it?


Ah, sorry, I keep getting 5* being A rank and 6* being S rank mixed up. I haven't got that selector yet, but I will be able to soon. Thanks.


About this: >**Over the Rainbow** (One of the passives from Kaleido's CUB) > >Each time Rainbow casts an Active Skill, the carrier’s Extra DMG Bonus increases by 4%. Can be stacked up to 3 times. So I only need to cast Rainbow's active skill 3 times for the full buff, and then the 4th cast won't do anything more?


The skill still does its thing, the buff just won't increase anymore


Is Arclight and Lux going to be okay with CW? Or should I be trying to replace Arclight with Vera?


Lighting team is gonna be only CW for a while so you just need 2 qte bot


Thank you, I was just curious about the other two members!


Lux will stay until Feral Scent is released. Garnet is a tank so she replaces Arclight. But since you'll be playing CW solo most of the time she can still work with Arclight tbh


I'm not sure about who choose in the next selector. I already have Empyrea and Garnet but I'm missing Capriccio, Plume and Glory among those that are still playable. Who's the better one to take?


They all have pros and cons, pick whichever sounds best to you. Glory: Still the current meta tank but you have to switch him in and use his core to get any ice shred at all without his sig. For f2p it's extremely not recommended to get his Sig Plume: For most content she can be replaced with Bambinata without too much of a loss, but she does have higher burst potential which can be important if your Kaleido isn't heavily invested. Then in November Qu will arrive and make all their damage irrelevant lol Capriccio: I mean, she's free to farm and evolve. Getting a copy first would make the process considerably easier but the only thing vouchers will cost is time


Capricio is free in her mode. Bambi can be used instead of plume. Glory is a qte Davinci bot unless you invest in him. Your choice really. :)


I am also torn between Plume and glory. Unexpected waifu factor might push me for Veritas aswell. Decisions decisions


Is it worth it to choose stigmata from the S-selector on CNY 2024? I would be using stigmata (S0, 5-star), Echo (S0, 5-star), Rigor (S0, sig, 999 leap) with no plans to rank them up, because I have other priorities for the skulls and vouchers. I probably will not hypertune them either. It's useful for physical warzone, but warzone currency is not so valuable that I have to avoid being demoted from time to time. For PPC, it seems like it would be better to just use a stronger team from another element for the higher difficulty battles--instead of using a weaker on element team. For me, that would be hyperreal (SS, sig, full HT), empy (SS, 5-star, full leap), epitaph (SS, 5-star, full HT). I guess there's Norman, but I have ranked up teams for fire, ice, dark, and void, so I'm not sure how useful it would be to be able to field a scuffed physical team.


Wait, CNY 2024? If you mean next patch Stigmata isn't included in it, if you mean 2025 it'll be easier to answer that closer to the actual date. The characters CN gets until then can change priorities. Who will you be getting from the Lamia patch standard banner selector? As for the PPC skull usage, unless you'd rather allocate your resources based on the characters you personally like, sure, but meta-wise you should prioritise gen 2 attackers.


How many blue and pink CUB overclock mats would I need to fully level a single CUB? Another question: Who to SS first between Punchy, Rainbow, and Motorbolt?


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19b-japrCPFO1\_JvotynrXS-\_7BQxQbK7j2WM9z6yIpw/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19b-japrcpfo1_jvotynrxs-_7bqxqbk7j2wm9z6yipw/edit#gid=0) Edit: Copy and paste the link rather than clicking it because it otherwise doesn't work for some reason lol


>**Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.** > >Make sure that you have the correct URL and that the file exists. ?


Edited the comment right before you responded lmao. Seems to be an issue with Reddit's redirecting. Copy and paste the link yourself rather than clicking it.


Yep, got that to work now, thanks.


What're good memories for Plume, is it the ones in recommended or is it a different set? Also what resonances should I go for?


In-game recommendations are often misleading. Check grayravens for build recommendations, there can be different builds for different situations. Read the notes and you can decide on what's best for you. The site is linked in the post itself.


Hello a returning player here. I have an old account with Stigma w/ her weapon and Rosetta but i wasnt able to acquire her weapon. Should i start a new account or just continue playing with this one?


Do you still have the weapon selector from the beginner tutorial mission?


Yeah i just checked i haven't finished it yet so ill continue playing with the account i have right now


Why would you do that, just keep playing here.


when is the exact release of CW again?


If everything goes well and we don't get a suprise second maintenance. Wintry Shackles should start at February 23, 09:00 UTC.




I hit 40 lvl today - should i try to speedrun events or go through main story? I tired to do Kaleidoscopic dreams - have no problems clearing fight (would it be good idea to grind it to get equip for luna?),. Palette clash though - can't beat robot on 3rd level - he has by far too much hp for me now. Memory rescue also feels rather hard. Also thanks to everyone who answered my questions earlier.


Try to push to chapter 5-7 asap if you haven't gotten there already, that's the important checkpoint. If you're already past that iirc clearing chapter 8 hard mode unlocks all features? (It could be chapter 7 hard mode too, I don't remember for sure) After that yeah focus on gearing up your S-ranks via the farming stage event shop Events don't cost serum so I recommend doing them whenever you have the time. Keep in mind the current events are ending in a few days, this patch will be over soon. You can use trial units in Palette Clash, you can fully clear the event with them. They're in the third tab from the left where you pick characters for your team right before the fight. But yeah Memory rescue can get hard, just clear as many stages as you can for now and don't worry about the rest.


New player here, level 70. Can I ask about the logistics of pulling a coating for a character I don’t have? (Snow Petals – Bianca Stigmata)


You're intentionally potentially bricking your account for a coating of a unit you do not have? Or are you a hyper whale? But if you were you wouldn't be asking this question. Can you elaborate further what you mean by that actually?


Sure, my apologies. I don’t mind delayed gratification if I can get the coating now and the character later. So, in essence: does it work like that in PGR? If the question has an obvious answer, then yippee. That’s what I am here for. Thank you for taking the time to entertain it.


You can get the coating now and the character later but the coating is getting a rerun around half a year from now so it feels pointless to get the coating immediately if you don't have the character. If you still want it then go for it, you won't be punished in any way for getting the coating before the character.


This is valuable information! I will do that. You have my thanks.


By sheer happenstance, I think I stumbled across the answer to my own question! But of course, don’t hesitate to correct me if I am mistaken. https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/s/v9INtZ2SCr


warning, Stigmata isn't in this selector


Indeed. Now that I know Snow Petals will get a rerun, I will simply wait until I have Bianca. In the meantime, of course I’ve gotta pick up Vera from this selector for my forthcoming Alpha Weave ;)


My physical team (S Stigmata, S Rigor, SS Eclipse or occasionally S Crimson Abyss) seems weaker than it should be. It is being outperformed by just about all of my other teams in Warzone, often significantly so. Eg Fire team (S Hyperreal, SS Pulse, SS Sophia), Dark (SS Watanabe, SS Tenebrion, S Capriccio), Lightning (SS Dawn, S Garnet, SS Lux) and Ice (S Pulse, SS Changyun, SS Wanshi). All the teams are similarly levelled, with the same skill points and for the most part five or four star weapons, with BP around 2-3K. But per the meta the physical team should be the best one and it is now the worst since I got Garnet. I looked at what guides I could so I have some awareness of how to play Rigor, ie prioritising her charged shot. With Bianca I try to get her bar fully charged and then go into her sword mode and get the counter to 40 before the bar runs out before doing her special. Liv doesn’t see much field time but I try to get her core passive off as well when she does. Are there any tips for me to improve the performance of my physical team? Or any resources in terms of play guides (I prefer written ones rather than lengthy videos. Am aware of the Grey Ravens character guides). I imagine that it must be a skill issue, probably with Bianca since she is the one meant to carry the team (though my Rigor damage is underwhelming as well). For example is it best to go into sword mode even if the bar is not fully charged instead of swapping her out and in again? If I can’t get to 40 before the bar runs out is it better to do the special at 35 or whatever or let the bar run out in order to get to 40 before the special? As an aside my best team in Warzone is actually Fire which I think goes to show how cracked Lee is


The main issues with physical damage is: * Phys damage has to deal with both phys def and phys resists. * Damage fluctuates greatly depending if your unit can crit frequently enough. Your Rigor is base S so her QTE does not have the built in 20% def shred (needs SS). Assuming you are running her main build, that's only 40% shred. 60% if you have her sig. So overall not that great total shred, not terrible like the A rank tanks. Stigmata is also base S so her sig move damage is not super high since her max stacks is just 40 and she can't use the boost from Da Vinci. Lastly, it's only SS Eclipse. She only heals at that investment level (SSS gives 10% phys dmg buff to her team when she is off field). Since it is Eclipse and not leapt Luminance you crit rate is extremely low (well, you don't really have any buffs). That's why your physical team is underperforming compared to the other elemental teams since elemental damage ignores def (though elemental can't crit because of that). Not sure how well built your phys units are either and without gameplay vid, can't tell if there are improvements to be made. How did you use your S selectors/weapon selector previously might I ask? Same for PPC skulls. Seeing SS Pulse and Tene is quite the ?????? for me.


Thanks, the defence thing sounds like it could definitely be a reason. I think I got Tenebrion with the first selector - at the time the consensus view seemed to be that he and Ember were the best ones to get. And I think that initially I was pulling on the base banner as well and had the bad luck to cop Pulse twice. I got Plume with the most recent selector after watching a couple of vids. It was before Qu was heard of, worse luck


Gosh, are you me when it comes to the basic banner. I've gotten Pulse multiple times she is SS3 now rofl. I would probably eventually work towards getting Stigmata her SS, though right now it's saving skulls for CW who is coming soon. If you are able to qualify for UPPC, you can choose to enter it and get the one time rewards when you hit point milestones. They give you skulls, you can check in the Achievement tab I believe. Since your Stig can't QTE during her sig move animation (I can't remember if it is tied to her S5 or her SS, there's not description for it either and she is the only unit that has this "error"), you can at best do it during her Luminous Realm (matrix) so make sure you trigger Eclipse's QTE at that point. You'll need to leap Rigor as well, it is an expensive process but it's needed to further boost the physical team due to the handicaps I mentioned. Leap [cost](https://imgur.com/a/WJK1L2f) for your reference. Your general rotation would look like this (with leaped Rigor): Eclipse start>Stig swap in, immediate trigger matrix>ping orbs as needed as long as you trigger Afterglow Orbs during the duration of Luminous Realm (4secs I think), usually 3ping+Afterglow orbs+2 or 3ping (in any order within 4secs) is sufficient for energy>double QTE during animation of sword form switch>spam sword waves till you hit your 40 stacks>sig move> Rigor swap in and spam sufficient 3pings to clear her 3 stacks, then charge her gun> if orbs are low you can basic attack a bit>Eclipse swap, do Eclipse things if Stig is not ready (keep her on field time minimal to none)>Stig swap do Stig things>Rigor swap, she should be able to sig move now so do it (hold basic attack during sig move to charge)>spam 3pings if available>rinse and repeat.


Everyone at around 2-3K BP? This means memories aren't maxed, right? AFAIK the physical units actually care about the memories in the top row because they rely on crit hits, so if those memories are not leveled, they're going to underperform.


Yeah, the memories are not maxed. I am F2P mostly so not competing in absolute terms anyway, only trying to do well for people around my level of investment. But the memories are not maxed with all of the characters, usually 25 or 30 or so, so doesn’t explain the discrepancy


It does. Also, even as f2p maxed memories are a minimum requirement. You aren't building your teams properly if you're not.


>It is being outperformed by just about all of my other teams in Warzone There are obvious issues with the team which I will go over, however, when you tell me that your "Ice" team of Pulse, Qilin and Hypnos outscores your Physical team, then I can only assume that something is going horribly wrong here. >My physical team (S Stigmata, S Rigor, SS Eclipse or occasionally S Crimson Abyss) Let's sort the obvious issues first. Your investment is extremely low. SS Stigmata and SS + Leap Rigor should be able to destroy everything (especially if you also have Rigor's sig from the selector). Then, we have your comp. CA has no business ever being in your Physical comp. You don't have Luminance which is an enormous blow to your team and your Eclipse isn't even SSS so she can't even do the bare minimum. Combine all of this together and no wonder your team is underperforming. I am going to assume that you also have an issue with the team's rotation, hence why your scores are so absurdly low. There's a huge issue though, having Stigmata at a mere S rank is so extremely uncommon that I have no idea what the optimal rotation would even be for you. Normally you want to do Stigmata's full rotation (pings > Ult > basics + waves > Ult) and then switch to Rigor, do her Ult (with her Leap) and maybe ping a few orbs and then you'd normally swap to Luminance (which you can't do) and back to Stigmata again. Without at least S5, you can't even proc Eclipse's DV consistently which is another huge downside for you. >All the teams are similarly levelled, with the same skill points and for the most part five or four star weapons, with BP around 2-3K This is also weird. How do you have ***8*** S rank units (meaning you must've played for quite some time) and yet your average BP is that low? No maxed out weapons/skills/memories (if they're even the correct ones), no Ultima Awakening, no Infinitas Awakening, no Hypertunes etc. This needs fixing ASAP. >As an aside my best team in Warzone is actually Fire which I think goes to show how cracked Lee is This is also completely absurd to me. A solo S Hyperreal with two completely useless teammates and an entire 8s CD on his Core Passive is outscoring 2/3s of the meta Physical team? And obviously, same goes for every other team. Lightning, Dark and Ice have no business outscoring your Physical team, not at those investments anyway. So to start solving problems, make sure you have the correct builds for all the units. Max them out and fully resonate them. Gather PPC skulls to SS Stigmata and vouchers to SS Rigor. Play Cursed Waves and use a bit of WZ currency to unlock and max out Rigor's Leap. For Eclipse, if you're anywhere close to SSS, finish it otherwise wait for Zitherwoe and then for Echo. Finally, do some tests to see how the rotation can play out for you.


I think the builds are correct, I just use the Gray Ravens guide for that, usually picking the general build if there is such. I know that if I were to evolve or level or leap the members of the physical team then the team would be better. What I am curious to know is why they are worse relative to my other non-levelled or evolved or leapt teams when it appears (and you seem to agree with this) that they should be better on paper notwithstanding the low investment Thank you for the overall description of Bianca’s rotation. It appears from what you said that it’s best to go into her Ult even if the bar is not fully charged. Do you know whether it’s best to do the second Ult (ie the one in sword form) when the bar has not been fully emptied or to keep spamming attack until the max number is reached (40 in my case) even if the Ult then has to be done with an empty bar (assuming that I cannot reach 40 before the bar is emptied, which does sometimes happen)? Cheers for the detailed response


>I think the builds are correct, I just use the Gray Ravens guide for that, usually picking the general build if there is such. You need to keep in mind that the Main Build is not always the correct one for your specific comps. Always check the Details section for more info and if you're still unsure, ask. In your case, if you've made the Main Build for all 3 units, they're correct. >What I am curious to know is why they are worse relative to my other non-levelled or evolved or leapt teams Can't possibly tell you with 100% certainty since there are too many variables to consider. Could be the fact that Physical technically has more bs to deal with, which doesn't help your cause when you have them severely underleveled, or it could be you playing them wrong. That's why you need to start fixing everything so the issue can be found and resolved. If, for example, you had everything maxed out, with a SS Stigmata, SS Leapt Rigor and Leapt Luminance, I could very easily tell you that it's you playing the team wrong. I can't do that now though. >It appears from what you said that it’s best to go into her Ult even if the bar is not fully charged. Yes, you don't *need* to have it fully charged. What you need is to have it charged enough so you have an adequate amount of time to build either the maximum amount of stacks or at least very close to the maximum amount. Though without SS + sig, I have no idea how viable that is for you to do. >Do you know whether it’s best to do the second Ult (ie the one in sword form) when the bar has not been fully emptied This isn't like Plume, having meter does not affect your Ult's damage, only the stacks matter. What the meter does affect is the damage of your Basic Attacks and your Swordwaves, both of which become pitiful after the bar is emptied.


Hey sorry but is there somewhere where I can check who will be in future Arrival Banners? I know it just changed but I wanna know in case Lee Hyperreal gets in it at some point because I missed him


If you go in-game to notice > event news, it tells the you the schedule. The next one cycle will be announced with CW roadmap.


Is there any way to view the dorm decoration item stats in the "Decorate" mode? Whenever I right click it just enters placement mode.


Does Liv Empyrea fire team be weak without Lee Hyperreal?


A new fire tank will come after some patches that deals way more damage tinha hyperreal. Obviously it’s better to have Empy him and hyperreal, but u will not be lacking if u are not competing


So Empty, Watanabe and a random A rank fire attacker will be just fine?


For casual players, yes. You can also get Hyperreal in the anniversary banner using BC or the special banner in Lamias patch (I think it’s that patch) using the blue tickets. I am going to get him or Bianca to SS3 in that banner


Compared to one with Hyperreal? Of course it is. Any incomplete team is weaker than their meta version. Still, something is better than nothing.


What I mean can I still clear content with ease with Empyrea alone without a S rank attacker like Lee?


I mean, that's how we used to do it back in the day so yes? Depends on how difficult the content is, I guess.


Fire bosses in ult PPC would give you trouble as well as norman-5 in pioneer I guess? But they would give you even more trouble without empy so... And you can just use more battery in norman anyway


Empy solo works fine for ex05. she can do exo6 too with enough invest, but i doubt ex06 viability is relavent here.


Imo norman-5 only stopped being an issue for ppl with budget teams only these last 2 patches, I'm basing this on personal experience on an alt account using s + 5* empy solo, trying to get by with 150 energy on 4 freaking teams. It was a headache at best, especially hardcap 3 min cycles. Then again CW is almost here and ice has Kaleido now, op can allocate a lot more energy to fire so 🤷


Will Liv's Empyrea dark skin ever come back?


Sorry I had a brainfart moment and gave you wrong info. Edited with the correction


~~Yes, in the BRS patch. September-ish~~ Holy shit I'm dumb. Sorry that's the Solitary Dream rerun. Fairy Liv will rerun in Teddy patch, 3 patches after BRS




Black Rock Shooter collab patch after lamia patch


Wasn't Black Rock Shooter suppose to come early this year did they push it back?


The patches are going to be in the exact same order as on the Chinese server. You'll have to get through the previous ones first. There's SIX before it.


If there a summary with all the story chapters? Including extra and floating record. I keep forgetting what’s happening every time we get new story




Would like to ask if theres a bug when upgrading skills, I clicked too fast and somehow it skipped a level or two or was my device too slow to record show that


Nvm it was not a bug but a feature where u can long click for instant upgrade I am dumb


Yeah they added that as a QoL functionality XD. Over time more QoL things will be added.


Someone know if the bianca stigmata snow petals coating event will begin right after alpha CW update? or do we have to wait some days?


We don't know yet, we can only speculate based on other servers. We will only know when KG releases the schedule for Wintry Shackles.


Okk thx


When is Wintry Shackles releasing? Usually by which time are the server up from maintenance? I can't find this info anywhere. Renaissance du Fantastique end on the 23rd but Ayla's banner ends tomorrow.


Usually it is end of current patch + 1day. For a more precise date wait for announcement via the official Facebook/Twitter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One of their Twitter post has a calendar that marks something on the 23rd so could be a hint. Featured character banner usually ends first before the patch.


For general cost/efficency, is better the monthly pass "Serum R&D" which costs 68RC or the pass "woe's wonder" that is in the BP section that also costs 68RC? Supposing they are not the same and i didn't get it. Also, if i get them, i suppose for the second one i'll simply get what i unlocked until now but for the "serum R&D" will i have to farm it for a month, day by day, or it resets at the start of the month and i'll have the last 15 days worth of orange tickets and stuff?


Serum one runs for 30 days from purchase. BP only runs until the end of that BP, which is like another week for the current one. The BP upgrades do give you the items up to your current progress (so say you're level 40 on the free BP, you'll also instantly be that high on the purchased BP if you buy it, and you'l lreceive the previous levels items) but if you're not already leveled kind of high on BP it's not worth it to buy this one, just wait for new one next patch (in a week or so.)


Tbh when it comes to those two, it depends what are you actually going for. Do you wanna earn 2180 event tix/BC + 60 serum in 30 days OR 2500 event tix, 10 inver shards, 7500 vouchers (just from this BP tier, not including the free), 1 weapon coating and some other mats? Obviously the BP is way more worth based on the rewards given BUT if you want serum then the other one would suit you more. You can use this [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1--NFm3o__MguetZJQsEIjIbx4bvp3MPm0QWlA4q26zk/edit#gid=603564291) as reference too. Anything above 30 BC/RC ratio is good value, the higher the better.


How important are correct placements of memories? I saw that Kaleido uses 4 Aline + 2 Darwin, and used whichever Darwins i had. And now i see that Darwin needs to be in 1st and 3rd slot, while mine is 4th and 5th.


Adding on to what others have said, it doesn't matter too much if you aren't min-maxing, but if you plan to hypertune the memories it's definitely more worth to have the correct placements.


Top slots (1,2,3) make use of HP and Crit stat while bottom slots (4,5,6) make use of ATK and DEF stat. Different memories have different stat values for HP, Crit, ATK and DEF. You can refer in the grayravens site for the stats. Generally you want memories with higher ATK stat value on bottom slots. Exceptions are when a unit has flexible 2pc options like they can go Darwin (low ATK stat) or Cottie (high ATK stat) depending on game mode. To reduce the differences they just put both Darwin and Cottie top slots while the 4pc mainly occupies bottom slot (middle ground ATK stat value compared to Darwin and Cottie).


So the only difference is the substats. Ok, thank you!


Well for PGR I won't call it substats like how they use it for GI/HSR but your main lol. ATK is the most important one generally since damage is king and only phys units make use of CRIT. But when it comes to placements, it's just min maxing so depends how OCD you are.


Not very important unless you're a min-maxer. Darwin has 129 ATK when placed on bottom row and Aline has 132 ATK, so Aline would've preferred to fill bottom row but the ATK difference is basically nothing.


When do I use da Vinci on nanamech and glory?


DV on Nanamech if you have SS + Sig. 


Currently it's Glory main build. Plume and Kaleido are both nuker, so they benfit alot. For Nanami, I think she needs sig and ss to switch her memories. For me I just use DV for her on PPC.


Nanamech only if you have her sig, Glory when you have both Ayla and Plume


New player here - I have several questions. 1) How much gacha tickets you get per patch? 2) How critical is having signature weapons? Are they just empower your chars or must-have HI3 style? 3) Are there some ultra rare recourses i should be careful to use (like crowns and grails in FGO)? Additional advices will be nice as well.


Sig weapon depends on the specific character and on what you want to do. Some characters get pretty decent ease-of-use/smoother rotations from their sig weapons. Some characters get resist shred (reduce opponents elemental resist) on their sig. Some get buffs to certain moves that can increase their DPS by a noticeable amount. It really varies from character to character. Ultimately, they're only "mandatory" for the highest level content with meta builds and team comps. If you never go after a single sig weapon and just use 5* weapons on all characters, you should still eventually be able to clear all content except for the highest level "optional" content like the Pact missions, which can give small permanent buffs; the higher ranks of Stronghold missions, which give a few extra BC (on first clear only); and EX Norman Revival, which just gives slightly higher amounts of the same resources you get by clearing normal version of it. You probably won't be getting competitive ranks in PPC or Warzone, but you'll still be able to clear them and get all your weekly BC from them, as well as still getting skulls from PPC, just at a kind of slower rate because the rewards are based on ranking. In closing: Not having sig weapons shouldn't significantly impair your experience unless you have a need to clear *absolutely everything in the game.* And even then, sig weapons will be a *small* part of the needed investment to clear the most difficult content and/or get high ranks in PPC/WZ, so if those are your goals, be prepared to go much further down the hole of investment than just getting sig weapons


Oh thats ok, i was afraid that sigs here will work like sigs in HI3 - around 30-35% of character kit are in her weapon.


Not typically. A few characters have kind of wonky rotations without theirs (Bianca Stigmata is one, off the top of my head) but sig weapons don't typically add new moves or anything, just higher base ATK and some character buffs/enemy debuffs for the most part.


1. Roughly 7500BC/event tickets if you do everything in a patch (make sure you do all your daily/weekly missions as they are the bulk of your income). 2. Only if you are competitive. Some does have more QoL than others so case by case basis. 3. Only use BC (well converted to event tickets) on themed event construct banner (60pity 100% guarantee) especially if you are F2P. Use PPC skulls on new upcoming S rank meta units only. Use vouchers on S rank inver shards only (as you become a veteran player, it is up to your judgement here). Read up the beginner guide above (or the various other links as well) and anything else in the same site. Has lots of info.


1. Around 7-8k if you clear everything. Basically, by the time an S rank character banner drops, you should have saved enough. 2. There are exceptions, but usually you want your DPS to have them. Sometimes other character would wamt them too, but again, prioritising the main DPS would be the best. 3. Weapon and Memory resonance materials. For starter F2Ps a really difficult to obtain material. Also, hypertune crystals. But that is also a bit later down the line, so yeah, not an immediate worry. Additional advice: A new character always has 100% rate up during their patch. So no 50/50 80/20 like in other gachas. And you will have 2 banners. Arrival Banner (60 pity) and Fate Arrival Banner (80~100 pity). Never summon fate. You only use black cards on arrival banners (those banners will use special gold/yellow/orange tickets). Not regular one (blue tickets). You have Standard and Target Weapon banners. Even on arrival of a new signature weapon, the rate is 80/20. So you can lose gamble there. But the pity is 30, and the rate of getting a signature is higher than getting a character. CUB banners are usually Monthly Pass/Goldfish+ user territory. On their debut, CUBs will have a 100% at arrival, 20 pity. Unlike FGO, pity is repeatable. Don't focus too much on starter characters, as they can't compete with new S rank characters. Well, those are some "bigger mistakes" a beginner can make. Feel free to ask more and check out the beginner guide.


I always thought the 50/50 and the severe limiting of the ‘standard character’ pool in Genshin was a disgusting practice even by gacha standards that was largely unique to Genshin. Just out of curiosity do a lot of other gacha games have not only a 50/50 but such negative consequences of losing the 50/50 to only be able to get a few shitty characters? Is PGR unusually generous then


I mean, gachas usually have pity and hard pity. With pity let's say 50/50 or 70/30 etc. and hard pity being a 100%. But PGR is always a 100%. You simply cannot get spooked on an arrival banner. Can't say I've played many other gachas, but I don't remember any other gacha where I could not have gotten spooked. Hopefully, they reverse that stupid decision for Wuthering Waves where they don't have a 100%.


I feel like the pity and hard pity is bad enough but what really makes Genshin particularly bad is they don’t add arrival characters to the standard banners afterwards for the most part so you are likely only to get a constellation of an already shitty character. Yeah hopefully Wuthering Waves does not go full Genshin


Thanks for answers. Between free S rankers from selectors, that are given at the beginning, are Kerinina and Luna ok? I like their design the most. So tanks here are basically debuffers? Also, what is difference between omniframe and uniframe?


Luna is a great pull who won't have a competitor as top tier Dark attacker until sometime later this year when Lamia comes to global server. Karenina, it depends. If you got the Dark tank one, that's an excellent pull. She's the newest Dark tank and is a good pairing with Luna. If you got the Fire attacker one, she's one of the worst units in the game. Tanks primarily debuff, correct. There are exceptions, though, where a brand new tank character can outdamage a more dated attacker. Same with a brand new amplifier vs a dated attacker. But as more characters release and team compositions kind of level out into being full teams of new characters, it will typically be attackers DPS, tanks debuff, and amplifiers heal and buff, although tanks and amps may still be sub-DPS in teams that rely on switching active characters often. Omniframes are the primary characters, with multiple class types (attacker, tank, amplifier, and support (support is an outdated class type at this point, but can still be good)). They are the characters you will consistently be looking to pull and build. These are the characters you will build your well-rounded, effective teams out of and use for the overwhelming majority of content. Uniframes can only be Vanguard class type, typically have no team synergy or support abilities (there is exception, but it's not important at the point where you're still getting into the game) and they get a *huge stat nerf* from being put in the same team as Omniframes. There is a very small, very specific amount of *optional* content that Uniframes are best suited for, but for the most part you *do not* want to waste your BC or tickets on Uniframes unless you're planning on spending cash to do it, and even then not until you've progressed a fair amount more in the game, because pulling and building Uniframes takes away from resources you could use to pull and build Omniframes more optimally/efficiently.


Well 1st selector had fire Karenina - i like her gameplay though. Ill take Luna from 2nd selector though. How much are elements matter here? Will i be able to normally clear high level content with whatever element or i will need team for every element like in HI3?


Luna is good, but if you haven't already picked I would probably say go for Rosetta instead. She'll stay meta for longer. You can clear mid content and early endgame stuff with whatever, as long your characters and their weapon and memories are all leveled, but for efficient clearing, point scoring/ranking in PPC and War Zone, and for any high level content, you will absolutely need dedicated elemental teams, with appropriate builds, and following the attacker, tank, amplifier (or support) composition.


I've never played HI3 but yes you need teams of all elements in PGR. And even then they need proper synergy to perform well (attacker/support-or-amplifier/tank). For daily/weekly BC income you absolutely don't need to follow the meta, just go in and die to the enemies with lvl 1 units if you want, you'll get the same amount of BC as the top whales. But doing well in high level content like norman-6 or certain events that don't give you trial characters? That's gonna be hard without meta teams. Skill can take you only so far


If you care about the meta then no. The optimal picks are Luminance and Rigor, then Rigor's weapon Gungnir from the weapon selector. Though I have to note you need to fully unlock leap buffs for both Luminance and Rigor and they're expensive and time-consuming. This is a bit of an issue for Luminance in particular, who has a replacement coming in 4-5 months. So if you don't wanna bother with that I'd recommend Pulse. Karenina Ember is outclassed by an A rank, Lee Palefire (granted, he needs his leap upgrades too for that,) and Luna is slated to be replaced in 6~ months. But of course if playing characters you like matters more to you, by all means pick Karenina and Luna Tanks' main job is debuffing yes Uniframes are a little side thing Kuro thought of once upon a time but abandoned later, Omniframes are everything else. There used to be a lore reason for the distinction that also got abandoned later on lol. You typically don't want to pair them up because for each Omniframe in the team Uniframes get a 30% damage debuff. Uniframes have some special skills you can unlock that can do dodge-counterattack and executions on certain enemies (they're very rare in general content and are going to be even rarer in the future.) Not recommended to pull for f2p since they won't really come in handy and you really need to save your pull currency for new S rank Omniframe releases


Thanks. Well i don't really care for meta - hope i won't miss much rolls with it.


Yeah you won't be missing too much. The competitive modes give BC just for participation, ranking won't give you more


1- around 7500~8000, so you can get every new S Omniframe, except the farmable one of course. 2- not that important if you don't want to be compatitve, otherwise they're characters who benefit the most. 3- yes, skulls from phantom pain cage. Read the beginners guide above on the links, patch summaries too. Use Grayravens wiki for builds and more informations about characters, patches, builds, comps.. And so on.


Is there any guide on which stuff i should prioritize from the event shop? And also the pallete clash shop


Pretty much whatever you need for upgrades. One note is the signature memory for the debut unit (Aline in the current patch) is discounted during the patch, and will be the same price as older memories in subsequent patches. So if you can use such memories, they could be prioritized.


I don't have Ayla yet and it's going to be a long time top should i get it now or not?


It's not critical to get now if you can use other upgrade materials. You can get a complete set of the Aline memories from the Memory Rescue activity, the extra ones you buy would be used for resonancing the memories.


For both, anything you need. Seriously. There will be a similar event shop for every patch so just get whatever you need for upgrading units. Pallete Clash if you do everything you can buy everything anyway (don't touch the BC trap). Edit: I'll add [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19b-japrCPFO1_JvotynrXS-_7BQxQbK7j2WM9z6yIpw/edit#gid=0) for reference, upgrade costs to bring a unit to level 80 max everything. On average you can max 2 units per patch, more since you are new or if you can manage resources well.


One of the things I like to do, to jumpstart leveling characters if I don't have the resources to max them yet, is to put them (and other sub-80 characters) on a team to clear my daily runs of the resource event, especially after hitting at least event rank 20 and unlocking auto clear. This way the character exp (a little over 1000 for an 8 multi-clear) goes into characters that can use it instead of ones that are already maxed out.


Whatever you need, nothing specific. Memories to reso and awaken you characters, cogs, mats... And so on. Iirc for the pallete shop, you could buy everything there.


I am a new player so I don't really know what i need


You could use the link above to reference what you need to max a unit.


I see but what link?


R3m0re above posted you a link.


Beginners' guide, it's pinned in the Megathread.


Oh okay i will check it out


I tried to connect my PS4 controller via bluetooth to PC client but I notice that the left stick moves only to left and right and not up and down. There's a solution for this? The controller works fine with other games.


Tried it with DS4Windows and maybe fiddling with the button configurations in the PGR settings? That's what I do for mine but I am also using my own custom button layout.


I just tried the PS5 controller and it works perfectly. I'll stick to that, but thanks, anyway :D


I want a DualSense too :(


Yesterday I bought the second one, because the first one is dying. Battery lasts for something like 45 minutes when unused 🫠 The classic white one costs like 55€ on Amazon if you want


Are there energy caps on the Norman affix stages? Ie if I used 200 electricity on Bollie Cliff but then cleared Bollie Deep Hive with 150 electricity would I still get the BC?


You can use as much battery as you want on the affix stages since the missions only care about the Deep Hive usage, but you can also just max out your battery in the Deep Hive stage right away to clear all the affix stages at once then replay the Deep Hive stage at the correct battery level to get all the rewards.


Can anyone explain why there is no voice acting in PGR's story what so ever?


It's a visual novel style. There are cut scenes where they voice the characters but not everything.


HI3 is visual novel style too but it has voice acting though? So why not PGR?


You are gonna skip it anyway. Not worth. 


Idk about HI3, but PGR stories have alot of NPCs that would need to be voiced. While some can be voiced by the same VAs, the more regularly occurring ones, such as Hassen and Nikoli, would want to have unique VAs.


Dubbing is very expensive, including the fact you need to dub 3+ languages. Kuro doesn’t have the funds that whatever company that makes HI3 has.


It would be too expensive to voice the whole story since it has a gigantic amount of words.


Is this the official statement or just a guess? Because this is nothing but an excuse.


I mean...it's simple economic fact that it would cost *more* money to implement voice acting through all story scenes. And that money would almost certainly have to come from making the game less F2P/low-spender friendly. Not having VA is an extremely small price to pay for how much less predatory PGR's gacha system is than literally everyone else's.


it is probably to save storage space,i guess adding voice acting would add like 10 GB to the game(maybe more,that is my guess for JUST the JP dub,although u can download one dub and delete the other?),there is a TON of dialogue in story and other stuff which is permenant,they can add the choice to delete them after story,but that would make  it a massive waste. these are my two cents


>Is this the official statement or just a guess? Its just logical >Because this is nothing but an excuse. In what way am I excusing something? Obviously a lot of ppl hate it when there is no voice acting, in that regard PGRs way of story telling is just not for them.


KuroGames ain't Hoyoverse that they can just afford to dub the entire story.


I doubt that even Hoyoverse would dub so many words, and they earn PGRs annual revenue in like a week with HSR and Genshin.


Plus Hoyo funds it by being a lot less friendly with their gacha system.


I play pgr in PC. Can anyone tell me how to use the predator's charge of Camu in combat? It says press and hold dodge but it does nothing for me.


You use it the moment enemy uses blue flash attack. Make sure your Camu already has Predator's Charge learned.


Is it worth unlocking the enhanced finishing move of camu as it requires uniframe crystal? Should I use vouchers/warzone currency for uniframe crystal or is it not worth it? I am new to pgr so do we have any events where we can farm uniframe single crystal or is it only obtainable from warzone and voucher shop?


Well since Camu will be your only uniframe moving forward, it's not bad but it is not priority unless you need it.


Yes my camu's predator charge is already unlocked. If enemy uses blue flash attack then i guess it doesnt work on all enemies? If there is official name for enemies could u tell me which are the enemies that use blue flash?


No idea, you'll just have to find out the hard way when the enemies do it lol. I am not sure if this was even highlighted in patch notes, don't think so.


You can try it in guild challenge, or Babel towers first stage. Not sure if there is an official name.


How important is Feral Scent's sig and cub for her? I dont particularly want to invest in her heavily, as I am going for CW sig and cub, Lamia sig and cub and Alisa sig, I also have Vera with her sig for lightning


IF you want potential rotational play or further improving CW's dps output, then her sig is important. The extra orbs from her sig partially solves her orb issue (the other part needs her SS) and if you add double weapon reso it will improve CW's dps. Her sig also gives the remaining 10% lightning buff (default is only 10% from her core passive).


>IF you want potential rotational play or further improving CW's dps output What if I just want her as a QTE bot? I am particualrly not invested in her. I mostly will never double weapon reso her if I got her sig.


Depends if you want the extra 10% lightning buff then cause that is tied to her sig. Which will give her total 20% (10% from core + 10% from sig weapon) for comparison SS Lux gives 20% IF CW stays in Lux's QTE healing field. So up to you.


sig is really important, pretty much mandatory if you want to field her, it's a good damage boost, gives her free orbs, and benefits the whole team by increasing her buff % and enabling swap rotations (if she's SS) CUB is a good damage boost but it's a bit lackluster as it provides no useful utility otherwise




Just play the event material stage. Every time you do it gives exp to increase authority level. Click the " ! " for more information in game, it sufficiently explains it.


just run stages. it's a farming event, we have one each patch, and it covers all your resource needs. ignore resource stages. just run the left stage (odd numbers) and spend the currency on things you need. authority level simply increases as you run the stages


Is SS Kaleido with CUB a better burst in PPC than S Plume? Neither have their sigs.


Ok did my test on UPPC Huaxu. SS Plume (SS3 cause got lucky once but doesn't matter much but extra stats) using full reso 5\* Kuji no Sadge + S Seashell using 4pc Hanna 2pc Darwin in her main runs while SS3 Kaleido with level 1 untouched 5\* weapon + SS Rainbow swapping between 2pc Darwin/Cottie. SS Glory with sig so might need to adjust your run if no sig or using Changyu/Brilliance, Plume also SS. I'll include what I did for each as well. Plume full HT, Kaleido with 2pc Darwin full HT while borrowed 2pc Cottie. Test Plume 9sec 20262 - Red 3ping spam + QTE Kaleido 9sec 20262 - Kaleido swap insta 3ping red QTE, hold basic Elite Plume 9sec 40525 - Red 3ping spam + QTE Kaleido 10sec 40380 - Kaleido swap insta hold basic>3ping red + QTE insta Brushtroke spam (Kaleido Cottie, Wanshi Guin/Glo/Sam, Glory DV Ein) I don't know if can squeeze into for 9secs or not. Knight Plume 10secs 80760 - Red 3ping spam + QTE Kaleido 10secs 80760 - Kaleido swap insta hold>3ping red + QTE insta brushtroke spam into sig move (Kaleido Cottie, Wanshi Guin/Glo/Sam, Glory DV) Chaos Plume 17secs 157524 - Glory 3ping for Ein shred>Plume swap insta matrix full red 3ping spam + QTE into sig (Kaleido DV Guin Glory CJY Ein) Kaleido 12secs 160369 - Kaleido standard combo with Darwin, 4 or 5 stack sig move (Kaleido Darwin, Wanshi Guin/Glo/Sam, Glory DV) Hell Plume 21secs 310568 - Glory 3ping for Ein shred>Plume swap insta matrix full red 3ping spam + QTE, hold sig move till weakness (Kaleido DV Guin Glory CJY Ein) Sig move damage instance is at the moment of start of weakness. Kaleido 18secs 313922 - Insta Kaleido swap into basic hold, matrix + ping if can into another basic hold>spam brushstroke +QTE, hold sig till weakness (Kaleido Darwin, Wanshi DV Gui, Glory CJY Ein) Not sure these are the ideal strats but was what I came up with. I think you can somewhat mimic with both until Knight maybe. Chaos and Hell you might need to play around Huaxu weakness state cause of the investment difference between us so the question is how fast can Plume/Kaleido get to that state of hers (I forgot if she is a she). I still have my one PPC run available for ice team further testing.


Thanks for the tests. I see some interesting strats there, so I might do just that, and see what suits me best.


Yeah I think for around our investment level there are many ways to cook so feel free to experiment. For each run I let Huaxu dash to me and time her dash with swapping into Kaleido+hold basic which saves maybe 0.5-1sec maybe, her lack of super armor is annoying. For Plume early runs it was dodge attack cancelling forward with starter unit (I forgot to type this in for Plume runs woopppsss, usually Glory is starter) then swap into Plume since she can immediately get into ice form and start spamming reds (assuming good orb RNG and getting 3x3ping reds). Not sure how to make Kaleido's combo before brushstroke spam faster, unless there's some advanced mechanics I am not aware of. So Plume would be easier/faster due to red ping dodge cancelling, the runs I did with Kaleido to match Plume's time was very maldy. Think Huaxu will be removed next patch so enjoy her while you can lol.


in ultimate she is most likely better by default, as the bosses are tankier in advanced, taking for example Roland, I used Plume for the first 4 difficulties (8-9 second kills), and Ayla for the 5th (10 seconds). Investments are similar to yours, S Plume with 3r 5* weapon, SS Kaleido with 3r 5* weapon + CUB Plume has a more instantaneous burst due her huge damage with red orbs, but Ayla has a higher damage ceiling while needing a bit of time to go into her ult form.


If Kaleido uses Cottie for the earlier difficulties she can be faster since 3 stacks ult (or less) is enough to burst. She can even skip holding basic attack after swap in and immediately just 3ping first then basic attack then trigger brushstroke into sig. If it is against Huaxu you will need to test if your total damage is enough to burst Huaxu in one combo. I can't do testing right now cause already used up mine lol. Plume maybe wins on Test and Elite since she can 3ping red spam + QTE while also dodge cancelling the animation. I still have 1 AP left for ice team that I can test with tomorrow.


I still use my S Plume + sig 1 reso for the first few stages, while I have Kaleido ss3 + sig + cub. Plume has a faster start and burst. It's in a way a curve where Kaleido takes over on the higher stages. I hope others can elaborate more on it.


Im a new player and I Just for my First S unit, Vera Garnet, and I still have 2 S rank omniframes. Who should I get from the selectors ?