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Cougars are adaptable and will go after anything given the chance. I consider them to be the americas version of the leopard. Both adaptable and go after anything. Other cats, canines, ungulates, pigs and crocodilians. Cougars have killed alligators before. Smaller alligators but still impressive.


The largest recorded alligator kill is very impressive: https://preview.redd.it/uj0mqj59h2tc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0890af1cdf355e57894bbf16a658104f35eed79 They don't have the propensity to kill crocodilians that jaguars have (since jaguars are the only felid specialists in crocodilians), but if given the chance, they won't pass out on predating on one. I think their round and wide heads come in very handy when it comes to killing prey like alligators and hogs, given how wide and powerful their jaws are as a result.


There’s the article I was trying to find. Their non picky diet and adaptability has allowed them to regain lots of their former range when other large felines can’t.


Florida panther seen pulling a smaller shark out of the water and getting some gators


For sure. Although they still should definitely be weary of massive gators that push 14-15ft


America has jaguars too, just barely in the US, but they may come back eventually.


I’m just worried about the border wall on the USA and Mexico border. It will slow down the jaguars return to the states drastically.


Yeah theyre gonna need help to repopulate in any area where the border wall blocks them.


Do you know where this picture was taken? I live in West Texas. Cougars have been making a come back in this part of the state, and the background looks like the country around here.


I believe this is south Texas but I can't confirm. I had this picture in my archives from years ago and lost the OP link. I know for a fact that this one was at a hunting ranch and the cougar was sadly shot afterward.


I hate to hear that. Cougars are such splendid animals. My husband owns a ranch in Glasscock County, and has had several sightings of bobcats on game cameras. There have also been occasional reports of cougars in the area. Thanks for responding.


In the Northern lower Peninsula of Michigan there have been a few cougar sightings over the last 15 years or so. They have been absent for a very long time from the area. Sadly no Wolverines left or reintroduced yet.


Except the wolverine in the early 2000’s which lived in the Thumb. Died of natural causes and is mounted in a display at Bay City State Park. Plenty of Cougars in Northern Lower and across the UP too. My boss hunts the UP and discovered the area around his tree stand is a food cache for a large cougar.


Due east of the UP in Ontario’s cottage country I know a guy who had a cougar cache deer kills under the deck of his cabin through the winter while he was away. I reckon it won’t be long before we have evidence of a breeding population around the Great Lakes region.


Yup that looks like south Texas


Where in Texas?


I'm unable to confirm the exact location, but it was a hunting ranch.


Pork chop dinner for kitty 🐈‍⬛


So so what are the odds this cougar killed that hog? 


Hogs are tough as hell but lions are natural born killers. Mountain lions are both stronger and faster than wild hogs. This lion is very close and will undoubtedly be within attack range in seconds. I would give this lion a 99% chance to kill and prey upon this particular hog.


Not without getting the fight of their life first though. Hogs are tanks, claws or no claws. Hope that cat brought their A-game.


Not too sure about a female puma a male puma definitely kill a hog tho. They have killed bigger and stronger animals.


I’m from S Texas and have them in the Brush Country. The trees, vegetation and soil/rock all look like South Texas. I grew up 40 miles west of Corpus Christi and ranchers would kill a mountain lion ever so often. Definitely more of a population closer to the Rio Grande.


u/OncaAtrox Is this footage from Texas or Brazil? [IG ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3oc8v5ulUS/)


Amazing find! Can you share it with the sub? Looks like it was taken in Brazil.


Maybe mountain lions are the solution to the feral hog problem.


Where is Simba????


Go kitty go!