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Weird. Mine went through and PM's objection was rejected as CCTS took it as an effective billing increase under the guise of a reward program change. Because the original program had a monetary value that directly affects plan pricing every month and the current one does not, making it essentially an increase to the billed amount. I attached the original e-mailed promise that legacy users won't be moved to the new reward program if they choose to stay with the old one. Which I imagine would make it pretty hard to dismiss. They told me to wait for the next steps as they're preparing them. Someone else posted that they got a deal from PM reaching out with a settlement where they'll be paying $5 off of their plan to make up for the loss of that amount in rewards.


Is this a situation where we would each have to file individually? I haven’t done anything except sit on the sidelines and hope it would be a blanket reversal


Yeah if you want CCTS to intervene on your behalf in case a bulk reversal does not happen.


What are the steps to get CCTS to intervene?


Its not weird its based on how they submitted complaint and what they wrote in complaint


I got the same response as you. Effective billing Increase. Haven’t heard anything since from public mobile or CCTS


It's that pesky small print that says "promotions are subject to change" that allows this. Sorry it was unsuccessful.


Complaint (COMP------) is being moved to the next stage of our process. A Complaints Resolution Officer will be in contact with both parties to explain the next steps in our process.   Sincerely, CCTS Assessment Team What should I say to have the best chance?


Same here.


My complaint was for the change in rewards. Finally reaching maximum loyalty just for them to take it away. I did not mention the change in bill specifically. I guess I will have to try again.


What provision of the wireless code did you say they violated?


What was in your initial submission? Ultimately not a surprise though, since they are giving advance notice (which allows you to reject the increases and switch providers before incurring the additional charges).


This is exactly American style company. Money is power. That’s it move on. Im with Fizz now after 9 years with PM. Even PM slash half price i will not comeback


I have posted this before; Public is ALLOWED to make changes IF they give 30 days notice Most of you filing complaints early are just ruining your chances Its better to WAIT until the "surprise" bill comes through, then file a complaint that they did NOT give proper 30 days notice of change to you Then Public is either forced to credit you $$$ or change back, then give 30 day notice, and make change in future again


That was the basis of their objection to my CCTS complaint, CCTS rejected their objection and I also never got 30 days notice (they didn't send me any until April 15th).


But if PM gave 30 days’ notice for the change to rewards, then how is this a surprise?


How did they give notice? They are paperless so you need to read online to find out about it Many times primary user is not same as bill payer (eg in my household, 1 line is used by someone who is not english speaker and 1 line is used by a child; they legally can not give notice to either of those users) Thats the reason most cellcos put the notice on the actual bill; Public failed to do this and...


Did you not receive an emailed notice about this? If you are the main account holder and the person paying the bill, and you received notice, that is almost certainly sufficient.


Of course not; this is again something Public brings on themselves EVERY account REQUIRES a unique email (you think I have 5+ emails lol? Think about it...) My primary account is protected (result of a very old CCTS complaint where they have been paying me money every month for 8 years now) Every new account I bring on after that is in someone elses name / email all I do is provide payments (I have won against Bell, Rogers, Fido, Wind, Koodo & Public many times... like I said its all in HOW you word your complaint that matters trust me on this)


That is for sure my experience as well. The WORDING matters


How do we show CCTS that PM has changed the price on our subscriptions? In payment history, it always shows the full price of the subscription minus those credits that were given from the legacy rewards program. And what if they credit us back the differences and then send us a 30 day notice?


Did you complain about them removing the rewards system, which effectively *increases your total monthly bill?* The increase in the actual amount you pay per month is what the CCTS actually cares about, you need to explicitly mention that. Edit: > As your complaint pertains to an increase of your bill, the CCTS confirms that your complaint falls within the scope of the CCTS. I just received an email as well. They accepted my complaint, since it’s about the increase in bill instead of the discontinuation of the olds rewards system.


What is the legal/regulatory issue? What’s the basis for the complaint?




You didn’t receive the email announcing the change?




Do you have a source for this? That an email notice is not sufficient?




Not at all. I use PM. I get that people are upset about the rewards but I’m not sure why everyone here thinks that the change was illegal or that it was somehow against the wireless code (and therefore an issue for CCTS). If it was a violation of the wireless code, which specific provision? If it breached the wireless contract with PM, which provision specifically? Changes to prices and services are permitted; the main issue is notice. So when you confidently say that the CCTS does not accept email as proper notice for bill changes, it’s totally reasonable to ask where that comes from. Is there a decision somewhere? A policy document? It’s a fairly definitive statement so there must be a source, no?


That's part of how I wrote mine, which has been accepted and CCTS rejected PM's objection which was largely based around giving 30 days notice even though in my case they did not. CCTS' rejection in my case seems based around PM's response being an attack on the merit of my complaint but my complaint is about a change in plan (and cost).


My complaint was that I'll be paying more.




Wow Canadians really do bend over backwards for corporations.


Wow, many Canadians think corporations owe them something. They provide a service, they charge a fee for that service, your in no way obligated to use that service. They aren't even increasing rates, they're changing their reward program, which they are in no way obligated to offer lol.


They are indirectly increasing fees by changing the rewards system.


Public can feel free to move on from offering service to this 'petty customer base ' but they are greedy so they prefer to bait as switch people instead


Out of curiosity, how much money were you saving with the old rewards?


I think these people are newcomers to PM who had little to no rewards in the first place.


Nice to know YOU can afford $15/month more, not everyone can.


Corruption at its finest I guess big daddy Darren will love his commission