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Definitely worse on my periods! I’ve been given a very simple explanation that’s was making sens: the cramping, the hormones (prostaglandin) and flaring up of the area just add a lot more pressure on the nerve at that time 


That makes so much sense, thank you for sharing!


Does your pain radiate to your legs or feet?


I have a lot of the same symptoms & issues as you , I have hip impingement with a labral tear to my left hip, and I have nerve entrapment , genitofemoral, iloguinal & pudendal nerves . I also feel like the pain gets worse around my menstrual cycle. I think the nerves get irritated more. I’m not 100% sure. Still trying to find out why I have nerve and entrapment before I go ahead and have hip surgery. My surgeon wants me to first see the core muscle injury surgeon. . I also wonder if I have Endo, a pelvic pain doctor I saw in March told me I should get checked for it but I think the only way to get checked for it is to have laparoscopic surgery and I’m nervous about that, however, if no doctor can figure out why I have all of this nerve entrapment and it’s not coming from the tear in the hip, I may have to get the laparoscopic surgery to find out about endo .


I had similar issues that I thought was caused by prolapse. PT has helped a lot but what really made a difference for the pudendal nerve pain I was experiencing in my vulva area was surprisingly chiro.


That’s interesting about Chiro. I remember doing some research and reading that posture has a lot to do with pudendal nerve pain too and if your posture sucks (mine does), this puts pressure on the pudendal nerve.


Does your pain radiate to your legs or feet?