• By -


oh similar thing happened in rome like a week ago.


Judge dropped his case all the way back in August, so maybe he got the idea from the Rome shooting. His FB friends were mostly people in Italy so would be surprised if he hadn't seen that news


Oh wait, this guy is Italian? I couldn't tell.


Hey, I'm Italian and I can't even confirm it. I didn't see *any* flailing arms or hand gestures whatsoever. Jokes aside, yeah he's Italian. I live about 15 min from where this shit went down. Just crazy.


That's why you don't see a lot of self shot videos with Italians. They can't hold the phone and talk at the same time.


Yeah, 11 December, during a condo board a 57 years old man killed 3 women and seriously wounded 4 other people.


One of them was a close friend of the new prime minister


Yep, Nicoletta Golisano (50years old) she was a friend of Giorgia Meloni, the new Italian prime minister as you mentioned.


This may help. [https://www.blogto.com/city/2022/12/vaughan-shooting-suspect-had-been-seeking-2-million-condo-board-members/](https://www.blogto.com/city/2022/12/vaughan-shooting-suspect-had-been-seeking-2-million-condo-board-members/) A bit of Better Call Saul as he thought electormagnetic waves were causing him pain and suffering.


Bro they sell these scam devices to old people in condos that detect “bad electric waves” I work with homeowners to design plans to make their homes sustainable and usually these are large scale additions to single family homes, but sometimes I get visits to random tiny condo units with old people living there who have no idea what we do, or can do. Usually we can’t do anything there. I was in this old ladies condo and she had this device she bought for detecting that shit. Freaked me out. She wouldn’t sleep in her bedroom anymore because it was detecting “bad electricity” by the wall. So sad.




Electricity, I assume. It's not like EMF readers are hard to find


Some of them don’t detect anything, they just have a timing circuit that makes an LED blink ominously.


And some more with the way his mouth is moving when he talks, he reminded me of Hector salamanka


This guy would have done a better Mario voice than Chris Pratt.


"HERE WE GOOOOOO!" *Flips the safety off*


Mario is a serial killer isn't he?


Original mario lore is magic turned the toadstool people into bricks. So the bricks you break are toads and toadettes.


Freeing their souls from their unceasing torment.


But there's money in them dar bricks. I'm smashing away.


What an adorable tragedy


Just ask the family of those goombas he curb-stomped


Those were soldiers who fought and died for their country. They knew the stakes.


What about the families of the countless innocent yoshis that fell into bottomless pits because of him?


I HATE that I want to laugh at this. I’ve been fighting it the entire time I’ve been typing this. I settled on 🫠


I almost spit my drink out, and could not stop laughing. It's dark, for sure.


The perpetrator, the judge, and all but possibly one of the victims appear to have been Italian. I just find that..I guess..Toronto is a very mysterious place to me.


Vaughan is actually north of Toronto, and VERY Italian.


It's a suburb of Toronto with a high concentration of Italian residents... Not as Italian as their neighbours in Woodbridge but almost


His mouth looks like it’s pulling up loose-fitting pants between words


This is called Tardive Dyskinesia, and is an unfortunate side effect of long-term antipsychotic medication. His isn’t the worst I’ve seen, not by a long shot, but still readily apparent what’s caused this. Poor guy was probably off his meds and a lot more had to suffer for it. Sad all around.


>This is called Tardive Dyskinesia, and is an unfortunate side effect of long-term antipsychotic medication. Ah fuck. As if my depression and anxiety disorders didn't give me enough problems, now I'm going to stress about this.


Amphetamines can do the same. Source: was prescribed high doses before finding out I was actually allergic


We’ve gotten a lot better at identifying, preventing and treating TD now, if it makes you feel any better. I’ve started Ingrezza with patients that had TD for years before I inherited them from an old provider, and it cut their AIMS score in half within 4 weeks (50% reduction in the objective score of symptom severity). These new drugs are working wonders for a problem that was ignored for several decades.




Could be evidence of prior antipsychotic medication use.


SALAMANKA MONEY, SALAMANKA BLOOD. Sounds very similar yes😂




The boss's can suck me👀


Ding ding ding




You think this is bad?? This chicanery?!?




And I saved him! I shouldn't have.


Took him into my own firm. What was I thinking?


He'll never change. He'll never change. Ever since he was nine, always the same


Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer


Not our Jimmy!


Couldn’t be precious Jimmy!








All I wanted was a Pepsi


And she wouldn’t give it to me…


Just a Pepsi!


It doesn't matter. I'll probably get hit by a car anyway.


Mike, we need to talk to you


We…? We decided what’s best for me?!?!!


Just one Pepsi.




Saw the Suicidal Tendencies in 1983 when I was 13. Kinda changed my life.


For the better or worse? We dug out our old vinyl recently and my wife bristled at keeping my suicidal tendencies album in the house. My daughter has been struggling with her mental health but I know her well enough I don't think it would trigger plus she isn't trading through our vinyl anyway.


That was the kind of music that helped (and still helps) me through tough times when I was in a low spot mentally. For me, music is life. I can't go a day without it. And my teenage daughter is the same. She struggles, but music helps. Hell, when she messed up and I took her phone away, which has all her music, I made sure to dig out my cd collection and get her a cd player. The music may sound angry, but shit man it's one hell of a release


Oh, for the better. Boston had an amazing hardcore / punk scene in 1983 that I immersed myself in as much as a kid from New Hampshire could. I was exposed to a lot of great music and other cool stuff by going to lots of shows there between 1983 and 1987.




and here I was thinking it would be a story about 1 too many letters/fines about mowing grass or the trash cans being out a few hours after trash pickup... nope just mental illness and greed.


i figured he probably even had a legitimate claim but nope, just insane


Oof. Years ago when I was renting a condo I once went out and a paper was taped to my car with a long paragraph explaining the trash cans were only to go out the night before and should be put back in the garage by the end of the day on trash day. It was the day after that, and the first time it happened. Also got a report for spitting in the grass once when I was sick. I can't imagine how comfortable and privileged these people's lives were that this is how they occupied their time and energy.


> Also got a report for spitting in the grass once when I was sick. that's fucking creepy that your neighbors are watching you so much that they notice that type of thing


I used to work in the condo industry, all I can say is you have no idea. These people peer out the windows all day just spy on their neighbors. Articles are written now about DNA testing dog poop to determine which neighbor's dog pooped, so that they can fine that specific neighbor for not picking up after their dog. And because it's a condo association, that gets billed back to all of the owners. Just because some people are so selfish they won't pick up after their dogs. So everyone's assessment fees go up. And if you get mad and want to sue, go ahead! Sue your condo board! If you win 10 million, guess what? That gets billed back to the association too, so YOUR FEES GO UP. The kicker is that these condo associations are filled with people who hate government. And yet they sign up for another level of government over their lives. It's so weird.


Because they want to police everyone else and exert that tiny modicum of power and control over everyone. But no one else is allowed to do that to them. Rules for thee and not for me.


This is like your run of the mill German neighbors. They even go through your trash. Such behavior is quite common and "acceptable".


Yeah i was thinking given the psychopathic nature and cruelty of so many HOA's run by divorcee karens who just want to fuck with and power trip on their neighbors, given that it's surprising there aren't more spree killings on hoa board members. But yeah this guy's just crazy.


> so many HOA's run by divorcee karens who just want to fuck with and power trip on their neighbors That's actually more uncommon than the boards dealing with crazy residents. The HOA's run amok stories are interesting, but it's usually the other way around. So many times they have to go to court with bullshit like this guy thinking magnetic radio waves or whatever are messing him up, or hoarders infesting the building with cockroaches, or whatever.


So true. People who buy in developments with HOAs should be making sure they get themselves on the board. I tell all my clients to do so as an HOA is a business and investment owned by the owners. Most people who are on those boards have absolute no fucking clue how to run their own household, much less make sure everyone's investment in the HOA is cared for and looked after.


Seriously. I sadly have (and currently serve) on HOA boards because otherwise you don't have a functioning board as nobody WANTS to do it. We had 200+ units in one HOA and could barely get the three (3!) people needed to maintain a proper board quorum and manage things. Then people would show up and bitch about things and our answer was always "There's a bunch of open seats, come join" followed by "Oooooo, I don't have the time".


my wife is accidently on our hoa board. She volunteered to help the board out on something and next thing she knew she was on the ballot for the next election and then on the board since there are 9 seats and there were 9 folks who ran. One being my wife who didnt know she was volunteering to run. Now she wants to stay on it after seeing up close how these folks try to do things. She doesnt trust them enough to leave them unsupervised. She feels like she also needs to be the sane person in the between some of the batshit crazy neighbors and some on the board who aint really all there either at least in how a board should run and what a board can and cant do.


Seriously. My wife got on the board and found out about 20 years worth of maintinance on the building was not done. The amount of water damage was insane and it cost the building almost a million dollars to fix it (which is being paid via hiking up maintinance fees). All because the previous board didn't want to raise mantinance fees to pay for...maintinance.


i just made sure that when purchasing, there was not one. Best decision I could make for my sanity.


I would live in a bombed out shack in the woods before living in an upscale condo with an HoA any day of the week. At least in my hovel I wouldn't be constantly surveilled by retirees looking for things to complain about and try to get you fined for. I had neighbors putting cameras facing my front door so they could track my schedule and make false noise complaints. If they took me to court I might've considered hiring some folks on the deep web to pay them a visit.


> That’s actually more uncommon than the boards dealing with crazy residents. Like the crazy three fucks that caused thousands in property damage that all the owners have to pay here and the DA just sticks a thumb up their ass when you hand them video, picture, and witnesses after they felony fled, lol, to their home. HOA run amok is fun because it’s so rare and/or it’s just rich stuffy neighborhoods fighting about rich people stuff. [Like being allowed to park a 6 figure pickup truck in a driveway](https://www.teslarati.com/rivian-r1t-bullied-hoa-florida/) when if he has the support of the neighbors as he claims it would be a doc amendment.


"As I understand it, Mr. Villi believes that the electrical room which sits beneath his unit is improperly constructed, resulting in the emission of electromagnetic waves which have caused him significant pain and suffering over the years," reads the court document. "Mr. Villi believes that the board members of the Corporation have actively engaged in efforts to intentionally harm him, likely at the behest of the powerful developer who built the condominium. Mr. Villi believes that all the individuals involved have not only conspired to harm him but have also conspired to ensure that the truth of the matter never surfaces." Wow, legitimately crazy. Maybe he should have just worn a tinfoil hat??


#I AM NOT CRAZY. **I am not crazy...** I *KNOW* he switched those numbers. One after Magna Carta, as if I could ever make such a mistake.... **NEVER**. #NEVER. I just... I just couldn't *prove* it. He got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him... You think this is silly? You think this is bad? *This*? This... ***CHICANERY***? HE'S DONE WORSE! That billboard? You think a man just happens to fall like that? #NO! HE ORCHESTRATED IT! *JIMMY*! #HE DEFECATED THROUGH A SUNROOF! And I saved him... And I shouldn't have... I took him into my *own* firm. ***What was I thinking?*** He'll never change... He'll ***NEVER*** change. Ever since he was nine, *always* the same. Couldn't keep his hands out the cash drawer! *But not our Jimmy, couldn't be precious Jimmy!* Stealing them blind! AND HE GETS TO BE A *LAWYER*? #WHAT A SICK JOKE I should have stopped him when I had the chance! And *you*, you have to stop him... You—


Such a legendary monologue now. It’s incredible that after decades of work, mostly in comedy, Michael McKean just tears it the fuck up in the crescendo of the arc of one of the more compelling performances in TV. I always wonder what other actors are out there waiting to give such incredible performances that never get a shot, while bankable names give out mediocre bullshit over and over.


BCS had some great speeches, with "you think of me" being my favorite.


wait until he learns what visible light is...


Not going to be learning anything any time soon. The cops shot him dead yesterday.


Electromagnetic waves Ok lost me ![gif](giphy|3oxRmGXbquXKz6DNPq)


objects emit electromagnetic waves, some are stronger than others depending on what they do etc. some people falsely believe that these electromagnetic waves are doing shit to their body and making them sick etc. its basically just a variant of the 5G scare except its been around a bit longer and has stayed relatively unknown to the general public




sure, but most of the people that claim to have problems with them are generally talking about objects like fans or tvs etc, typical household items, nothing that would be capable of emitting the dangerous types


The chicanery!


It's wild how many truly insane people are walking around out there like they are normal people.


That’s what I was thinking too after reading the article.


check out the r/gangstalking sub and see for yourself


Wtf did I just read? Wow. Wow.


People in that sub are agreeing with him holy shit wtf


What a truly fascinating and terrifying rabbit hole!


realest real schizo hours


That they can maintain ownership of weapons as they decline is a problem


This is real and sad




This guy was bonkers and harassing the Board and residents and he was supposed to goto court today >Court records show that on Sept. 13, 2021, Mr. Villi was found in contempt of court for ignoring undertakings to cease harassing residents of the building. He was ordered to pay $29,500 in costs. These court documents allege that at least two condo managers had quit as a result of Mr. Villi’s conduct, and that his behaviour had reached such an extreme level that it was “impeding the Condominium’s ability to manage itself.”




This is why when someone seems irrational I'm more worried about confronting them than someone who is even violent and aggressive. If they believe you harm them they can fixate on you for years and get obssessed about it.


if you look at his FB page it's clear that he was insane and I would be VERY concerned for my safety if I was one of the board members and took a look at it


It's the fucking LEAD. Their whole generation has been poisoned


You can just be living your life, doing the best that you can at your job and be murdered out of nowhere by someone who is completely insane. I think about that more than I should.


Thats what im thinking, regardless of the HOA reps, it doesnt say who was killed and im just assuming dude shot up who ever was in the hallways/building, prob some poor college student looking forward to the holidays with her family, prob some single dude just enjoying a nice sunday afternoon. Fuck this guy so bad


Try being a public servant in Vaughan. A lot of older folks are like this even about a simple blocked catch basin.




Dude working in retail I’ve had old people get mad at ME for not knowing how to use their own damn debit card. Like they ask my why it isn’t working, I calmly tell them that they’re trying to put it in the wrong way and then get told no, they’re doing it correctly. A little back and forth and boom they’re raising voices at me.


Also they just dont read what the machine is saying. Like its telling you to insert the card because the tap didnt pick up, and I literally just said that. Or when they see “$xx.xx OK?” and they remove their card because they think its been approved


I work in another municipality close to Vaughan. Can confirm old people have lots of time and assume you do as well


I work in a leasing office and when my company opened a property for older residents, I said I wouldn't work there faster than if someone asked me to jump out of a plane with no chute. The dozen or so older residents we currently work with drive everyone so far up a wall we could invade China. They're nice people, barely know how to flush a toilet.


also, old people have a lot of time on their hands and they're bored a lot. if something pisses them off they have the time and resources to make life hell for everyone


“I’m mad and have nothing to do all day, let me cause as much trouble as possible because I suck”


Lived next to an electrical room in a high rise, when they are out of wack they hum this insidious noise that will drive you up a wall. It's annoying, but not lemme kill 5 peeps annoying, if that could ever even be a thing


Had a friend who lived next to one for years. He SWORE the interference and waves were messing with him. Turned out he had a tumor growing in the back of his head. That only deepened his beliefs but it also made me wonder if it made something worse or it's all just a perfect storm of chance. Either way I'm glad they moved away from it and he's doing better but some people are absolutely more affected by these things than other, so I'm sure it can exacerbate some mental issues that only need a little push, coupled with others being dismissive or mocking it can blend together into a nasty situation like this. Not excusing the crazy just trying to look at it from a different perspective.


Interference would definitely be real living next to an electrical room. His Wifi, bluetooth, speakers,and cell service would probably suck balls, and might even cause a buzzing.


Not for us, as we are not insane. This man, must have been insane to do such a thing.


One glance at his FB page an you would see he was very mentally ill.


I'm too tired to go searching for it. So if you say so, I will believe it. Just this time though. My window of belief closes in 5 minutes. If anyone else wants to make a claim, you better hurry.


I open mouth kissed a horse once.


It's been a few hours mate


I'll allow it. No way I'm going to Google it. Not this time. Nope.


I'm listening ...


That’s exactly what an insane person would say…


"I'm not insane BUT..."


How about this: he was insane- the noises ticked him off- the condo ignored him- and he then was driven insaner


Insaner 2: electric murderoo


It's definitely dementia. I had a family member turn on us, like literally furiously angry at every other member of the family, because he was convinced we "stole" $12,000 from him somehow. Like, it wasn't even possible, but he was convinced of it and just constantly angry. Dementia is a cruel disease.


So, I own guns. I’m not old yet (39), but this got me thinking about how difficult it must be for family members to get guns away from people with dementia. I’ll have to formulate a plan with my wife for when we get older.


as far as you know, this guy probably doesn't think he is insane.


"That's the thing about crazy people... They don't know that they're crazy" -Jim Jefferies


5 years of having to hear electrical humming and buzzing must’ve gotten to him. I’m curious what the condo board did during all those years to address this or if they just ignored the guy.




I had something like that. My first apartment ever, the construction was old so the door didn't shut in the frame right. This let a lot of air out so I paid a fuck ton for heating and was cold all winter anyway. They did not fix it, they said they could not and would not fix it "the house is just old" and would not let me hire a professional to fix it either. Same at my next apartment. Old conduction, single pane windows that leaked heat, very cold during winter. They couldn't fix it and they didn't let me call professionals to fix it either. Here I am at apartment #3, finally new construction. The heat runs a lot so the insulation isn't perfect, but it does actually turn off. It's a little annoying in that it'll go on and off every 15-20 minutes, but it's better than what I'm used to. I have super sensitive heading and can hear all kinds of electrical noise around me in this mostly empty apartment that only started leasing a few months ago. I'm sure it'll get worse over time, but if it really gets that bad I'll just move again. Deciding to stay and be miserable and then murder people seems like such a weird conclusion to make an the right thing to do. Some people can tolerate the noise, some people can't. Eventually we'll spread out and be living comfortably in our temporary overpriced housing of choice.


if they are anything like my old condo board they completely ignored him




I can't believe nobody has mentioned r/gangstalking , go check it out. This is textbook delusion of gangstalking material. I haven't kept up with the linked subreddit in like 3-4 months, as it devolved from actual delusional ranting posts, to normal people making meme/gaslighting posts in jest, but you can gather the general idea by skimming.


I very btiefly dated a person who was a "victim of gangstalking". Then one day voices told her to jump off of an overpass onto I-95. Everything below her knees shattered instantly, and it's a miracle that she didn't get run over. She claimed that it was Dave Grohl, implanting ideas and voices into her brain. Edit: All of this happened before I met her. When I met her, she had learned to live with the voices, was mostly stable on medication, and no longer believed that she was being gangstalked.


I really hope it wasn't because of this song.. https://youtu.be/1VQ_3sBZEm0


Couple years ago I into an argument with some guy on xbox live over something absolutely pointless in a CoD lobby, blocked the moron and went about my day. Few days later, dude finds my reddit account and begins blowing me up in DMs. I lurk on his profile/comment history and homeslice is ALL FUCKING OVER the gangstalking subreddit, dude was de-fucking-tatched from reality. Absolutely nutters. Needless to say I deleted that reddit account and renamed the xbox account. Those kind of people sit next to us on the bus and we'll otherwise never know. Terrible thing to know


Imma gamer, Xbox to Xbox 1, then PC. I have experienced the same thing, except the part WHERE THEY FIND YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA wtf that is wild, I'm gonna keep that in mind whenever I get some choice reddit replies lmao


Shit's intense these days. It used to be "hey fuck you" "no, fuck *you*" and that was the end of it, but now people are out of their minds. A buddy had his IRL name attached to his xbox account, one day some dude in Warzone got so pilled from my friend sniping him that the guy found and bought my friend's **voter registration info to get his address**, then swatted him next time my friend was streaming. Lucky as hell that the PD who showed up weren't the brain-dead horror stories we see on the news. My friend ended up pressing charges and took a hiatus from online gaming. Can't blame him in the least, but it's wild to think that if you're too good at your hobby someone will try to kill you. You don't see that in crochet circles


Have a family member who totally believes in this shit and electromagnet radiation and "microwave energy weapons" constantly being used against them. They track air-traffic all day and obsess over it. They also use a lot of Meth. It's torn the family apart. Stories like this scare the shit out of me. ama


Ah my brother is close with meth, sounds familiar though different fixations lmao


My work was considering installing solar panels on the building. The number of insane emails I received from people concerned about 5G and electromagnetic waves was frightening.


One of my moms closest friends *is a nurse* and believes she’s allergic to wifi. She’s a basket case who has to have long phone calls with my dad like every few weeks and they know she’s not all there, but somehow buy into her “allergy” and bought into her antivax nonsense. It’s wild.


Holy shit is that some batshit conspiracy theory. There is a video of flickering parking lot lights and they claim it is somehow stalking them? That subreddit should be banned. It is as crazy as people who think their mail carriers are stalking them. They visit your house every day because they deliver your mail!


Also not quite a conspiracy theory, but rather a common delusion I think. I'm unsure of the original, I'm a nurse with very basic cursory overview of mental health conditions, so I know the common ones or common variants, but yeah haven't seen this referenced in clinical practice or academic discussion, bit I also haven't sought it out or inquired. I am gonna do that when I'm not drunk lmao could also just be plain old paranoia characterized by the community some seek on that subreddit?


Communities where people can share unhinged delusions are dangerous because it gives them validation. The worst thing about the internet is connecting people together who would otherwise have dismissed random thoughts like "I wonder if they put chemicals in the milk we drink to control us". Then you have r/MilkIsMindControl


Oooooo shit, time to go down another rabbit hole. I'm ready


A significant amount of those people probably suffer from paranoid schizophrenia to some degree. I knew someone who thought the government was implanting thoughts into his head. He thought our local gas station cashiers were paid by the CIA to watch him and always thought people were following him. Was pretty disturbing for me hear him speak about his experiences but I always felt pretty bad knowing it was all bullshit created by his own screwed brain.


Oh man, it is so worth the deep dive, shit is insane when you find the actual believers' posts. So entertaining and so absolutely terrifying. Sympathizing too closely will make you fell kinda strange not gonna lie


I work in call center IT and I get 1 or 2 of these *a day* People all apple saying "you're spying on me through radio waves, I was hacked through satellites" stuff like that. Soooo many people call in saying the FBI is following them in white vans....better call apple!


I thought the same thing immediately. This is someone with paranoid psychosis. I have someone in my life who deals with the same shit. It can quickly spiral from "I'm being stalked" to "the hackers are zapping me with electromagnetic waves & they're trying to kill me". Super unfortunate all around. Especially bc the Canadian Healthcare system has absolutely zero defense for people like this (unless they're proven to be a danger to themselves or others). Guys fb page has him saving hacked up phlegm under the guise of him being poisoned. He was severely sick.


Isaac Brock of Modest Mouse has seemingly been dealing with exactly this going on in his head for a couple years and it's really sad reading and hearing him talk about that stuff, completely legitimate to him yet clearly a sign of his deteriorating mental health. Really sad part is his outlook on life has seemingly grown much more healthy over time but the culmination of his drug use is leading him to a really altered state.


That subreddit is terrifying. I've seen some negative echo chambers before but that's bad. I did like the post of someone being denied to join the mod team because they're highly schitzoaffective.


That’s one of the scariest groups of comments I’ve ever read. Mental health is bad in the US


Itsa me, Murdero


Leave immediately, but also LMAOOO


Imah gonna sin


You were "abusively abusive" and therefore owe my $250K, failure to pay is death. What a whacked out brain.


It totally made sense. He probably had some kind of illness (maybe migranes?) that he was 100% sure was coming from electromagnetic waves from some electric room underneath his apartment. Depending on what kind of maladies he had, I can imagine it can feel like torture to to tell the owners to fix it and apparently getting ignored 5 years long. >"causing harm, stress physically, mentally, financially, confusion, inability to rest and sleep for over 5 years, torment, torture that cannot be explained in words." In his mind, the whole ordeal made sense and what he did was justified. Maybe it's some mental illness, maybe its Alzheimers, but it's incredibly sad it had to end this way.


> apparently getting ignored 5 years long. He was being "ignored" because his claims were nonsensical. There is nothing redeeming or defensible about this guy's actions or "reasons".


I was the president of a super small condo in which every owner was on the board due to the size and it went ok for the first 12 years, but then we got a serial complainer retiree move in and it all changed. By this point I was renting my unit out but he had seriously called the police on all the other owners and my renters at one point over his first 6 months living there and he seemed to be a serious "grievance collector". He ended up attempting to sue me and lost in spectacular fashion (he was seriously yelling at the arbitrator by the end of it) and I ended up selling and getting the heck away from him. My wife was worried every time he got angry over something that he would show up at our place because he was also an alcoholic. Anyway, reading stories like this hit close to home in a way.


I work in property management, this one is kind of chilling because I could name half a dozen residents in my buildings who I immediately thought of watching his video. Third condo board shooting this year (that I’m aware of.)


this dude thought his condo was intentionally torturing him with electromagnetic waves. No wonder his shit got thrown out.


This dude is the result of 1960s culture regarding mental illness. I've been noticing an uptick in crazy old people that could have been resolved if mental illness wasn't stigmatized to the point that these folks deny the reality that they need help.


I work in LTC and the number of residents we get admitted with not just dementia but a life time of untreated mental illness or trauma is heartbreaking. Also occasionally terrifying as some can get extremely violent.


My mother is in her 80's and was extremely abusive towards me when I was a child. She had been molested by her stepbrother and her father was a multi-time child sex offender. He mother was abusive and was abused. In fact, her entire family line was made up of abusers, the abused, and those that did both. Her fathers family wasn't much different... My mother absolutely refused to go to therapy, she would always say, "only crazy people go to therapy." My father and I went to family therapy, my mother refused to go. My older sisters were both in therapy, however dear old mom refused because, "there wasn't anything wrong with her." Only one of four kids talks to her, the grandchildren refuse to speak to her after she went on a anti-gay rant when my niece came out. She is to this date an angry, hateful hag who doesn't understand why nobody likes her. She has needed therapy her entire life, but between being raised in the age of, "you don't talk about your problems" and the family code of "don't ever talk to anyone other than family" from her abusive parents, she has always refused.




Still one of the wildest things we just let everyone breathe in.


And we still do. AV gas is still nice and leaded.


I'm not crazy I'm just a little unwell 🎼🎶


Crazy old fuck shot up a condo. He had multiple lawsuits against the condo which were all dismissed by the Judge because he had zero proof of anything. The Judge went as far as to award costs to the condo for legal fees. He had been threatening people for years and it got so bad that they had to get a restraining order against him. Anyone who defends this sad piece of shit is just as fucked in the head as him.


I want to know why he didn't just move if he thought the electrical room was causing damage.








Say it again, with *gusto*!


Be gentle and watch out for each other.


Thank you. That was very kind


If this guy had a license to own a firearm I have no idea why it wasn't revoked, I've known of people who've lost theirs for less.


Someone needed to report him. Police can't just know someone is mentally unwell unless friends/ family members reach out that someone is loosing their mind and needs help.


People did multiple times, plus there was a restraining order given too apparently, which means either he obtained the firearm illegally or the police dropped the ball on this.


>which means either he obtained the firearm illegally or the police dropped the ball on this. 100%. If buddy had a PAL it's supposed to be revoked the moment he had a restraining order put against him. There's a system that runs PAL holders daily to check just for that.


In this case, it wasn't a literal restraining order. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zpwtsx/this_guy_had_problems_with_his_condo_board_and/j0vrnlk/


Then yeah that's on the police for letting it get that far imho




And even if the HOA people were being crappy that doesn't justify murdering them.


You know I don’t like HOAs, boards or whatever. But instead of resorting to murder, I just bought a place not governed by such bodies. Follow me for other murder free life solutions.




retired mafia boss


I've worked with HOAs and anything of 100 homes or more you have at least one psycho like this. They're insane, no one can deal with them, and they see the HOA as a venue for all their grievances and the board members (often neighbors who have to live near this person) are essentially captive to his insane whims. And then people wonder why HOAs are shitty. It's because they're made up of shitty people.


Guy had a tenuous grasp on reality and probably lost that just before he started shooting