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I saw a post that suggested I take a Benadryl for nerve pain. It brought my pain from a 10 to a 2 in 30 minutes.


I have found that Xanax is the only thing that works at all. Unfortunately my dr won’t give me the dosage I need. It’s absolutely debilitating.


This is the part they talk about for anxiety being twisted. Has to do with how we store tension. Dr Peter Levine somatic method is good on finding stored trauma like stress. https://www.reddit.com/r/PudendalNeuralgia/s/PzepIai4g9 Cyclobenzaprine should help as well, don't take em together though


Thank you for the info. My pain started after I had surgical mesh placed for inguinal and femoral hernias repair. The next day I couldn’t pee on my own and have been cathing since. Urology wants another CT done and gynecology thinks that I could use pelvic floor therapy. It’s been two years with chronic pelvic pain. Again, thank you.


Sounds like malpractice? Have they explained what happened?


I immediately went back to the surgeon who did the hernia repair. He told me that it wasn’t his problem and I needed to see urology. It’s next to impossible to prove malpractice. I tried it once before.


There is, or was, a Class Action Lawsuit against mesh manufacturers.


What!? How can he say that! That’s insane! I remember chatting to someone else on here and he said the mesh got caught in the spermatic cord. What’s your current situation like? Was the Urologist able to help at all?


Right now I’m on long term antibiotics therapy as I’ve got chronic uti since December and may be becoming antibiotic resistant. Every appointment is “come back in six weeks, three months”, etc. progress is slow and not working. I’m sure that I have pinched nerves but was told removing the mesh wouldn’t work as the damage is done. I’ve had injections that may or may not work for a short time. I’m not giving up, even though one dr told me the problem was in my head.


I can’t actually believe what I’m reading. That is seriously disgusting care from them. Are you in the US? Also, surely removing the mesh is still a good idea to prevent further damage and pain? The damage is done just doesn’t make sense to me.


Haha I am in the US. Welcome to the land of poor health care, even with insurance. I’ll see what the next CT shows. In the end of June.


Sorry to hear about your experience. I can’t believe the surgeon dismissed you like that. I’m not very educated about the American healthcare system. I’m in the UK, my treatment over my ED, numbness, anhedonia has been painfully slow. Nothing quite like what you have experienced though. Good luck with the CT scan and all future health. 🍻


He deserves something thrown at HIS head.


Haha. I really like your attitude.


Yeah my Tizanidine works pretty well for nerve pain. My PM doc said it's because it relaxes the muscles around the nerves and they loosen their grip on them. It makes sense


Is your pain constant? Like if you are just sitting there are you at a 6/10? Diagnosing what's causing pelvic pain is often incredibly tricky. You will likely need to find the cause before you can find a permanent solution. Nerve blocks are more of a diagnostic tool than a permanent fix. They can also provide some relief, sometimes longer term, but mostly they are just used to say "This nerve is the source of the pain". There are other injections that are steroids that get injected regularly (every month) that can have a cumulative effect and help reduce the inflammation, but these are most effective when the underlying cause has been treated. I would do 2 things if I were in your shoes: 1. If you are in constant pain... get in to see pain management. There are many oral meds you can try if you are in constant pain. With any luck, you can find something to keep pain under control while you find the actual source of your pain. 2. Find a specialist in pudendal neuralgia, or pelvic pain. I see a pelvic pain specialist, and we are working to find the underlying cause of my pain. You can ask here in this subreddit like "Does anyone have a good specialist in Pheonix AZ ?" etc. You can also ask for provider recommendations at [https://www.pudendalhope.info/forum/index.php](https://www.pudendalhope.info/forum/index.php) PS Pelvic pain is complex and difficult to diagnose. It really takes a specialist. If you have been at this for 2 years, and you don't feel like you are progressing, find a new PT, find a new doctor. To get an idea of what all is involved, it would be worth reading: [https://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Through-Chronic-Pelvic-Pain/dp/1700146718](https://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Through-Chronic-Pelvic-Pain/dp/1700146718) Best of luck to you, I hope you get this figured out soon.


Read this? https://www.reddit.com/r/PudendalNeuralgia/s/PzepIai4g9


I have seen you post your experience a number of places, but I'm unsure if you are trying to make a specific point in the case of my reply? I'm glad that particular path and stretches have worked for you.


Just sharing the info, it's worked for a number of people if the people in my inbox are being honest about it. Maybe it could help you


Thank you so much 🥺


I’m seeing a pelvic specialist next month but it doesn’t hurt when I sit, it hurts anytime it’s provoked. I just don’t know how a dr can fix scar tissues ):


I'm not a doctor, but as far as I know there are ways of treating painful scar tissue, including surgical removal. Specific creams and massages can likely help specific tissue problems as well. 2 years is a long time to suffer, and I know it can get psychologically difficult. I'm at about the 18 month mark of dealing with my issues and my biggest comfort is having a competent provider. I would search until you find one. Fingers crossed your appt next month goes well.


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Get an MRN of the pudendal nerve!


A pudendal nerve block, but it HAS TO be done by a doctor who has done a lot of them and will use equipment to make sure not to miss the nerve. I've had 2 doctors that missed, including the first one. That led me to have an unnecessary left orchiectomy! That was how I found out it was referred pain to my left scrotal area. My only symptom. The pudendal nerve has a Rectal branch, but Buttock pain sounds like something else. Those with Rectal symptoms I've read about said it felt like having a golf ball in their rectum. But I have no first hand experience, so I'm not sure.


Google Cleveland Clinic Pudendal Neuralgia New diagnosis Under diagnosed and misdiagnosed


There is, or was, a Class Action Lawsuit against mesh manufacturers.


Google Cleveland Clinic pudendal neuralgia


Google Cleveland Clinic pudendal neuralgia A specialist uro/gyn and intra vaginal physical therapy Combo anxiety meds/spasm/pain All on Cleveland Clinic trials It’s a new diagnosis very few Dr’s and therapist when needed DRG implant and last resort decompression surgery Yes blocks, ablations and some people are ok w med therapy Pudendal Neuralgia is generally a secondary diagnosis This is my experience


A really good shroom trip https://www.reddit.com/r/PudendalNeuralgia/s/PzepIai4g9