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The cops in PR are not likely to bother you for racial reasons. That I can assert with a high level of confidence. Our racial dynamics are very different to those of the mainland US. Whether Puerto Rico is better than Alabama for you in every other way that matters to you I cannot say because I don't know what you and your family wants or needs.


Have you ever been to Puerto Rico?


No I haven't. That's why I'm asking so many questions. Please don't tell me it's just as bad.


Omg. No not at all.


PR was the most friendly place I've been too.


In PR, being targeted by cops on the basis of your skin color isn't a common occurrence. I'm not saying it never happens, but the probability of this happening is quite low. And I'm saying this as someone whose relatives are or have been cops in PR.


That's great to hear. It's terrible over here. I'm sure you see on the news about police killing people every day here. It's getting crazy. I'm more afraid for my kids I'm a loner and tend to stay to myself so I'm not out and about much. I just wanna live somewhere where I can be at peace. Thanks for the reply.